Testing the RemoveNode DOM function - javascript

I have the following test html:
<table width="80%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" >
<td class="tableBorder">
<table id="scriptsT" name="scriptsT" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">
<td colspan="4" class="tableTitle">› College Foo - ScriptList:</td>
<tr class="rowHeaders">
<td width="4%">ScriptName</td>
<td width="2%">Main Script (Radio)</td>
<td width="2%">(Ext)</td>
<td width="2%">Del Script</td>
<tr id="foo[1]" name="foo[1]" class="rowHeaders">
<td id="sTD" name="sTD" width="4%">Script1</td>
<td width="2%">
<input type="radio" name="main" id="main" value="">
<td id="tTD" name="tTD" width="2%">Php</td>
<td width="2%"><input type="Button" class="textbox" name="SelScript" id="" value="DelScript" onClick="javascript: DelScript(1); return false;"></td>
I'm trying to remove the node, using the "DelScript function, that tries to use an ID to select the given TR, based on each TR having a unique ID, in this case foo[1], etc..
In my test DelScript, I 1st get the table, and then try to get the childnode (the "TR") to delete.
//--handle/simulate the deletion of the tr in the scriptTBL for the id
function DelScript(id)
var scriptTBL=document.getElementById("scriptsT");
var a="foo["+id+"]"
var test=document.getElementById("foo[1]");
var a;
However, I'm screwing something up, as I'm not able to delete the node.
I'm running FF4, and firefox seems to be saying the node can't be found (???).
I've also tried using the parentNode a well but get the same results.
Thank you for any pointers.

If you just want to
"delete the TR where the clicked 'delete' button is located"
You don't need any of those id attributes.
<input type="Button" onclick="DelScript(this);return false;">
function DelScript(theClickedButton) {
var tr = theClickedButton.parentNode.parentNode;

The table rows are not children of the <table>, they're children of the <tbody> element inside it. Even if there's not a <tbody> in your markup, there's one in the DOM. You could go up the DOM from the child element itself, or you could find the <tbody>
var tbody = document.getElementById('scriptsT').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0];

FF is likely inserting a <tbody> element in between your <table> and <tr>, as the HTML specification demands. You don't even need to know the table ID. The attempt you commented out was almost right, but you need test.parentNode instead of table.parentNode - you want to get the row's parent node, not the table's:
function deleteRow(n){
var el = document.getElementById('foo['+n+']');
return el.parentNode.removeChild( el );

The TR is not a child of the TABLE. It is a child of the TBODY that is implicitly a child of the TABLE. Try this:
Also, install FireBug so that you can browse the DOM tree and set breakpoints in your scripts to examine what they are doing to the dynamically rendered HTML.


Clone text from several elements to an a href as a mailto subject

I'm trying to append all the text in the td elements to the a element as the subject of the mailto link, but I can only get the first closest elements text. How do I make it so it retrieves the text from all the elements? If possible I would rather have the a link inside the tbody element instead of the tr wrapper.
<tr class="row-2" role="row">
<td class="column-1" tabindex="0" style="">2238221D2</td>
<td class="column-2">HPINC</td>
<td class="column-3">N7P47AA</td>
<td class="column-4">HP USB 3.0 to Gigabit LAN Adapter</td>
<td class="column-5" style="display: none;">#4.2</td>
<td class="column-6" style="display: none;">16</td>
<td class="column-7" style="display: none;">30</td>
<td class="column-8" style="display: none;">52</td>
<a class="mailme" href="mailto:test#test.com?subject=Product request&body=">mailtolink</a>
$('a.mailme').each(function() {
$(this).attr('href', $(this).attr('href') +
Your code is almost right, just select all td-tags, get the text and join the resulting array:
$('a.mailme').each(function() {
$(this).attr('href', $(this).attr('href') +
$(this).closest('.row-2').children('td').slice(0,-1).map(function() {return $(this).html()}).get().join(','));
Working fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/21873jcz/
EDIT My Solution will work if you fix your html code. a tags are not permitted within tr-tags. Only td or th elements are allowed. So please fix your html and it will work
I found a few problems but here is what you want:
var subject = "";
$(".row-2 td").each (function() {
subject = subject + '-' + $(this).html();
$(".mailme").attr('href', 'mailto:test#test.com?subject=' + subject + '&body=');
<tr class="row-2" role="row">
<td class="column-1" tabindex="0" style="">2238221D2</td>
<td class="column-2">HPINC</td>
<td class="column-3">N7P47AA</td>
<td class="column-4">HP USB 3.0 to Gigabit LAN Adapter</td>
<td class="column-5" style="display: none;">#4.2</td>
<td class="column-6" style="display: none;">16</td>
<td class="column-7" style="display: none;">30</td>
<td class="column-8" style="display: none;">52</td>
<a class="mailme" href="">mailtolink</a>
Make sure the tbody has an outside table or it can cause issues with jQuery. You were setting the value of the subject to the current iteration and not collecting them all. I put a variable named subject to add each td cells' HTML content. I separated each value in the subject with a dash - to make it cleaner.

Bootstrap toggle doesn't work

I have this HTML:
<table class="itemsTable table table-striped table-condensed table-hover">
<tr class="collapse">
<td class="center">1</td>
Title 1
<tr class="collapse">
<td class="center">2</td>
Title 2
<tr class="collapse">
<td class="center">3</td>
Title 3
And jQuery:
$('.collapseBtn').on('click', function(e) {
var $this = $(this);
var $collapse = $this.closest('.itemsTable').find('.collapse');
I want rows show/hide behavior on link click. What is wrong?
$.closest will look up the dom tree for a matching element - the .itemsTable isn't a parent of .collapseBtn - so $this.closest('.itemsTable') won't match any elements.
So, Either put the .collapseBtn within the table, or use $this.prev() instead of $this.closest('.itemsTable').
You can test if there are matching elements by running $('.collapseBtn').closest('.itemsTable') in the console
As of 130918_1100PST the selected answer is not correct. Although the writer did correctly identify why the closest() selector would not return any elements to collapse, this alone did not fix the OP's problem.
This selector will also work for selecting the elements to collapse:
but the elements won't expand/collapse -- it's not just a matter of the selector used.
The key to solving the problem, as user Chad identified in his jsFiddle below benjaminbenben's answer, is actually that the wrong method was used.
This did not work:
This did:
Therefore, the correct answer was:
$('.collapseBtn').on('click', function() {
jsFiddle here

Change background-color of 1st row in the table

Below is my table that is getting populated with spry dataset
Here is my dataset
var ds1 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("/xml/data.xml", "rows/row");
Here is my jquery inside a method that is called on a button click
function addRow()
var newRow = new Array();
var nextID = ds1.getRowCount();
newRow['ds_RowID'] = nextID;
newRow['id'] = "x";
newRow['name'] = "Abhishek";
newRow['country'] = "India";
ds1.dataHash[newRow['ds_RowID']] = newRow;
$(".trEven td").css("background-color", "red");
/*$("#tableDg tbody tr:first").css({
"background-color": "red"
Here is my table
<div id="cdiv" style="width:100%;" spry:region="ds1">
<table id="tableDg"
style="border:#2F5882 1px solid;width:100%;" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<tr id="trHead" style="color :#FFFFFF;background-color: #8EA4BB">
<th width="2%"><input id="chkbHead" type='checkbox' /></th>
<th width="10%" align="center" spry:sort="name"><b>Name</b></th>
<th width="22%" align="center" spry:sort="host"><b>Country</b></th>
<tbody spry:repeat="ds1">
<tr id="trOdd"
spry:if="({ds_RowNumber} % 2) != 0" onclick="ds1.setCurrentRow('{ds_RowID}');"
style="color :#2F5882;background-color: #FFFFFF" class="{ds_OddRow}">
<td><input type="checkbox" id="chkbTest" class = "chkbCsm"></input></td>
<td width="10%" align="center"> {name}</td>
<td width="22%" align="center"> {country}</td>
<tr id="trEven"
spry:if="({ds_RowNumber} % 2) == 0" onclick="ds1.setCurrentRow('{ds_RowID}');"
style="color :#2F5882;background-color: #EDF1F5;" class="{ds_EvenRow}">
<td><input type="checkbox" class = "chkbCsm"></input></td>
<td id="tdname" width="10%" align="center"> {name}</td>
<td width="22%" align="center"> {country}</td>
Am I going wrong somewhere, please guide me. Thanks :)
If I remember right, <tr> is only describing structure. <td> represents visual part of the table. Or this is how some browsers renders them.
Therefore $("#trEven td").css("background-color", "red") should work. And preferrably you should use classes instead of ids in these kind of cases where there may exist multiple instances.
Works for me (jsFiddle). What problems are you experiencing?
If your use classes instead of id's, you can use something like the following:
$('.trEven').each(function() {
$(this).css({"background-color": "red"});
See for reference: jQuery API - .each()
You shouldn’t be using ids for odd and even rows. id values are meant to be unique within the page.
So, I’d suggest:
<tr class="trOdd"
<tr class="trEven"
and then:
If you really only want the first row in the table body to get a red background (as opposed to all the even ones), then your selector should be:
$("#tableDg tbody tr:first")

How to iterate over table and define class for tds of trs?

I have a table like that:
<table id="myTable" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" border="0" width="100%">
<tr style="color: blue;" id="bankRecord377">
<td align="center" class="styleOdd"> <input type="checkbox" value="377" name="377"></td>
<td align="center" class="styleOdd">377</td>
<td align="center" class="styleOdd"></td>
<td align="center" class="styleOdd">391</td>
<tr style="color: blue;" id="bankRecord386">
<td align="center" class="styleEven"> <input type="checkbox" value="386" name="386"></td>
<td align="center" class="styleEven">386</td>
<td align="center" class="styleEven"></td>
<td align="center" class="styleEven">396</td>
<tr style="color: blue;" id="bankRecord322">
<td align="center" class="styleEven"> <input type="checkbox" value="322" name="386"></td>
<td align="center" class="styleEven">322</td>
<td align="center" class="styleEven"></td>
<td align="center" class="styleEven">314</td>
class="styleOdd" makes row gray background class="styleEven" makes row background blue. I iterate over that table with Struts2 and define classes but user can remove some of table rows when he sees that HTML file. If user remove one of the table row, e.x. :
<tr style="color: blue;" id="bankRecord386">
Colors of background was gray, blue, gray. However it is gray, gray now(because user removed a tr which includes classEven tds).
All in all what I want is iterate over that table again and defining classes styleOdd, styleEven, styleOdd, styleEven... again.
How can I do it with JavaScript or JQuery?
PS: I want to it for my table(which has id=myTable)'s every tds of trs.
EDIT: I want it except for the first tr(and it's tds).
You can use :even and :odd, but then you would iterate over the table rows twice. That might lead to unacceptable performance if your table has many rows.
I'd suggest using each() instead:
$("#myTable tr").each(function(index, row) {
var $cells = $("td", row);
if (index & 1) {
// Odd.
} else {
// Even.
You can use the :odd selector to target odd rows. (there is also a :even selector)
Trigger this when removing a row from the table to update classes.
There are also both CSS Selector but not widely supported.
$('#myTable tr:odd td').toggleClass('styleOdd', true).toggleClass('styleEven', false);
$('#myTable tr:even td').toggleClass('styleOdd', false).toggleClass('styleEven', true);
I believe you could also do it automatically using CSS. Although it requires a fairly modern browser.
Updated to take into account the table ID

Selector and Iterating Through a Table Within a Div

I have been working on this and cannot get this iterator to work. I have the following HTML and am trying to iterate through all rows (except the first row) and extract the values in cells (td) 2 and 3 :
<div id="statsId">
<table width="220" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td width="65"/>
<td width="90"/>
<td width="65"/>
<tr style="font-weight: bold;">
<td align="left">$1.00</td>
<td align="left">$6.99</td>
I tried the following iterator to iterate through all except the first row of the table that is a child of "div#statsID" and get the values of the 2nd and 3rd cells (in the example, the first extracted cells would have values of "UserID1" and "Single"), but it doesn't work.
$('div#statsId > table tr:not(:nth-child(1))').each(function(i, ele) {
var secondCol = $('td:nth-child(2)', ele).innerHTML
var thirdCol= $('td:nth-child(3)', ele).text()
Any suggestions on how to specify and iterate through the rows (except the first) of a table that is a child of a div would be appreciated.
$("#statsId > table tbody tr:not(:first)").each ( function() {
var secondCol = $(this).find('td:nth-child(2)').html();
var thirdCol= $(this).find('td:nth-child(3)').text();
You can use the id selector independently. No need to use the tag name.
There is no innerHTML for a jQuery object. Use html() instead

