Running scripts in an ajax-loaded page fragment - javascript

My web app dynamically loads sections of its UI with jquery.ajax. The new UI sections come with script though. I'm loading them as such:
url: url,
dataType: 'html',
success: function(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
$(target_selector).html( data );
This almost works. The problem is that the scripts included in the dynamic part of the page run before the new page fragment is inserted into the DOM. But often these scripts want to modify the HTML they're being delivered with. My best hacky solution so far is just to delay the scripts some reasonable amount of time to let the DOM insertion happen, by wrapping them in a setTimeout:
window.setTimeout( function() {
// process downloaded Fragment
}, 300);
Obviously this is unreliable and hideous. What's a better way?

will make the function you pass to jQuery to be run after the fragment is inline on the page.
I found it in
ASP.NET Ajax partial postback and jQuery problem
after looking at your question.

Are you familiar with the live() function? Might be what you're looking for here.

The problem is that the scripts included in the dynamic part of the page run before the new page fragment is inserted into the DOM. But often these scripts want to modify the HTML they're being delivered with.
I'm fairly sure that in that case, the only sensible thing is to place the script after the HTML element.
Everything else would become kludgy quickly - I guess you could implement your own "ready" handler that gets executed after your HTML has been inserted, but that would be a lot of work to implement for no real gain.

I solved it by making a new simple ready handler system as follows...
var ajaxOnLoad = (function() {
var ajaxOnLoad = {};
var onLoadQueue=[];
ajaxOnLoad.onLoad= function(fn) {
ajaxOnLoad.fireOnLoad = function() {
while( onLoadQueue.length > 0 ) {
var fn = onLoadQueue.shift();
window.ajaxOnLoad = ajaxOnLoad;
return ajaxOnLoad;
So in the pages which get .ajax() loaded, the scripts are queued to run with
ajaxOnLoad.onLoad( function() {
// Stuff to do after the page fragment is inserted in the main DOM
and in the code which does the insertion, before the update_ui_after_load() call, run
A more complete solution could parse the pages, find script tags, and queue them up automatically. But since I have complete control of the fragments being inserted, it's easier for me to switch to using ajaxOnLoad.onLoad.


detect XHR on a page using javascript

I want to develop a Chrome extension, just imagine when Facebook loads you are allowed to add extra JS on it.
But my problem is I can't modify the DOM of the later content, which means the newly loaded content that appear when the user scrolled down.
So I want to detect XHR using JavaScript.
I tried
send = XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send;
XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send = function() {
/* Wrap onreadystaechange callback */
var callback = this.onreadystatechange;
this.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4) {
/* We are in response; do something, like logging or anything you want */
callback.apply(this, arguments);
_send.apply(this, arguments);
But this is not working.. any ideas?
Besides Arun's correct remark that you should use _send for both, your approach doesn't work because of how Content Scripts work.
The code running in the content script works in an isolated environment, to prevent it from conflicting with page's own code. So it's not like you described - you're not simply adding JS to the page, you have it run isolated. As a result, your XHR replacement only affects XHR calls from your extension's content scripts and not the page.
It's possible to inject the code into the page itself. This will affect XHR's from the page, but might not work on all pages, if the Content Security Policy of the page in question disallows inline code. It seems like Facebook's CSP would allow this. Page's CSP should not be a problem according to the docs. So, this approach should work, see the question I linked.
That said, you're not specifically looking for AJAX calls, you're looking for new elements being inserted in the DOM. You can detect that without modifying the page's code, using DOM MutationObservers.
See this answer for more information.
to detect AJAX calls on a webpage you have to inject the code directly in that page and then call the .ajaxStart or .ajaxSuccess
// To Successfully Intercept AJAX calls, we had to embed the script directly in the Notifications page
var injectedCode = '(' + function() {
$('body').ajaxSuccess(function(evt, request, settings) {
if (evt.delegateTarget.baseURI == 'URL to check against if you want') {
// do your stuff
} + ')();';
// Inserting the script into the page
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.textContent = injectedCode;
(document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script);

Listen again to `$(window).load` after ajax request

I'm loading an AJAX request of another HTML page, which is then inserted into a DOM element of the current page.
The page I'm getting through AJAX includes link references to stylesheets, as well as multiple images, which must be loaded from the server.
I want to execute code after all resources from the AJAX call loads, including referenced stylesheets and images.
Note that these stylesheets and images are not directly loaded from AJAX but are loaded as a result of the insertion of the HTML from the AJAX call.
Thus, I'm not looking for the success: callback, but rather like another $(window).load(function () { ... }); after the AJAX call (I've tried listening again to $(window).load without success.
Let me know if you need more code.
Checking whether a stylesheet has been loaded is difficult to do -- especially cross-browser. This article suggests having an element that will be changed by a known rule in the loaded stylesheet and polling to check whether its style has been changed to detect loading.
Images are easier, and I would expect they take a lot longer to load so you can probably get away with only checking image loading.
success: function (html) {
var imageloads = [];
$(html).find("img").each(function () {
var dfd = $.Deferred();
$(this).on('load', function () {
//Image was cached?
if (this.complete) {
$.when.apply(undefined, imageloads).done(function () {
//images finished loading

An event when document stops loading

I have a web page whose large parts are constructed on the front-end, in JavaScript. When the basic HTML is parsed and the DOM tree is constructed, the "ready" event triggers. At this event, a JavaScript code launches that continues with the construction of the web page.
$().ready(function() {
$(document.body).html('<img src = "img.png" />');
url: 'text.txt'
As you can see in this tiny example,
new elements are added to DOM
more stuff, like images is being loaded
ajax requests are being sent
Only when all of this finishes, when the browser's loading progress bar disappears for the first time, I consider my document to be actually ready. Is there a reasonable way to handle this event?
Note that this:
$().ready(function() {
$(document.body).html('<img src = "img.png" />');
url: 'text.txt'
alert('Document constructed!');
does not suffice, as HTTP requests are asynchronous. Maybe attaching handlers to every single request and then checking if all have finished is one way to do what I want, but I'm looking for something more elegant.
A more formal definition of the event I'm looking for:
The event when both the document is ready and the page's dynamic content finishes loading / executing for the first time, unless the user triggers another events with mouse moving, clicking etc.
As described here, you can sign up for load events for individual images when they finally load. However, as also described there, that may not be reliable across browsers or if the image is already in the browser's cache. So I think at least part of that is not 100% trustworthy. With that said, you can easily hook to a bunch of different asynchronous events and then only react when all of them have completed. For example:
$(document.body).html('<img src="img.png" id="porcupine"/>');
var ajaxPromise1 = $.get(...);
var ajaxPromise2 = $.get(...);
var imgLoadDeferred1 = $.Deferred();
function() {
$.when(ajaxPromise1, ajaxPromise2, imgLoadDeferred1).done(
function () {
console.log("Everything's done.");
If you want to allow for the fact that the image load may never generate an event, you could also set a timer which would go off eventually and try to resolve the imgLoadDeferred1 if it is not already resolved. That way you don't get stuck waiting for an event that never happens.
You are looking for .ajaxStop().
Used like so:
It does't really matter what DOM element you attach to unless you want to use this as is done in the above example.
Add global counter to ajax calls in way that when ajax request is ready it calls addToReadyCounter(); function that will +1 to glogal var readyCount;.
Within same function check your readyCount and trigger event handler
var readyCount = 0, ajaxRequestCount = 5;
function addToReadyCount() {
if (readyCount >= ajaxRequestCount) {
success: function(data){
If you are only using success: ... for addToReaadyCount documentReadyEvent() only triggers if all call succeed, use other .ajax() event handlers to increment counter in case of error.

How can I delay the execution of a script block until after an external script has loaded?

I'm trying to dynamically insert and execute a couple of scripts, and I think I'm hitting a race condition where the second is trying to execute before the first is loaded.
The project I'm working on has an unusual requirement: I am unable to modify the page's HTML source. It's compiled into an app for localization purposes.
Therefore, I'm unable to insert <script> tags like I normally would to link in JavaScript files.
It turns out that the client wants to use a hosted web font, so I decided to build and append the two required <script> tags dynamically in an already-linked JavaScript file.
The <script> blocks are appending correctly in the head of the document, but function in the second block seems to be firing before the external script linked in the first <script> tag is fully loaded, and it's throwing an undefined error.
Here's the relevant piece of code:
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.setAttribute("src", "");
try {
Typekit.load(); // This is executing too quickly!
} catch(e){
console.log("Hosted fonts failed to load: " + e);
I tried moving the try block to the window.onload event, but that fires before any of this code is called.
I guess I could dynamically load jQuery and then use it's ready event, but that seems pretty heavy-handed. I'm hesitant to pull in a library on this project, as the client has a lot of custom JavaScript that could potentially clash with it.
What else can I try?
You need to hook into the script element's onload event and execute your code there:
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.onload = onTagLoaded;
tag.setAttribute("src", "");
function onTagLoaded() {
try {
Typekit.load(); // This is executing too quickly!
} catch(e){
console.log("Hosted fonts failed to load: " + e);
You can load it with yepnope ( ). I know it's a library, but it's very light (free if your client is already using modernizr). It's well worth it. Hopefully the client doesn't have another yepnope function, and you don't have to worry about the clash.
Are you using jQuery? If not, I highly recommend it. It'll make your life so much easier:
$.getScript('', function(data, textStatus){
try {
Typekit.load(); //executes properly now!
} catch(e) {
console.log("Hosted fonts failed to load: " + e);
Combining the scripts into one big seems to be the easiest solution.

How to load a greasemonkey script after AJAX-Request

I have a simple greasemonkey script that makes some simple dom manipulation. The greasemonkey script is loaded after the DOM is loaded, that's fine so fare and it does work for the initial Page. But on this site (it's twitter ;-) ) parts of the page get loaded after a click by xmlhttprequest and this part did not get manipulated by my greasemonkeyscript.
Is there a simple possibility to run the script again after the xmlhttprequest is loaded or after the DOM is changed by the request?
A powerful technique when using Greasemonkey is to 'hijack' existing JavaScript functions. If the page you are altering has a function called processAjaxResponse which is called when to process the XmlHttpRequest response, the you can do the following in your Greasemonkey script:
var originalProcessAjaxResponse;
function myNewProcessAjaxResponse() {
/* Manipulate DOM if you need to, and then... */
function hijack() {
var originalProcessAjaxResponse = processAjaxResponse;
processAjaxResponse = myNewProcessAjaxResponse();
This allows you to inject your own functionality when the AJAX response event occurs.
Thanks Howard. It was the way in the right direction.
It's quite hard to find the right entry point to hijack a function on a minifyied script. But I found that there is a huck in the twitter script. It does call window.onPageChange after the Ajax request. (I wonder if this is a common best practice in javascript and if other do this as well?) I did found some code on wich does use this posibility to attach events.
if (typeof unsafeWindow.onPageChange === 'function') {
var _onPageChange = unsafeWindow.onPageChange;
unsafeWindow.onPageChange = function(){
} else {
unsafeWindow.onPageChange = filter;

