Using $.data() in jQuery to store flag on element - javascript

I am authoring a simple jQuery plugin that turns an input tag into a time-formatted element (on blur it will change 245p into 2:45 pm).
Since I do not want to apply the time format events to the same element twice, I need a way to detect that the specific element in the list provided has not already had the format applied.
This is the relevant part of the code:
var methods = {
init : function(sel) {
var $this = $(sel);
return $this.each(function(){
var data = $(this).data('time_formatted');
if (data) {
} else {
$(this).data('time_formatted', true);
I have heard that using $(sel).data() in a plugin is not a good idea; instead, use $.data(). I don't know why, that's just what I've heard; honestly, I don't know what the difference is.
So my question is, is this the way to accomplish checking if a specific element has had the time formatter applied to it in a plugin?
If you care to see the plugin in it's current development state, see

Where have you heard that using .data() is not good? jQuery's plugin autoring page says:
Often times in plugin development, you may need to maintain state or check if your plugin has already been initialized on a given element. Using jQuery's data method is a great way to keep track of variables on a per element basis. However, rather than keeping track of a bunch of separate data calls with different names, it's best to use a single object literal to house all of your variables, and access that object by a single data namespace.
So it should be perfectly fine.


How to develop a custom protractor locator?

I have an angular-application where I put custom html-attributes ("data-testid='saveButton'") for identification on e.g. buttons, inputs etc.
Protractor has no built-in locator for this: the xpath-way does not work as this will always search from the document root (to overcome this limitation I would have to do quite a lot of string-magic to build the xpath-string, so I discarded this variant).
So I wanted to write my own locator, and consulted the official Protractor Documentation.
The documentation leaves me with an important question:
What methods are available on the parent-element-object? In their example they use using.querySelectorAll('button'); but how do they know they can use this?
I searched for 'querySelectorAll' in the protractor-documentation to see if it is maybe a method of ElementFinder or WebElement, but I didn't find it.
Also I found no way to debug the locator (only stop the protractor-test by browser.pause()), so I can't look at runtime to see what I can do with the given parent-element.
So does anybody know how I can get information about what methods the parent-element has?
The parent-element, which is essentially the context of the selector is a DOM element that gets handled by the browser - it can use whatever DOM function there is, in this case Element.querySelectorAll. As the addLocator's example says about the function you pass to it:
This function will be serialized as a string and will execute in the browser.
Also, keep in mind that there is a way to provide context to the xpath selectors thus avoiding the search from root:
var context = element(by.css('.some-parent-element-class'));
var divDirectDescendants = context.element(by.xpath('div'));
var divAllDescendants = context.element(by.xpath('.//div'));
With CSS these would be:
var divDirectDescendants = element(by.css('.some-parent-element-class > div'));
var divAllDescendants = element(by.css('.some-parent-element-class div'));
Also, there's a way to achieve what you want with a CSS selector (which is what querySelectorAll is, after all):
var everyElementWithMyAttr = element.all(by.css('[data-testid="saveButton"]'));

How should I use Variables and jQuery Dom navigation?

I was just wondering which is the correct or most efficient way of navigating through the Dom using variables.
For example, can I concatenate selectors
var $container = '.my-container';
$($container + ' .button').on('click', function(){
//something here
or should I use the jQuery traversal functions
var $container = $('.my-container');
$container.children('.button').on('click', function(){
//something here
Is there a different approach, is one best, or can you use them at different times?
The $ is usually used only when working with an actual jquery object. You generally shouldn't prefix anything with that unless it's really something from jquery.
Beyond that little bit though, performance-wise, your second bit of code is going to be faster. I made an example jsperf here:
The reason the second bit of code is faster is because (if I remember correctly) jquery caches the selection, and then any actions performed on that selection are scoped. When you use .find (which is really what you meant in your code, not .children), instead of trying to find elements through the entire document, it only tries to find them within the scope of whatever my-container is.
The time when you wouldn't want to use the second pattern is when you expect the dom to change frequently. Using a previous selection of items, while efficient, is potentially a problem if more buttons are added or removed. Granted, this isn't a problem if you're simply chaining up a few actions on an item, then discarding the selection anyway.
Besides all of that, who really wants to continuously type $(...). It's awkward.

setting default root element in jquery

jQuery currently uses window as its default element so any call like $('div') will look for div tags inside window.
Is there any way to change defaults on jQuery like:
$.defaultRoot = $('.anyOtherRootElement');
this will select any div inside the elements containing .anyOtherRootElement class.
Thanks in advance
just an update refining the question a bit more here:
I would like to perform the actions above based on external queries coming from external script which won't know what defaultRoot is so they can still be calling what is supposed to be the current base, so in this instance, I'm afraid adding the a second parameter wouldn't be an option, unfortunately.
And at the same time creating a function which returns defaultRoot.find(el) would prevent me of using first-level methods such $.trim, $.each, etc… so unfortunately that would not be possible as well.
Ideally (for performance reasons) you'd want to use find()
Otherwise you can use the 2 argument form that sets a context
$("div", $.defaultRoot);
In general you don't want to do these types of things implicitly since someone else could easily end up thoroughly confused when having to work with your code later. If you want to do it consistently and make it shorter you should create your own function to do so like:
var $s = function(selector) {
return $.defaultRoot.find(selector);
and then you'd just be able to use
or you could also do a scoped higher order function with something like
var withScope = function(scope$) {
return function(selector) {
return scope$.find(selector);
var $s = withScope($.defaultRoot);
If for some reason you really want to screw around with the default state for client code (begging for chaos IMO), you should look at the functional practice: currying.
You can use context. As in your case $('div', '.anyOtherRootElement')
For more details, visit
Given that you can pass the context as a second argument, you can easily overwrite the $() operator in Javascript with a version which internally calls JQuery using jQuery.noConflict(); and always passes your new root as the second argument.
I don't think jQuery provide such method or variable. But you can pass second parameter in jQuery method to set context.
$.defaultRoot = $('.anyOtherRootElement');
$('div', $.defaultRoot ).text("Hello"); // all div inside $('.anyOtherRootElement')
$('div' ).text("Hello"); //all div inside body tag

JavaScript to jQuery for KendoUI

I've been using KendoUI and have been using they're command functions. However to call JS I must call named jS functions. No huge deal. When I use the "This" key word it brings back the entire grid and I mus find a value of a child from a sibling of the same parent elements and i wound up doing this ugly thing. The question I have is how can I turn this "thing" into something jqueryable readable and comprehensible
function AddRole(e) {
var $ParentNode =[1].children[0].getAttribute("value", 0);
Sorry, but you have other problems.
If you rely on such a structure[1].children[0], your Markup and JS do not scale at all.
Use the oppurtunity to create scalable and consistent code. Or at least, set some id, class or html5 data attribute on the children[0] element in order to identify it properly.

jQuery(#id).val() vs. getElementById(#id).value

I been searching but I can only find articles talking about one or the other. Which one is better?
I'm making a small web app where performance is not a big concern since there's nothing complex going on.
I considered using jQuery's val() function since maybe it solves some inconsistency I'm not aware of, but getElementById.value IS faster (although the end user won't notice.)
So which one should I use? Is jQuery's non-native method worth the lower performance to gain more compatibility?
The biggest advantage of using jQuery().val() over document.getElementById().value is that the former will not throw an error if no elements are matched, where-as the latter will. document.getElementById() returns null if no elements are matched, where-as jQuery() returns an empty jQuery object, which still supports all methods (but val() will return undefined).
There is no inconsistency when using .value for form elements. However, jQuery.val() standardises the interface for collecting the selected value in select boxes; where as in standard HTML you have to resort to using .options[this.selectedIndex].value.
If you're using <select> elements as well, .value won't work whereas .val() will.
I would not mind about performance of just getting a value. If you want the best performance, perhaps you shouldn't use a library at all.
jQuery does so many nice little error handling things (look below) that I would never write a line of javascript without jquery in a browser again.
First, val works on checkbox groups, selects, gets html, and the
Second, $ lets you use sizzle selectors, so in the future, you can
easily switch between an ID and a CSS path.
Third, your code will be so much easier to read and maintain if you
just use jQuery, that the time you save maintaining your code
outweighs any speedup that you admit your users won't see. Finally,
jQuery is a very popular, very widely used library. They will make
$ and val as fast as they can.
I think using pure Javascript is quicker for the following reasons:
You won't have to learn more than pure js
If you don't want errors, use catch(exeption) (I think...)
You don't have to put in that little extra time to type in the code to initiate jquery
The browser responds quicker if you don't use jquery
Normal js works (in a better way) on checkboxes #johndodo
Thank you for listening to my answer.
I've been looking into the performance differences with this recently and, slightly unsurprisingly, using vanilla JS to grab a value is faster than using jQuery. However, the fallbacks that jQuery provides to prevent errors, like what #Matt mentioned, is very useful. Therefore, I tend to opt for the best of both worlds.
var $this = $(this),
$val = this.value || $this.val();
With that conditional statement, if this.value tries to throw an error, the code falls back to the jQuery .val() method.
Here is an implementation for checkboxes, apparently options just need to be named the same with the array brackets notation in the name i.e.: name="sport[]" then yu get the array inJavascript via: var sports = document.forms['demoForm'].elements['sport[]']
I was looking for a selection type field solution without using jQuery and I came across this solution:
The Selection group is an object: HTMLCollection, and it has a lenght method and a selectedOptions property, which allows you to iterate through its label properties to populate an Array with the selected options, which then you can use:
vehicleCol = document.getElementById('vehiculo').selectedOptions;
vehiculos = [];
if (vehicleCol !== undefined) {
for (let i = 0; i < vehicleCol.length; i++) {
I'd use jQuery's val(). Shorter code means faster download time (in my opinion).

