Reload html element - javascript

I have a page which opens another page using and does some work and refreshes whole parent page . Is it possible to refresh content of a div/table on parent page using JQuery/Javascript ?
FYI : Here the content of the div is not changing there is an image inside div which is edited by child window which I want to update but that image does not have unique id so I want to refresh whole div .

Pure JavaScript (not JQuery) solution : wrap your div in an iframe, give it an id myFrame, then refresh it from the child like this:

You can use the .load() method of jQuery to quickly update the contents of a container
Simple as
$('#result').load('ajax/test.html', function() {
alert('Load was performed.');

$("#myDiv", window.parent.document).load("page.html", function(){
alert("Portion of page loaded");
The second parameter of $() is the context to search into. Default to document.
You can use .html() instead of .load() if you want reload from html string instead of using another page.


The current window does not have permission to navigate the target frame (cannont get the value of iframe element ) [duplicate]

I have a page we can call parent.php. In this page I have an iframe with a submit form and outside of that I have a div with the id "target". Is it possible to submit the form in the iframe and when success refresh the target div. Say load a new page into it or something?
The target div is in the parent page, so my question is basically if you can make for an example a jQuery call outside the iframe to the parent. And how that would look?
Edit 2:
So this is how my jquery code looks like now. It is in the of the iframe page. the div #target is in the parent.php
$("#target").load("mypage.php", function() {
I don't know if the script is active cause the form submits successfully but nothing happens to target.
Edit 3:
Now I'm trying to call the parent page from a link within the iframe. And no success there either:
I think the problem may be that you are not finding your element because of the "#" in your call to get it:
You only need the # if you are using jquery. Here it should be:
You can access elements of parent window from within an iframe by using window.parent like this:
// using jquery
Which is the same as:
// pure javascript
And if you have more than one nested iframes and you want to access the topmost iframe, then you can use like this:
// using jquery$("#element_id");
Which is the same as:
// pure javascript"element_id");
Have the below js inside the iframe and use ajax to submit the form.
//Use ajax to submit the form
url: this.action,
data: $(this).serialize(),
success: function(){
I think you can just use window.parent from the iframe. window.parent returns the window object of the parent page, so you could do something like:
Then do whatever you want with that div.

jQuery calling div element that has been loaded by ajax, or inserted via html() method

It's my first post on stackoverflow. I've searched similiar questions here and found a couple of answers but couldn't really find a solution to this particular problem that would help me.
I have a webpage which loads main contents by ajax. Simply like this:
function loadContent(content) {
if(localStorage.content != content) {
$("#content #content_loading").css("display", "block");
var userID = Cookies.get("UserID");
url: '../game/data/load_content.php',
type: 'post',
data : { ID : userID, Content : content },
success: function(response) {
$("#content #content_loading").css("display", "none");
$("#content #import").html(response);
localStorage.content = content;
$("#header").html("<div class='header_text'>"+content+"</div>");
}); }
It loads other ajax functions, html and css. Since I have thousands and thousands lines of code simple things get trickier. Now I simply want to create an universal 'close' button for popup windows. All of the popup windows are in a box, and the close button is inside the box header. Now I want to close all popup windows with a single function:
$('.close').click(function() {
This simply selects the parent of the close element, which is header and then parent of that parent which is the whole box. One of the popup functions looks like this:
function showPopup(header, content) {
$("#popup_header").html(header+"<div class='close'></div>");
This function is included in the main document (<script src="script"></script>).
Then the other popup is directly loaded upon loadContent(content) function, so it's loaded with ajax call. And it's simply HTML that looks like this:
<div id="nearby_players">
<div class="header">PLAYERS NEARBY <div class="close"></div></div>
<ul> </ul>
Now if I insert the 'close' function upon click in the document that ajax is loading it will work. And if I change the loadPopup() function to this:
function showPopup(header, content) {
$("#popup_header").html(header+"<div class='close'></div>");
$(".close").click(function() {
It works too. But what I want to do is to create a single click function attached to the main document that will close all the possible popups that are being loaded on the webpage or already are on the webpage. I thought it was a problem since 'close' element was an ID not a class. And since it should be unique I've changed it to class. So my question is. How do I refer to all of the elements with class 'close' whether they are being loaded with ajax, and then within that ajax they get loaded again with another ajax and so on. And also the popups that are already inserted into document when the webpage gets loaded?
How do I add these elements to the DOM so jQuery actually finds it?
You create elements dynamically, which means that events are not attached to them.
Please read how to attach events to dynamically created elements:

Page blinking while clicking on it | jQuery .load()

Two questions.
When i'm loading to div file via jQuery .load()
file.php is loading properly, but whenever i click on it (doesn't matter where, just in file.php zone), page is blinking. Something like page refresh on click. Is there a way to prevent that?
Also the position of this page is always relative to div. Why doesn't position: absolute; on body in seperate css file for file.php work for file.php? I want to reset the position of file.php to be on top of website (not z-index). Thanks.
Your code
says any time you click in that div, (re)load the contents.
You may want to use jQuery's one method instead
$('.class').one("click", function(){
which will only execute the first time you click inside the div.
As to position, we'd need to see code. Possibly one of your parent elements has position: relative?
Easy way.
$('.class').one("click", function(){
Also is better to use .ajax() for this to have more options and better control.
.load() sometimes can first destroy content and then load new one. If you load bunch amount of data, that can made blink effect.

jQuery - accessing an IFrame button

I have HTML page that has couple of paragraphs and a reference to an IFrame, the IFrame contains a form, with a couple of text boxes, dropdownlist and a button. When a user clicks the button on the IFrame it send's back a thank you message. The only problem is that the two paragraphs on the HTML page are still showing when the thank you message is displaying. How do I hide the two paragraphs when the button on the IFrame is clicked? (I've rapped two paragraphs around a div)
Try this code in your iframe script,
If the paragraph elements are in parent window then use window.parent.document like,
$('p', window.parent.document).hide();
Well, without markup or javascript I have to guess, but, assuming both the main document and the document displayed in the iframe are in the same domain, that the div in which your paragraphs are contained has an id of pContainer and your button in the iframe has an id of formButton you can do this (as you say nothing, I assume you're not using jQuery):
In the main document script:
function hideParagraphs() {
document.getElementById('pContainer').style.display = 'none';
In your iframe:
window.onload = function() {
document.getElementById('formButton').addEventListener('click',, false);
Change the ids for those that suit your markup.

Loading div inside html with jquery

I'm using jquery to load my website content once its fully loaded. That works great.
jquery code
function check() {
$(document).ready(function() {
<div id="content">
Is there a way without refreshing the whole page to dynamically load html element (div) when user clicks on one of the items which were already loaded('items.html')?. On one click I want to remove already loaded 'items.html' inside #content div and load new div from any.html file.
So basically, I need to show more info for that particular item by dynamically replacing already loaded items.html and adding new div instead.
I managed to load new html page by adding anchor tags on every item, but it would be much better if I could load only one part(div) of a html file and not a whole page, that way I can write all items informations in only one html file, and then add those div's dynamically when user clicks on any item.
function check() {
$("#content").load('items.html #loadable'); // #ID to load
main page example
page 2 example
You might also want to put this somewhere
$.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });
As seen from the demo, .load() does already content-replacement, so no need to .empty() or .html('') beforehand.
Simple.Try to call the check() function on clicking of the element

