update SVG dynamically - javascript

I have some objects inside of svg that can be clicked by user.
Is there any way to:
- send information about object (id) that was clicked by user to the 'main html document'?
- draw from outside document in the svg file.
Probably, my description is unclear,... I want to implement something like this:
user click on any object inside of svg-image;
main document will receive id of the clicked object and:
display some information about that object;
draw additional object inside of the svg-image.
Questions: how to communication from svg to document and from document to svg?
Thanks a lot, any thoughts are welcome!
P.S. Probably SVG is not the best way do that? What is better then?
EDIT: I saw recommendation regarding use of Raphael,.. but I would like to see 'native' options. (For now I'm analyzing Raphaels implementation to see that, but don't think it is doing exactly what I need).

See this example for how to get the DOM of a referenced svg from the parent document.
And here's an example of how you can call from an svg file to the parent document.
SVG is very well suited for doing what you describe.

I'd suggest using a library like Raphaël to support your SVG building. You can attach events to DOM objects that you can get through the node property of an image component.

Raphaël.js is indeed a good solution if you want to stick to SVG / VML. Now you can use canvas (new HTML 5 functionality) as well. Canvas is a new html tag (that can have id, events, ...) that allows you to draw free shapes a bit like SVG does. IE doesn't support canvas natively, of course, and you will need "excanvas.js" (this one or another, but this one works pretty well...) to make it IE compatible.
Only one restriction I know of regarding canvas: using background images makes IE be very slow. I would use Raphaël.js if it was something you'd consider doing.
Good luck

Nobody suggested, but accidentally I've found that svg is already supported by jQuery!
Probably that is not the best approach, but I will try to work with svg using jquery. And actually, that seems like reasonable


Initializing Raphael with an svg element

I have already an SVG element on my HTML page. How can I initialize Raphael with it so that it wont create a new SVG, but use the one I provide.
I don't think Raph will allow you to do this. I think you will need to give it a div or container that Raph will place the svg/vml place inside. I don't think you can give it an existing element to use (as svg).
I suspect this is because Raphael does not only create SVG, but possibly VML if its one of the very old browser versions. If you definitely need SVG and want to only use existing elements, you may want to look at Snap.svg, which is Raphaels younger sister (and shares a lot of the same codebase), or another like SVG.js.

dojox gfx make a node moveable after getting sgv from json

I have a surface with some shapes. I use
to generate a json from it, and then
dojox.gfx.utils.fromJson(surface, json)
to get the data and append it to the surface.
The problem comes when I create a moveable node. After saving it to json and then appending it to the surface, the node is no longer moveable. I found no way of making the node moveable again. Is there a way to do this?
I want to be able to save and load svg data in my page and after load, move the elements around. Using dojo seemed easy enough before i stumbled on this problem. If I can't do this easy, is there a better library I can use, to achieve my goal?
Edit: here is the actual code: http://pastebin.com/2qLCTw8B
I found the answer to my problem.
First of all, when you require a dojo module it is good to assign it to a variable, which i didn't know. This way when assigning the on module, you can use the on function, used to add event listener, anywhere in the code. From there it is easy to create a moveable node, when you click on it.
It seemed though that this is a useless operation, as you could just iterate over the surface - children array, and make every node moveable.
Here is the improved code: http://pastebin.com/wAvSnZpN
The code needed, if you decide to use events anyway:
function HandleMouseDown(e) {
var foo = new dojox.gfx.Moveable(e.gfxTarget);
on(surface, 'mousedown', HandleMouseDown);

How to draw a graphic outside the browser/document?

A line graph is necessary for the purpose of my extension in an web game online.
I want to do something like this:
The intention is that this graph should be OUTSIDE of the DOM/browser, because if I put this inside the game document, they will know that this line has been put into the DOM with a simple call $("#rareLineGraph").length > 0 and they will detect it, and they should not know.
I tried it with frames, but are very uncomfortable (windows)
Some suggestions please ?. Thank you very much
You can in principle draw outside the browser with a separate program operated via Native Messaging, but that would be quite difficult and over-complicated. That is, however, the only approach that fully corresponds to your requirements.
As a suggestion, you can hide your graph from such a simple inspection by using a random ID, or even skipping using an ID and just keeping a reference to the created element in a variable. Also, inserting your node into random places in the document structure and using absolute positioning will obfuscate it further. It will be harder (but not impossible) to detect.
Other than that, I don't think there are many ideas that can help. Chrome renderer looks only at the DOM, and there's no API to create any kind of overlay. DOM can be hidden from the outer document with Shadow DOM techniques, but as far as I know the shadow root element will still be visible to the page.

manipulate .svg file using javascript

This is my first time working with SVG files and I wasn't able to google the answer for this question. I have a .svg illustration created from Adobe Illustrator. I want to load this image into a web page and be able to manipulate it with javascript. Is there a javascript library that allows me to do this? The library has to work on current mobile devices. Fantasy code that illustrates what I'm trying to do:
<img src="pic.svg" id="pic"/>
$('#pic').move(x, y)
I know you can manipulate DOM elements like this using javascript, but will the svg image be scaled without distortion? Also, I think SVG has other fancy transformations that javascript doesn't normally support. Ideally, I'd want to use those too.
If you incorporate your SVG graphics with <img>, you'll be able to do exactly the same stuff as with any other image format - no more and no less. (The only benefit might be that you can change width/height without losing crispness.)
If you want to transform or otherwise change any elements of the SVG itself, it's a good idea to make the SVG inline. Maybe this answer helps. If your SVG was generated by Illustrator, cleaning the SVG might drastically decrease the file size and make it more friendly for JavaScript manipulation.
If you stick with <img>, you can still use CSS3 transforms (see the specs for an exhaustive description).

Is it possible to use webkit css masks with SVG without an external file?

Webkit allows the use of an external SVG file as a mask for any HTML element. Ie:
<img src="kate.png" style="-webkit-mask-image: url(circle.svg)">
Resulting in:
(More information here: http://webkit.org/blog/181/css-masks/)
Does anyone know if there's a way to do it without an external SVG file? More specifically, can it be done with SVG generated from javascript?
Well, two years have passed since I asked this question and the browser landscape changed a lot. Here's an example of exactly what I wanted to do, which works only in Firefox for now: http://mozilla.seanmartell.com/persona/
As you can see there's a div with id chameleon which has the following style:
<div id="chameleon" style="clip-path:url(#clip1); -webkit-mask-box-image: url(mask.png);">
#clip1 points to a clipPath element inside an inline SVG element which links to a shape.
<clipPath id="clip1"><use xlink:href="#shape1"/></clipPath>
So now it's doable in Firefox.
Thanks #mart3ll for the practical example!
I'm not sure about the WebKit specific extension but Mozilla allow you to apply SVG effects like masks and filters on HTML elements. These can be defined in external files or directly in the markup. See this post. This isn't in any spec at the moment, but the SVG and CSS working groups are working together to spec this approach. See the Working Group's page (although only filters, not masks are mentioned explicitly there).
You can usually link to something in SVG by including the id of the element in the url value (e.g. url(#someID)). You could try generating the SVG via JS, giving it an id and inject it into the document and see if it works. There is no spec as it is a WebKit extension so it is hard to say without trying it out.
Yes I believe it's possible. Recently I used PHP to generate the SVG file.
Here is an example that I made:
Also check out http://raphaeljs.com/

