live graph and iPad app - javascript

i currently have highcharts realtime graph working on a browser (e.g. ), but we now want to an iphone/ipad app so that the users dont have to go and type in the address (instead open an app) and they see the live graph.
is there an easy way to convert the existing webpage (with highcharts.js and jquery. js into an app?) i looked at real time plotting on iPhone using core plot? but looks a bit complex for me (i dont have any prev knowledge on building apps )
Also, indicates there is a known problem with core-plot dynamically updating the data in real time. any live examples would be of great help.

You might want to check out Phonegap, on you can upload your web-assets and download a ready compiled (web-)app wich will run as a regular app on your device.
For a simple web-app tested on android this worked great (but do not count on anything outside the browser being available to you (phonebook/sms etc)).

I'd suggest to create a iOS web-application, so you can use Highcharts JS like in a normal webpage. The Highcharts homepage says it's compatible with iPhone/iPad.
Web-apps can be designed to look like native apps and can also be started directly from the homescreen without typing the URL.

This answer is very late, but here is a gist that embeds HighCharts into a UIWebView. Embed jQuery (I used jquery-1.9.1.min.js) and the HighCharts .js files in the app bundle and this will load them into the web view.


Django - is there way to connect Cytoscape? (Not CytoscapeJs)

I am looking a way to use Cytoscape library with Python via Django.
I would like to go to route and be able to click node and have an output.
I want this to be similar to this one video:
I have represented this problem on image below:
enter image description here
How should I tackle the problem?
That video was done using Dash with plotly and Cytoscape.js. I'm not sure if there is an easy way to do this with Cytoscape desktop. There is work underway to support linking between web applications and Cytoscape desktop using CyREST, but I'm not sure if solves your problem.
-- scooter

What's the recommended way to create a native-looking UI on Firefox OS?

I understand that in Firefox OS every app is a web app, but I'd like to create a "native" look & feel in my own application, meaning that I want it to "fit in" with the built-in application styles.
Mozilla even has a style guide for this:
Is there a stylesheet and/or a JavaScript which I can include in my app in order to create controls and UI elements that look like the ones in the style guide?
(The only download I could find on that site was a PSD containing all the designs, but I'm looking for something ready-to-use.)
You have the good link for some UI guidelines, but you can check what we call the Building Blocks or even get those on GitHub. Another way is to see what we did in GAIA, but in any situations, it's not just about importing a CSS file.
Apart from Building Blocks, there is also Mozilla Brick based on X-Tags, included in Mozilla Appmaker.
clone the BuildingBlocks from
Or do bower install building-blocks if you prefer manager libraries by bower.
Include cross_browser.css if you want your webapp can run on other browsers.
Make sure to check the index.html for example. The Building Block components are writen by CSS only and located in style and style_unstable folders.
If you want more code examples, install UI Demos with Firefox Browser which comes with sample and source code.
The usage is updated in my blog post

How to handle string localisation in jQuery mobile?

I am making an android app using phonegap and jQuery mobile.The app will also have option for displaying text in other languages like Tamil,Kannada and Telugu.I want to change all the text displayed when the user clicks on these options for changing the language. What is the best way to do that?
I would look at i18next, a JS library that runs entirely in browser and whose localizations are stored in JSON. It works with jQuery and has several other nice features. Seems like it would cover your needs.
I'm running a Application which supports around 5 European languages. I manually created a language file in the format of JSON. I wrote custom functions to replace the UI element's labels in a separate file which triggers when a page loads.
It just works fine for me.
check out the HTMLed.js framework for jquery mobile localization on GitHub link

Phonegap on Android: getting Drawables/AppIcons back into Javascript environment for display in "browser"

I'm building an Android based WebApp using PhoneGap, and trying to get the app icons of several currently installed applications back into the Javascript environment for displaying in the "browser".
Getting hold of the icons in the ANdroid layer is no problem. I've done that with code similar to this:
Drawable myNewIcon = myResolveInfoInstance.loadIcon(mycontext.getPackageManager());
... but I'm struggling with working out how to get the icon back into the Javascript callback so that I can place it into the "webpage".
If anyone can give me a tip or two on how to achieve this, it would be very much appreciated. It doesn't seem like it should be too difficult...!?
If these drawables are going to be used purely on the web side of your project then putting them in the assets folder is the best idea. Then they can be accessed via:
for instance.

PDF Reader/editor in Ajax/ASP.Net

I am working on project that allows to read document within the browser without the need to install software , It's a part of a management application for companies.
I tried out to work with iTextSharp ,PDFSharp , but these labrories don't allows you to do what I want to do.It's just for generating pdf from HTML.
I checked out for another solution , I found an interesting project developed by Mozilla Lab . Mozilla is working on technology that will allow PDF documents to be rendered within the browser, rather than utilizing a browser plug-in or an external app to open them.
I wonder to know Can I integer this script and use it with ASP.Net ? , If yes , I will be pleased to be guided by you with code source or external links that you recommend in order to implement this solution.
I believe that link you have sighted is about creating PDF file in browser (and not about showing existing PDF in browser).
Said that, there is another interesting project pdf.js that is trying to render PDF using java-script and HTML 5. Its essentially a java-script library that takes PDF bytes and attempt to render them. As such, you should able to integrate it in any web site regardless of server side technology - include the script and make relevant calls. See this simple example to get started.

