Use function to write to .js file - javascript

I've never particularly used JS much, with the exception of basic animations,
The page I'm working on requires me to fade out the active div and fade the requested one in, I have around 25 different div's I'll be fading between. At the minute I can't think of how to only fade the active one out so I'm trying to fade every div but the one that's requested out.
Here's the code I'm attempting to get working
var active = 0;
for (i=0;i<array.length;i++) {
if (i != active){
naturally i know the document.write shouldn't be there, but ideally that code has to be printed into the .js file I'm using, however. I don't have a clue how to print it to the .js.
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, or a way to do this in php without a page reload!

When you find yourself generating code on the fly, it usually indicates that you want to take a step back and re-evaluate your approach. :-)
In this case, there's no need to create the JavaScript dynamically. It's just a matter of running the code.
I wasn't sure what your definition of "active" was, so here's something that fades divs in/out on the basis of what buttons you press:
<input type='button' value='1'>
<input type='button' value='2'>
<input type='button' value='3'>
<input type='button' value='4'>
<input type='button' value='5'>
<input type='button' value='6'>
<div id='container'>
<div class='c1'>This is c1</div>
<div class='c2'>This is c2</div>
<div class='c3'>This is c3</div>
<div class='c4'>This is c4</div>
<div class='c5'>This is c5</div>
<div class='c6'>This is c6</div>
The JavaScript (teaching version):
jQuery(function($) {
// Hook our buttons; this selector hooks all of them,
// so you probably want to narrow that down, but I
// have no idea what your definition of "active" is,
// so I made one up.
$(":button").click(function() {
// Get the value of the button, e.g., 1, 2
var val = this.value;
// Get all of the divs in the container
var divs = $("#container div");
// Fade out all of the ones that aren't our target;
// fade in the one that is
divs.not(".c" + val).fadeOut(900);
divs.filter(".c" + val).fadeIn(900);
Live copy
That does this:
Uses the jQuery ready function (the shortcut form where I just pass a function into the jQuery function) to run the code when the page is "ready" (the DOM has been built)
Looks up all divs we want to be dealing with. In my case, it's all the divs in a container, but you can use just about any CSS3 selector you want (and then some).
Uses not with a class selector to filter out the div that has the target class, then uses fadeOut to start fading the other ones out.
Uses filter to reduce the set to just our target div, and fadeIn to start fading it in.
That version is for clarity. Here's a more concise version (still perfectly clear to people who know jQuery well, but tricky for folks still finding their feet):
The JavaScript (chained version using end):
jQuery(function($) {
// Hook our buttons; this selector hooks all of them,
// so you probably want to narrow that down, but I
// have no idea what your definition of "active" is,
// so I made one up.
$(":button").click(function() {
// Get the value of the button, e.g., 1, 2
var val = this.value;
// Get all of the divs in the container
// Fade out all of the ones that aren't our target;
// fade in the one that is
$("#container div")
.not(".c" + val).fadeOut(900)
.filter(".c" + val).fadeIn(900);
Live copy

Not sure why you are using document.write instead of simply executing the javascript.
var active = 0;
for (i=0;i<array.length;i++) {
if (i != active) {
Additionally, try using a jQuery selector to select all the non-active divs by adding an additional class to each div:
var active = array[0];
var classname = "some_class";
$("div." + classname + ":not(." + active + ")").fadeOut(900);
You could even just select the visible divs that are not the active one and fade them out:
var active = array[0];
var classname = "some_class";
$("div." + classname + ":not(." + active + "):visible").fadeOut(900);


How can I invisiblize groups of controls via jQuery?

In my Sharepoint project/Web Part/Web Page, I dynamically create page elements/controls using C# in the *.ascx.cs file.
In the *.ascx file, I use jQuery for responding to events that happen on the page (selections, changes of checkbox states, etc.).
I have a need to conditionally invisiblize groups of controls/elements on the page. Specifically, if the user checks a certain checkbox, I can "remove" whole swaths of the page that, in that scenario, don't apply to her.
How can I do this? I've got this starting point:
/* If the select "Yes" (they are seeking payment for themselves, as opposed to someone else), omit (invisibilize) sections 2 and 3 on the form */
$(document).on("change", '[id$=ckbxPaymentForSelf]', function () {
var ckd = this.checked;
if (ckd) {
// what now?
I could do it the hair-pulling-out way (which would be very painful for me, because I have almost as much hair as Absalom did), and set each individual element, like so:
if (ckd) {
var $this = $('[id$=txtbxthis]');
var $that = $('[id$=txtbxthat]');
var $theother = $('[id$=txtbxtheother]');
. . . // store a reference to all the other to-be-affected elements in vars
$this.visible = false; // <= this is pseudoscript; I don't know what the jQuery to invisiblize an element is
$that.visible = false; // " "
$theother.visible = false; // " "
. . . // invisiblize all the other to-be-affected elements
Surely there's a more elegant/better way!
Is it a matter of assigning all the conditionally invisible elements a particular class, and then invisiblizing every element that is assigned that class, or what?
Also, I want the area formerly used by this now-invisible swath to "go away" or "roll up" not sit there with a blank stare, yawning chasm, or Gobi Desert-like featureless expanse.
there are a number of ways to do this. but in your jquery implementation I would decorate the elements with data tags that will tell the code which elements to hide and show.
<input data-group="1" type="text" />
<input data-group="2" type="text" />
var $group1 = $('*[data-group="1"]');
var $group2 = $('*[data-group="2"]');
if (ckd) {
You could do the same thing with css classes as well but I prefer using the data attribute
If you can group your controls using classes, you could select the class which needs to be hidden in that particular scenario and just use the hide() function:
if (ckd) {
var cls = getClassForCurrentScenario();
$("." + cls).hide(); //slideUp() would be an animated alternative
If the controls can be grouped inside a div, for example, then you'd just need to hide that element:
if (ckd) {
var id = getElementIdForCurrentScenario();
$("#" + id).hide(); //slideUp() would be an animated alternative
It really depends on how you manage to group your controls into "target groups", so that you can efficiently access them later.
You can hide an element like so:
Or you can slide it up with:
to get a nice sliding up animation.
On a side note, you can do this to multiple elements at once, in your case:
$('[id$=txtbxthis], [id$=txtbxthat], [id$=txtbxtheother]').slideUp();

javascript click image display

What I'm trying to do is, when one of six divs is clicked, a separate div will have 3 specific divs appear in it. Each of the original six divs have three similar but different divs related to it.
$(document).ready(function () {
How do I make it so that when you click a "talkbubble" div, a different "sidebar" div appears with all its contained elements, and when you mouseout, the first talkbubble div automatically activates?
Here is a demo of how to do this:
The main part of this example is some javascript that looks like this:
var sidebarIndex = $(this).data('sidebar-index');
function showSideBar(index){
$('.sidebarContent[data-index="' + index + '"]').show();
.data('some-name') will get you the attribute data-some-name="" on the specific element, this is a html 5 attribute and if you do not want to use it you can instead give each of the elements their own class names such as:
<div class="sidebarContent subBarContent_1">
<!-- content -->
and use the '.subBarContent_1' as your jquery selector instead. You would then also have to have some sort of data attached to your clickable divs to identify which one you wanna show, you could use a hidden field to do that like:
<input type="hidden" class="subContentSelector" value="subBarContent_1" />
The javascript for that looks like this:
var sidebarSelector = $(this).find('.subContentSelector').val();
showSideBar(sidebarSelector );
function showSideBar(selector){
$('.sidebarContent.' + selector).show();
Ps. the overflow:hidden css is because chrome was messing up the placement of the sidebar content otherwise... oh chrome, you silly goose

Getting HTML content using jQuery on click

I've got a simple application that requires a DIV to be clicked, and in turn it shows another DIV which needs to have its content updated.
There are around 40 items that will need to be clickable and show the correct label for each.
Here is what I need to happen...
User clicks a DIV (drag_me)
Information box DIV is then shown (flavour_box)
the default word 'Ingredients' is swapped out with the content from the "flavour_descrip" div
Also update the 'choc_flavour' div with the name of the ingredient (choc_label)
The data comes from a database, so I'm unable to set individual ID's.
I had a similar issue with draggable's, but that was fixed, and I've tried doign somethign similar to no avail.
Here is the clickable DIV (flavour_descrip is set as hidden in the CSS)
<li class="drag_me">
<img src="RASPBERRY.png" />
<div class="choc_label">
<div class="flavour_descrip">
Our description will appear here for the DB
Here is the HTML for the popup box...
<div id="flavour_box">
<p class"flavour_description">Ingredients</p>
<div class="flavour_add">Add To Mixing Bowl</div>
Here is the jQuery snippet for the click (i've commented out the code I had started to rejig, but essentially I need to change the draggable.find to something that will work!)
$(".drag_me").click(function () {
//var htmlString = ui.draggable.find('.choc_label').html();
// update the description of the item
//var htmlString = ui.draggable.find('.flavour_descrip').html();
// on click of jar make box pop
Any ideas how I can achieve this?
Added extra question
Now I've had my problem resolved, I need to perform one more task.
Inside the div that gets the details passed using "this", I need to be able to pass one more items to a different piece of script.
The DIV 'flavour_add' is clickable and will need to grab the flavour name to use to update some bits on screen and update a URL on the fly.
<div id="flavour_box">
<p class="flavour_name_label">Label</p>
<p class="flavour_description">Ingredients</p>
<div class="flavour_add">Add To Mixing Bowl</div>
This is the jQuery I have, but using "this" doesn't seem to work
$(".flavour_add").click(function () {
// hide the ingredient box
// show the continue box
// get the flavour name
var flavourLabel = $(this).find('.flavour_name_label').text();
// update flavour URL
var _href = $("a.to_step_3").attr("href");
$("a.to_step_3").attr("href", _href + '&flavour=' + flavourLabel);
//$("a.to_step_3").attr("href", _href + '&flavour=TestFromAdd');
// update the mixing bowl list with the ingredient
Use $(this) to get the reference to the clicked element:
$(".drag_me").click(function () {
var txt = $(this).find('.choc_label').text();
$("#flavour_box > .flavour_descrip").text(txt);
Besides, there was a "typo" in your html code, replace:
<p class"flavour_description">Ingredients</p>
<p class="flavour_description">Ingredients</p>
You can easily achieve this using jQuery.
$(".drag_me").click(function () {
// on click of jar make box pop
I cannot seem to be able to find the divs for step: 4. Also update the 'choc_flavour' div with the name of the ingredient (choc_label)
I will assume that you mean 'flavour_add' in which case the code should look like this:
Try this:
$(document).ready(function() {
var $flavourBox = $('#flavour_box');
var $flavourDesc = $flavourBox.children('.flavour_description');
var $chocFlavour = $flavourBox.children('.choc_flavour');
$('.drag_me').on('click', function() {
var $this = $(this);
$flavourBox.addClass('visible'); //toggleClass will remove the class if it is there
get the text by using "this" (the actual clicked element) and then get the child flavour_descrip div
$(".drag_me").click(function () {
then show the flavour_box div and set the value of the div with the flavour_description class

How to use jquery with variable assigned

How can I use a variable in jQuery. as you see in script snippet, I assign a variable "divname" with value, and when i use 'Jquery" to fade out. it is not working. What I really need is, when image is hover, the description will be show up as fading in, when mouse is gone, the the description should be gone. thanks in advance.
Script snippet
$j(this).animate({opacity: .5}, 300);
var i = $j(this).attr('titlename');
var divname = "'#titleID" + i + "'";
//alert (divname);
$j(this).animate({opacity: 1}, 300);
HTML code
<img class="img_nofade' src="image-1.gif" titleid='1" />
<div id="titleID1">my image title 1 </div>
<img class="img_nofade' src="image-2.gif" titleid='2" />
<div id="titleID2">my image title 2 </div>
<img class="img_nofade' src="image-3.gif" titleid='3" />
<div id="titleID3">my image title 3 </div>
No need to use the ' char, just:
var divname = "#titleID" + i;
And in the hover's handlerOut function, the divname is already out of scope, you should define it again.
There are a few issues I see.
Your attributes in your HTML are mixing single and double quotes. You need to use one or the other.
$j(this).attr('titlename'); - The attribute name doesn't match your HTML attributes. (titlename vs titleid)
You have a scoping issue with the var divname. You define it in your mouseover event which means it won't be defined in your mouseleave event. You should just use the next method to get a reference to your div. $j(this).next().fadeIn() This would prevent the need for trying to find the titleID in the first place.
There are a few issues here.
1) You have some typos in the HTML. Be careful about single and double quotes. Not all browsers will automatically correct those kinds of errors, and if Javascript can't find the HTML it's looking for, then your code will break.
2) jQuery provides some excellent resources for getting elements without having to fall back on the varname-style thing (i.e. var titleId = $(this).attr('titleId')+i;)
Instead, you can do something like this:
<img class="img_nofade" src="image-1.gif"/>
<div class="description">my image title 1 </div>
<img class="img_nofade" src="image-2.gif"/>
<div class="description">my image title 2 </div>
<img class="img_nofade" src="image-3.gif"/>
<div class="description">my image title 3 </div>
I got rid of the titleId attribute and changed the divs from id="TitleID1" to "description". It's more generic, but it's also more semantic from a styling standpoint. You won't have to individually style each of those things.
The jQuery would look something like:
$(this).animate({opacity: .5}, 300);
$(this).next('.description').animate({opacity: 0}, 300);
$(this).animate({opacity: 1}, 300);
$(this).next('.description').animate({opacity: 1}, 300);
The $.next() method grabs the next element. If you pass in a selector, you can grab the next element with that selector. This is really useful when you're dynamically adding things to the page and want to grab the next one on the list. There are several other ways to do this, this just happens to be the easiest in this scenario, I think.
Finally, you should keep in mind that the .fadeIn() and .fadeOut() methods will change the display attribute to display:none when hiding. This means that in your above example, without any styling, the titles would disappear, causing the images to slide together. That's why I chose to animate on the opacity instead. You can definitely do the fadeIn/fadeOut thing if you have CSS styling those images to keep them from collapsing in on each other.
Good luck.
You have two functions for the hover and have declared divname in the first and then you are trying to use it in the second. This won't work because it is not in scope of the second function.
Instead of using the divname in this case you could use $j(this).next() to select the next sibling, in this case the div following the img and call fadeIn() and fadeOut() that way.
}, function(){
This isn't too hard
var title = 'titleID' + $(this).attr('titleid');
$('#' + title).fadeIn();
}, function(){
var title = 'titleID' + $(this).attr('titleid');
$('#' + title).fadeOut();
Try this fiddle

Toggle effect problem when using for-loop in IE7

I'm a webdesigner that's trying to get the hang of JavaScript and jQuery, and I want to learn how to write shorter, more concise code - to avoid being ridiculed by the developers at work ;)
I have this snippet:
// toggle divs when checkbox is checked
$('.product-optional-checkbox1').click(function () {
$('.product-optional-checkbox2').click(function () {
$('.product-optional-checkbox3').click(function () {
// hide divs
...that I want to reduce using a for-loop, like this:
for( var i = 1; i < 4; ++i ) {
$('.product-optional-checkbox' + i).click(function () {
$('.product-optional-toggle' + i).css({ display: 'none'});
It works fine in FF, however in IE7 it toggles twice. Anyone know who to solve a problem like this?
It's hard to say without seeing the HTML structure but maybe going to the parent then descendants is finding multiple divs?
In your example, you could replace:
With code more similar to the original examples:
$('.product-optional-toggle' + i).toggle('fast');
However, it would be much better to ditch all the numbers and just use a class of .product-optional-checkbox. This way you can add a click function to all elements of that class in one go and avoid the loop:
$('.product-optional-checkbox').click(function () {
// do stuff using $(this)
Given that your click events seem to be tied to checkboxes (based on the class names you have in your example), why not actually provide code to handle click events for those checkboxes? For example:
<div id='my_group_of_checkboxes'>
<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox1">
<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox2">
And your jQuery code is then stripped down to three lines:
$('#my_group_of_checkboxes :checkbox').click(function(){
You also seem to need to hide the <div> elements related to each checkbox:
Although ID selectors would be a better option here and, depending on their position within your page, you may even be able to get away with something like:
$('#my_container_div_id div').hide();
If you can post some of your HTML, that might help provide more accurate answers as well.

