Javascript this object inside intervals/timeouts - javascript

I have a method that is a big setInterval statement, and it needs access to the this object of the object that owns the method from inside the interval. I implemented a simple closure, but it doesn't seem very elegant:
connect: function(to, rate, callback){
var cthis = this, //set cthis to this,
connectIntervalID = setInterval(function(){
if(cthis.attemptConnect(to)){ //reference it here,
cthis.startListening(10) //here,
callback && callback.apply(cthis, []) //and here
}, rate)
You could also do it with apply or call, if you wanted to use this instead of cthis
connect: function(to, rate, callback){
var cthis = this,
tempFunc = function(){
callback && callback.apply(this, [])
connectIntervalID = setInterval(function(){tempFunc.apply(cthis, [])}, rate)
However, that seems even worse...

Using a .bind makes it a bit better (in my opinion, you may or may not agree):
support code:
function $A(args){
var out = [];
for(var i=0, l=args.length; i<l; i++){ out.push(args[i]); }
return out;
Function.prototype.bind = function() {
var __method = this, args = $A(arguments), object = args.shift();
return function() {
return __method.apply(object || this, args.concat( $A(arguments) ));
and your code becomes:
connect: function(to, rate, callback){
connectIntervalID = setInterval((function(){
if(this.attemptConnect(to)){ //reference it here,
this.startListening(10) //here,
callback && callback.apply(this, []) //and here
}).bind(this), rate)
But I'm afraid you won't get a whole lot better.

Your first example is more-or-less the standard way to do this. My only suggestion would be to call your variable something other than cthis; make it descriptive of the object being bound.
Javascript 1.8.5 adds Function.prototype.bind to solve this problem in a different way, but that's not a useful solution for most people.

I'd break out the setInterval function into its own function, attached to the same object as connect. In this way, it will be clear that this refers to the same object:
connect: function (to, rate, callback) {
var obj = this;
var intervalId = setInterval(function () {
obj.connectInterval(intervalId, callback);
}, rate);
connectInterval: function (intervalId, callback) {
if (this.attemptConnect(to)) {
callback && callback.apply(this, []);


Why would this code lead to infinite loop/recursive

I have the following javascript code:
var original_selectCallback = window.selectCallback;
var selectCallback = function(variant, selector) {
original_selectCallback(variant, selector);
console.log(variant + " " + selector);
Somehow, the 2nd line:
var selectCallback = function(variant, selector)
leads to a recursive call to selectCallback. My understanding is that I am redefining the selectCallback function. So why would this be a recursive call?
Any suggestions/advice is appreciated.
There is nothing inherently wrong with the code you've posted:
var selectCallback = function() { console.log('original'); };
var original_selectCallback = selectCallback;
var selectCallback = function() {
The error is likely in the initial definition of window.selectCallback, which is not shown here.
There is no recursion here and that is quite easy to demonstrate:
let someFn = function () { console.log('original'); };
let originalSomeFn = someFn;
someFn = function () {
However, the original function may be involved in a recursive algorithm somewhere and your wrapper function might not entirely fulfill the proper behavioral contract of the original function.
To make sure here's how you should be wrapping the original function. I also opted for a closure to avoid a global originalSomeFn variable.
let someFn = function () {
return 1;
someFn = (function (originalSomeFn) {
return function () {
let result = originalSomeFn.apply(this, arguments);
return result;
Let's check your code:
var original_selectCallback = window.selectCallback;
creates new variable that refers to function selectCallback.
var selectCallback = function(variant, selector) {
creates window.selectCallback function (because it's in window scope).
Now inner part of function
original_selectCallback(variant, selector);
will call window.original_selectCallback that is same as window.selectCallback that is same function where you are now.
So you make recursion with selectCallback that never ends.

Call a returned function from outside its function

I'm trying to call a function that's returned from a function. Here's what I mean:
myFunction.something; // (Wrong)
function myFunction() {
return {
something: function() {
When I try calling myFunction.something nothing happens. How can I call a returned function outside of its function?
var index = 0;
var animID = requestAnimationFrame(myFunction.something);
function myFunction() {
return {
something: function() {
if (index === 5) cancelAnimationFrame(animID);
else animID = requestAnimationFrame(myFunction.something);
I would first of all recommend using descriptive variable names; utils rather than myFunction, and incrementFrame rather than something, for example. I would second of all recommend reconsidering your approach to code organization and simply putting all of your helper functions directly in an object, then referencing that object:
var index = 0;
var animID = requestAnimationFrame(utils.incrementFrame);
var utils = {
incrementFrame: function() {
if (index === 5) cancelAnimationFrame(animID);
else animID = requestAnimationFrame(utils.incrementFrame);
There are a few differences between these approaches, some of them frustratingly subtle. The primary reason I recommend using an object for organization rather than a function which returns an object is because you don't need to use a function for organization; you are unnecessarily complicating your code.
myfunction is not the object that you get from calling myfunction(), it's the function itself and does not have a .something method.
You could call it again (as in myfunction().something()), but a better approach would be to store a reference to the object you've already created:
function myFunction() {
var index = 0;
var o = {
something: function() {
if (index < 5) requestAnimationFrame(o.something);
// btw you don't need to cancel anything once you reach 5, it's enough to continue not
return o;
Alternatively you might want to drop the function altogether, or use the module pattern (with an IIFE), as you seem to use it like a singleton anyway.
Try this:
myFunction() calls the myFunction function
them we use the dot notation on the returned value (which is an object) to find the something member of it
that member is a function too, so add another set of brackets () to call it
Call function after writing it
var index = 0;
function myFunction() {
return {
something: function() {
if (index === 5) cancelAnimationFrame(animID);
else animID = requestAnimationFrame(myFunction().something);
var animID = requestAnimationFrame(myFunction().something);

Why object property became undefined when using setInterval

As below code, I make an object named "test", and give it properties and method.
The property came from its argument.
And I try to call the method every 2 sec after onload, and the result shows undefined.
But if I only call the method not using setInterval(), like this
window.onload = function() {
I'll be able to show the text "Hi".. Why is that?
var giveword = new test("Hi");
function test(word) {
this.word = word;
test.prototype.showWord = function() {
document.getElementById("msg_box").innerHTML = this.word;
window.onload = function() {
setInterval(giveword.showWord, 2000);
Thanks for help...
The reason is because in your test.prototype.showWord function your this object is referring to the context in which the function is called, which is the window object when called from setInterval.
I think what you want to do is use a closure to make the context of showWord() be the giveword instance like this:
var giveword = new test("Hi");
function test(word) {
this.word = word;
test.prototype.showWord = function() {
document.getElementById("msg_box").innerHTML = this.word;
window.onload = function(){
setInterval(function(){giveword.showWord();}, 2000); // <<-- here's the closure
The difference is that with the closure you're telling the setInterval function to call a function within the context as it was when the setInterval was declared. When setInterval was declared there was a variable in scope called giveword that had a method showWord() that returns the value of your initial input. (Closures are hard to explain, and I'm afraid you'd be best served by someone else explaining them if you need more info.)
This solution this now so easy, use an arrow function in setInterval. Here is an example using setInterval inside of an object method.
const mobile = {
make: 'iPhone',
model: 'X',
battery: 10,
charging: false,
charge: function() {
if(this.battery < 100) {
this.charging = true;'Battery is charging...');
let interval = setInterval(() => {
this.battery = this.battery + 10;;
if( this.battery === 100){
this.charging = false;
clearInterval(interval);'Battery has finished charging.');
}, 100);
else {'Battery does not need charging.');

Throttle event calls in jQuery

I have a keyup event bound to a function that takes about a quarter of a second to complete.
$("#search").keyup(function() {
//code that takes a little bit to complete
When a user types an entire word, or otherwise presses keys rapidly, the function will be called several times in succession and it will take a while for them all to complete.
Is there a way to throttle the event calls so that if there are several in rapid succession, it only triggers the one that was most recently called?
Take a look at jQuery Debounce.
$('#search').keyup($.debounce(function() {
// Will only execute 300ms after the last keypress.
}, 300));
Here is a potential solution that doesn't need a plugin. Use a boolean to decide whether to do the keyup callback, or skip over it.
var doingKeyup = false;
// slow process happens here
You could also use the excellent Underscore/_ library.
Comments in Josh's answer, currently the most popular, debate whether you should really throttle the calls, or if a debouncer is what you want. The difference is a bit subtle, but Underscore has both: _.debounce(function, wait, [immediate]) and _.throttle(function, wait, [options]).
If you're not already using Underscore, check it out. It can make your JavaScript much cleaner, and is lightweight enough to give most library haters pause.
Here's a clean way of doing it with JQuery.
/* delayed onchange while typing jquery for text boxes widget
$("#SearchCriteria").delayedChange(function () {
(function ($) {
$.fn.delayedChange = function (options) {
var timer;
var o;
if (jQuery.isFunction(options)) {
o = { onChange: options };
o = options;
o = $.extend({}, $.fn.delayedChange.defaultOptions, o);
return this.each(function () {
var element = $(this);
element.keyup(function () {
timer = setTimeout(function () {
var newVal = element.val();
newVal = $.trim(newVal);
if (element.delayedChange.oldVal != newVal) {
element.delayedChange.oldVal = newVal;;
}, o.delay);
$.fn.delayedChange.defaultOptions = {
delay: 1000,
onChange: function () { }
$.fn.delayedChange.oldVal = "";
Two small generic implementations of throttling approaches. (I prefer to do it through these simple functions rather than adding another jquery plugin)
Waits some time after last call
This one is useful when we don't want to call for example search function when user keeps typing the query
function throttle(time, func) {
if (!time || typeof time !== "number" || time < 0) {
return func;
var throttleTimer = 0;
return function() {
var args = arguments;
throttleTimer = setTimeout(function() {
func.apply(null, args);
}, time);
Calls given function not more often than given amount of time
The following one is useful for flushing logs
function throttleInterval(time, func) {
if (!time || typeof time !== "number" || time < 0) {
return func;
var throttleTimer = null;
var lastState = null;
var eventCounter = 0;
var args = [];
return function() {
args = arguments;
if (!throttleTimer) {
throttleTimer = setInterval(function() {
if (eventCounter == lastState) {
throttleTimer = null;
lastState = eventCounter;
func.apply(null, args);
}, time);
Usage is very simple:
The following one is waiting 2s after the last keystroke in the inputBox and then calls function which should be throttled.
$("#inputBox").on("input", throttle(2000, function(evt) {
Here is an example where you can test both: click (CodePen)
I came across this question reviewing changes to zurb-foundation. They've added their own method for debounce and throttling. It looks like it might be the same as the jquery-debounce #josh3736 mentioned in his answer.
From their website:
// Debounced button click handler
$('.button').on('click', Foundation.utils.debounce(function(e){
// Handle Click
}, 300, true));
// Throttled resize function
$(document).on('resize', Foundation.utils.throttle(function(e){
// Do responsive stuff
}, 300));
Something like this seems simplest (no external libraries) for a quick solution (note coffeescript):
running = false
$(document).on 'keyup', '.some-class', (e) ->
return if running
running = true
type: 'POST',
url: $(this).data('url'),
data: $(this).parents('form').serialize(),
dataType: 'script',
success: (data) ->
running = false

How can I extend Array.prototype.push()?

I'm trying to extend the Array.push method so that using push will trigger a callback method and then perform the normal array function.
I'm not quite sure how to do this, but here's some code I've been playing with unsuccessfully.
arr = [];
arr.push = function(data){
//callback method goes here
this = Array.push(data);
return this.length;
Since push allows more than one element to be pushed, I use the arguments variable below to let the real push method have all arguments.
This solution only affects the arr variable:
arr.push = function () {
//Do what you want here...
return Array.prototype.push.apply(this, arguments);
This solution affects all arrays. I do not recommend that you do that.
Array.prototype.push = (function() {
var original = Array.prototype.push;
return function() {
//Do what you want here.
return original.apply(this, arguments);
First you need subclass Array:
ES6 (
class SortedArray extends Array {
constructor(...args) {
push() {
return super.push(arguments);
ES5 (proto is almost deprecated, but it is the only solution for now):
function SortedArray() {
var arr = [];
arr.push.apply(arr, arguments);
arr.__proto__ = SortedArray.prototype;
return arr;
SortedArray.prototype = Object.create(Array.prototype);
SortedArray.prototype.push = function() {
Array.prototype.push was introduced in JavaScript 1.2. It is really as simple as this:
Array.prototype.push = function() {
for( var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++ ) this[this.length] = arguments[i];
return this.length;
You could always add something in the front of that.
You could do it this way:
arr = []
arr.push = function(data) {
alert(data); //callback
return, data);
If you're in a situation without call, you could also go for this solution:
arr.push = function(data) {
alert(data); //callback
//While unlikely, someone may be using "psh" to store something important
//So we save it.
var saved = this.psh;
this.psh = Array.prototype.push;
var ret = this.psh(data);
this.psh = saved;
return ret;
While I'm telling you how to do it, you might be better served with using a different method that performs the callback and then just calls push on the array rather than overriding push. You may end up with some unexpected side effects. For instance, push appears to be varadic (takes a variable number of arguments, like printf), and using the above would break that.
You'd need to do mess with _Arguments() and _ArgumentsLength() to properly override this function. I highly suggest against this route.
Or you could use "arguments", and that'd work too. I still advise against taking this route though.
There's another, more native method to achieve this: Proxy
const target = [];
const handler = {
set: function(array, index, value) {
// Call callback function here
// The default behavior to store the value
array[index] = value;
// Indicate success
return true;
const proxyArray = new Proxy(target, handler);
I wanted to call a function after the object has been pushed to the array, so I did the following:
myArray.push = function() {
Array.prototype.push.apply(this, arguments);
return myArray.length;
function myFunction() {
for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {

