Check if JDK is installed through javascript - javascript

The topic-title speaks for itself.
Is it possible to check if the client has JDK installed trough javascript?
I know that it is possible to check the os and the browser but is that possible too?

You can check whether the client has java enabled with window.navigator.javaEnabled().
Note that:
The return value for this method
indicates whether the preference that
controls Java is on or off - not
whether the browser offers Java
support in general.
For more information, have a look at

I am presuming you have an Applet or a Web Start application which you want to run.
For those cases Oracle provides the Java Deployment Toolkit JavaScript which helps to detect Java versions and also offers methods to automatically write applet tags and Web Start launcher buttons.
As you can see at (also contains link to downloading .js file) it can retrieve installed JREs or send the user to installation page of latest one. This might be what you are looking for.
This applies to detecting JREs. JDKs aren't used by the browser so there isn't a need to detect them.
It might not work because of privacy settings or other browser/JRE configuration options.

I don't think you can. It would require javascript to access information beyond your browser. Maybe there's some browser specific solutions.

Its not possible to know the version of Java through javascript .If its possible then it will be a security breach.


How to execute a program from an unhosted HTML file without using Internet Explorer?

I'm attempting to create a front-end to launch several programs using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. My problem, however, is that the only ways that I can find to run a file either rely on Internet Explorer (Which I am not going to use) or download a new copy of the file.
Basically, I want to click a button or an image (Not 100% sure which one yet) and then run the program at the specified location. This isn't actually being hosted on a webserver; I'm just doing it because I make crappy GUIs in other languages, and HTML is comparatively easy.
This is also on Windows 7, if that has relevance.
I did something similar last year and used NW.js for it, it´s a webkit browser with integrated node.js functions.
It has its own executable and has access to your filesystem through node.
It was fun and easy to use, maybe give it a try.
If running your HTML files in a browser using the file:// protocol isn't an option, choose the technology you're the most comfortable with and look for a way to display webpages through it.
For instance you can have a look at:
WPF WebBrowser component (if you know a bit about .Net)
Java FX2 WebView (if you're more of a java guy)

IE dropping vbscript but the activex terminal services control msrdp.ocx only works with vbscript

Our clients use RDP sessions created by clicking a button on our site which uses the old file called in a webpage. We also utilize Virtual channels using a custom dll. Both our dll and the MSRDP.ocx are loaded through the object tag and cab files using VBScript.
As you might know, the orginal RDP connection script was written in VBScript. Apparently the ActiveX control will only work if called using VBScript. That has been working for over a decade. However the newer IE browsers and virtually all of the other browsers do not support VBScript.
I realize that I can call the new RDP program mstsc.exe from Javascript for a straight connection. However, we also pass information to the old ocx like the plugin parameters in Advancedsettings which include our dll that uses virtual channels. In addition, we pass the domain and username.
Maybe I'm searching in all the wrong places but I'm turning up no answers in trying to find how to run this ocx in javascript or another solution that would work. I'm thinking there has to be a replacement out there that I'm overlooking.
We are able to force our clients to use IE so we are currently having our clients with IE versions over 10 to use compatibility mode. However I'm sure at some point this may no longer work.
Has anyone out there had a similar problem that you have found a solution for? Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
You mentioned it yourself that in the future, your ActiveX may no longer work and supported so I strongly believe that you should invest your time in re-writing your app using a more modern approach instead.
Here's a link to a solution where it is using Jquery and ASP.NET to open an RDP connection:
Open RDP Connection window using jquery - client side

How to access file system in os by IE 7, and 8 browser ,without using ActiveXObject?

How to create a file or list the files in the folder in java script in IE7 and IE8.In general to access the file system in OS , java script uses ActiveXObject. But I need to access the file system not by ActiveXObject but by any other ways.
If I use ActiveXObject for access means,whenever access going to be happen each time a pop-up will appear that asks the user whether to allow or not ActiveXobject.It is little difficult one to client when dy faces this pop-up each time.
Is thr any Java script API exist to access the file system without use of ActiveXObject or any technique exist to do these things....?
I have to implement file system access applicaion in IE7 and IE8
If any one know kindly share ur knowledge.
Thanks in advance....
There are no ways in IE7/IE8 without browser plug-ins to access the local computer's file system because doing so is a major security risk and those browsers don't support any of the more modern ways of handling files.
You might get better ideas if you explain what actual problem you're really trying to solve rather than something as generic as your current question.
If this is an enterprise environment, you may be able to prewire some ActiveX settings in the enterprise browsers to allow your ActiveX plug-in to run without prompting.
Silverlight can have evaluated trust in browser applications in version 5
for First time it will ask user ( I've not tested it yet )
Notice that users must have installed Silverlight before then you can develop your own app by C#

Serial communication from JavaScript?

Is it possible to communicate over a machine's serial port through JavaScript?
I have to write a short program that sends data to a microcontroller over the serial port that has a GUI and is cross-platform compatible, and I really don't want to use Java's Swing.
JavaScript itself doesn't have any built in functionality to allow you to access the serial port. However, various JavaScript engines (v8, rhino, etc) allow you to write your own custom native objects.
You might want to check out node.js, which is a JavaScript library for v8 that's focused on writing server-side code (rather than web browser client code). It seems that someone's already written a serialport package for that:
This is an old question, but in case this helps anyone else, Chrome Apps have access to a serial API - - which might help.
It's Chrome specific (obviously..), but Chrome is available cross-platform so might answer the question.
There's a cross platform plugin for serial port communication called jUART.
Yes, it's possible using an ActiveX(I did it). You can make an activeX and use JavaScript to invoke it.
If you prefer, you can make a .net dll and register it using regasm. Take a look at this link
You also can write an activeX using VB6 and register it. Both works fine.
Ps.: if you are using ActiveX, the JavaScript code will run just on IE.
If you have a DLL library (this includes e.g. most Windows APIs) that allows you to communicate over serial port you can invoke it from Firefox chrome code (or content code with universalxpconnect privileges) by using ctypes.
What you could do is to use a Java applet that connects to the local computer's Java application that reads the serial port. The applet would then transfer the data to a JavaScript class or something that can hold the information. Then additional JavaScript code can be used to access the data. It's a complicated solution but should work.
Another way is to create a POJO service.

Understanding browser plugins: creation, deployment, and use

Let's say I wanted to create a browser plug-in that would open someone's floppy drive for them whenever they click a button on my web page. (You remember that old gag? - Don't worry, I don't really want to do that.)
What are the steps necessary to create a browser plug-in that will work on most browsers and most operating systems?
How do I deploy the plug-in? For instance, how do I make it so that the plug-in can be easily downloaded and installed? Do I have to worry about digital certificates?
How do I check for and use the pluggin once it's installed? Is it available to javascript in the form of an API?
Take a look at a project called FireBreath:
Firebreath abstracts many of the differences between the browser plugin frameworks and platform issues so you can easily write the code for a plugin once and just re-compile it for different platforms.
I have found it good for exposing existing C/C++ library API's to Javascript so I can write dynamic pages that use functionality from the C++ library which were otherwsie not available.
Most modern browsers have their own plugin frameworks for developers to utilize. So, for example, a Firefox plugin will not work in chrome or IE. Firefox and chrome do both utilize javascript and css but they are fundamentally different in their structure.
As far as deployment, Mozilla and Google provide hosting for their respective plugins. I do know that firefox extensions are basically zip files with the extension changed.
I had assumed you meant browser extensions so disregard my answer if that is not the case.
The easiest cross-browser solution is use Java Applets or maybe Flash (I am not sure how you do it in Flash).
With applets, you would need to sign the applet and also create a security policy file for accessing the disk. When the applet loads in the browser it would ask permission from the client user, he/she needs to click Allow to give permission for the applet to access the disk. This would allow you to access any disk in the system.

