I want to zoom and pan an HTML5 Canvas by transforming the context using translate() and scale(), clearing the canvas, and then redrawing. Note that I am explicitly not calling save() and restore() around my transformations.
If I perform the standard ctx.clearRect(0,0,ctx.canvas.width,ctx.canvas.height) then the entire visible canvas will not be cleared; downscaling or panning may cause this initial rectangle to not exactly cover the drawing area.
If I perform the Webkit-friendly clearing method...
var w=canvas.width;
canvas.width = 0;
canvas.width = w;
...then the cumulative transformation of the context is reset.
How can I best clear the entire canvas context without losing my transformation?
Keeping track of all the transformation information like you are presumably doing is what several others so far have done (like cake.js and my own library, for two). I think doing this will pretty much be an inevitability for any large canvas library.
Ilmari of cake.js even complained to mozilla:
You could instead call save/restore around your clear method:
// I have lots of transforms right now
// Will always clear the right space
// Still have my old transforms
Won't that satisfy your case?
For those who care to track their full context transforms, here's my code for doing so in an on-demand, per-context basis. This is prefaced with the usage that shows how to clear the full rectangle based on the transformed coordinates. You can see the code in use on my website.
window.onload = function(){
var canvas = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
function redraw(){
var p1 = ctx.transformedPoint(0,0);
var p2 = ctx.transformedPoint(canvas.width,canvas.height);
// ...
// Adds ctx.getTransform(), returning an SVGMatrix
// Adds ctx.transformedPoint(x,y), returning an SVGPoint
function trackTransforms(ctx){
var svg = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",'svg');
var xform = svg.createSVGMatrix();
ctx.getTransform = function(){ return xform; };
var savedTransforms = [];
var save = ctx.save;
ctx.save = function(){
return save.call(ctx);
var restore = ctx.restore;
ctx.restore = function(){
xform = savedTransforms.pop();
return restore.call(ctx);
var scale = ctx.scale;
ctx.scale = function(sx,sy){
xform = xform.scaleNonUniform(sx,sy);
return scale.call(ctx,sx,sy);
var rotate = ctx.rotate;
ctx.rotate = function(radians){
xform = xform.rotate(radians*180/Math.PI);
return rotate.call(ctx,radians);
var translate = ctx.translate;
ctx.translate = function(dx,dy){
xform = xform.translate(dx,dy);
return translate.call(ctx,dx,dy);
var transform = ctx.transform;
ctx.transform = function(a,b,c,d,e,f){
var m2 = svg.createSVGMatrix();
m2.a=a; m2.b=b; m2.c=c; m2.d=d; m2.e=e; m2.f=f;
xform = xform.multiply(m2);
return transform.call(ctx,a,b,c,d,e,f);
var setTransform = ctx.setTransform;
ctx.setTransform = function(a,b,c,d,e,f){
xform.a = a;
xform.b = b;
xform.c = c;
xform.d = d;
xform.e = e;
xform.f = f;
return setTransform.call(ctx,a,b,c,d,e,f);
var pt = svg.createSVGPoint();
ctx.transformedPoint = function(x,y){
pt.x=x; pt.y=y;
return pt.matrixTransform(xform.inverse());
I just started using Canvas for my web game project and faced a problem.
I'm using this code to render the game:
function render(f){
if(charoffset.x == null) charoffset.x = charpos.x*tilescale;
if(charoffset.y == null) charoffset.y = charpos.y*tilescale;
if(!tiles) tiles = [];
var canPassthrough = function (){
if ((def.passable(this.type))&&(typeof this.type !== 'undefined')){
return true;
else {
return false;
if(!f) lighting.update();
for (var i = 0; i < map[charlvl].length; i++){
if(!tiles[i]) tiles[i] = [];
for (var j = 0; j < map[charlvl][i].length; j++){
if(!tiles[i][j]) tiles[i][j] = placetile(i,j);
ui.overlay.text("casting shadows...");
var tex = document.createElement("img");
tex.src = "../img/charplaceholder.png";
var hero = canvas.getContext("2d");
hero.globalAlpha = 1.0;
var pos = {
x: charoffset.x - map_scroll.x - tilescale,
y: charoffset.y - map_scroll.y - tilescale
function placetile(x,y){
var obj = {};
obj.type = map[charlvl][x][y].id;
obj.canPassthrough = canPassthrough;
obj.state = {explored: false, lit: false};
obj.coords = {x:x,y:y};
obj.offset = {x:x*tilescale,y:y*tilescale};
return obj;
function drawtile(t){
var pos = {
x: t.offset.x - map_scroll.x - tilescale,
y: t.offset.y - map_scroll.y - tilescale
return false;
else if(t.state.lit&&t.state.explored){
var tex = document.createElement("img");
var tile = canvas.getContext("2d");
tex.src = def.css.tile(t.type);
tile.globalAlpha = 1.0;
return true;
else if(t.state.explored&&!t.state.lit){
var tex = document.createElement("img");
var tile = canvas.getContext("2d");
tex.src = def.css.tile(t.type);
tile.globalAlpha = 0.25;
return true;
function placeitem(x,y){
if (loot[charlvl][x][y]){
for(var i=0;i<loot[charlvl][x][y].length;i++){
var tile = document.createElement("div");
var tileid = loot[charlvl][x][y][i].type;
tile.className = def.css.item(tileid);
tile.coords = {x:x,y:y};
document.getElementById("x" + x + "y" + y).appendChild(tile);
ui.overlay.text("loading the dungeon...");
Function render() is fired by various events, such as character moving, map dragging, lighting update, etc.
This is the result:
I would like to add inset shadows to walls so it's more clearly visible those are walls. I tried experimenting with canvas context shadows, and used this:
It's supposed to draw a transparent rectangle and a shadow for it at 100, 100 with size 20, 20, however this applies shadow to every drawn tile instead.
I feel like I'm using drawing wrong. Can anyone explain how to effectively
use canvas to achieve desired effect?
Do not use the 2D API shadow options , they are very very slow ( and that is an understatement of how bad they are). You are much better off creating the shadows as part of the tile set and rendering them with either ctx.globalAlpha set to less than 1 and/or use one of the many composite modes. Eg ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "multiply"; Or overlay, color-burn, hard-light, and soft-light. You can even use a combination to get a very good shadow effect.
Creating the shadows as part of the tile set will give a much more realistic effect as the shadow API is just for shadows cast from flat object floating above a flat surface, not for 3D objects protruding from the screen that may have sloped sides in the z direction.
If you do not wish to create the shadows as part of the tile set consider creating the shadow tile set at onload using an off screen canvas via the shadow API options. Then render from that to the canvas using alpha and composite options
as the title said i'm trying to animate on a java canvas but i'm not sure how to add on to the vector class of my objects current position
I've been told to use this:
Bus.prototype.update = function()
this.getPosition().add(new Vector(10.0));
but it doesn't recognize the .add function and comes up with an error when i use my setInterval function
I'll include my get/set functions aswell just incase
Bus.prototype.getPosition = function() {
return this.mPosition;
Bus.prototype.setPosition = function (pPosition) {
this.mPosition = pPosition;
I'm pretty new at coding so i apologize if this is very vague or badly written
jsFiddle : https://jsfiddle.net/CanvasCode/41z9o10p/1/
var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
var Bear = function(xSet, ySet)
this.XPos = xSet;
this.YPos = ySet;
Bear.prototype.updatePosition = function(xValue, yValue)
this.XPos += xValue;
this.YPos += yValue;
var bear = new Bear(0,0);
setInterval( function()
ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
ctx.fillStyle = "#0F0";
ctx.fillRect(bear.XPos, bear.YPos, 50,50);
bear.updatePosition(0.2, 0.4);
} ,1);
Bear is a custom "class". All bear has is a X position and a Y position, the constructor can take in two values which will set the X and Y value. I then add a new method to Bear which is called updatePosition. All updatePosition does it take in two values and add them to the original X position and Y position (you can also provide negative numbers to move the opposite way). Now with our Bear we can create one and then use its updatePosition function and move it.
I am developing a canvas paint but I want to have an eraser there. So I use this lines to erase de content but when I click is clear the whole canvas.
//undo tool
var undo = new createjs.Bitmap(app.loader.getResult('undo'));
undo.name = 'undo';
undo.x = brush.x + 90;
undo.y = brush.y;
undo.addEventListener('click', this.undoHandler);
//trash tool
var clear = new createjs.Bitmap(app.loader.getResult('clear'));
clear.name = 'clear';
clear.x = undo.x + 90;
clear.y = undo.y;
clear.addEventListener('click', this.clearHandler);
var lastItem = tools.undoArray.pop();
var lastItem2 = tools.undoArray2.pop();
var lastItem3 = tools.undoArray3.pop();
I trying to develop something like this erase
any idea?
well here http://jsfiddle.net/lannymcnie/ZNYPD/, the key is this:
var stage, wrapper,erase;
function init() {
var stage = new createjs.Stage("canvas");
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage);
// Add some text to draw on top of (also instructions)
stage.addChild(new createjs.Text("Click and Drag to Draw", "40px Arial", "#000000").set({x:200,y:200}));
// Set up the container. We use it to draw in, and also to get mouse events.
var wrapper = new createjs.Container();
wrapper.hitArea = new createjs.Shape(new createjs.Graphics().f("#000").dr(0,0,800,600));
wrapper.cache(0,0,800,600); // Cache it.
// Create the shape to draw into
var drawing = new createjs.Shape();
var lastPoint = new createjs.Point();
wrapper.addEventListener("mousedown", function(event) {
// Store the position. We have to do this because we clear the graphics later.
lastPoint.x = event.stageX;
lastPoint.y = event.stageY;
erase = Math.floor(Math.random()*2);
wrapper.addEventListener("pressmove", function(event){
// Draw a round line from the last position to the current one.
drawing.graphics.ss(20, "round").s("#ff0000");
drawing.graphics.mt(lastPoint.x, lastPoint.y);
drawing.graphics.lt(event.stageX, event.stageY);
// Update the last position for next move.
lastPoint.x = event.stageX;
lastPoint.y = event.stageY;
// Draw onto the canvas, and then update the container cache.
// Listen for mousemove
the only difference is that the drawing is based on a random from 0 to 1 because in my example the erase gets these values from here erase = Math.floor(Math.random()*2);
I have achieved this by maintaining a array of mid points and using the globalCompositeOperation as destination-out and source-over to make a transparent eraser trail .
Following is the code that you need to use with a mouse move function
`var handleMouseMove = function (event) {
midPt = new createjs.Point(oldPt.x + stage.mouseX>>1, oldPt.y+stage.mouseY>>1);
var tempcanvas = document.getElementById('drawcanvas');
var tempctx=tempcanvas.getContext("2d");
tempctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out";
tempctx.arc(midPt.x, midPt.y, 20, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
tempctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
// keep updating the array for points
else if ( curTool.type=="pen"){
drawingCanvas.graphics.clear().setStrokeStyle(stroke, 'round', 'round').beginStroke(color).moveTo(midPt.x, midPt.y).curveTo(oldPt.x, oldPt.y, oldMidPt.x, oldMidPt.y);
oldPt.x = stage.mouseX;
oldPt.y = stage.mouseY;
oldMidPt.x = midPt.x;
oldMidPt.y = midPt.y;
its very confused i`m designing a 2d game and i use this code to draw images to canvas the alert method return background.x = 0 ! but when i change x to z or any letter its return the number 400 i ! why background.x always equal to zero ???
var canvas = document.getElementById('game');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
function loadResources(){
background = new Image();
background.src = "11.jpg";
background.width = 128;
background.height = 128;
background.x = 400;
background.y = 450;
function drawimage(){
function gameLoop() {
setInterval(gameLoop, 1000/60);
Unlike other objects, you are actually not able to set properties of an Image object that do not belong to it. As you've seen, when you try to access them after setting them, the properties will not be available. You can slightly rework your code as follows to get the behavior you're looking for:
var canvas = document.getElementById('game');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
var resources = {};
function loadResources(){
resources.background = new Image();
resources.background.src = "11.jpg";
resources.background.width = 128;
resources.background.height = 128;
resources.backgroundx = 400;
resources.backgroundy = 450;
function drawimage(){
function gameLoop() {
setInterval(gameLoop, 1000/60);
I've got a project where I'm using EaselJS to create a fill (rectangle) and text over it inside a container. My objective is to make this rectangle and text draggable to move it over the canvas. This is already done and working well.
My problem is when I try to resize the rectangle using scaleX and scaleY using a onMouseOver handler. This is indeed done, BUT the rectangle just moves away from it's initial point to some other location.
I've read I need to use the regX and regY properties to override this, but in the context of my code I just can't. What am I doing wrong?
Here's my Javascript code:
var stage, myCanvas;
var update = true;
this.init = function() {
myCanvas = document.getElementById("stageCanvas");
stage = new createjs.Stage(myCanvas);
stage.mouseEnabled = true;
stage.mouseMoveOutside = true;
// Reference Shape
var rectFijo0 = new createjs.Shape();
// Shape
var rectOpt0 = new createjs.Shape();
txtOpt0 = new createjs.Text("TEST","bold 20px","#FFF");
txtOpt0.textAlign ="center";
txtOpt0.x = 50;
txtOpt0.y = 50;
// Container
var containerOpt0= new createjs.Container();
containerOpt0.mouseEnabled = true;
// Probably here is my problem. I don't understand why if I use regX and regY the rectangle moves the lower right corner to the center, instead of just using this point as a registration point. Why? What I am not understanding?
//containerOpt0.regX = 78/2;
//containerOpt0.regY = 35/2;
containerOpt0.onPress = pressHandler;
containerOpt0.onMouseOver = mouseOverHandler;
containerOpt0.addChild(rectOpt0, txtOpt0);
createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", tick);
function pressHandler(e){
// onPress Handler to drag
var offset = {x:e.target.x-e.stageX, y:e.target.y-e.stageY};
e.onMouseMove = function(ev) {
e.target.x = ev.stageX+offset.x;
e.target.y = ev.stageY+offset.y;
update = true;
function mouseOverHandler(e){
e.target.scaleX = .5;
e.target.scaleY = .5;
update = true;
function tick() {
if (update) {
update = false;
window.onload = init();
Here's my JS Fiddle example so you can see exactly what's going on. Just drag the mouse over the rectangle to see what I mean. It must be something easy to achieve but I'm not certain how.
You issue is, that you are drawing your rects not at 0|0, the "standard" way is to draw your shape starting at 0|0 and then position the shape itself somewhere through .x and .y
=> changed to
and additionally I then placed the container at 140|160 + the regX/Y offset:
containerOpt0.regX = 78/2; //regX/Y to have is scale to the center point
containerOpt0.regY = 35/2;
containerOpt0.x = 140 + 78/2; //placement + regX offset/correction
containerOpt0.y = 160 + 35/2;
here's the updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/WfMGr/2/