Google Directions on mobile applications, walking distance between two points - minimize response - javascript

I'm working on a mobile app and I would like to calculate the distance between two points using the Google Directions API (
I have a list of places and I would like to show this list ordered by distance (from the user position). This can be done performing a request using Google API, look at the following post, there is a working example:
Android: how to get the walking distance between two geo coordinats?).
My questions:
1) Is it possible to calculate the distance from one origin (my current position) to several points (places) using just one request?
2) Is it possible to reduce the size of the response (in order to reduce network traffic)? I just need distance + required time. I would like tho show the map only when the user click the item in the list.
Many thanks in advance for your help.

You should look at google.maps.DirectionsLeg and this example.


Can Vehicle Tracking be done without using Google Maps API?

My web application is intended to track a college shuttle on a predefined fixed route. There are certain pickup points on the route which are fixed. Through the web-app, the user should be able to get the estimated time of arrival of a college shuttle. For that, I would require the actual distance - along the route and the speed of the vehicle. The haversine formula for the shortest distance would not apply over here.
However, My friend thought of a solution that is to plot points along the route at a fixed distance say 20 meters, and calculate the distance in relation to the points. For example-If Shuttle is at point 5 and the user is at point 10, then the distance between both of them would be computed as (10-5)*20 i.e 100 meters. This solution isn't highly accurate but it would work.
How would I determine the shuttle location with respect to the points? I have the live coordinates of the shuttle, the coordinates of all the points on the route. What is the best way to get the result such as
Shuttle location is point 5. I am using Javascript and NodeJS. For Database MongoDB. Current location is obtained using Geolocation API
Leaflet is a great platform for maps and there is a plugin for k-next-nearest-neighbor searches here
The nearest stop along the route to the bus would then give you what you need I think

Find frequently visited area from given set of GPS points

I am having a data set of say 10000 GPS points. I need to find GPS points depending on how frequently the area is visited by using the GPS data set I have. I am looking for a solution either by using google maps or by using mongoDB, but unable to find any clue how should I achieve this. Can anyone help me regarding this?
sample data = [{18.5204303,73.8567437},{18.520457, 73.856697},{18.520400, 73.856800},{18.520156, 73.857092},{18.519879, 73.857561}]
Out of the given data set first three point are near to each other.
So, whenever I will ask for frequently visited area from the given data set I should get result as [{18.5204303,73.8567437},{18.520457, 73.856697},{18.520400, 73.856800},{18.520156, 73.857092}]
I got the solution using google heatmap. I just passed array of gps points to heatmap and the heatmap displayed it in proportion of frequent access to the locations. That is what I was trying to achieve

Google Places API LatLng Query

I have an array of places in LatLng, across the US. I've pulled my current location, and I want to display the places in that aforementioned list, that are within a certain distance of my current location. This is somewhat like a places radar search, except I already have my locations, I'm just trying to display relevant ones. Any advice?
Not tied to google maps API, but it is free with a high limit of requests
I've been exploring using, but I can't figure out how to do what I'm trying to.
link 1
link 2
There are plenty of Map APIs that allow you to enter two locations and calculate the distance between them. It is my understanding that LatLngs are an accepted format for the points you are calculating between.

Google maps api v3 polylines snap to nearest street

Assuming i have a list of positions from a GPS unit loaded into a database. Now i would like Google maps to show these positions, which works just out of the box like this
new google.maps.LatLng(57.046085209585726, 9.917740747332573),
new google.maps.LatLng(57.04606626648456, 9.918211475014687),
new google.maps.LatLng(57.04656251706183, 9.917992874979973),
new google.maps.LatLng(57.04649009741843, 9.918401995673776),
new google.maps.LatLng(57.04628427978605, 9.91844767704606),
new google.maps.LatLng(57.04613022040576, 9.91837676614523),
new google.maps.LatLng(57.045781994238496, 9.918353715911508),
new google.maps.LatLng(57.045685979537666, 9.918150706216693),
new google.maps.LatLng(57.0457204291597, 9.917718200013041),
new google.maps.LatLng()
The problem is. That the polylines cut corners and due to less correct GPS devices it will look like you walked through a building and swimmingpool to get to the other side of the street.
Is there any way i can make my positioning data from the database snap to the nearest street?
Thank you all
Not that I am aware of.
You could try using the Directions API to request directions between the points but there is a limit of eight waypoints per request, you can break longer lists of points into sublists and make multiple directions calls but there are limits on the number of calls allowed to the service.
Another problem with this approach is if due to minor inaccuracies in your data or the map data you, for example, appear to be on the wrong side of the road it might generate spurious U turns and trips around roundabouts.
The standard Google map web user interface has a line drawing tool with a 'snap to road' option but this option was not included in the API version of the drawing manager.
I did submit an enhancement request but no response yet. You could star the issue and/or create your own request since you issue isn't quite the same.

Find cities within given mile radius from address

I'm using CakePHP/mysql to build my app and I'm trying to get a list of cities within a given mile radius around an address both supplied by the user. So far I have a list of all US cities in a database with the long/lat. I also am using a CakePHP plugin to get the long/lat of all addresses inserted into the database.
Now how do I do the last part? I'm new to the google maps api but it looks like there is a limit on how many queries I make a day. The only way I can think to do it is to check the distance from the address and compare it to every city in the database and if it is within the given radius then they are selected. It seems like this would be way too database intensive and I would pass my query quotas in one go.
Any ideas?
It sounds like you're trying to determine if a given point (city) is within a circle centered on a specific lat/lon. Here's a similar question.
Run a loop over each city and see if it satisfies the following condition:
if ( (x-center_x)2 + (y-center_y)2 <= radius2 )
If this is too slow, you could turn it into a lookup based on rounding the lat/lon. The more values you precompute, the closer to exact you can get.

