HTTP cookie between two HTML pages - javascript

I have two HTML pages. After entering few inputs users will be redirected from first page to second page. Before redirecting the user to second HTML page(using window.location="new HTML URL"), I persist few of the user inputs in cookie using document.cookie DOM API.
When I am in the second HTML page, I could not retrieve the value from this cookie. I think since document object would have changed in the new HTML page, my cookie values become inaccessible.
Can someone tell me: how do I retrieve the value from a cookie persisted by one javascript in one HTML page in other HTML page i.e cookie written by HTML A's javascript in HTML B's javascript?
I don't have any server-side code, so I could not take advantage of server-side logic. Also I am not supposed to pass the values in URL. So I need a solution on plain javascript and HTML.
If some one has a better solution please let me know. Thanks

try to use localStorage instead of cookies,
// set your values in the first page
localStorage.setItem('itemKey', 'values');
// on the second page, retrieve them
var values = localStorage.getItem('itemKey');
you can use a jStorage plugin for cross browser behaviour.
also refer to this question for storing objects instead of strings

JAAulde is on point with his answer.
For what the OP is trying to do something like PHP would be great, in that case I wouldn't bother with cookies in order to just pass data between two pages, that's just silly. However, if true persistence was needed and the data requirements were simple cookies would be the way to go even while using a language such as PHP.
Those are rather draconian constraints, is this a class project? That said there aren't any other ways to do what you're attempting, save for an ugly and highly insecure hack of the DOM.


Is getting an echo'd username using Javascript with display none CSS bad for security?

I have a PHP page that can only be accessed by logged in users. Each page is unique to that particular user and is used for collection tracking.
Through PHP I have the username and user id echo'd and then wrapped in a display:none div.
I then have a couple of ajax calls that pass the username and user id when they do specific tasks (update collection, add to, delete, etc etc). This is passed to a PHP file which uses prepared statements.
I do this since I can't seem to find another way to grab the username and user id in Javascript.
Since each page is accessed only by that particular user, I'm thinking it's safe since you can't get access to another users username or ID. However I can't help but feel that this is extremely bad practice. I'm completely open to suggestions on this!
EDIT: I should also point out that I am using WordPress for authentication.
One thing to think about is ensuring you sanitise the values when you read them. For example what would happen if someone manually set the username in that div to DROP ALL TABLES; - a sql injection attack. Also why not have it as a JS variable by echoing it in a script rather than a hidden div? Otherwise it seems fine, indeed most web applications serialise data into html template to be read by scripts.

Passing data from one page to another

Pls can anybody give me the clue of how to pass data from one page(test1.html) to another page(test2.html) and then later pass the previous 2 pages(test1 and test2.html) to a new page called last.html using javascript not php cos it is a local app. tanx
There are several ways to do it, you could pass a query string from page to page (prob a bad idea unless we are talking small bits of data you dont mind people seeing)
You could use local/session storage depending on the browsers you are looking to support.
You could also use a database and have a ajax post/get from page to page (not a great idea)
If you have something like php in the back end you could use a php session.
You could also use a cookie (again not the best idea but a good fallback for local/session storage)
Or you could have a single page app and use something like angular to show/change your page(s)

Special URL for language selection?

Just a simple question, I was wondering why some websites have something like "?lang=EN" in their URL after selecting a language? Is it because their html file or folder containing it is named "?lang=EN", or some other code that does this? I'd like to set the URL like that for my website (has 2 languages). Currently I have folder structure like this:
Language selection: D:/media/index.html
EN site: D:/media/en/index.html
CN site: D:/media/cn/index.html
Files for the website: D:/media/site
First of all, anything after the file extension ( .html ) is a server side function.
The ? is a function for PHP and adds variables to the super global GET array ( in the form: ?variable=value&variable2=value2 ) that is directed to from another page and from that point many things can be done with the data.
Sites that use the ?lang=EN are probably programmed to print out the chunks of text needed on the single page in the places and languages required. Though it is possible using this method to redirect to a language specific directory.
Hope this helps :)
That's because they often have a content management system where the content isn't stored in files necessarily, but in a database. The lang=en is a GET variable from the URL that they retrieve in, for example, PHP, to display the correct content. In your case, however, you can just redirect the user if they click EN or CN to the appropriate locations, in your case, /en/index.html and /cn/index.html.
The url you see at the address bar, whatever comes after "?" is called "QueryString" and with libraries on the server side (based on the developing platform that website is made on) you can access the values. For instance the value of "lang" can be equal to "EN" or "CN" etc.
By the way you can have some http handlers to rewrite the requested url and get your parameters through the url that physically doesn't exists. Like the one you mentioned, "". I myself prefer this way but as you requested you should use some server side libraries to access the query string values and choose the language of the content you wanna send to client.
Also as one solution that once I used, you can also use some translation service (like client libraries and call it at client side with jquery or even javascript and translate all the texts on page load. Although it's damn fast in action, it has some issues you will see.
Hope it helps.
PHP uses $_GET to get value from variables from the URL.It gets the value from that LANG variable and then it selects all from a file where are stored all the words in different languages or from the database
You don't need to copy every file and then translate it.
Search for php dynamic pages tutorial in your case. I found THIS.
P.S. PHP is one from many ways to do this.

Persist Local UIWebView Values

I've done more research and it looks like cookies may also be the answer. I suppose I would add a button to the form inside the embedded html that calls a function to create a cookie for the values. Then I could access this cookie through obj-c using the stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString method. Of course then you run into the issue of expiration, multiple copies of the form not being allowed, etc. So it is a trade-off of features. I'm going to stick with the window.location route because I can store this in a DB and then the user can create another instance of the same form
I've done some research and I have a vague idea how to accomplish this, but I was curious if there was a better method.
I have a local copy of an html form loading in a UIWebView on this iPad app I am developing. The forms are submitted server-side through xml and parsed there for DB storage, but unfortunately they are pretty lengthy. So I want to let the user save the form in its current state (maybe they only fill it out halfway), and then return to it later.
What I am thinking is that I will have to write some javascript to parse the radio buttons and checkboxes in the form, then pass this data through the window.location trick to the obj-c code. But this is VERY lengthy, and the strings being passed back and forth between JS and Obj-C will be very long. Is there any other way to grab the values of these checkboxes/radio buttons and pass them to the obj-c side to be repopulated later?
How about going via a file? Save the settings/data to a file in JS and access that file in Objective-C land. But I guess you've already thought of this.
But at the end of the day the data has to be passed back and forth regardless of how you do it. Doing it via the window.location trick will be the fastest, and provided there are no limitations imposed by the OS itself is there any reason not to do it this way?
You could encode the data into a blob to make it easier to pass around.
But on the other hand doing it by file route may however be useful if you want the settings to persist if your app gets terminated.
Also you could actually submit the form data but intercept it in Objective-C before it gets sent by using a NSURLProtocol derived class. THe NSURLProtocol class could allow the submission to proceed if it knows the data is complete. But I don't see any point in doing this if window.location doesn't have a size limit.

How can I pass form values from one page onto another?

I need to pass a URL and domain type from one HTML page to another and apparently the best way to do this is using java-script to create a cookie and pass the value to the next HTML page, but I do not know anything about cookies or even where to start. Where can I find a good guide to get me started with cookies and/or how to pass the value from one form to another? Is there a simpler way instead of using cookies? Thanks!
There is more than one way to do this:
- You can pass the values using GET or POST variables.
- Save the value in the session (depending on the language this can be more or less easier).
- Or save it to a cookie.
I think the easiest way to do it is to use POST variables (is as easy as with GET but you should avoid passing an URL in the url itself).

