Yahoo Maps Setting Smartwindow Dimensions - javascript

I am looking to be able to change the dimensions of smartwindows I have set to appear whenever a given marker is clicked. The default sizing mechanism is not producing windows that are wide enough. Checked the Yahoo Maps API but couldnt find any way to pass dimensions to a smart window. Is it even possible?

couldnt find any solution that would pass parameters to the smartwindow function, but in any case i managed a workaround by setting CSS styles for the html elements i was rendering inside the smart windows. how the dimensions for a smart window are calculated without specifying dimensions for elements within the window is still unclear to me (as it did not reflect standard styling) so in any case if anyone has a more elegant solution additions are still welcome.


SVGPanZoom - Zoom At Element

I would need advice :) I'am using library svg-pan-zoom ( in javascript. I have big technical diagram in SVG.. and my goal is zoom at specific element containing attr "id". I would like have that element in center of window...
In a link/image below it is possible to see how page looks after load...
I tried many different ways but without success... I was not able to achieve the desired result.
Please it would be possible to provide me function for zoom at specific element (to have that element in center of window )
Many many thanks.

XPages client side: listen to and trigger an event (pure CSJS)

I'll try to describe what I'd like to have.
At the moment, I have custom control Desk with:
an Accordion Container (dojo)
several Accordion Panes, of which
one contains custom control Agenda
In custom control Agenda, there's nothing really special, expect for
custom control Tiles
In custom control Tiles, I display meeting info in a nice way, as tiles. There can be multiple tiles on one row. In order to make things looking perfect, I have to spread these tiles over the full line, justified, using CSS (that part works, 99%). What doesn't work is that when the accordion is hidden when the page loads, I have no details on the size of each tile so I can't do my calculations (i.e. offsetWidth==0).
So I have to delay the calculations to when the accordion is activated and onShow is triggered. But how to pass this on downwards, all the way to the custom control Tiles?
Tiles is used in other places too, so it cannot be a fixed reference. It doesn't even know that it's inside an accordion...
How can I call/trigger a function that's inside the Tiles custom control from the top custom control, Desk, in a transparent way?
NB A code example, even an illustrative one, would be very complicated to make (I think).
Could someone give me a push into the right direction? Events and triggers maybe? Pass accordion id down to the Tiles cc and then do something brilliant?
I have a solution right now, but it isn't exactly a beautiful and transparent one.
I gave the Tiles a styleClass="Tiles", and then I can find these Tiles using getElementsByClassName. It's not the proper way, but it's a way, the pragmatic one.

How can I limit an overlay to a specific range?

I want to add an overlay to my editor that will only apply in a given range (e.g. from line 3, column 44 to line 8, column 5).
The problem is that I couldn't come up with any way to find what the current line is in my token() method, since overlays are stateless, so I can't store the current line in the state.
I pored over the extensions in multiplex.js and overlay.js, and tried to grok how nested modes work, but I could not figure out a way to use any of these tools to help me here. Keep in mind I still want this to behave like an overlay, so without disturbing the base mode.
My alternative is to scan elements for the added class and manually modify them, using element.getBoundingClientRect() and cm.coorsChar() to check their position. But this is ugly, needs manual refreshing, and causes bugs when marked elements span across my range boundaries. Any idea on how to solve this properly?
You can't bound an overlay like that. But you also don't have to manually mess with the dom. The markText method provides a more convenient way to style specific pieces of your document.

How to give marker a z-index wild-googlemaps

Probably impossible without using an API, but I'm going to ask anyway because it would save me so much pain and tears.
Is there a way to give a googlemaps marker a z-index without using the API? I've got the plug-in called Wild-Googlemaps implemented on my wordpress site. And I've created a googlemaps div, with an overlaying div set to opacity:0.7 for styling purposes.
Now I've lost the ability to click the marker, so I need to somehow change its z-index.
Anyone had this problem or has any ideas? Much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You cannot do that without accessing API.
By default all markers are created as a part of a map canvas and you cannot access them (they don't belong to the DOM tree). You could do that after turning off optimized parameter passed during creation of the marker (take a look at
description of marker parameters), but this require access to API.

iOS-style formatting callout using Rangy

I'm looking at Rangy ( and it seems it has a bunch of DOM utilities but I don't understand them without examples. So I'm turning to SO with my ideas and hopefully you guys can show me how this can be done:
What I need to do with Rangy is use it to find the position and dimensions of the selection. I want to get the frame or Rect of the selection, whether relative to the document or parent element. Then I can position my callout accordingly.
I believe the demo that comes with Rangy already illustrates what you want. specifically inside showSelectionPosition function
Considering the fact that selection may be spread across multiple elements, it'd be best to use the coordinates of either startSelEl or endSelEl to anchor your callout to the beginning or end of a selection.
There is an embryonic, unreleased Rangy module I wrote for getting pixel coordinates of a selection or range. Unfortunately the difficulty of getting this working properly in all browsers and all situations has put me off completing it and I have essentially abandoned it. However, if you add a bit more detail about what you're trying to do I may be able to suggest something.

