javascript & jQuery scope question - javascript

I have the following method:
function priceRange(FESTIVALID){
url : '/actions/festheads.cfc?method=getPriceRangeByGUID',
type : 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
success : function(data) {"AJAX:qPrices",data.MINPRICE);
formatedPriceRange = '$ '+data.MINPRICE;"AJAX:formatedPriceRange", formatedPriceRange);
return formatedPriceRange;
The second correctly displays the formatedPriceRange,
but outside the function is undefined.
how can I access this variable out side the priceRange function?

It's normal, that's how AJAX works. It's asynchronous, meaning that the jQuery.ajax function returns immediately and in this case formatedPriceRange hasn't yet been assigned a value and once the server responds (which can be for example 10 seconds later), the success callback is invoked and the variable is assigned a value.
So always consume the results of your AJAX requests inside the success callback function.
You also have the possibility to pass the async: false option to your jQuery.ajax call which will perform a synchronous request to the server and block until the result is retrieved. Obviously this will lead to your browser freezing during the execution of the request. So it would no longer be AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript And Xml) but SJAX (Synchronous Javascript and Xml).

You have to make sure that the AJAX request finishes before you access the price range data.
You need to expose the price range data outside the scope of the success function.
Here's how you can do it:
function priceRange(FESTIVALID, callback) {
url: '/actions/festheads.cfc?method=getPriceRangeByGUID',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {"AJAX:qPrices", data.MINPRICE);
formatedPriceRange = '$ ' + data.MINPRICE;"AJAX:formatedPriceRange", formatedPriceRange);, formatedPriceRange);
} //success
}); //ajax;
var myFestivalID = 1;
priceRange(myFestivalID, function(priceRange) {
// this code runs when the ajax call is complete
alert('The formatted price range is:' + priceRange);

how can I access this variable out
side the priceRange function?
Like Darin said, you have to use your results in the success callback function.
Assuming you're using your current function like this:
var range = priceRange(festivalId);
// ... doing stuff with range variable
You'll want reorganize your code so that anything you do with the range variable stems from the success callback. For example, you can create a function to handle updating the UI with the new range:
function handleRangeVariabe(range) {
/// ... do stuff with range variable
Call it from success:
success: function(data) {"AJAX:qPrices",data.MINPRICE);
formatedPriceRange = '$ '+data.MINPRICE;"AJAX:formatedPriceRange", formatedPriceRange);

Flower the steps of sample Code:
//declare function
function priceRange(FESTIVALID, functionCallBack){
//1º step
url : '/actions/festheads.cfc?method=getPriceRangeByGUID',
type : 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
success : function(data) {
//3º step, because this function will only trigger when server responds to request
//handle data in other function
//more code
//2º step
//no return value, because this method no know when the data will return of server
//return formatedPriceRange;
var formatedPriceRange;
//using function
princeRange(1 , function(data){"AJAX:qPrices",data.MINPRICE);
formatedPriceRange = '$ '+data.MINPRICE;"AJAX:formatedPriceRange", formatedPriceRange);


multiple ajax async not in order and need synchronous behavior

Sorry, My first language is not English. I am not sure that if I explain my question properly.
My code is like a main function have two ajax functions (Use ajax function to get foursquare API)
all other codes
the ajax2() function has to get result from ajax1() as input and then return result(actually result was pushed in to global array).
all other codes should be processed after two ajax functions are finished. I tried the asyn: false but it is not working. My html file include newest jquery like this
<script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script>
I try the jquery function $.when().done() function and the first ajax works. However, the second ajax() function was in the for loop. The for loop will destroy the mechanism of $.when().done() function:
first ajax: in firstjson function
Second ajax: in transfer function
function firstjson(tmpName,tmpLoc,PhotoJson,foursq){
return $.ajax({
type: 'GET',
url: foursq,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(json) {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var resultname = json['response']['venues'][i].name;
var resultlocation = json['response']['venues'][i].location;
var resultlat =;
var resultlng = resultlocation.lng;
var tmpmarker = new google.maps.LatLng(resultlat,resultlng)
var resultid = json['response']['venues'][i].id;
var tmpPhotoJason = ''+ resultid +'/photos?';
function transfer(PhotoJson,PhotoURL){
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
return $.ajax({
type: 'GET',
url: PhotoJson[i],
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(json) {
resultphoto = json['response']['photos']['items'];
photoprefix = resultphoto[i].prefix;
photopresuffix = resultphoto[i].suffix;
photourl = photoprefix+"150x150" + photopresuffix;
all other codes!!!!
//PhotoURL is global array
So the first "when" function work properly. alert("test1") work after the firstjson was done. However the for loop inside transfer function will break the when function. How can I fix the problem. Please help me. I will appreciate you can give me any related information. Thanks!!!
This will execute ajax2 after ajax1
function anotherMethod(){
//Here you do all that you want to do after the last $ajax call
As you are returning a promise from the first with the "return $ajax..."
So you organice your code like this:
in methods with ajax calls you return the call as you are doing now
return $.ajax();
that returns a promise that you chain.
And you put what you want to do in another method so you call it in the last "then".
Non-Blocking Example
You should use non-blocking code. You can turn async off (async: false) but this can easily be done in a non-blocking manor using callback functions.
function main(){
$.ajax({ // First ajax call (ajax1)
url: "first/ajax/url",
type: "GET", // POST or GET
data: {}, // POST or GET data being passed to first URL
success: function(x){ // Callback when request is successfully returned
// x is your returned data
$.ajax({ // Second ajax call (ajax2)
url: "second/ajax/url",
type: "GET", // POST or GET
data: {
thatThing: x
}, // POST or GET data passed to second URL
success: function(y){
// y is your second returned data
// all other codes that use y should be here
This would be the non-blocking approach, nest your function within "success" callback functions. Nest ajax2 within ajax1's "success" callback to ensure that ajax2 is not executed before ajax1 has returned and nest your "all other codes" inside the "success" callback of ajax2 to ensure they are not executed until ajax2 has returned.
Blocking Example
If you absolutely must (please avoid at all cost) you can disable async which will block all JavaScript code from executing until the ajax has returned. This may cause your browser to temporarily freeze until the ajax request has returned (depending on the browser).
function main(){
var x = ajax1();
var y = ajax2(x);
window["y"] = y; // push to global as you requested but why?
// All other codes that can now use y
function ajax1(){
var x;
url: "first/ajax/url",
async: false,
type: "GET", // POST or GET,
data: {}, // POST or GET data being passed to first URL
success: function(r){x=r}
return x;
function ajax2(x){
var y;
url: "second/ajax/url",
async: false,
type: "GET", // POST or GET,
data: {
thatThing: x
}, // POST or GET data being passed to second URL
success: function(r){y=r}
return y;
Once again I stress, try not to disable async that will cause your code to block and is BAD code. If you absolutely 100% have to for some reason than than it can be done but you should attempt to learn how to write non-blocking code using callbacks as the first example does.
Social Network Example
Now I'll do an example of an ajax call to get an array of your friends IDs, and then a series of ajax calls to get each of your friends profiles. The first ajax will get the list, the second will get their profiles and store then, and then when all profiles have been retrieved some other code can be ran.
For this example, the url{userID}/friends/ retrieves an Object with a list of friends IDs for a particular user, and{userID}/profile/ gets any users profile.
Obviously this is a simplified api as you will probably need to first establish a connection with a apikey and get a token for this connection and the token would likely need to be passed to the api uris but I think it should still illustrate the point.
function getFriends(userID, callback){
url: ""+userID+"/friends/",
success: function(x){
var counter = 0;
var profiles = [];
for(var i=0;i<x.friendIDs.length;i++){
url: ""+x.friendIDs[i]+"/profile/",
success: function(profile){
if(counter == x.friendIDs.length) callback(profiles);
getFreinds("dustinpoissant", function(friends){
// Do stuff with the 'friends' array here
This example is "Non-blocking", if this example were done in a "blocking" way then we would ask for 1 friends profile, then wait for its response, then request the next and wait and so on. If we had hundreds of friends you can see how this would take a very long time for all ajax calls to complete. In this example, which is non-blocking, all requests for profiles are made at the same time (within 1ms) and then can all be returned at almost exactly the same time and a counter is used to see if we have gotten responses from all the requests. This is way way way faster than using the blocking method especially if you have lots of friends.

Parallel Ajax Calls in Javascript/jQuery

I am completely new to Javascript/jquery world and need some help. Right now, I am writing one html page where I have to make 5 different Ajax calls to get the data to plot graphs. Right now, I am calling these 5 ajax calls like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
area0Obj = $.parseJSON($.ajax({
url : url0,
async : false,
dataType : 'json'
area1Obj = $.parseJSON($.ajax({
url : url1,
async : false,
dataType : 'json'
area4Obj = $.parseJSON($.ajax({
url : url4,
async : false,
dataType : 'json'
// some code for generating graphs
)} // closing the document ready function
My problem is that in above scenario, all the ajax calls are going serially. That is, after 1 call is complete 2 starts, when 2 completes 3 starts and so on .. Each Ajax call is taking roughly around 5 - 6 sec to get the data, which makes the over all page to be loaded in around 30 sec.
I tried making the async type as true but in that case I dont get the data immediately to plot the graph which defeats my purpose.
My question is:
How can I make these calls parallel, so that I start getting all this data parallely and my page could be loaded in less time?
Thanks in advance.
Using jQuery.when (deferreds):
$.when( $.ajax("/req1"), $.ajax("/req2"), $.ajax("/req3") ).then(function(resp1, resp2, resp3){
// plot graph using data from resp1, resp2 & resp3
callback function only called when all 3 ajax calls are completed.
You can't do that using async: false - the code executes synchronously, as you already know (i.e. an operation won't start until the previous one has finished).
You will want to set async: true (or just omit it - by default it's true). Then define a callback function for each AJAX call. Inside each callback, add the received data to an array. Then, check whether all the data has been loaded (arrayOfJsonObjects.length == 5). If it has, call a function to do whatever you want with the data.
Let's try to do it in this way:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(document).ready(function() {
var area0Obj = {responseText:''};
var area1Obj = {responseText:''};
var area2Obj = {responseText:''};
var url0 = 'http://someurl/url0/';
var url1 = 'http://someurl/url1/';
var url2 = 'http://someurl/url2/';
var getData = function(someURL, place) {
type : 'POST',
dataType : 'json',
url : someURL,
success : function(data) {
place.responseText = data;
getData(url0, area0Obj);
getData(url1, area1Obj);
getData(url2, area2Obj);
if server side will be smth. like this:
public function url0() {
$answer = array(
array('smth' => 1, 'ope' => 'one'),
array('smth' => 8, 'ope' => 'two'),
array('smth' => 5, 'ope' => 'three')
public function url1() {
$answer = array('one','two','three');
public function url2() {
$answer = 'one ,two, three';
So there, as you can see, created one function getData() for getting data from server and than it called 3 times. Results will be received in asynchronous way so, for example, first can get answer for third call and last for first call.
Console answer will be:
"one ,two, three"
PS. please read this: there you can clearly see info about async. There default async param value = true.
By default, all requests are sent asynchronously (i.e. this is set to true by default). If you need synchronous requests, set this option to false. Cross-domain requests and dataType: "jsonp" requests do not support synchronous operation. Note that synchronous requests may temporarily lock the browser, disabling any actions while the request is active...
The following worked for me - I had multiple ajax calls with the need to pass a serialised object:
var args1 = {
"table": "users",
"order": " ORDER BY id DESC ",
var args2 = {
"table": "parts",
"order": " ORDER BY date DESC ",
url: args1.local_domain + '/my/restful',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
type: "POST",
dataType : "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
data : JSON.stringify(args1),
error: function(err1) {
alert('(Call 1)An error just happened...' + JSON.stringify(err1));
url: args2.local_domain + '/my/restful',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
type: "POST",
dataType : "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
data : JSON.stringify(args2),
error: function(err2) {
calert('(Call 2)An error just happened...' + JSON.stringify(err2));
).then(function( data1, data2 ) {
data1 = cleanDataString(data1);
data2 = cleanDataString(data2);
console.log("ids" +
console.log("dates" +
function cleanDataString(data){
data = decodeURIComponent(data);
// next if statement was only used because I got additional object on the back of my JSON object
// parsed it out while serialised and then added back closing 2 brackets
if(data !== undefined && data.toString().includes('}],success,')){
temp = data.toString().split('}],success,');
data = temp[0] + '}]';
data = JSON.parse(data);
return data; // return parsed object
In jQuery.ajax you should provide a callback method as below:
url : url0,
async : true,
dataType : 'json',
or you can directly use
jQuery.getJSON(url0, function(data){
You won't be able to handle it like your example. Setting to async uses another thread to make the request on and lets your application continue.
In this case you should utilize a new function that will plot an area out, then use the callback functions of the ajax request to pass the data to that function.
For example:
$(document).ready(function() {
function plotArea(data, status, jqXHR) {
// access the graph object and apply the data.
var area_data = $.parseJSON(data);
url : url0,
async : false,
dataType : 'json',
success: poltArea
url : url1,
async : false,
dataType : 'json',
success: poltArea
url : url4,
async : false,
dataType : 'json',
success: poltArea
// some code for generating graphs
}); // closing the document ready function
It looks like you need to dispatch your request asynchronously and define a callback function to get the response.
The way you did, it'll wait until the variable is successfully assigned (meaning: the response has just arrived) until it proceeds to dispatch the next request. Just use something like this.
url: url,
dataType: 'json',
data: data,
success: function(data) {
area0Obj = data;
This should do the trick.
Here's a solution to your issue:
you may combine all the functionality of the different ajax functions into 1 ajax function, or from 1 ajax function, call the other functions (they would be private/controller side in this case) and then return the result. Ajax calls do stall a bit, so minimizing them is the way to go.
you can also make the ajax functions asynchronous (which then would behave like normal functions), then you can render the graph at the end, after all the functions return their data.

Return result from nested asynchronous ajax call

I need to return the data from an nested ajax call but also need the ajax call to stay asynchronous.
I found some related questions but can't get it to work in the situation below. I assume returnData is being returned before the ajax call is done, but I can't find an solution.
function makeRequest(command, postData){
var returnData;
url: 'call.php?command='+command,
data: postData,
type: 'POST'
returnData = data;
return returnData;
Yes since this call is async returnData is returned immediately. If you need to use returndata pass it to a function in the callback
function makeRequest(command, postData, functionToCallAfterAjax){
var returnData;
url: 'call.php?command='+command,
data: postData,
type: 'POST'
Of course you could pass the function to call as a parameter.
This means that if your code was meant to do:
var returnedData = makeRequest(command, postData);
you should do simply (using the code above)
makeRequest(command, postData, anotherFunction);
and everything will work
You can't. Asynchronous events don't work like that.
The HTTP request is sent, then the function that triggers it continues immediately. The callback won't be fired until the HTTP response has arrived, but which time the calling function will have ended.
You must have your callback (the function you are passing to done()) perform whatever further processing is needed.
You're returning the value of returnData before the .done() function has run. Correct your code by passing the received data to a function for processing:
function makeRequest(command, postData){
url: 'call.php?command='+command,
data: postData,
type: 'POST'

jQuery - Difference between replaceWith making ajax call or vice versa

Suppose I want to make an ajax call to the server and use the response to replace a section of existing document content. Would there be any reason to choose one of these methods over the other?
Option 1 - make the ajax call, and perform the replaceWith from the error/success functions. Example:
type : 'GET',
url : '/some/path/here',
success : function(data) {
// process data here
Option 2 - call replaceWith, passing in a function that makes the ajax call. Example:
var responseData;
type : 'GET',
url : '/some/path/here',
success : function(data) {
// process data here
responseData = processedData; //
return responseData;
Second one is not an option. When you take the function out;
var responseData;
type : 'GET',
url : '/some/path/here',
success : function(data) {
// process data here
responseData = processedData; //
return responseData;
This will return undefined. Cause, when the time function runs and returns, reponseData is undefined. Only, sometime in future, success function executes and sets responseData. However, your replaceWith code has already finished executing.
Go with option 1.
Option 1 is your only choice, as option 2 would not work as the call would execute asynchronously. This means your function would never return anything.
If you are looking to externalise the processing of the data returned from your AJAX call, just set the success parameter as a reference to the function you want to execute:
type: 'GET',
url: '/some/path/here',
success: processData
function processData(data) {
// process data here

waiting for an ajax reply

I have a javascript function called GetRequest() that calls the server with $.ajax() and receives a json string:
function GetRequest(ThePage) {
RequestedPage = parseInt(ThePageNumber,10);
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: "../Pages/MyPage.aspx/GetPage",
data: "{'ThePage':'" + ThePageNumber + "'}",
dataType: "json",
success: function (msg) {
var data = msg.hasOwnProperty("d") ? msg.d : msg;
error: function (xhr, status, error) {
I have a function called ShowData() that calls GetRequest() and must wait until GetRequest receives its data before continuing.
function ShowData() {
//some code that determines the page number
//wait until the data is in
I use GetRequest in several places so I can't use its success function in the context of ShowData.
How do I make my function ShowData pause its execution until GetRequest is finished? I thought of changing the OnSuccessCallBack function and determine which function initially called GetRequest() but I'm not sure on how to best do this.
Thanks for your suggestions.
add a function pass-in to GetRequest like so:
function GetRequest(pageNumber, successCallback){
//I admit this isn't "elegant" but it's most assuredly readable
var callback;
if (successCallback == null) {
callback = //default callback definition here
} else {
callback = successCallback;
//do everything else the same here
//except use the callback defined above
This gives you the flexibility to add in a separate callback handler for the onsuccess
Alternately, do the same as above, but use the "onComplete" handler unless you need the data specifically on the return (it doesn't appear as tho you do).
I'm going to strenuously suggest that you do use callbacks for asynchronous code instead of trying to shoehorn in sync requests. It's much better to just adopt a coding style that revolves around async requests when working in javascript, especially where you're already doing AJAX (which is by definition intended to be async).
Pass async:false along with the ajax options..
type: "POST",
You can make your call only synchronous by using ajax prefilters:
function ShowData() {
//some code that determines the page number
$.ajaxPrefilter( function( options, originalOptions, jqXHR ) {
options.async = false;
//wait until the data is in

