How could I "turn off" a stylesheet? - javascript

I am creating a website for a University assignment and we have to concentrate on the accessability functions. I have successfully managed to use resize text buttons but am looking for a way to turn off a css file via a button or link.
I have scoured the net and cannot seem to find very much, I found a good website that had the button I am looking for so hit F12 but it would not display the javascript for it.
Ideally I would like to achieve it without the use of javascript but if there is no other way then I am open to any help that I can get.
I am sorry if this is a simple question but I really did look hard for an answer but to no avail, I am only a first year student so have a long way to go!

This should work
for ( i=0; i<document.styleSheets.length; i++) {

Here's a good way to do it quickly from javascript:
Precede all of your CSS rules with the tag body.enabled:
body.enabled p {
body.enabled #Myselector {
Declare your markup as such:
<body class="enabled">
In your JavaScript, when you want to disable CSS, remove the class "enabled" from the <body> and switch it with something else (say, "disabled"). Use whatever methodology you see fit to do this (jQuery would make this easy, but it can be done without)
You're not really disabling CSS using this, you're just making it so that none of it applies. From a user's standpoint, they likely won't know the difference.

You can do it server side when the user clicks on a "special" link, your server side code simply "skips" the stylesheets elements.

Are you trying to mimick every feature already designed in browsers (T+, T-, no CSS)? Were you asked to make an accessible website or specifically to implement accessibility features? I understand this is an assignment but that's quite a waste of time IMHO, a time that would be better spent on implementation of WCAG 2.0 recommendation. (I use the "Accessiweb" methodology a lot).
My first idea was to deconstruct existing CSS like Universal IE6 does for IE6 (you just have to remove the conditional comments and aim to every browser) but #kappa solution seems better as in both cases you must have access to source code.


javascript newbie: what's the right way to apply the same behavior to multiple elements?

I'm taking my first adventure with javascript, and totally without my bearings. I'd like to show a thumbnail that opens a modal with a larger view of the picture (and this is really the only front end fanciness I'll need, so I'm trying to keep it simple). I've copied this code from w3schools, which uses getElementById. It works great for the first image on the page but clicking subsequent images doesn't pop anything up. Reading around on stack overflow it sounds like that's because I'm matching on the id, but each element on the page will/should have a different id (which makes sense).
I saw a post here where the person made the ids unique by appending the element's id. I could do something like that, but I (a) wanted to check if that's kosher and (b) then obviously the id will no longer match, so is there some different attribute I would tack on to match up my HTML with my styles? This must be a common problem- what's the right way to apply the same behavior to multiple elements on a page? For example I can give them
UPDATE: based on everyone's feedback below I've modified the code to use getElementByClassName instead of getElementById- see gist here:
If I'm reading the code correctly, then the important lines for me to change are from line 115 to line 116- (to set the image info based on ClassName, not id)- and replacing 'myImg' with popup' in the style lines 5 and 11, but clicking the first image no longer opens the modal, so I missed something. Anyone see what's wrong that I need for it to work?
You should use a class name (the same in all img) instead of ids and then use getElementsByClassName() to fetch all of them, instead of getElementsById() which gets only one (as ids must be unique).
Then, you should store the full size image's url somehow in order to fetch it regardless of which img was clicked. One way may be using data attributes.
<img src="thumb1.jpg" data-fullsize="full1.jpg" class="popup">
<img src="thumb2.jpg" data-fullsize="full2.jpg" class="popup">
<img src="thumb3.jpg" data-fullsize="full3.jpg" class="popup">
var elems=document.getElementsByClassName("popup");
for(var i=0;i<elems.length;i++) {
elems[i].onclick=function() {
var fullsize=this.dataset.fullsize;
//open de popup, fullsize has the clicked image url
Code not tested, for the idea only.
To answer your primary question ID's are "supposed to" [1] be unique so unless you came up with a convention such as a prefix or regex you couldn't easily use them to group elements together.
If you want to group together multiple elements you could use a class, instead, in which case instead of getElementById you'd use getElementsByClassName.
That being said I wouldn't recommend that either; using vanilla JavaScript can be very time-consuming to make a complex application. You will be tempted to merge the UI with all your functionality. This works great for smaller applications but it can become very unruly, particularly if you don't take steps to allow yourself to refactor in the future, in which case you'll be stuck with an application few can easily be trained on and modify.
You are correct to learn the language, though, prior to a framework. JavaScript is especially quirky.
I would suggest if you're looking to create a web application to look into a modern JavaScript framework after learning JavaScript, HTML and CSS. (And focus on having a practice to being able to refactor/upgrade/improve otherwise you'll be stuck in 2016 and it'll be 2020 - you don't have to worry about this immediately, but start learning about how to do that while you're learning the language.)
To find frameworks I would suggest exploring what's out there. Here's an example of one on GitHub. That's probably a hand-coded list. It's also good to explore exhaustive lists, such as just looking at the "most starred" Repositories on GitHub that are written in JavaScript. And of course check elsewhere besides GitHub, too.
I happen to know AngularJS the best and it happens to be one of the most popular but I would recommend for you to explore and find one that has syntax you like. You might find a different one more intuitive. Here's a plunker that shows how to solve that problem in AngularJS.
Notice how all the functionality is separate from the UI and how declarative it is - the main directive has no idea how the images are being rendered - it just says here are some image url's and descriptions:
scope.images = [{
url: '',
description: 'Trolltunga, Norway'
url: '',
description: 'Other Description'
url: '',
description: 'Another Description'
This is what initializes the app: <html ng-app="plunker"> and <main></main> is akin to the "main method" in that it is the component that calls all the other components.
It's much easier to test an app's functionality if you're careful to separate out the presentation concerns from the rest of the app. It will take a while to learn JavaScript and probably any framework, though, so don't expect too much too soon if you're just getting your hands wet in JavaScript - but if you've programmed for a while you already know this :)
(Disclaimer: What I did isn't necessarily the "best practices" as I tried to simplify it a bit so as to not overwhelm OP too much with information, although the added complexity is useful in more advanced scenarios.)
[1] "Supposed to" meaning browsers may do their best to render a page, even it isn't "compliant" HTML. Web Applications suffer from having to have the same code work on different browsers, operating systems and versions of each all implementing the standards (or choosing not to) differently. It's a nightmare if you haven't ran into it, yet.

Use one file to display to lots of webpages

I'm building a simple webpage. However there are a few dozen sub pages. The way this guy organises his business means the phone number is constantly changing between those in charge of taking calls any given week. Is there a way I can change a single line of text (say in a css file) and have the phone number posted on all the sub pages change every week according to who is in charge of taking the calls?
Since then I've learned just enough to change the template from a messy html/table code to a more streamlined look to the code using css.
You COULD potentially do it via the ::after pseudo-element if this fits your browser support profile:
Note that IE8 (the only 'common' browser without support of ::after instead of :after) is EOL early next year (and there will be much rejoicing).
While this is an absolutely terrible way of doing this- you're supposed to use CSS for presentation not information, I'm not gonna tell you don't if this is just a temporary hack to save yourself a headache while you implement something less terrible.
Sample of how-to:
Call <span class="data-onCallPhnNum"></span> for help.
Should note that the primary disadvantage of this is that there is no fallback if the browser cannot render the ::after pseudoelement.
Better yet, you could include a Javascript file like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="phonenum.js"></script>
and having the js in phonenum.js (and its expected HTML use) be:
var phnNum = "(555)-555-5555";
var phnLnks = document.getElementsByClassName("data-onCallPhnNum");
for(var i = phnLnks.length >>> 0; i--;){
phnLnks[i].href = "tel:" + phnNum;
phnLnks[i].innerHTML = phnNum;
Call the number listed on our contact page for assistance.
This would accomplish the same thing, only not work on browsers with js turned off, has a natural fallback, has a clickable phone number for mobile viewers, and isn't using CSS for information.
You should still eventually move this into a database and have the number pulled server side, but for a hack to save on headaches before that real solution's ready, either'll do.
EDIT NOTE: Beers go to CBroe for suggesting the tel: protocol and the formalization of the fallback.
There are two other options, neither on is strictly an HTML solution.
Server Side Includes are one option, though they are falling out of favor.
Another option is using a server-side template system, such as PHP.

More elegant <noscript> solution?

The <noscript> tag can be used to display a message if the user has scripting turned off - but is there any way in which it can be used to contain a conditional (html) statement, or more complicated coding?
Edit: Sorry, perhaps I wasn't clear; I have nothing against the noscript tag itself - but was wondering about the upward limitations of its usage? As far as I have seen, its usage has been merely to tell people to turn scripting on. I'm thinking about potential in terms of accessibility.
What's wrong with <noscript>? It can contain anything you'd want. From entire layouts, to <style> elements to a big fat warning message.
Obviously, you can't use JavaScript inside of it, but aside from that, you can do anything.
You could do this:
<div id="removeIfJS">Sorry, but javascript is disabled</div>
var sorry = document.getElementById("removeIfJS");
Stick to the noscript tag because it's the standard method to solve things. Search engines knows how to deal with it, screen readers know to deal with it and people that have turned javascript off will see a fancy warning/message (with some CSS).
BTW: You cannot do any fancy stuff if scripting is turned off as well.
In a noscript tag you can use all elements that are allowed directly in a body tag. See the link you provided for details.

Designing a website for both javascript script support and not support

Okay i know that it's important for your website to work fine with javascript disabled.
In my opinion one way to start thinking about how to design such websites is to detect javascript at the homepage and if it's not enabled redirect to another version of website that does not javascript code and works with pure html (like gmail)
Another method that i have in mind is that for example think of a X (close button) on a dialog box on a webpage. What if pressing the X without any javascript interference lead to sending a request to the server and in the server side we hide that dialog next time we are rendering the page, And also we bind a javascript function to onclick of the link and in case of the javascript enabled it will hide the dialog instantly.
What do you think of this? How would you design a website to support both?
One way to deal with this is to :
First, create the site, without any javascript
Then, when every works, add javascript enhancements where suitable
This way, if JS is disabled, the "first" version of the site still works.
You can do exactly the same with CSS, naturally -- there is even one "CSS Naked Day" each day, showing what websites look like without CSS ^^
One example ?
You have a standard HTML form, that POSTs data to your server when submitted, and the re-creation of the page by the server displays a message like "thanks for subscriving"
You then add some JS + Ajax stuff : instead of reloading the whole page while submitting the form, you do an Ajax request, that only send the data ; and, in return, it displays "thanks for subscribing" without reloading the page
In this case, if javascript is disabled, the first "standard" way of doing things still works.
This is (part of) what is called Progressive enhancement
The usual method is what's called progressive enhancement.
Basically you take a simple HTML website, with regular forms.
The next enhancement is CSS - you make it look good.
Then you can enhance it further with Javascript - you can add or remove elements, add effects and so on.
The basic HTML is always there for old browsers (or those with script blockers, for example).
For example a form to post a comment might look like this:
<form action="post-comment.php" method="post" id="myForm">
<input type="text" name="comment">
Then you can enhance it with javascript to make it AJAXy
Ideally the AJAX callback should use the same code as post-comment.php - either by calling the same file or via include, then you don't have to duplicate code.
In terms, it is not important to make your site work with JavaScript disabled. People who disable JavaScript are people who want to hack bugs into your site, they don't deserve to navigate it correctly. Don't waste your efforts with them. Everybody know the Web is unsurfable without JavaScript.
The only thing you have to be careful is about your forms: Don't ever trust filters in JavaScript, Always filter it again on server-side, ALWAYS!
Use Progressive Enhancement, study jquery to understand it. It takes some time till you get your head around it. For example your idea:
to detect javascript at the homepage
and if it's not enabled redirect to
another version of website that does
not javascript code and works with
pure html
how would you detect if javascript is disabled? not with javascript, obivously...
you're thinking the wrong way round: the most basic version has to be the default version, and then, if you detect more advanced capabilities, you can use them.
Try to avoid separate versions for different bowsers/capabilities for as long as you can. It's so much work to keep all versions in sync and up-do-date.
Some good ressources to get you started:
Understanding Progressive Enhancement
Progressive Enhancement with JavaScript
Test-Driven Progressive Enhancement
The best way is to design a page that works adequately without JS. Then add a <script> block at the bottom of the <body> section with code like this:
window.onload = function() {
// Do DOM manipulations to add JS functionality here. For instance...
document.getElementById('someInputField').onchange = function() {
// Do stuff here that you can't do in HTML, like on-the-fly validation
Study the jQuery examples. They show lots of things like this. This is called "unobtrusive JavaScript". Google for that to find more examples.
EDIT: The jQuery version of the above is:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Do DOM manipulations to add JS functionality here. For instance...
$('#someInputField').change(function() {
// Do stuff here that you can't do in HTML, like on-the-fly validation
I added this just to show the lower verbosity of jQuery vs. standard DOM manipulation. There is a minor difference between window.onload and document.ready, discussed in the jQuery docs and tutorials.
What you're aiming for is progressive enhancement. I'd go about this by first designing the site without the JavaScript and, once it works, start adding your JavaScript events via a library such as jQuery so that the behaviour of the site is completely separate from the presentation. This way you can provide a higher level of functionality and polish for those who have JavaScript enabled in their browsers and those who don't.

Why Stackoverflow binds user actions dynamically with javascript?

Checking the HTML source of a question I see for instance:
<a id="comments-link-xxxxx" class="comments-link">add comment</a><noscript> JavaScript is needed to access comments.</noscript>
And then in the javascript source:
// Setup our click events..
$().ready(function() {
$("a[id^='comments-link-']").click(function() {$(this).attr("id").substr("comments-link-".length)); });
It seems that all the user click events are binded this way.
The downsides of this approach are obvious for people browsing the site with no javascript but, what are the advantages of adding events dynamically whith javascript over declaring them directly?
You don't have to type the same string over and over again in the HTML (which if nothing else would increase the number of typos to debug)
You can hand over the HTML/CSS to a designer who need not have any javascript skills
You have programmatic control over what callbacks are called and when
It's more elegant because it fits the conceptual separation between layout and behaviour
It's easier to modify and refactor
On the last point, imagine if you wanted to add a "show comments" icon somewhere else in the template. It'd be very easy to bind the same callback to the icon.
Attaching events via the events API instead of in the mark-up is the core of unobtrusive javascript. You are welcome to read this wikipedia article for a complete overview of why unobtrusive javascripting is important.
The same way that you separate styles from mark-up you want to separate scripts from mark-up, including events.
I see this as one of the fundamental principals of good software development:
The separation of presentation and logic.
HTML/CSS is a presentation language essentially. Javascript is for creating logic. It is a good practice to separate any logic from your presentation if possible.
This way you can have a light-weight page where you can handle all your actions via javascript. Instead of having to use loads of different urls and actions embedded into the page, just write one javascript function that finds the link, and hooks it up, no matter where on the page you dump that 'comment' link.
This saves loads of repeating html :)
The only advantage I see is a reduction of the page size, and thus a lower bandwith need.
Edit: As I'm being downvoted, let met explain a more my answer.
My point is that, using a link as an empty anchor is just a bad practice, nothing else! Of course separation of JavaScript logic from HTML is great. Of course it's easier to refactor and debug. But here, it's against the main principle of unobtrusive JavaScript: Gracefull degradation!
A good solution would be to have to possible call of the comments: one through a REAL link that will point to a simple page showing the comment and another which returns only the comments (in a JSON notation or similar format) with the purpose of being called through AJAX to be injected directly in the main page.
Doing so, the method using the AJAX method should also take care of cancelling the other call, to avoid that the user is redirected to the simple page. That would be Unobtrusive JavaScript. Here it's just JavaScript put on a misused anchor tag.

