Yet another JS newbie question - javascript

I just want to have a function VK.Share.Count(param1,param2) and property VK.Share.WorkUrl.
VK.Share.WorkUrl must be available from VK.Share.Count function. What is best way to do it? Can i just write:
VK.Share.Count = function(a,b) {
VK.Share.WorkUrl = "sdfgfgadf";
VK.Share.WorkUrl = "lalalala";

var vk={
var vk={}

You example will work and this will also work, if you are always calling the Count function like this VK.Share.Count();
VK.Share.Count = function(a,b) { this.WorkUrl = "foobar"; }
VK.Share.WorkUrl = "123";


Javascript - can Array.prototype.find take a parameter to search for

I am looking at the documentation here but can not find what I am looking for.
What I would like to achieve is something like this:
var valueToSearchFor = "something"
function SearchArray(currentIndex, valueToSearchFor){
return currentIndex.PropertyName === valueToSearchFor;
var attribute = myArray.find(SearchArray(valueToSearchFor));
rather than:
var valueToSearchFor = "something"
function SearchArray(currentIndex){
return currentIndex.PropertyName === valueToSearchFor;
var attribute = myArray.find(SearchArray);
In my case the valueToSearchFor is not thread safe. Am I missing something?
I'm not sure what you mean by:
in my case the valueToSearchFor is not thread safe
But regardless, you can still achieve this kind of functionality with currying:
var valueToSearchFor = "something";
function createSearchArray (valueToSearchFor) {
return function (currentIndex) {
return currentIndex.PropertyName === valueToSearchFor;
var attribute = myArray.find(createSearchArray(valueToSearchFor));
The idea here is to create the function you're looking for using your valueToSearchFor variable. We then return this function to .find().

Closure for static values in Javascript

I have a question. We all know the power of closures in Javascript and I want to use this power. Lets say I have a an object named "BRB". WHat I wanted to is whenever user calls the method getBrowser() for the very first time it will find out browser version/name whatever and return it and also store it inside itself as static when getBrowser() called second time it should return the same value without calculation since it is already statically stored somewhere. This can be done in many different ways, we can just store a property in the object and in the first call we can set some values for it and use it later, we can run getBrowser method directly when object is created in the syntax as
However, this is not what I want. All I want is getBrowser() method to calculate the value only once and use it all the time, I dont want to store the value inside the object somewhere else and I dont want to run this method right away when object is created, I'm allowed to use only and only this method and all action must take place in this one method. I put here an example, as you see it will always print out "0" but what I want is it prints 0,1,2,3 for each console.log request. I hope I made myself clear. Thanks.
if(window.BRB) return;
var BRB = function(){}
BRB.prototype.getBrowser = function(){
var browser = null;
return function(){
if(browser === null){
browser = 0;
return browser++;
window.BRB = new BRB();
Your requirements are kinda strange. Is this what you're looking for? It works by creating a property on the getBrowser function itself:
if(window.BRB) return;
var BRB = function(){}
BRB.prototype.getBrowser = function(){
if(typeof this.getBrowser.browser == "undefined"){
return this.getBrowser.browser = 0;
} else {
return ++this.getBrowser.browser;
window.BRB = new BRB();
You should define the browser variable in another place:
if(window.BRB) return;
var browser = null;
var BRB = function(){}
BRB.prototype.getBrowser = function(){
if(browser === null){
browser = 0;
return browser++;
window.BRB = new BRB();
And if you are able to assign an object instead of function to getBrowser:
if(window.BRB) return;
var BRB = function(){}
BRB.prototype.getBrowser = {
browser: null,
get: function() {
if(this.browser === null){
this.browser = 0;
return this.browser++;
window.BRB = new BRB();
You probably intended for the getBrowser method to be an IIFE closure for the result:
BRB.prototype.getBrowser = (function(){
var browser = null;
return function(){
if(browser === null){
browser = 0;
return browser++;
This way the browservariable is not reinitialized on each function call.
You could use a property instead of a variable scoped in a closure for the browser value:
BRB.prototype.getBrowser = function() {
this.browser = 0;
return this.browser++;

Javascript concatenate a function similar to how text can be added

In javscript we can do this
var text = "the original text";
text+=";Add this on";
If a library has a function already defined (e.g)
//In the js library
library.somefunction = function() {...};
Is there a way to add something on so that I can have two functions run?
var myfunction = function() {...};
Something like:
library.somefunction += myfunction
So that both myfunction() and the original library.somefunction() are both run?
You can use this kind of code (leave scope empty to use default scope):
var createSequence = function(originalFn, newFn, scope) {
if (!newFn) {
return originalFn;
else {
return function() {
var result = originalFn.apply(scope || this, arguments);
newFn.apply(scope || this, arguments);
return result;
var sequence = createSequence(library.somefunction, myFunction);
I think what you want to create is a Hook (function) - you want to call library.somefunction but add a bit of your own code to run before. If that's the case, you can make your myfunction either call or return the library function after it's done with your bit of code.
var myfunction = function() {
// your code
// ...
return library.somefunction();

Javascript chaining and variable substitute

I am trying to get javascript chaining to work using variable substitution. Not able to get it work. Help appreciated.
var Class = function() { = function() {
return this;
this.two = function() {
return this;
if (this instanceof Class) {
return this.Class;
} else {
return new Class();
var test = new Class();
// this works;
var func = '.one().two()';
// want to make this work
there is no function with the name '.one().two()'
Try this,
I believe you are using this for learning purpose only and not on production site.
Highly not recommended. You might want to try an array instead:
var funcs = ['one','two'];
for(var i = 0; i < funcs.length; i++) {
you can then wrap this into a little function:
function callChain(obj, funcs)
for(var i = 0; i < funcs.length; i++) {
return obj;
Edit: If your chain is stored as a string: .one().two(), you can use the split & string functions to generate the array dynamically.
Well, what you are asking for is far from best practice - so I will give you an unpopular answer - use eval.
If your input is general code as string, you don't really have any other option (specifically when your functions have parameters - .one(1 + 0.5).two(new Date())).
For example, to your Class, add:
this.excecute = function(commands){
eval('this' + commands);
And then:
test.excecute('.one().two(4 * 5)');
Working example:
This emits the warning "eval is evil" (jslint, I think) - but I do not believe functions can be evil.
Even worse, what if you had the string 'one(); two(4 * 5);'?
You can make that work as well, using with:
this.excecute = function(commands){
This has an extra warning: "Don't use 'with'" - They really have something against us today, don't they?
Working example:
Thank you all for prompt help. I ended up settling upon Ben Rowe suggestion.
var funcs = ['one','two'];
for(var i = 0; i < funcs.length; i++) {
It fitted my requirement nicely. Appreciate all for the help. You all are wonderful.
You could add a method to the constructor:
this.chain = function chain(){
if (arguments.length && /\./.test(arguments[0])) {
return chain.apply(this,arguments[0].split('.'));
var methods = [],
method = methods.shift();
if(this[method] instanceof Function){
if (methods.length){
return this;
// now you could do something like:
Or extend Object.prototype
Object.prototype.chain = function chain(){
if (arguments.length && /\./.test(arguments[0])) {
return chain.apply(this,arguments[0].split('.'));
var methods = [],
method = methods.shift();
if(this[method] && this[method] instanceof Function){
if (methods.length){
return this;
// usage
({one:function(){console.log('I am one');},
two:function(){console.log('I am two');}})
I think a simpler approach is to use javascript's array reduce function.
I needed this for some dynamic jquery stuff I was writing. Once you have your array of chain-able methods you could easily do the following.
var methods = ['next', 'child', 'parent'];
var element = methods.reduce(function(method){
return $(selector)[method]();
console.log(element) //works! as all method names in methods array are applied and returned each iteration.
For my case the accepted answer did not work for me it seems to only return the passed obj and not the obj plus it's chained methods.

scratching my head over "this" statement in javascript. anyone help please

Ok after a day I managed to narrow down the problem to 2 lines of code. Maybe I am trying to use the this statement incorrectly.
function scheduleItemView(myId){
this.update = function(show){
document.getElementById('-title').innerHTML = show.title +": "+ show.startDate;
document.getElementById('-title-overlay').innerHTML = show.title +": "+ show.startDate;
document.getElementById('-description').innerHTML = truncate(show.description,190);
document.getElementById('-time-start').innerHTML = show.startTime;
document.getElementById('-time-end').innerHTML = show.endTime;
return true;
function nowNextView(){ = new scheduleItemView('now'); = new scheduleItemView('next');
this.update = function(type,args){
var myshow=args[0];
// problem is below. I have to use the global name to access the update method.;;
// whereas what I want to do is reference them using the "this" command like below.
// the above doesnt work. The update method in scheduleItemView is not seen unless referenced globally
// BUT even more infuriating, does return "now" so it can access the object, just not the method
// any ideas?
object is then instantiated with
var myNowNextView = new nowNextView();
and then I run the method:
I tried to describe the problem within the body of the program. No error in the code was thrown, and I had to do a try/catch before it grudgingly told me that it couldn't find the method.
Is the design flawed somehow? can I not do this?
Many thanks in advance,
function scheduleItemView(myId){
this.update = function(show){
document.getElementById('-title').innerHTML = show.title +": "+ show.startDate;
document.getElementById('-title-overlay').innerHTML = show.title +": "+ show.startDate;
document.getElementById('-description').innerHTML = truncate(show.description,190);
document.getElementById('-time-start').innerHTML = show.startTime;
document.getElementById('-time-end').innerHTML = show.endTime;
function nowNextView(){
var myshow=args[0];
var scope = this; = new scheduleItemView('now'); = new scheduleItemView('next');
this.update = function(type,args){;;
I think you could really benefit from studying closures a bit in javascript. It seems like you are trying to apply a traditional OO approach to js objects, and that won't give you the results you are expecting.
I would recommend reading over this post for an easy way to use closures:
Something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function createScheduleItemView(myId){
var _show = false
return {
setShow : function setShow(show) {
_show = show
update : function update(){
document.getElementById( myId +'-title').innerHTML = _show.title;
function createNowNextView(){
var _now = createScheduleItemView('now');
var _next = createScheduleItemView('next');
return {
publicVar : "Example",
update : function update(args) {
var myshow=args[0];
function runIt() {
nowNextView = createNowNextView()
args = []
showArgs = {
now : {title : "Beauty and the Beast"},
next : {title: "I did it myyyyyy way"}
//Private variables can not be accessed
//But anything you return in the object is public
<body onload="runIt()">
<h3>Now Showing:</h3>
<p id="now-title"></p>
<h3>Up Next:</h3>
<p id="next-title"></p>

