Hide download link for 10 seconds? js - javascript

hey, how can I have my download link hidden, and make a count down type thing. Maybe have it count down from 10 and once it's done that have the download link appear, it would be best to do it in js right?
does anyone know how to do this? :D

Complete example:
<span id="countdown"></span>
<a id="download_link" href="download.zip" style="display:none;">Download</a>
<noscript>JavaScript needs to be enabled in order to be able to download.</noscript>
<script type="application/javascript">
var message = "%d seconds before download link appears";
// seconds before download link becomes visible
var count = 10;
var countdown_element = document.getElementById("countdown");
var download_link = document.getElementById("download_link");
var timer = setInterval(function(){
// if countdown equals 0, the next condition will evaluate to false and the else-construct will be executed
if (count) {
// display text
countdown_element.innerHTML = "You have to wait %d seconds.".replace("%d", count);
// decrease counter
} else {
// stop timer
// hide countdown
countdown_element.style.display = "none";
// show download link
download_link.style.display = "";
}, 1000);

You can use setInterval for this. setInterval behaves like a timer, where you can run a certain function periodically. Something like this should do the work(untested):
var iteration = 0;
var timer = setInterval(function() {
if(iteration++ >= 10) {
$(".counter").text(10 - iteration);
}, 1000);
This will initially hide the download link and run a function every second which counts down from 10. When we reaced ten, we hide the counter and show the link. ClearTimeout is used so that we don't count after we reached ten. Easy as dell.
Edit: As mentioned in the comments, this function is using jQuery to find the elements.

Take a look at the setTimeout function. You can do something like:
function displayLink() {
document.getElementById('link_id').style.display = 'block';
setTimeout(displayLink, 10000);

var DOWNLOAD_BUTTON_ID = "btnDownload";
if (document.body.addEventListener) {
document.body.addEventListener("load", displayDownloadButton, false);
} else {
document.body.onload = displayDownloadButton;
function displayDownloadButton(event) {
setTimeout(function() {
_e(DOWNLOAD_BUTTON_ID).style.display = "";
function _e(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);


JavaScript Timeout reset mechanism

What I want:
There are two pictures that are being switched/swapped every three seconds.
I want to make it so that when the button is clicked, the picture switches and the auto-swap resets. So if the button is clicked, the image swaps and three seconds later, it will auto-swap, until the button is clicked again in which the cycle will repeat.
What I have right now
Currently, the problem is that: when the button is clicked, it messes up the timing of the auto-switches.
Please don't create a new code base. Just modify mines. The code doesn't have to be an expert super concise level. I'm only three weeks into JavaScript (and it's my first programming language). I have to explain to classmates and it wouldn't be nice the code had elements I don't understand. So sorry for the inconvenience.
Right now I just need the button to correctly stop and restart the time.
let reset = setTimeout(change, 3000);
function change() {
if(document.getElementById("picture").src == "https://images.pexels.com/photos/248797/pexels-photo-248797.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350") {
document.getElementById("picture").src = "https://images.pexels.com/photos/67636/rose-blue-flower-rose-blooms-67636.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350";
else {
document.getElementById("picture").src = "https://images.pexels.com/photos/248797/pexels-photo-248797.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350";
setTimeout(change, 3000);
function fastChange() {
if(document.getElementById("picture").src == "https://images.pexels.com/photos/248797/pexels-photo-248797.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350") {
document.getElementById("picture").src = "https://images.pexels.com/photos/67636/rose-blue-flower-rose-blooms-67636.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350";
else {
document.getElementById("picture").src = "https://images.pexels.com/photos/248797/pexels-photo-248797.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350";
<input type="button" onclick="fastChange();">
<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/248797/pexels-photo-248797.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350" id="picture">
The reason why your timer resets is because you are not clearing the timeout.
you need to make a reference to the timeout and then use clearTimeout() on it whne you make the fast change. I don't think it is possible or wise to do that inline the way you have it so you code needs to be refactored
let imgSrc1 = 'https://images.pexels.com/photos/248797/pexels-photo-248797.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350'
let imgSrc2 = 'https://images.pexels.com/photos/67636/rose-blue-flower-rose-blooms-67636.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350'
let imgElement = document.getElementById('picture');
let timeout;
function change() {
if(imgElement.src === imgSrc1) {
imgElement.src = imgSrc2;
} else {
imgElement.src = imgSrc1;
if (timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(change, 3000);
You don't even need the second function fastChange. Now you can sent the onClick listener to change() like this
document.getElementById('whatever you want to click').onCLick = change;
Setting and clearing timeouts in multiple places will work, but I prefer using a "main loop" and a variable to count frames.
Here's an example that uses setInterval and resets a timer variable when the button was clicked:
const url1 = "https://images.pexels.com/photos/248797/pexels-photo-248797.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350";
const url2 = "https://images.pexels.com/photos/67636/rose-blue-flower-rose-blooms-67636.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350";
function change() {
picture.src = picture.src == url1 ? url2 : url1;
var timer = 0;
setInterval(function() {
time.textContent = timer;
if (timer === 30) fastChange();
}, 100);
function fastChange() {
timer = 0;
picture.src = url1;
swap.onclick = fastChange;
#picture {
height: 70vh
<button id="swap">SWAP</button> <span id="time"></span><br>
<img id="picture">
You can do this by calling setTimeout and updating the index as necessary. Just be sure to store the most recent timeout id so that it can be cancelled on reset using clearTimeout.
// store the reference to the <img> that contains the picture
const pic = document.getElementById('picture')
// store a list (array) of the two picture urls
const sources = [
// used to store a reference to the interval timer you created.
var lastTimer
// a starting index of the list (i.e. which image we are up to right now)
var index = 1
// this functions swaps the image and sets a timer
function startRotation() {
// update the index to the next one (goes 0-1-0-1->etc)
index = 1 - index
// sets the .src of the image element
pic.src = sources[index]
// starts a 3 second timer to call this same function again
// but also stores a reference to the timer so that it can be cancelled
lastTimer = setTimeout(startRotation, 3000)
// this functions resets the timer and restarts the process
function reset() {
// stop the current timer if there is one
// restart the process
// start the swapping process on start
<input type="button" onclick="reset();">
<img id="picture">
var i;
function change() {
if(document.getElementById("picture").src == "https://images.pexels.com/photos/248797/pexels-photo-248797.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350") {
document.getElementById("picture").src = "https://images.pexels.com/photos/67636/rose-blue-flower-rose-blooms-67636.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350";
else {
document.getElementById("picture").src = "https://images.pexels.com/photos/248797/pexels-photo-248797.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350";
i = setTimeout(change, 3000);
function fastChange() {
if(document.getElementById("picture").src == "https://images.pexels.com/photos/248797/pexels-photo-248797.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350") {
document.getElementById("picture").src = "https://images.pexels.com/photos/67636/rose-blue-flower-rose-blooms-67636.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350";
else {
document.getElementById("picture").src = "https://images.pexels.com/photos/248797/pexels-photo-248797.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350";
i = setTimeout(change, 3000);
<body onload="setTimeout(change, 3000)">
<input type="button" onclick="fastChange();">
<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/248797/pexels-photo-248797.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&h=350" id="picture">

Tryin to do two things in a Loop in Javascript

I wrote a script in Javascript with 2 functions.
Die first shows random pictures in an random position
This works fine
The second script has to "clear up" everthing and put everything back to the Startposition.
My script at this time:
function clearPics(){
function makePics(){
// 1 Step take 5 different Pics
var MAAuswahlArr = [];
var AnzahlAnzeige = 5;
var lauf = AnzahlAnzeige
while (lauf > 0){
var testvar = getRandomInt(0,MAArr.length-1);
if (contains.call(MAAuswahlArr, testvar)){
// 2 Step get 5 of 10 different positions
var BildanzahlMax = 10
var BildanzahlArr = [];
var BildPositionenbesetzt = 5;
lauf = BildPositionenbesetzt;
while (lauf > 0){
var testvar = getRandomInt(0,BildanzahlMax);
if (contains.call(BildanzahlArr, testvar)){
// 3 step: take 5 Pics an put ist in the src the alt and title Tags
lauf = BildanzahlMax;
while (lauf > 0){
var className = "mapic"+lauf;
if (contains.call(BildanzahlArr, lauf)){
// 4. step: make the Pics Hover
$("img[class^='mapic']").hover(function() {
var maName = $(this).attr("title");
var mafunktion = $(this).attr("alt");
$('.matextblock').html("<h3> Unser Team</h3> <p class='maName'>"+mafunktion+"</p><p class='maFunktion'>"+maName+"</p>");
console.log('huhu rein');
}, function() {
return true;
$(document).ready(function() {
var done = makePics();
if (done){
done = false;
How can I run the script to
a) make the Picture
b) wait 5 or n seconds
c) clear up
and go back to a) ?
Your done variable should be declared outside of the anonymous function executed by setInterval. Right now it is redeclared every time the function fires, so the if/else branch is useless.
Exampel code:
$(function() {
var pictureShown = false;
var interval = 5000;
setInterval(function () {
if(pictureShown) {
} else {
pictureShown = true;
//OR, if makePics returns true:
//pictureShown = makePics();
}, interval);
Edit: I adapted your setInterval code to make it work, but the whole setup could be much simplified - see Adder's response.
Thank Folks I got it
this is my Code witch workls fine for me.
Ich change the positio for the clearPics funtion.
So I do not have to wait 5 Seconds to the next Pictures :-?
var done = false;
var interval = 5000;
$(document).ready(function() {
//done = makePics();
if (done){
done = false;
done = makePics();
I think the code can be simplified. As far as I can tell from the info on the functions you gave out.
$(document).ready(function() {
var done = makePics();
This will clear the pics first, and then redisplay a new set of Pics with makePics, every 2000 ms.

Javascript auto page refresh code

this is the code that comes in head section and it will automatically refresh the whole page in 1 min as i put 6000 in the code below
<script type="text/javascript">
setTimeout('window.location.href=window.location.href;', 6000);
is there any way for example, when there's 10 seconds left to refresh the page then, a button will display and say "Click here to reset timer" and it will reset that timer to 1 min again?
<script language="javascript">
var timeout,interval
var threshold = 15000;
var secondsleft=threshold;
window.onload = function()
function startChecking()
if(secondsleft <= 10000)
document.getElementById("timercounter").innerHTML = Math.abs((secondsleft/1000))+" secs";
function startschedule()
timeout = setTimeout('window.location.href=window.location.href;', threshold);
interval = setInterval(function()
function resetTimer()
Please wait...<span id="timercounter"></span>
<button id="clickme" style="display:none;" onclick="javascript:resetTimer();">Click here to reset timer</button>
Assuming you have the following html for the button:
<button id="cancel-reload-button" style="display: none" onclick="cancelReload()">Cancel Reload</button>
And this as the script (Note: this gives the idea, but is not neccesarily fully tested):
// Variable for holding the reference to the current timeout
var myTimeout;
// Starts the reload, called when the page is loaded.
function startReload() {
myTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
document.getElementByID("cancel-reload-button").style.display = "inline";
myTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
} 10000)
}, 50000);
// Cancel the reload and start it over. Called when the button is
// clicked.
function cancelReload() {
// On page load call this function top begin.
I created two functions, one for starting the reload and the second one for cancelling it.
Then I assigned the timeout to the variable myTimeout which can be used to later cancel the timeout.
Then I called myTimeout twice - Once for 50 secs, at which point it shows the button and once for 10 secs after which it finally reloads.
How about below? If you click on OK to reset timer, it would keep giving the confirm box every 50 seconds. If you click cancel, it will refresh the page in 10 seconds.
setInterval(function(){ var r = confirm("Reset Timer");
if (r == true) {
setTimeout('window.location.href=window.location.href;', 60000);
} else {
setTimeout('window.location.href=window.location.href;', 10000);
}, 50000);
Note: In your question you specified 1 minute, but your code works for 6 seconds(6000 -- > 6 seconds not 60 seconds) I have included for a minute
You can use 2 setTimeout calls, one to make the "Reset" button show up and another one for the refresh timer reset. The trick is to store the second setTimeout on a global variable and use clearTimeout to reset it if the button is pressed.
Here is some JavaScript code to illustrate:
<script type="text/javascript">
var autoRefreshTime = 30 * 1000; // 60000ms = 60secs = 1 min
var warningTime = autoRefreshTime - (10 * 1000); // 10 secs before autoRefreshTime
waitTimeout = setTimeout('window.location.href=window.location.href;', autoRefreshTime);
warningTimeout = setTimeout('ShowResetButton();', warningTime);
function ShowResetButton() {
// Code to make the "Reset" button show up
// Make this function your button's onClick handler
function ResetAutoRefreshTimer() {
waitTimeout = setTimeout('window.location.href=window.location.href;', autoRefreshTime);
The way I would do it is make a function with a timeout, and invoke that function
<script type="text/javascript">
var refreshFunc = function(){
var r = confirm("Do you want to reset the timer?");
if(r === false){
}, 6000);
One big problem with using confirm in this case is you cannot program it to reject. You would have to implement you own modal/dialog box so you can auto reject in 10 seconds.
Try using setInterval():
var time;
$(function() {
time = $('#time');
$('#reset').on('click', reset);
var timer, left;
var start = function() {
left = +(time.text()); //parsing
timer = setInterval(function() {
if (0 <= left) {
} else {
}, 1000);
var reset = function() {
if (timer) {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<h1><span id='time'>59</span> second(s) left</h1>
<input id='reset' value='Reset' type='button' />

jQuery setInterval too fast when tab is inactive

When the tab my website is on is inactive, my slideshow starts switching pictures too fast and mess the whole thing up.
Is there a way i could fix this?
var img_src = ["1.png", "2.png", "3.png", "4.png"];
var delay = 8000;
var first_run = true;
function switch_pic(position){
$("#show").attr("src", img_src[position]).fadeOut(0).fadeIn(4000).fadeOut(4000);
var i = 0;
first_run = false;
delay += 8000;
if(i > 3){
i = 0;
}, delay);
Could wrap the code in this:
$([window, document]).focusin(function(){
//code run when tab is selected
//code to stop all animation
That would only let the slideshow run when the user is viewing your site.
I'm not sure why things speed up. Normally the timers on background tabs will be slowed down to at least one second, but this shouldn't affect your scenario. I suggest using console.log() to track the calls to your functions.
Also, you can simplify your main loop a bit:
var i = 0;
switch_pic(i++); // increase i after call
if(i > 3) i = 0; // reset i
}, 8000);
I think that the answer good for actual version of jQuery should look like this:
var intervalId;
$([window, document]).on('focusin', function(){
intervalId = setInterval(function() {
// Action in interval
}, 3000);
}).on('focusout', function(){
if (intervalId) {
Pleas remember, that first time your 'focusin' is not tigger when page is loaded, so you should use this construction for this:
$([window, document]).on('focusin', function(){
if (!intervalId){
}).on('focusout', function(){
if (intervalId) {
intervalId = undefined;
function intervalFunction() {
// Your function hire

How to make this a slow jQuery counter

I am currently busy with making a new website.
I would like to make a counter on my website that shows visitors how many websites I made.
I am currently using Javascript and jQuery to do this. The only problem is that while using the for loop, the result shows very fast and I would like it to count up slowly. This is the code I have so far:
$(document).ready(function() {
var websites = 10;
for (var i=0;i<websites;i++)
Any one has an idea to making the counter go slow?
You can try this:
var interval = window.setInterval(func, delay[, param1, param2, ...]);
This timer works in seconds, you can put the code to run after it's complete in the else section:
function countdown(count){
count -= 1;
if(count >= 0)
setTimeout("countdown("+count+")", 1000);
alert("Countdown Complete");
$(document).ready(function() {
<div class="webcounter">Webcounter Holder</div>​
Use setInterval:
​<div class="websites">0</div>​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
$(document).ready(function() {
var websites = 10;
var counter = 1;
var id = setInterval(function(){
if(counter > websites){ clearInterval(id);}
}, 500);
Just a quick guess, but try something like this (i'm at work and cant test myself, heheh)
var websites = 10, tmrSiteCount;
function siteCount(i) {
if (i <= websites) {
tmrSiteCount = setTimeout(function() { siteCount(i++); }, 1000);
else {
$(document).ready(function() {
tmrSiteCount = setTimeout(function() { siteCount(1); });

