Adding a test user in graph api (javascript sdk) - javascript

I am trying to add a couple to test users to an app I'm developing using google app engine and the javascript sdk. Following this link:, I tried this code:
FB.api ('/app_id/accounts/test-users', 'post', {installed:'true', permissions:'read_stream'}, function (response) {
alert (;
(app_id was changed to the App ID as obtained in
But I get a popup "undefined". What is wrong with this code? I could not find any example for the javascript sdk.
As per the same facebook help page, response is supposed to be:
"id": "1231....",
"access_token":"1223134..." ,
BTW, if I log in as myself,
FB.api('/me', function(user) {
welcomeMsg (user);
works just fine, so it's not a problem with app activation.

I don't think it's possible to perform this type of task using the Javascript SDK, which is intended to make calls on behalf of a user, not an app. For this type of call, it's necessary to authenticate as the app, and for that you need the app OAuth token and secret, which aren't available via Javascript (nor should they be, for security reasons). So the best solution here is to make this call serverside. To do so, you should follow the "App Login" instructions here to get an app access token, and then pass that token in to the /app_id/accounts/test-users API call (as the "access_token" param)


Google OAuth code flow, can't exchange code for token with error "redirect_uri_mismatch"

I'm implementing social login on my website.
I was able to implement the "One tap" flow, but I need to have an alternative to handle the "cooldown" which prevents the popup from appearing, if the user blocked it or closed it.
So I followed the "Authorization" flow on Google documentation.
Until yesterday morning everything was working fine and I succesfully exchanged the code with a token by calling
sending secret and everything.
In a first instance I used Postman, then I made a sample code in a Spring project, before preparing the final code in another Spring project.
The first run in the final project I started getting a 400 error, with the redirect_uri_mismatch error key.
And then I was never able to do the exchange anymore, I get the same error from Postman as well.
The config is correct (It never changed from when it was working).
How can I solve this??
Here's some code
this.client = google.accounts.oauth2.initCodeClient({
client_id: this.clientId,
scope: "openid profile email",
ux_mode: "popup",
redirect_uri: this.redirectUri,
callback: (response) => {
clientId: this.clientId,
code: response.code
this.redirectUri is identical to the one passed here and set up on Google credentials
They're repeated in couples, because one is for local development, one is for the integration environment.
And of course the production config is on another credential.
Nowhere in the docs is this, but I came across this answer here on stackoverflow and it's basically suggesting not to pass the real redirect_uri, but to use a fixed string postmessage.
I want to point up again that I was using the real redirect_uri yesterday and it worked.
I will do some tests again in the future and update here if something changes.
For now just know that using postmessage fixed the issue for me
also I will be using as endpoint, since it's the one mentioned in the (awful) docs, although works just as well.

Always using the same OAUTH code with Dropbox-js

I'm using the official Dropbox JS library in a Node.js server. It only ever needs to authenticate as a single user, and it can't go through the whole OAUTH browser setup every time the server starts. I am attempting to write an auth driver that pretends to be like the NodeServer driver, but runs the callback straight away with a code that always stays the same.
Here's what I've got (it's coffeescript, but you get the idea):
myAuthDriver = {
authType: -> return "code"
url: -> return "http://localhost:8912/oauth_callback" # What the url would be if I were using NodeServer
doAuthorize: (authUrl_s, stateParam, client, callback) ->
authUrl = url.parse(authUrl_s, true)
code: "[a code I just got using the NodeServer driver]"
state: authUrl.query.state
Running authenticate with this driver set causes this error:
Dropbox OAuth error invalid_grant :: given "code" is not valid
The docs say that this should only occur with a broken auth driver (but it doesn't give any ideas for fixing it).
Does anyone with more knowledge of OAUTH or Dropbox know what's wrong here?
Note: I've found in several places online that Dropbox OAUTH codes never expire
Once you have an OAuth 2 access token, you can just do var client = new Dropbox.Client({token: '<your token>'});. No need for an auth driver at all.
(If you want an easy way to get an access token, consider using

passing javascript to python in GAE

I am planning to run an app in GAE that initializes the Facebook login sequence in Javascript and passes the access token to a Python script to do server-side work. The javascript looks something like this
// Additional init code here
function(response) {
if (response.authResponse) {
var access_token = FB.getAuthResponse()['accessToken'];
console.log('Access Token = '+ access_token);
What would be the easiest way to pass access_token to a Python class (say named fbProcessor) that is imported in
Since the javascript is executed on the front end (client's browser) you can't really "pass" the access_token to python. You COULD make a http (AJAX) request from javascript to your python app with the access_token.
I think that if you are making a request to python you could just use facebook's python SDK to retrieve the information (including access token) for the current FB authenticated user... IDK the benefits of either way
the python facebook SDK has google app engine example's
If you are using the module within a web application with the
JavaScript SDK, you can also use the module to use Facebook for login,
parsing the cookie set by the JavaScript SDK for logged in users. For
example, in Google AppEngine, you could get the profile of the logged
in user with:
user = facebook.get_user_from_cookie(self.request.cookies, key, secret)
if user:
graph = facebook.GraphAPI(user["access_token"])
profile = graph.get_object("me")
friends = graph.get_connections("me", "friends")
You can see a full AppEngine example application in

How to post Facebook Score using JS SDK, without hardcoding the app access token?

I'm trying to post a score using the JS SDK. Here's the code that I'm using:
FB.api("/[USER_ID]/scores", 'post', {score:score, access_token:"APP_ACCESS_TOKEN"}, function(response){
if (!response || response.error) {
} else {
However, I need to do this without hardcoding the APP_ACCESS_TOKEN. Any idea on how to do it using the JS SDK?
/me/ refers to the current user - when using the app access token there is no 'current' user - you're acting as the app - make the request to /[USER ID]/scores using the app access token
You can grab access_token through JS by using FB.getLoginStatus. More can be found in the doc.
There is no way, that I know of.
And, nor should there be, when you consider that the App will only have one app access_token.
Think of it like your app secret, keep it safe!
Especially when you consider how you get the access_token to start with, just by making a formatted request to FB with your ID and App Secret.
If you put that client side, then ANYONE could grab it and do stuff on behalf of your app!!
I would suggest one of two things:
Try making a call to /me/scores, and use the normal access token.
Even though the API docs don't suggest this being possible, you never know.
2. Encapsulate it as an AJAX call to your server, and make the Graph call from there.
Sucks, but there seems to be a few things that aren't quite designed to work on the client side yet. :-/

Facebook graph api call to get app access token returns "unknown error"

I am building a web app integrating with Facebook. I have on Facebook an app id and app secret already.
I'd like to use javascript to retrieve my app's access token to make further app-to-user app requests. I'm following the instructions here
However, I could not make my FB.api call working. I tried
{client_id:'XXXXX', client_secret:'XXXXX',grant_type:'client_credentials'},
function(response) {
FB.api("/oauth/access_token?client_id=XXXXXX" +
function(response) {
but only to get {"error":{"type":"http","message":"unknown error"}}
Do I use FB.api incorrectly? At this time, I could not find further documentation showing what I did wrong.
On the other hand, I can manually request it from my browser with the url like:
So, what is missing in my code? Thanks a lot for your help.
you dont need to expose your app secret.
Instead you can use the app token directly in your calls (App token does not expire until you reset the secret key).
Facebook Documentation Reference link access tokens and types
Have Fun!!!

