Ajax response as DOM object - javascript

Is there a way to get a response from the typical ajax function so that it can be dissected with getElements? I've tried query.responseText.getElementById but it works just as bad as it looks. You should be able to tell what I'm trying to achieve by seeing that snippet, though. I just need to get elements from an ajax response the same way as I would a normal DOM object.
Also, please do not suggest using jQuery. I use it when I have a lot of script and can use a lot of its functions, but in this case I only have a short script and a library 70x the size of it would seem like a waste.

Parsing an SVG or HTML document
parser = new DOMParser();
doc = parser.parseFromString(stringContainingHTMLSource, "text/html");
doc will be a valid html document.

Well you could have a hidden div on your page and set it's innerHTML to the Ajax response you receive. You could then call div.getElementById(), since it is then just another DOM object.

Refer to this article: Parsing XML response in Ajax
In this case I am using responseXML. You can make use of getElementsByTagName and other getElement*() methods to get your data.

If your response is TEXT, I've seen ppl use ...xhr.responseText.spit('html>...body>...div id="yourTargetsParent">')[1].split('/div>.../body>.../html>')[0]; //just split the string up however!
Another way is to use iframe.contentWindow.document.body... (or contentDocument for some browsers)... just hide the iframe ya know.
Obviously, if you have control over the target that totally changes things (and this post probably wouldn't be here), but I've also seen some mean work arounds with the target's use of scripting its host dom, localStorage, splits/joins, webSQLDatabases, ...for string manipulation.
Honestly, I used to use a hidden div(thank you asleepysamurai!), but I thought I came across a more getElementById/jQuery.load type way. ..I'll post back if I find it...


Is there a way to get DOM-element's actual HTML even if malformed? [duplicate]

OK I don't use js enough to know, but is there a way to get the real source code of the page with it?
document.body.innerHTML for example gives some kind of "fixed up" version where malformed tags have been removed.
I'm guessing using XMLHttpRequest on the original page might work, but seems kind of stupid.
This happens because browsers parse the DOM and don't keep the HTML in memory. What is returned to you is the browser's conversion of the current DOM back to HTML, which is the reason for the uppercase tags and lack of self closing tags where applicable.
An XMLHttpRequest would be the best way to go. In most cases, assuming the server doesn't send the no-cache header, and the HTML page has finished downloading, the XMLHttpRequest would be almost instant because the file is fetched from the cache.
For accessing JS of the same origin, XMLHttpRequest is quite fine. You can have access to any JS document in "raw" format using this technique without the browser getting in the way (i.e. conversion to DOM and back).
I am not sure I understand your comment re: XMLHttpRequest being stupid : is it because you are worried about the potential duplication of work? i.e. getting the code 2times from the origin server.
I typically use FireBug when I want to peruse or copy source files.

How to modify HTML from another file with JavaScript/jQuery

I need a reference of a HTML element that has an id of #searchResults
$.get('search-for-prospect', function() {
I tried using jQuery's get to get the that element, but it doesn't work as expected.
I need to get a reference of searchResults and append to it. How can I achieve that?
The only way to get HTML from another page with javascript is by making AJAX call (in fact js template engines work this way).
So you have to $.ajax the page you want, parse it as HTML and do what you want to do.
Beware: you are not editing the HTML file itself, but just its "in memory copy".
Javascript, as far as it is used as client-side technology, does not allow modifying files or in general accessing the file system. So if you're looking for some trick to write in the HTML, you're on the wrong way

AJAX request to only load/open a specific div without using JQuery?

Im looking to do something like this
$('#thisdiv').load(document.URL + ' #thisdiv');
where only the elements with the specified selector are loaded from the server, but I can't use Jquery, anyone know how to do it?
Read the XHR documentation here.
Basically, you create an XMLHttpRequest object (be wary of older browsers), then trigger its methods to load some content, then take the response and copy it where you want it.
The link above goes on to discuss XML parsing, which may come in handy if you want to use just the "#thisdiv" part of the XHR response.

Does UIWebView allow XML DOM Parser?

I am not quite sure, and haven't been able to find anything.
Using stringByEvaluatingJavascriptFromString:, I have been able to manipulate javascript in my page from objective-c. However, I now want to populate form fields by passing raw xml data from the iOS UIWebView into the html file (which is local to the app), and then using the parsed data.
Looking over the W3C document, it seems I need to do something like:
parser = new DOMParser();
xmlString = parser.parseFromString(txt, "text/xml");
Which should return a DOM object from the XML (which here is represented by the string txt). I should then be able to access the properties of this DOM object from
Assuming we have an XML node such as:
However, this doesn't seem to work. Setting that nodeValue into a string and returning it returns nil. Likewise, form fields are not populated.
My question, then, is whether the embedded browser in an app can utilize the DOM Parser - and if it can, what syntax I might use to access values from it?
Solved, unfortunately very fast. It seems that when setting form fields you need to specify VALUE instead of innerhtml.
so I did:
document.getElementById("FIELDID").value =
Also, I had the parameters passed to the DOM parser wrong - it is "text/xml" for the second parameter.

Get the response headers with prototype.js

Is there an easy way to pull out the response headers of a page with prototypejs without using Ajax.Request?
You can't, for the current document (i.e. the one in which the executing Javascript code was referenced). See various search results.
What's your use case for this? Maybe there's another way to accomplish what you need to do.

