Create google chart in column of html Table - javascript

I have a Html Table and i Have Filled the data dynamically through javascript in the table I want google image chart in one of the columns of table but m not getting the chart for all the rows and it is not accepting value more than 1000, I have used this url to create the graph '" + parameters+ "&chs=50x30' parameters are the values passed to create the google imagechart.
Please help me to know where the problem is and how to solve it.

I'm using the google chart API on a project currently and it's been great. Your invocation should work, just make sure that parameters contains only a comma separated list of number values without spaces.
E.g. parameters = 5,19,7
Your full string is,19,7&chs=500x300.
I made the image a bit larger than your 50x30 so you could see what was happening. I think it's going to be hard to make an effective graph of any kind at the scale you're working with, even with the options google gives you to change the graph appearance. It will be especially hard to produce a useful line graph.


D3.js combining filtering by column value and using brush for zooming

I am new to D3.js and have been following examples on this website:
I am specifically trying to include a dropdown to filter by a column value and also include a brush for zooming.
The data I am using is simply country, date and covid_cases and I am trying to have an initial monthly line chart that can be zoomed in, while also having the ability to filter by country.
I have taken the code directly from these examples:
I successfully altered them to fit my data, but am unable to combine them to enable both interactions.
Does anyone have any advice on how I might do this?

Scale y-tick labels in DC.js chart (D3.js underneath)

I'm trying to find a way to dynamically scale a chart's y-axis so the values are shown in single digits, with a exponential denotation at the top, effectively changing this:
To this:
Note, this works automatically in e.g. Matlab/Matplotlib/etc., but I'm struggling to find a solution with the web plotting frameworks (maybe my search language is wrong)... I know D3.js is not a charting library, but I'd be open to a solution that works with the frontend DC.js or the backend D3.js
Edit based on #Gordon's answer below, I get the following graph using this
Is it somehow possible to move all of the e+6 to the top? Or do I need to write a custom scaling function and insert a separate text box myself?
In dc.js, the axes are straight from d3-axis.
Access them using chart.xAxis() and chart.yAxis(), and to reduce confusion, do this in a separate statement from the rest of your chart initialization.
You can use axis.tickFormat to control how the tick text is formatted.
You can use d3.format to do automatic formatting. It seems like exponent or SI notation might suit what you're doing, although it's not exactly the same as having the exponent in a separate text element like in your screenshot.
Putting it together, this is pretty close
The tick formatting question comes up a lot. I wonder where we could put this information so that people don't have to ask.

How can I use a checkbox to show or hide a graph that is inputed from a csv file?

So basically I have been working with some code to try and use a checkbox to hide/show a graph, the big issue is that the graph is made using dygraph and the graphs are made from a csv file's data therefore there is no specific line of code that the graph corresponds with. I am basically stuck because I really don't know how to get around this problem. I can go in to the website once the data is inputed and show/hide the graph that way however different file will have different amounts of data so I can't just do that every time.
When you create the graph, you specify a div that the graph should be drawn in. Can't you simply show/hide that div?

How can I show data equal to zero on a log scale?

What I'm working with
I have data that I want to chart showing the intensity of rainfall over a period of time. The API documentation that I'm getting this data from says the following:
A very rough guide is that a value of 0 in./hr. corresponds to no precipitation, 0.002 in./hr. corresponds to very light precipitation, 0.017 in./hr. corresponds to light precipitation, 0.1 in./hr. corresponds to moderate precipitation, and 0.4 in./hr. corresponds to heavy precipitation.
Therefore, it seems logical to use a log scale for most of the data (otherwise everything less than moderate rain would be imperceptible), but this obviously causes a problem for when there is no rain predicted.
Possible Solution
The answer to this question suggested adding a small amount to the data and modifying the tooltip to match the original data.
This would work very nicely, but I don't know how to modify just the data that the tooltip of a Google Chart (the charting tool I'm using) references.
The Google Chart help documents here and here describe several possible roles columns from the chart's data table can play, and one of them is to be the HTML that is rendered in the tooltip. However, I was really hoping to not have to rewrite the HTML for that. Is there anyone here that knows an easy way to just modify the data shown in the tooltip?
The second link you provide gives you the easiest way to modify your tooltip content, Link. Just add another column like dataTable.addColumn({type: 'string', role: 'tooltip'});and then provide your own tooltip, like looping through all your rows and checking for zero values and replacing the tooltips where needed.

NVD3 Line Chart with View Finder

Anyone know if there is a way to hide the view finder, while still having the chart display a subset of the data? If I filter the data before sending it to the chart, the chart lines are skewed instead of contiguous.
I'm trying to filter on a date range subset of the data, while keeping the lines contiguous with the entire set of data.
I noticed in the source, on line 362, they filter on !d.disabled. I'm wondering if I can hook into that somehow. Does anyone know the proper usage pattern for this?
The view finder is actually Square's Crossfilter found here [0] if you wanted to browse the source and view more documentation.
However, I would just set the display attribute to none in CSS of the svg containing the crossfilter and be done with it.

