Need help with adding Classes to HTML Editor Elements - javascript

I'm using a WYSIWYG Editor called CKEditor and its really awesome. Inside the editor, whenever I add a new Heading/Text/DIV/Image/ anything else for that matter, I want it to stay attached with a class:
<h2 class="blah">Sample Text</h2>
<img src="/abc.png" class="blah1" />
Here's a reference link:
I'm not good with Javascript, if anyone can help me out, I would be really Grateful!
Thank you.

For example, the following code will ensure that elements will have their "alt" attribute filled:
elements :
img : function( element )
if ( !element.attributes.alt )
element.attributes.alt = 'An image';
Read the Overview ( this example was taken from there.
You can do the same for "class". Take a look at the existing output, then either add "class" if it's missing or replace them if that's your intent.

take a look at answers for this question.
customize the dialogs during the define, add a "class" field and then set and get the contents in the setup and commit functions.
look at ckeditor/_samples/api_dialog.html for background on modifying dialogs.
for the Headings you'd have to look at modifying the commands. Those don't have dialogs.
There's probably a way to always apply the same class based on the particular tag in the "data processor". Do you want to always set the same class everytime or allow the user to choose the class, that's important because it changes your options quite a bit.


Find part of string throughout site and replace with new text

I am still having trouble understanding regex. I am also not even sure if you can target a whole page...but without knowledge of how to format regex, its getting play with it.
I have a trademarked name that appears throughout my page. I'd like to use JS to add a (r) to the end of it every time it appears.
Can jquery/js accomplish this?
$("body").each(function() {
this.innerHTML = this.innerHTML.replace(
'breathe right',
'breathe right(r)');
This is a good use case for the CSS :after pseudo-element:
.product-name:after {
content: " \00AE"; /* add restricted symbol after every element with the product-name class */
<span class="product-name">My Product</span>
Working Demo
The easiest way is to wrap your product name in a span and tag it with a class. I'm not sure if that's less work that just adding the symbol to your markup to begin with, though.
The benefit of this approach is it would allow you to easily apply other styles to your product name, like bolding the text or changing the font color.
You can read more about the :after pseudo-element here.
Yes, but it won't be efficient if you tell jQuery to search the entire document. To make it efficient, you'll need to have jQuery get a specific location to search if you want any efficiency in it.
You don't need jQuery :
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/breathe right/g, 'breathe right(r)')

How do I make instructions appear at the user's request?

I need to provide information for various clients when they log in to build a profile. I will be using HTML and Javascript for this purpose. What I would like is a concise set of instructions followed by an option to show more detailed instructions. If the client chooses to see the more detailed instructions, the field (ideally) expands to show more content.
Other ideas that achieve a similar result are also welcome, as are comments that simply point me in the right direction. Preliminary research hasn't turned up much for me; I imagine this is largely due to being a novice and not knowing what to look for. Is this a conditional visibility issue, or is that something else entirely?
Many thanks for any help.
Place the hidden content in a separate container element with its display initially set to none. Then, add an onclick handler to a link that shows the content. That handler should set the display value to block or inline. Here is one way to do it (there are many). Set up your HTML something like this:
[Instruction text here]
more ...<span class="more">
[Additional content here]</span>
Some CSS to initially hide the additional content:
display: none;
Create your expandContent() function:
function expandContent(link)
{ = "inline";

Help with Dojo Drag & Drop

Hi I am trying to implement some drag and drop functionality into a project but am having a bit of difficulty with a few aspects. One of the problems I am having is with the creation of a custom avatar, I am able to achieve a custom avatar but have to cheat slightly and hide some elements with CSS.
Below is a snippet of my code not the entire code, I have required all necessary pacakges etc.
dojo.query(".canDrag").forEach(function(node, index, nodelist){
var createSource = new dojo.dnd.Source(
node, {copyOnly: true, creator: createAvatar}
function createAvatar(item, hint) {
var node = dojo.doc.createElement("span");
dojo.addClass(node, "avatarStyle");
if ( hint == "avatar" ) {
var dHtml = item;
console.log("trying " + dHtml);
node.innerHTML = item;
else {
console.log("if this show remove redudant call");
return {node: node, data: item, type: "product", copyOnly: true};
Ok so as you can see I create my DnD source then give it a custom creator where I attempt to build my own custom Avatar. The actyual draggable markup is below:
<div class="canDrag panelLeft">
<div class="dojoDndItem" dndType="product" title="digitalCamera" id="12345">
<h3 class="productTitle">Samsung ES71</h3>
<p class="productType">Compact Digital Camera</p>
<img src="img/small_Cam.png" class="imgLMargin" alt="Samsung ES71"/>
<div class="dragHandle">
Rather than append the entire div from canDrag and down I would like to grab different elements such as the image and .product title and just display those. If any one has any ideas I thank you in advance also if my question has not been clear enough I can try to rephrase.
CSS should be fine. Otherwise, you can either use the dndData attribute for your items, or add the items manually to your DnD source object.
When using dojoDndItem class, Dojo expects the visualization of the avatar to be already resolved in the markup itself. That's why it passes the inner HTML as the item data. This is for the most simple and common case, when you would not use a custom creator. I think using CSS to customize the avatar is fine. Even if you don't use a custom creator to set the avatarStyle class, you can take advantage of the fact that Dojo puts the avatar inside its own container marked with the class dojoDndAvatar (or dojoDndAvatarItem). Take a look at the source at dojo/dnd/Avatar.js.
If you still want to use a custom creator, you have a couple of options:
Add a dndData attribute to your items. In that case, that's what gets passed to the creator function as the item parameter. It can be anything, and you can use that to further customize the avatar. Eg. you could serialize a JSON object and dynamically create the avatar from that object, or you could set it to a unique id and then use dojo.query() to access the nodes below it.
Remove the items entirely add them programmatically with the insertNodes() method. In that case, your creator function must implement both the case for the avatar and the case for the actual item.
It doesn't address your question in particular, but here's an excellent Dojo DnD tutorial.
The Dojo reference guide is also helpful, once you understand what's happening. And of course, use the source Luke!

ckeditor default style or class for the textarea

Does anyone know how i can make my textarea in a ckeditor object, use a class or custom style so i can show to the user something similar to what is getting rendered in the site?
So i'm using bodyClass: 'class' in the config object, i use firebug and see the iframe body has my class applied, but it doesn't get the classes properties neither from my CSS, nor from contents.css (ckeditor)...
Well i was able to do it, adding an event to the object like this:
editor.on('instanceReady', function(){
if anyone has the real solution, i think bodyClass should be it, i will gladly change my code.
Simply edit the css file located at contents.css - edit the .cke_editable class to whatever suits your needs. Works 24/7

How to use onmouseover?

I have a list being displayed on a JSP. On mouse hover on any of the value i need to show a description corresponding that value. Need to show description not as an alert and also cannot make the values as hyperlink.
suppose the value is ABC so on mouse hover should show AppleBoyCat.
need to use onmouseover. let me know how to do it..
What do you want to do? If you just want to show a tooltip, you can set the title attribute of any element and it will be displayed as a tooltip.
Also, the abbr tag can be used as tooltips too:
<abbr title="test">stuff</abbr>
You can go about it in two ways:
1 - a hidden dom object (a div for instance) which reveals itself when you roll over whatever
2 - you can rewrite the html of the particular element you're mousing over.
You can load this data in when you load everything else (either as Javascript objects, or as markup, though that's much bulkier) or you can asynchronously load the description data from a service when you mouse over (though you'll have more lag).
jQuery is a quick and dirty way to achieve this (more quick than dirty), but straight JS or pretty much any other JS library will do as well.
Perhaps not the cleanest solution but something like this:
<a class='hover' rel='tooltip'>Link</a>
//Some hidden div, putting css inline just for example
<div id='tooltip' style='display:none;'>Content</div>
$(function() {
$('.hover').mouseover(function() {
var tooltip = $(this).attr('rel');
$('#' + tooltip).fadeIn();
And offcourse add a callback hiding it again. It just takes the value from rel of the link and use as an id for the div to show.
This is a quick and dirty solution, can be made alot smoother if you just work with it a little;)
There also alot of plugins out there allowing the same functionality in a cleaner fashion.
*Edit: Just noticed you added a comment on another post that you can't use jQuery.. shouldn't tag a post with something you're not intending to use.
As TJHeuvel already said, you can simply use the title attribute.
Best approach is to build the list with both the value and title attribute from within JSP, if not possible for some reason, you can build client side array of each value and its corresponding description then using JavaScript dynamically assign the title on mouseover.
Show us some more code to get more/better help.
For simple tooltips, the title attribute is most effective, as pointed out by TJHeuvel
If you need more advanced tooltips with HTML and CSS formatting, I'd suggest you use an external library.
One that works nicely without jQuery ist wz_tooltip download here, documentation here
When included correctly, you can add tooltips by calling the functions Tip() and UnTip() as follows:

