Full Browser Image that Maintains Ratio - javascript

Basically what I'm looking for is a way for an image to always be as big as the browser window but maintaining it's aspect ratio. The image should always resize with the smallest browser edge so that it hangs off the edge of the frame but never shows the white underneath. I've gotten this far:
window.onload = checkSize;
window.onresize = resize;
function checkSize(){
var x = self.innerWidth;
document.getElementById("picture").style.width = (x)+"px";
function resize(){
var x = self.innerWidth;
var y = self.innerHeight;
var picy = document.getElementById("picture").style.height;
document.getElementById("picture").style.width = (x)+"px";
if (picy >= y){
document.getElementById("picture").style.height = (y)+"px";
Which in my head worked as follows:
resize with width
if the image height is less that the window height, start resizing the height and remove the width property (to keep the aspect ratio)
Am I close?

This is what I would do:
function resizeImage() {
if (self.innerHeight > self.innerWidth) {
} else {
And add this:
<body onload="resizeImage()" onresize="resizeImage()" style="margin:0px;">


How to get function of both position values: Fixed and Absolute?

I have a fullscreen background image. I also have a pop-out sidebar.
When the sidebar pops out it re-sizes the background image smaller so as to not cut it off by covering over it. When the sidebar is retracted then the image enlarges back.
I can only get this effect if the background image has a position value of absolute. However that value also doesn't let you scroll without the background ending and getting blank space or having to repeat the image to fill the blank space.
When I make the position value fixed then it solved the blank space issue, but no longer re-sizes the background image when you open the sidebar, it covers up part of the background as you'd expect.
How do I get the effects of both the position values of Fixed and Absolute? I want it to scroll indefinitely without having to duplicate the image, but also re-size when the sidebar is opened.
Here is the theme I'm using that illustrates my problem: http://themes.themolitor.com/wpzoom/2011/04/first-blog-post-title/
$(function() {
$('#openSidebar').click(function() {
if ( $('#sidebar').width() == 300 ) {
var y = window.innerWidth;
else {
$('#closeSidebar').click(function() {
if ( $('#sidebar').width() == 300 ) {
var y = window.innerWidth;
else {
Actually thats easier. Obviously you will have a button that opens your sidebar when you click it. Considering your sidebar is on the right (like your example theme) you just need to resize bg's width and leave height as it is. So this is the code:
document.getElementById("sidebar-button").addEventListener("click", doStuff, false);
doStuff = function() {
var sb = document.getElementById("sidebar");
var bgnd = document.getElementById("bg");
if ( sb.style.width == 0 ) {
sb.style.width = "300px";
var y = window.innerWidth;
bgnd.style.width = y - 300 + "px";
else {
sb.style.width = "0px";
bgnd.style.width = "100%";
But you still need the the idea of window.onresize so you can adjust bg's width correctly.
$(function() {
$('#sidebar-button').click(function() {
if ( $('#sidebar').width() == 0 ) {
$('#sidebar').width( 300 );
var y = window.innerWidth;
else {
I just tested and works just fine, the only difference is that it use jQuery.
Well here is an example:
Lets say the background is a div with id #bg then all you have to do is to resize the bg when the window is resized using javascript considering when your window starts to be scrollable. If for example your windows starts to be X-scrollable when its width is 800px or less and Y-Scrollable when its height is 500px:
window.onresize = function() {
if ( window.width < 800 ) document.getElementById("#bg").style.width = "800px";
else document.getElementById(#bg).style.width = "100%";
if ( window.height < 500 ) document.getElementById("#bg").style.height = "500px";
else document.getElementById("#bg").style.height = "100%";
Hope this helps you.

Changing the background image according to resolution - javascript only

there's a lot of this question scattered over stackoverflow, but I can't seem to find an answer that specifically suits my situation.
I have made a background in HD 1920x1080 for a school project I'm making, and I'm trying to make it fit for every resolution there is. So what I did was resizing this image for every specific resolution, putting me in an awkward spot to code it, as I cannot use jQuery, I'm not allowed to.
I'm thinking of using the screen.width property, but I'd need a length too as I have multiple backgrounds with the ...x768 resoulution.
Is there anyone who'd be able to tell me how to change my body's background, depending on the user's height and width of the screen?
Thank you very much,
You can use window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight to get the current dimensions of your browser's window.
Which means that if your browser takes half of your 1920x1080 desktop, it'll compute to something like:
window.innerWidth ~= 540
window.innerHeight ~= 1920 // actually something smaller because it doesn't count your browser's chrome
Your window can of course change size, and if you want to handle that, you can listen to the event "resize" for your window:
window.addEventListener('resize', function () {
// change background
To change the body's background without jQuery, you can do something like this:
document.body.style.backgroundImage = "url(/* url to your image...*/)";
To recap:
// when the window changes size
window.addEventListener('resize', function () {
var windowWidth = window.innerWidth; // get the new window width
var windowHeight = window.innerHeight; // get the new window height
// use windowWidth and windowHeight here to decide what image to put as a background image
var backgroundImageUrl = ...;
// set the new background image
document.body.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + backgroundImageUrl + ")";
I am not sure what browsers you are supposed to be compatible with. This should work in all latest versions of the big browsers.
You may check the window width and change the background depending on the results.
var width = window.innerWidth;
var height = window.innerHeight;
var body = document.body;
if (width <= 1600 && height <= 1000) {
body.style.background = "url(path/to/1600x1000.jpg)";
if (width <= 1400 && height <= 900) {
body.style.background = "url(path/to/1400x900.jpg)";
// continue as desired
Even better, use some media queries to reduce javascript required.
#media screen and (max-width: 1600px) {
.element {
background: url(path/to/1600x1000.jpg);
#media screen and (max-width: 1400px) {
.element {
background: url(path/to/1400x900.jpg);
body {
background-image: url(images/background.jpg);
background-size:cover;/*If you put "contain" it will preserve its intrinsic aspect ratio*/ background-repeat: no-repeat;
Try this
You might want to trigger a function like the following on window load and/or on window resize:
function SwapImage(){
var w = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0),
h = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0),
el = document.getElementById('change-my-background');
// use conditionals to decide which image to show
if(w < 1200 && h < 800){
el.style.backgroundImage = "url('img_1200x800.png')";
if(w < 900 && h < 600){
el.style.backgroundImage = "url('img_900x600.png')";
// etc...

Window width and resize

I would like to calculate the number of icons e.g. 50px depending on the width of the window for a menu.
So I started with:
While loading the page with document ready function the width will be given. OK!
Now I would calculate the right amount of icons while resize the window.
$(window).resize(function() {
//resize just happened, pixels changed
Initial width of the window -> if user is not resizing the window
Variable width of the window -> if user is resizing the window
Each task is running but i donĀ“t get it together.
Can u help me --> THX!!
How can i calculate the number of icons with an initial width of the window and while resizing the window?
My Start:
var activeItemcount;
function checkWidth() {
windowSize = $(window).width();
// console.log(windowSize);
var activeItemWidth = '100'; // width of the icons
var maxWidth = windowSize; // max div width on screen
activeItemcount = maxWidth / activeItemWidth; // max icon with actual screen width
activeItemcount = Math.round(activeItemcount) -1; // calculation
var i = '0';
if(i < activeItemcount ){
$(this).wrapAll('<div class="iconview-1" />');
$(this).wrapAll('<div class="iconview-2" />');
I didn't get you clearly.
but this code will return the variable width of the windows while resizing.
$(window).resize(function() {
A sample of the code
Place your calculation into its own function:
function calculateIcons()
var viewport = { width: $(window).width(), height: $(window).height() };
// Do cool things with viewport.width
And then you can simply bind this function to the DOMReady and resize functions in jQuery as follows:

Resize images along with browser size but different % for Landscape and Portrait HTML

I've looked around but am unable to find information on this exact topic and I'm hoping I can get some help.
On my right side of the browser in a table I have an image that can be clicked through with the clickable link. They are landscape and portrait images. The Landscape images are at 900 x 700 pxl and the Portrait images are at 540 x 700. I want the landscape images to only max out at 900 x 700 and shrink accordingly with the browser sizing.
I have been able to have the images resize with the code below.
img src="jpegs/pict1.jpg" width="100%" alt="" name="slideImage"/
I have the images in the java script:
<script type="text/javascript">
var image = new Array("jpegs/pict1.jpg", "jpegs/pict2.jpg",
But, the portrait images gets skewed up to 900 width as well even though I want them to stay at 540 x 700 max and shrink accordingly. Is there code that can be added to make that happen?
To shrink the elements you must use a eventHandler on the resize event, get the clientWidth and Height and resize through javascript how much you need to resize. I could give some more relevant code if you could tell exactley the max and minimum size you need and also the maximum and minium resolution on which could be supported this script.
window.$getView = function() {
var ret = {
width : 0,
height : 0,
element : null
if( typeof window.innerWidth != 'undefined') {
ret.width = window.innerWidth;
ret.height = window.innerHeight;
ret.element = window;
} else if( typeof document.documentElement != 'undefined' && typeof document.documentElement.clientWidth != 'undefined' && document.documentElement.clientWidth != 0) {
ret.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
ret.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
ret.element = document.documentElement;
} else {
ret.width = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientWidth;
ret.height = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientHeight;
ret.element = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
return ret;
resizeHandler : function(evt) {
document.getElementById('someImage').style.width = window.$getView().width/10+'px';
document.getElementById('someImage').style.height = window.$getView().height/10+'px';
the $getView function is a cross browser function to get the width and height of the page. the resizeHandler has the math formula to resize the element(s) you want. In here you could add your own percentage of the page and set a min and max width or height.

Resizing an image using Javascript running in Opera Browser

I hope someone can help with this quirky issue I am having with the Opera Browser, I have version 11 Beta installed, but I suspect is a common problem in Opera.
The website and page in question is http://www.amigaos.net/index.html.
At the bottom of the body of the html I have the following code which resizes the 3 images you see on this webpage depending on width of the viewport at page load. In Safari and FireFox the code works fine, but in Opera the following lines which involve resizing the width and height of an image do not work:
document.getElementById('img1').width = '475';
document.getElementById('img1').height = '375';
Here is the code in full (sorry, about the layout, stackoverflow hasn't formatted carriage returns correctly)
<script type="text/javascript">
function GetWidth()
var x = 0;
if (typeof window.innerWidth != 'undefined')
x = window.innerWidth;
else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight)
x = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
else if (document.body)
x = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientWidth;
return x;
width = GetWidth();
if (width>=1680)
document.getElementById('img1').width = '475';
document.getElementById('img1').height = '375';
document.getElementById('img2').width = '475';
document.getElementById('img2').height = '375';
document.getElementById('img3').width = '475';
document.getElementById('img3').height = '375';
else if ((width>800) && (width<=1280))
document.getElementById('img1').width = '300';
document.getElementById('img1').height = '235';
document.getElementById('img2').width = '300';
document.getElementById('img2').height = '235';
document.getElementById('img3').width = '300';
document.getElementById('img3').height = '235';
else if (width<=800)
document.getElementById('img1').width = '225';
document.getElementById('img1').height = '195';
document.getElementById('img2').width = '225';
document.getElementById('img2').height = '195';
document.getElementById('img3').width = '225';
document.getElementById('img3').height = '195';
instead of doing width and height attributes, I think you can just set width: 33% via CSS and have the scaling happen automatically, regardless of the browser window size. Better solution than trying to use javascript, IMHO.
Here's a simple tutorial: http://haslayout.net/css-tuts/CSS-Proportional-Image-Scale
you are making this way too complicated. I don't think your issue is browser-specific, you just need to recode your script.
First. I would recommmend using percentages.. Not sure how you will guess the visitors browser width in pixels.
Let's say that your three resizeable images are 20% width of your browser. So your css would be:
#img1, #img2, #img3 {
width: 20%;
now that your css says that your images are 20% of the total with, you're good to add some js. Keep in mind that the percentage will be that of its outer container.
<script type=text/javascript">
function resizeImages() {
document.getElementById('img1').style.height = (document.body.clientHeight - 100) * 0.2;
document.getElementById('img2').style.height = (document.body.clientHeight - 100) * 0.2;
document.getElementById('img3').style.height = (document.body.clientHeight - 100) * 0.2;
and most importantly.. call your function:
add this to your body tag:
<body onresize="resizeImages()">
boom.. you're done.

