Can't figure out how to do XMLHttpRequest to google app engine - javascript

I'm trying to do a simple POST from a javascript (google chrome extension) to my google app
I can see that the HTTP POST is indeed sent to the GAE server, but I can't figure how to transfer a simple text string, and use it in the google app.
The goal: send a string from the javascript with xmlhttpRequest, show this string on google-app webpage.
Here's the code of the javascript:
function onRequest(request, sender, sendResponse) {
var url = request;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "");
// Return nothing to let the connection be cleaned up.
Here's how I deal with the post in the server side:
def post(self):
url1 = str(self.request.get('url1'))
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html'
self.response.out.write('<p>URL is: %s</p>' % url1)
When I look at the POST response I see
<p>URL is: </p>
where is the var url that was sent?

I got it to work, in a different way. Instead of XMLHttpRequest, I used jquery:
$.post("", { url1: request});
and it worked :)
BTW, I also discovered that if you want the chrome extension's html to use jquery, you need to do
<script src="jquery-1.5.1.js"></script>
<script> your code here </script>
(I'm sure it's basic for you guys but fresh for me :)

The content you include with xhr.send() will be in self.request.body, if it's not specified in CGI format. For your simple test, you might also try xhr.send("url1=" + request).


XMLhttprequest not posting (new to it)

I am trying to send data from javascript to a php page using xmlhttprequests.
It is just like sending form data, eventhough I have copied the examples exactly, it doesnt work.
I know the problem lays with the xmlhttprequest since I have tried sending the same data using an html form with POST and that works fine. So the PHP works.
the errors I get using my code are:
POST http://localhost/thissite/post 404 (Not Found)
Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
The current file structure I am using equals:
index.php and store.php in the root and than a folder called js with init.js
function sendData() {
var xmlhttp,
url = "http://localhost/thissite/store.php";
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
// code for modern browsers
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
// code for old IE browsers
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
}"post", url, true);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
This function is in my init.js file which is linked on my index.php page.
I have tried changing the used URL to:
But I think the URL I use should be correct since that is the url I get send to when I post the form. It is also the same as multiple examples I found in questions posted on here and those users didn't have the same errors as me. This is probably me misunderstanding but I am eager to find out what the problem is with my code before I throw my computer out of the window or pull my last hair out.
Thank you for answering if you do!

C# Faster way to get javascript DOM than EO.WebBrowser

I have code in place where I'm using EO.WebBrowser to get the html from a page using the EO.WebView Request:
var cookie = new EO.WebBrowser.Cookie("cookie", "value");
cookie.Path = path;
cookie.Domain = domain;
var options = new BrowserOptions();
options.EnableWebSecurity = false;
var request = new Request(url);
Finally I use the following to get the HTML I need:
My issue is that this is very slow and although I can get it to run it locally, I can not get it to run on Azure server code. Is there a way to do the same thing using HttpWebRequest?
You can use JavaScript:
var data = (string)webView.EvalScript("document.body.outerHTML");
No, HttpWebRequest (and other similar "get me HTML response") methods will only give you HTML itself and will not run JavaScript on the page.
For server side processing of dynamic HTML consider using proper headless internet browser? instead of trying to convince regular IE to work correctly without UI.
the eo.webbrowser runs multi-process like chrome and unsupported by many cloud service environment.
just use WebClient or HttpWebRequest or RestSharp or something like that can do http requests to get the response html.

How to receive data from XMLHttpRequest in chome extension via javascript?

I wanna to send request form a webpage to chrome extension, and then in chrome extenison receive data and read data, is there any way to this?
In doman will sent data to chrome extension via url chrome-extension://xxxxxxx/getData.htm?isToken=abc, and then extension will receive and can read data "isToken".
Here is my code in sendRequest.html
<script type="text/javascript">
function sendRequest() {
document.write("Sending request");
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "chrome-extension://xxxxxxxxxx/getData.htm?isToken=abc", true);
req.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (req.readyState == 4) {
if (req.status == 200) {
And in chrome extension file getData.htm, how can I get data?
(Edit: what type of data are you sending? Could you pass it through as a JSON encoded string, via GET? JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() may be of use to you. :)
The following may be useful as a guide for accessing that POST/GET data. :) )
As far as I am aware, this is best done using some form of server side scripting. You could use in JS, and split the string and perform the necessary functions, but I think server-side scripting may work best. :)
An example of a JS implementation could be as follows:
var url =;
var params = url.substr(url.IndexOf("?") - 1, 30);
This would grab the parameters (starting at ? (inclusive), and continue for 30 chars. You could also use something like var params = url.substr(url.IndexOf("?") - 1, url.length); to get the whole parameters list.
How you use this from then on, is up to you, but you could pass it through a switch() or whatever you need. :)
Obviously, this being a chrome extension would limit your options regarding any server-side processing. :/
Edit: The above would go in getData.htm. :)

XMLHttpRequest not working with http

Below code is working properly now. But if I replace 'text.txt' with '' isn't showing anything, nor displaying an error.
What am I doing wrong?
I need this code to get content of an url to a string, on client side.
<script type="text/javascript">
var webUrl = 'text.txt';
var queryString = '';
var xmlText = getAjaxValues(webUrl, queryString);
function getAjaxValues(webUrl, queryString)
var xmlHttpObject = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", webUrl, false);
var xmlText = xmlHttpObject.responseText;
return xmlText;
It's being prevented by the same origin policy, which requires that any AJAX requests, except for scripts and, by extension, jsonp, be made to servers in the same domain as the original page request. Your best bet is to create a proxy method on your server that can accept the url that you want to get the content of and have it request the page and pass it back to the client.

What is the best method to detect xml in JavaScript

What is the best method to detect xml in JavaScript
e.g. is it possible to detect the mime type of a document - particularly if it is text/xml in JavaScript.
this needs to work in Chrome.
If you are using XMLHttpRequest to get this data, then you can simply check for the Content-Type header using the getResponseHeader method (granted that the server sends the appropriate headers).
var getFile = function(address, responseHandler) {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'get', address, true);
req.onreadystatechange = responseHandler;
var responseHandler = function(resp) {
if ( this.readyState < 4 ) { return; }
getFile("", responseHandler);
(I seem to be using this code sample a lot...)
You can't determine what the mime-type is with Javascript. I would recommend doing checks on the data returned to see if it is valid XML before you try to parse it. (I'm only assuming what you're trying to do. I can provide a more rigid example if you clarify what your goal is.)
I came across this when looking to determine that a chrome extension script was on an XML page. Maybe this saves someone a few minutes.
In the chrome console and content scripts you can check with:

