Real time collaborative editing - how does it work? - javascript

I'm writing an application in which I'd like to have near real time collaborative editing features for documents (Very similar to Google Documents style editing).
I'm aware of how to keep track of cursor position, that's simple. Just poll the server ever half second or second with the current user id, filename, line number and row number which can be stored in a database, and the return value of this polling request is the position of other user's cursors.
What I don't know how to do is update the document in such a way that it won't throw your cursor off and force a full reload as that would be far to slow for my purposes.
This really only has to work in Google Chrome, preferably Firefox as well. I don't need to support any other browser.

The algorithm used behind the scenes for merging collaborative edits from multiple peers is called operational transformation. It's not trivial to implement though.
See also this question for useful links.

Real time collaborative editing requires several things to be effective. Most of the other answers here focus on only one aspect of the problem; namely distributed state (aka shared-mutable-state). Operational Transformation (OT), Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDT), Differential Synchronization, and other related technologies are all approaches to achieving near-real-time distributed state. Most focus on eventual consistency, which allow temporary divergences of each of the participants state, but guarantee that each participants state will eventually converge when editing stops. Other answers have mentioned several implementations of these technologies.
However, once you have shared mutable state, you need several other features to provide a reasonable user experience. Examples of these additional concepts include:
Identity: Who the people you are collaborating with are.
Presence: Who is currently "here" editing with you now.
Communication: Chat, audio, video, etc., that allow users to coordinate actions
Collaborative Cueing: Features that give indications as to what the other participants are doing and/or are about to do.
Shared cursors and selections are examples of Collaborative Cueing (a.k.a Collaboration Awareness). They help users understand the intentions and likely next actions of the other participants. The original poster was partly asking about the interplay between shared mutable state and collaborative cueing. This is important because the location of a cursor or selection in a document is typically described via locations within the document. The issue is that the location of a cursor (for example) is dependent on the context of the document. When I say my cursor is at index 37, that means character 37 in the document I am looking at. The document you may have right now may be different than mine, due to your edits or those of other users, and therefore index 37 in your document may not be correct.
So the mechanism you use to distribute cursor locations must be somehow integrated into or at least aware of the mechanism of the system that provides concurrency control over the shared mutable state. One of the challenges today is that while there are many OT / CRDT, bidirectional messaging, chat, and other libraries out there, they are isolated solutions that are not integrated. This makes it hard to build an end user system that provides a good user experience, and often results in technical challenges left to the developer to figure out.
Ultimately, to implement an effective real time collaborative editing system, you need to consider all of these aspects; and we haven't even discussed history, authorization, application level conflict resolution, and many other facets. You must build or find technologies that support each of these concepts in a way that make sense for your use case. Then you must integrate them.
The good news is that applications that support collaborative editing are becoming much more popular. Technologies that support building them are maturing and new ones are becoming available every month. Firebase was one of the first solutions that tried to wrap in many of these concepts into an easy to use API. A new-comer Convergence (full disclosure, I am a founder of Convergence Labs), provides an all-in-one API that supports the majority of these collaborative editing facets and can significantly reduce the time, cost, and complexity of building real time collaborative editing apps.

You don't need xmpp or wave for this necessarily. Most of the work on an opensource implementation called infinote already have been done with jinfinote ( Jinfinote was recently also ported to python ( to handle concurrency and document state centrally. I currently use both within the hwios project (, which relies on websockets and json transport. You don't want really want to use polling for these kind of applications. Also xmpp seems to complicate things unnecessarily imo.

After coming upon this question and doing a more careful search, I think the best standalone application to check out would be Etherpad, which runs as a JS browser app and using Node.js on the server side. The technology behind this is known as operational transformation.
Etherpad was originally a pretty heavyweight application that was bought by Google and incorporated into Google Wave, which failed. The code was released as open source and the technology was rewritten in Javascript for Etherpad Lite, now renamed just "Etherpad". Some of the Etherpad technology was probably also incorporated into Google Docs.
Since Etherpad, there have been various versions to this technology, notably some Javascript libraries that allow for integrating this directly into your web app:
I am the maintainer of the meteor-sharejs package for adding realtime editors directly to a Meteor app, which IMHO is the best of both worlds :)

As Gintautas pointed out, this is done by Operational Transformation. As I understand it, the bulk of the research and development on this feature was done as part of the now-defunct Google Wave project, and is known as the Wave Protocol. Fortunately, Google Wave is open-sourced, so you can get some good code samples at

The Google Docs team did a little bit of a case study around how the real time collaboration worked, but I can't find the blog entry.
There is some decent stuff on the wikipedia page, though:

I've recently published a repository with a working example of what seems you're trying to achieve:
It's based off ShareDB (OT) working as the backend and Quill rich text editor on the frontend.
Basically just wires all these things with some more code to draw the cursors. The code should be fairly simple to understand and to copy over to any specific solution.
Hope it helps with the endeavor.


JS - How to update DOM in realtime across multiple instances of the same web app?

I am building a massive real-time collaboration web application. It is a Web IDE that has support for HTML, CSS & JS programming and a stage area that would reflect the results a la JSFiddle, Plunker etc.
Now, the twist is that, it would support multi-user real-time collaboration, where people viewing the same instance of the web application would be able to write code together that would reflect across all the open instances. I have figured out the race conditions, session management et al
What I am having trouble with is
how to reflect the typing and/or deleting along with caret positioning
across these multiple instances giving the illusion that when one
person is typing, he is actually typing on all the instances.
The other thing is that RactiveJS says that it
updates only those parts of the page that are out of date. Tedious DOM
manipulation is a thing of the past.
Which is a very nice effect in their Demo. Imagine, you are on JSFiddle and you don't have to re-run every time. So, my question is, how do they do it? What is the concept behind it?
I don't want to use any library for this. I am pretty good in JS. I am having a hard time figuring out the algorithm.
Things I have considered:
Dirty Checking [but, its dirty right?]
Delta Differencing [but like ReactJS, it would have to update the entire application state every time]
Object.observe [the browser compatibility is not realistic yet]
So, if you have anything that can help me go in the right direction, I would be really thankful.
Realtime-collaboration tools, that allow concurrent editing/manipulation of objects/texts etc, usually use a variant of the Operational Transformation algorithm.
OT is not trivial to understand, much rather implement so I'd suggest you take a look at already-cooked libs for this such as:
Racer for Node
OT works, in some very basic way, similar to GIT
As an update to what you posted in the comments.
You say you are using Python. You wouldn't rebuild your whole codebase, I guess, but keep in mind that real-time collaboration tools usually benefit a lot from using an event-driven server-side language.
Since you are using Python, you could check out the Twisted Framework

How do I design / architect a large, modular mobile web app? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I need to create a potentially very large HTML/JS mobile web app that will be delivered as a mobile web site and natively using Phonegap. I'm currently working to determine the best way to organize the app itself.
The basic plan is to have many modules that will each focus on a different subject of interest . Some of these modules will be very basic (ie, announcements / news) and some will be very complex (ie, sports: team players, schedules, video, etc). There will be a side-drawer navigation that will apply to most pages so users can quickly navigate to a different module. There needs to be the ability to deep-link within modules. These modules will be created by a variety of developers and vendors.
Single Page App
Most of the mobile solutions I see involve Single Pages, which seem like a bad idea to me in this case, since there is the potential for so much memory use. It also seems like it would be difficult to reconcile hash navigation between modules and hash navigation between section within modules. Module development would have to be done with the app framework in mind and limits how things can be done by vendors and developers. On the other hand, things aren't getting loaded as often and everything can easily communicate with each other.
Multiple Page App
Using multiple pages, it seems like each module could easily be created in whatever technology a vendor was comfortable with (and could do quickly and cheaply). It would cut down on memory use, but also remove the ability for modules to communicate (a feature that I don't know is necessary for us at this point). I could see making a javascript library every module would use for common handling of various events (like logging errors, navigation, etc). Each app navigation between modules would be a new page call, resetting the DOM. Each module could use a single page design if it wished.
Help Me Please
So, is there any common or new knowledge about how things like this should be designed? I'm eager to begin work, but don't want to be rewriting things that may already exist. Do I have any glaring flaws in my reasoning? I'd love to hear from anyone that has insight.
Honestly, if you are considering building any app that you believe will be high volume and of high complexity, you really ought to consider doing native development, or at least use something like Appcelerator where the application will be "compiled" down to native code for better performance. If you are intending to just let any number of developers build their own javascript components that may or may not do a good job of managing limited system resources, so are going to quickly run into application performance issues.
On the other hand, if you are just going for proof of concept and don't mind potentially having to greatly refactor your application architecture when and if you get a sufficient level of complexity, then you may want to simply go with the web app approach.
Really, you need to also be considering your backend service architecture as much or more than the frontend architecture. that is really where you are going to run into problems down the line in trying to integrate offerings from other developers.
I had a similar architectural problem to contend with a couple of years ago. It wasn't mobile, but it wasn't entirely web-based either. The target applications were a mix of web sites and desktop apps, with the potential to go mobile in the future.
The interesting part was that there had been two prior attempts at creating a framework that could be used in a variety of situations. The problem, and the reason both attempts failed, was that the developers saw it as a UX problem space. They approached it using several different technologies, but became mired months down the road because they had made assumptions up front and flown the project by the seat of their pants.
My approach was to eschew all the UI discussion completely and focus on a backend architecture that could be approached from any standpoint. To this end, I created a web service that had data going in both directions, and was ultimately serving a mathematical model. The service is being accessed from a variety of sources using different technologies: Flash, Unity, a Google Earth plugin, and finally, from an unrelated web architecture serving up good ol' HTML.
My advice to you, is don't concentrate on the front-end mapping so much as get your back-end right. Once you have a data structure in place, you can build outward, and several issues such as memory management, monolithic app or not, i.e. one page versus many, will almost resolve themselves. Work on creating a great API with lots of good interfaces and you won't fall into a "many chefs" hole. Give a bunch of dispersed developers enough rope, on the other hand, and you'll never find where all the knots are!
The decision whether to ultimately go native API over HTML5-based technology such as Sencha Touch, jQuery Mobile, or Phonegap is an evangelical black hole that will be played out over the coming months and years. Native apps may be more fluid and speedy in some cases, but the investment in resources is something that should be considered. On the other hand, JavaScript developers are lurking around every corner and are not in short supply.
Your first step is to nail down those requirements.
If you're doing this for yourself or for your own company, then nail down how these modules (co-)operate.
If you are doing this for your employer, then somebody there ought to have a clue what they want to see, otherwise, how are you going to build it?
A solution which supports multiple pages, opening and closing modules with no communication is going to require different things than a framework which is responsible for maintaining multiple widgets at the same time, which may or may not communicate through system-calls or services.
There's no way around that -- building services/sandboxing/etc for modules is going to take more work than treating each like a page-change (or making them be literal page-changes).
When you figure out what you want your program to do, start building out an idea of the API you'd like other people to have.
Are you going to provide them with an API for building UI components, or are you going to leave that to their own whims?
Personally, I'd avoid a situation where each module change just replaces iFrames, and then the end-user can do whatever they want in there.
Likewise, I'd avoid situations where you're allowing module-creators to run whatever they'd like in a non-sandboxed environment... It ends poorly for your end-users (or you, in UK court).
But that's not a concern, yet.
First-concern is what does your platform do.
Then figure out what your back-end communication is going to look like, and what interfaces you're going to provide to module creators, and how you're going to get data from your end to theirs (http-based API, REST or whatever else... ...but work it out WELL, if you don't already have it).
THEN, when you know what your platform is expected to do, AND you have a backend which can serve all kinds of tasks well, figure out what services you're going to provide to content-creators, to make their widgets, and to upload/download data from your service, and sandbox, and the like.

what are best practices and standards I should follow while implementing a chat service?

I am building a chat feature inside a website, something like stackoverflow chat but simpler, are there any best practices or standards I need to follow while creating this feature using MVC .net and javascript? are there any articles documents or books talked about this in details?
Disclaimer: I am by no means an expert, but I'll do my best. If someone thinks this would better serve as a community wiki, I'll change it to such, just let me know.
As I see it, there are two general fields of chat services:
Chat Rooms (Like IRC)
Needs some sort of moderation hierarchy
Somewhat less need for privacy in the communication
as a note: you may want to have both private and public chat rooms,
in which case, privacy may become more of an issue
Minimal need for user registration
The only reasons you may need user registration in this case is for
moderation or privacy reasons
Like is often done on IRC networks, I'd make user registration
One-on-One Chat (Like XMPP)
Typically needs encryption on all sides
Privacy is key
Authentication is very important (Unless you're doing a chat-roulette
type thing)
Moderation needs are minimal
About the only moderation tools you'll need are something to prevent
spam (which can be solved by simply not revealing user lists, and
requiring users to approve of someone before that person can chat
with them), and something to allow users to block other users
Okay, so now that we've figured out what type of service you want to
implement, we have to figure out the "how".
Pre-existing Standards
There's lots of code out there, but...
Typically the standards are more complex than something you could roll
The clear exception here is IRC, which is drop-dead simple to
understand, although may actually be somewhat lacking in features
for what you want to do
May contain extra things that you don't care about (such as file-transfers
in XMPP)
That doesn't mean you actually have to support them, but it's more pages
of rfc documents that you have to look through
Rolling Your Own Protocol
Potentially insecure, as you may not know what to look out for
Potentially lower up-front costs, higher long-term costs
What I mean by this is simply that when you roll it yourself, you save the
time of having to look through a bunch of standards, but as a result, you
may end up building a less robust system than you hoped
More easily customizable for your needs (granted you don't mess things up,
see previous point)
Some Other Odds-and-Ends
You may want to make bots
Be careful about opening up an API for others to make bots though. This
could be good or bad, depending on your community. People could use it for
spam, or for great things. With great power comes great responsibility.
It's possible to combine both a chatroom system and a one-to-one chat. IRC
supports one-to-one chats, and XMPP supports chatrooms.
Node.js is something you should consider for a chat service server.
This is why:
it's absurdly fast
easy to set up
you can make use of websockets (compatible with safari, ios safari, chrome, firefox, opera) to make things work super-fluent and fast
I'd definitely take a look at XMPP. There are pleanty of XMPP servers already available Tigase (Java), Ejabberd (Erlang), etc., which will get you up and going pretty quickly.
There is an XMPP spec for multi-user chats (MUC) which both Tigase and Ejabberd have implemented.
There is a JavaScript library for XMPP called Strophe ( which you might find interesting as well. Strophe was used to write Speeqe ( as well. (demo:
Since XMPP has been around for so long (used to be known as Jabber) there are ton of great books as well including one that talks about using Strophe ( - written by the creator of ChessPark)

Reflective Web Application (WebIDE)

So, this question has already been answered, but as it was my first question for this project, I'm going to continue to reference it in other questions I ask for this project.
For anyone who came from another question, here is the basic idea: Create a web app that can make it much easier to create other web applications or websites. To do this, you would basically create a modular site with "widgets" and then combine them into the final display pages. Each widget would likely have its own set of functions combined in a Class if you use Prototype or .prototype.fn otherwise.
I am working on getting the basics down: editing CSS, creating user JavaScript functions and dynamically finding their names/inputs, and other critical technical aspects of the project. Soon I will create a rough timeline of the features I wish to create. Soon after I do this, I intent to create a Blog of sorts to keep everyone informed of the project's status.
Original Question
Hello all, I am currently trying to formalize an idea I have for a personal project (which may turn into a professional one later on). The concept is a reflective web application. In other words, a web application that can build other web applications and is actively used to build and improve itself. Think of it as sort of a webapp IDE for creating webapps.
So before I start explaining it further, my question to all of you is this: What do you think would be some of the hardest challenges along the way and where would be the best place to start?
Now let me try to explain some of the aspects of this concept briefly here. I want this application to be as close to a WYSIWYG as possible, in that you have a display area which shows all or part of the website as it would appear. You should be free to browse it to get to the areas you want to work on and use a JavaScript debugger/console to ask "what would happen if...?" questions.
I intend for the webapps to be built up via components. In other words, the result would be a very modular webapp so that you can tweak things on a small or large scale with a fair amount of ease (generally it should be better than hand coding everything in <insert editor of choice>).
Once the website/webapp is done, this webapp should be able to produce all the code necessary to install and run the created website/webapp (so CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and PHP installer for the database).
Here are the few major challenges I've come up with so far:
Changing CSS on the fly
Implementing reflection in JavaScript
Accurate and brief DOM tree viewer
Allowing users to choose JavaScript libraries (i.e. Prototype, jQuery, Dojo, extJS, etc.)
Any other comments and suggestions are also welcome.
Edit 1: I really like the idea of AppJet and I will check it out in detail when I get the time this weekend. However, my only concern is that this is supposed to create code that can go onto others webservers, so while AppJet might be a great way for me to develop this app more rapidly, I still think I will have to generate PHP code for my users to put on their servers.
Also, when I feel this is ready for beta testers, I will certainly release it for free for everyone on this site. But I was thinking that out of beta I should follow a scheme similar to that of git: Free for open source apps, costs money for private/proprietary apps.
Conceptually, you would be building widgets, a widget factory, and a factory making factory.
So, you would have to find all the different types of interactions that could be possible in making a widget, between widgets, within a factory, and between multiple widget making factories to get an idea.
Something to keep on top of how far would be too far to abstract?
**I think you would need to be able to abstract a few layers completely for the application space itself. Then you'd have to build some management tool for it all. **
- Presentation, Workflow and the Data tier.
Presentation: You are either receiving feedback, or putting in input. Usually as a result of clicking, or entering something. A simple example is making dynamic web forms in a database. What would you have to store in a database about where it comes/goes from? This would probably make up the presentation layer. This would probably be the best exercise to start with to get a feel for what you may need to go with.
Workflow: it would be wise to build a simple workflow engine. I built one modeled on Windows Workflow that I had up and running in 2 days. It could set the initial event that should be run, etc. From a designer perspective, I would imagine a visio type program to link these events. The events in the workflow would then drive the presentation tier.
Data: You would have to store the data about the application as much as the data in the application. So, form, event, data structures could possibly be done by storing xml docs depending on whether you need to work with any of the data in the forms or not. The data of the application could also be stored in empty xml templates that you fill in, or in actual tables. At that point you'd have to create a table creation routine that would maintain a table for an app to the spec. Google has something like this with their google DB online.
Hope that helps. Share what you end up coming up with.
Why use PHP?
Appjet does something really similar using 100% Javascript on the client and server side with rhino.
This makes it easier for programmers to use your service, and easier for you to deploy. In fact even their data storage technique uses Javascript (simple native objects), which is a really powerful idea.

Should you design websites that require JavaScript in this day & age?

It's fall of 2008, and I still hear developers say that you should not design a site that requires JavaScript.
I understand that you should develop sites that degrade gracefully when JS is not present/on. But at what point do you not include funcitonality that can only be powered by JS?
I guess the question comes down to demographics. Are there numbers out there of how many folks are browsing without JS?
Just as long as you're aware of the accessibility limitations you might be introducing, ie for users of screen-reading software, etc.
It's one thing to exclude people because they choose to turn off JS or use a browser which doesn't support it, it's entirely another to exclude them because of a disability.
Two simple questions to help you decide...
Does using javascript provide some
core functionality of your site?
Are you prepared to limit your
potential users to those who have
JS? (ie. Most people)
If you answer yes to both of those, go for it!
Websites are moving (have moved?) from static pages of information to interactive web applications. Without something like Javascript or Flash, making compelling user interactions is sometimes not possible.
Designing to degrade gracefully is the most that should be done. We are moving/have moved past the point of simple web "sites" to web "applications". The only option besides client side scripting to add round trips to the server.
I think (personal opinion) that the "don't use JavaScript" comes more from a lack of understanding of what JavaScript is/does than any actual market data that shows a significant number of people are browsing without it.
It's reasonable to design sites that use JavaScript but it is not safe to assume that all clients have support for Javascript and therefore it is important that you provide a satisfactory experience even when JavaScript is not available
Search Engines don't support JavaScript. They're also blind and don't support CSS. So my suggestion to you is to make sure that the part of your product that needs to be indexable by search engines works without JavaScript and CSS. After that, it really depends on the needs of your users.
If you have a very limited subset of users, then you can actually query them. But to remember that 10% of the population has some form of impairment ranging from vision issues (low vision, color-blindness, etc.) or motor functions (low hand dexterity). These problems tend to be more prominent in the elderly and the knowingly disabled
If your site will target the general audience of Internet users then please make it degrade gracefully, but if you can't do that, then make a no-JavaScript version (like G-mail has).
I think the days of "content sites only" are gone. What we see now is WWW emerging as the platform of web applications, and the latest developments in the browser front (speeding up JS in particular) ar indication of this.
There can be no yes/no answer to your question - you should decide, where on content site<---->web application continuum your site is and how essential is the experience provided by JavaScript. In my opinion - yes it is acceptable to have web applications which require Javascript to function.
Degrading gracefully is a must. At a minimum, you sure make use of the NOSCRIPT tag in order to inform potential customers first that your site requires javascript, and secondly why you require it.
If it's for flashy menus and presentations that I could honestly care less about then I probably won't bother coming back. If there's a real reason that you're requiring javascript (client-side validation on forms, or a real situation that requires AJAX for performance reasons) then say so and your visitors will respond accordingly.
I install extensions that limit both Javascript and Cookies. Websites that don't prominently state their requirements of both usually don't get a second visit unless there's a real need for it.
You should never design a public site to rely on ANY technology/platform. The user agent may not display colour (think screen readers), display graphics (again, think screen readers or text only browsers such as links), etc.
Design your site for the lowest common denominator and then progressively enhance it to add support for specific technologies.
To answer the question directly: No, you cannot assume your users have Javascript, so your site should work without it. Once it does, enhance it with Javascript.
it's not about browser capability, it's about user control. People who install the noscript plugin for firefox so they don't have to put up with punch-the-monkey garbage ( the same problem that inspired stack overflow) will not allow your web site to do anything non-static until they trust you.
In terms of client software consider users/customers who are using a browser that supports some but not all Javascript. For example, most mobile phone browsers support a bit of Javascript but nothing very complicated. The browsers on devices such as the Playstation 3 are similar.
Then there are browsers such as Opera Mini, which support a lot of Javascript but are operating in an environment where the scripts are running on a server that then sends the results to a mobile device.
You should design websites with Javascript in mind--but not implemented. Consider, build it where every click, every action, performs a round trip to the server. That's the default functionality for older browsers, and those without JS turned on.
Then, after it's all built, and everything is working properly, add in JavaScript which hijacks the link, button and other events, and overlay their standard functionality with the Javascript functionality you're wanting.
Building the application like this means that it will ALWAYS work, which ultimately is what you're wanting.
The received wisdom answer is that you can use JavaScript (or any other technology) providing that it 'degrades gracefully'...
I have experience with disability organisations, so accessibility is important to me. But equally, I'm in the business of building attractive, usable websites, so javascript can be a powerful ally. It's a difficult call, but if you can build a rich, javascript-aided site, without completely alienating non-js vistors, then do so. If not, you will have to look at the context of the site and decide which way to jump.
Regardless, there are no rights and wrongs with this question. However, in some countries, there is a requirement to build 'public' sites to be accessible, so this may be yet another factor in your decision. [In the UK, it is the Disability Discrimination Act.. though to my knowledge, no company has been prosecuted for failure to comply]
JavaScript is great for extending the browser to do things like google maps. But it's a pointy instrument, so use it with care.
My bank web site uses JavaScript for basic navigation between pages. Sigh. As a result, it's not usable from my mobile device.
Make sure you're familiar with the Rule of Least Power when considering JavaScript:
When designing computer systems, one
is often faced with a choice between
using a more or less powerful language
for publishing information, for
expressing constraints, or for solving
some problem. This finding explores
tradeoffs relating the choice of
language to reusability of
information. The "Rule of Least Power"
suggests choosing the least powerful
language suitable for a given purpose.
5% according to these statistics:
As you said, demographics. The web is expanding onto devices that doesn't have very much power, for instance cellphones. If your site is usable without javascript, Opera Mini will likely show your site without any problems.
I think Javascript implementations in most modern browsers have now reached a reasonable level of maturity and there are a bunch of Javascript UI frameworks which let you build very attractive Javascript based web applications using web-services and such (regardless of the back-end server platform).
An example is ExtJS - they have got a very extensive AJAX + UI widget framework which I recently used to build a full fledged internal web-app for a client with an ASP.NET backend (for webservices).
I think it comes down to what you're about to do. Are you writing a web APPLICATION? Then I think you're bound to use javascript and/or something like GWT. Just have a look at all the social sites, and google aplications like gmail. If you're writing a webpage with product descriptions and hardly any interactivity, then you can make the javascript optional.
I agree with the majority of the stackoverflow respondents. JavaScript has matured and offers an "extra" level of functionality to a webpage, especially for forms. Those who turn off cookies and JS have likely been bitten while surfing in dangerous waters. For the corporate power users that pay my way either in B2B or retail sites, JS is a proven and trusty tool. Until something better comes along (and it will) I'm sticking with JS.
There's addon for Firefox called NoScript which have 27,501,701 downloads. If you site won't work without JavaScript most of those guys wouldn't want to use it.
Why you would install that addon? Ever wanted to get rid of the popup on the site that cover the most of the useful text you want to rid? Or disable flash animation? Or be sure that evil site won't steal your cookies?
Some corporate environments won't allow Javascript, by policy or by firewall. It closes the door to one avenue of virus infection.
Whether you think this is a good idea or not, realize that not everyone has full control over their browser and it might not be their choice.
There is a gradient between web sites and web applications. However, you should alway be able to say "we are building a web site" or "we are building a web application".
Web sites should be readable down to plain HTML (no CSS, no images, no JavaScript).
Web applications, of course, could just say "Sorry, JavaScript is needed" (which also assumes CSS for layout). Application should still be able to work without images.
The accessibility issue is the only important technical issue, all other issues can be socially engineered. When one says that javascript reduced accessibility and another says that Web Applications can use javascript, can we take these two together to imply that all blind people are unemployed? There has to be some kind of momentum in making javascript accessible. Maybe a Screenreader object on the javascript side which can detect the presence of a screenreader and then maybe send hints to the screenreader, Screenreaders which can hook onto the browser, and maybe it gets glued together with a screenreader toolbar.
if you want your site viewable by the top 100 companies in the US. I would write without javascript.
Independence from Javascript and graceful degradation are important to an application despite the actual demographics -- because such an application probably has better software design.
The "human user without Javascript" may be purely hypothetical (for example, if you're trying to make money with your product). But designing for that hypothetical user encourages modular software design which will pay off as you continue to develop your app.
Javascript provides functionality. HTML provides data (on the page itself, and via links that point to more data). As a general rule that reaches well beyond browser apps: A well-designed software product will separate data from functionality. All data should be available, and the functionality should be a separate layer that consumes the data.
If your Javascript is creating data at runtime, then it's time to get specific and figure out whether your webpage really is a piece of software (e.g. a mortgage calculator) or whether it's a document containing data (e.g. a list of mortgage interest rates). This should tell you whether it makes sense to rely on Javascript.
As a final note/example, demographics can be misleading. Relatively few humans browse your site without Javascript, but lots of machines (search bots, data miners, screen readers for the disabled, etc.) are browsing your site without Javascript. Again, the distinction between data and functionality are important -- the bots are just making requests and looking for data in the responses. They don't need functionality. But if your user needs to invoke functions just to make your data accessible, the bots are getting no value from your site.
One side point about the screen readers and other accessibility considerations for the disabled. This is an important niche demographic: a mind that navigates data in a human way, but who can only get data from your site in the same way machines get it. By providing data cleanly and semantically on your page, you make it available to the largest possible set of accessibility tools.
Note this doesn't exclude Javascript from consideration. Our mortgage calculator example can still work: accept input from the user, invoke Javascript, and write the output back into the clean semantic data layer of the page. Screen readers can then read it! And if they can't, you're encouraging the development of better screen readers that can.
If you expect your app to work for everyone, you'll need a backup for all your javascript functionality. If it's form validation, you should also check the data on the server before saving it. So the answer is Yes, it's okay, but have a backup. Do not rely on it.
As many people are saying, it's important to consider your user base, but whoever your users are there's a strong possibility that some (stats say 10%) of them will have some sort of disabilities, and screen readers don't like javascript. If you're only adding simple things, a javascript menu or something, then just make it degrade (or don't do it). If the site depends on javascript to work properly, make two versions, one for javascript and one without.
I generally find that anything too javascript heavy is very difficult to make degrade well without just having javascript re-writing the page to a javascript version if the user can take it. Given this, it's well worth writing two pages from square one for complicated stuff.
I would say that there are very very very few web sites that should be running without some support for users without javascript. You'd need to have a very dynamic application that completely didn't make sense as static pages,or you'd need to have a audience you could guarantee were ok with it (like on an office Intranet say).
Well, it depends on your userbase. If you know that people will be using your site from mobile devices, it's good to have unobtrusive JavaScript. However, if you're trying to appeal to a tech-savvy crowd, don't bother with it.
However, if you're appealing to a crowd that may be using screen readers (blind people), I'd highly suggest using WAI-ARIA standards. Dojo's widget system has full support for this, and would be a great and easy way to do it.
Anyway, in most cases, you don't need unobtrusive JavaScript. Most people who have JavaScript disabled are either using a smartphone, using Lynx, or have NoScript installed. It's enabled by default in all the major browsers, so you shouldn't have to worry.
Lastly, it's good to at least have some unobtrusive JavaScript. <noscript> tags are your best friend. For example, one may want to replace a widget that draws rating stars with text. Example using dojo:
<div dojoType="dojox.Rating" stars="5" value="4"></div>
It's the 21st century. People not permitting JavaScript need to exit the last millennium, posthaste. It's a mature, widely used, and very useful technology that is one of the foundations of the recent expansion in useful web services.
You should be tying the functionality of your website to your audience. That being said, every modern browser (save for the mobile platform) includes javascript, and so unless your audience includes luddites with decade old computers, you can assume they have javascript.
The people you need to worry about, then, are those that specifically turn it off. This includes:
Corporate networks with tough security (not common, but some financial and defense institutions)
Paranoid web-heads
So, first, who is your audience? Are there other websites that are comparable to your target? Look at their site and success - do they degrade gracefully, and would yo be satisfied with their level of success?
If you are targeting mobile applications, though, you can't guarantee javascript.
I would say that you should look at your target audience. If you can reasonably expect that they will have js enabled, and making everything work without any js is too much of a pain, then by all means - go ahead and ignore the non-js crowd, if, on the other hand you have to create a site that will be used by a very large audience/or you are perhaps building a government web site, then you must make sure that everything works, and it is easier in those cases to first build the site so that it works without any js, and add all the nice time-saving ajaxy bits later.
In general though, almost everyone has js enabled by default.
Though you should be aware that server-side validation of user posted data is a must in either case.

