Google Map Custom Marker Image Not Rendering - javascript

I have this page where I have one custom marker rendering, and another not rendering. Would anyone know why? The does not show up and the car image does show up.
The page url with the map (towards the bottom) is here:

Ok it was something stupid I was doing. Never mind :)


How to give marker a z-index wild-googlemaps

Probably impossible without using an API, but I'm going to ask anyway because it would save me so much pain and tears.
Is there a way to give a googlemaps marker a z-index without using the API? I've got the plug-in called Wild-Googlemaps implemented on my wordpress site. And I've created a googlemaps div, with an overlaying div set to opacity:0.7 for styling purposes.
Now I've lost the ability to click the marker, so I need to somehow change its z-index.
Anyone had this problem or has any ideas? Much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You cannot do that without accessing API.
By default all markers are created as a part of a map canvas and you cannot access them (they don't belong to the DOM tree). You could do that after turning off optimized parameter passed during creation of the marker (take a look at
description of marker parameters), but this require access to API.

How to display information in a div outside the map?

I created a simple map with two polygons (most of the code I got from the Interactive Choropleth Map tutorial). I added a L.control() to show information about the polygons in a div. Contrary to the tutorial, I would like to have this div displayed outside the map.
To get a clue what I mean please look here:
I'm pretty new to leaflet and javascript so it would be nice if anybody can help!
I think Leaflet is styling the _div you return on the event handler so it appears as a popup. Just get the DIV you want to write into (by ID, not by Class) and edit it.
See jsfiddle here:
lines 103 and 110 of the JS, as well as some CSS and HTML tweaks. I think I changed some names.
see updated fiddle here
document.getElementById("information").innerText =;

Mapping: Click on a marker, show content next to the map?

I am kind of newbie in geocoding, so I hope you can give me some hints how to get the following:
I want to make a map with D3 or leaflet that has some marker on it. If you click on a marker, information should pop up/be shown right next to the map. Kind of like in this example:
How can I accomplish this?
I guess there are 3 components involved. I need help with 2 of them.
The map: I can do that
Some kind of ajax, because I don't want the page to be loaded, if you click on a marker - right?
Some kind of jquery/javascript that opens on the righthand side if I click on a marker - right?
Plus: If you know any tutorials, case studies etc. that deal with this kind of task, please let me know.
I accomplished my goal by combining leaflet and jquery following this tutorial and extending it
Or maybe this ? It's similar to what you are asking with few adjustments. You should play with the css to make it right for you. Instead of the numeric values of the example you can enter anything you want(images, html code etc)

Toggle Bing Maps Dashboard

Is there any way to toggle the bing maps dashboard('showDashboard' option) using the api v7?
I know that it can be set in the constructor, but I want to be able to show/hide this dashboard after the map is rendered and i dont want to recreate the map every time a user wants to show or hide the controlls.
I tried using:
map.setOptions({showDashboard : userOption})
but it doesnt work.
In the documentation it states that "This property can only be set when using the Map constructor.", but I'm still hoping for a solution/hack....even tho i've been searching for a solution all over the internet.
Thanks in advance.
I think you cannon achieve this through API.
The best solution is to control this manually after the maps loaded
Just use
$(".MicrosoftNav").style.visibility = "hidden" // To hide the nav bar
$(".MicrosoftNav").style.visibility = "visible" // To show the nav bar
I suppose the bing will not change the class of "MicrosoftNav", but who knows...
I ended up recreating the map on each show/hide action and it seems to work ok, but it would have been nice if there was a way of doing this without having to destroy and render the map again....i know for a fact that this can be done in gmaps.

Google Maps Sidebar Render Issue

I wonder whether it's possible that someone could help me please with a problem I've been trying to solve for over a week now.
I'm using this page to try and implement sidebar functionality to my Google map with the list entries and associated map markers switched on and off via category checkboxes.
I can get the markers to appear and disappear via the checkboxes, but I can't get the sidebar to render on the page.
As I said I've spent a lot of time on this and I seem to be going round in circles and I just can't work out where I'm going wrong.
I just wondered whether it's at possible that someone could take a look at this please and let me know where I've gone wrong.
Sincere thanks and kind regards

