Google maps v3 polyline tooltip - javascript

A google maps marker object (google.maps.Marker) has a title property, so when a user moves their mouse over the marker a simple tooltip is displayed.
There isn't a title property on a polyline (google.maps.Polyline). Is there a way I can do this / simulate this in V3? I could do this in V2, and I can't find an example for V3.

I combined #samshull's answer above (duly upvoted!) with info from here to make the InfoWindow appear where the user's cursor mouses over the line:
// Open the InfoWindow on mouseover:
google.maps.event.addListener(line, 'mouseover', function(e) {
infoWindow.setContent("You are at " + e.latLng);;
// Close the InfoWindow on mouseout:
google.maps.event.addListener(line, 'mouseout', function() {
Here, line is your PolyLine object; map is your Map object; and infoWindow is your InfoWindow object, which I just create with:
var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
I also follow this advice by re-using the same InfoWindow object for all my polylines rather than creating a new one for each line:
Best practices: For the best user experience, only one info window
should be open on the map at any one time. Multiple info windows make
the map appear cluttered. If you only need one info window at a time,
you can create just one InfoWindow object and open it at different
locations or markers upon map events, such as user clicks. If you do
need more than one info window, you can display multiple InfoWindow
objects at the same time.
Note that infoWindow.setContent() takes a string. So call toString() on a number variable if you want to display a number in the InfoWindow.
I view all of this as an imperfect workaround until Google Maps hopefully one day add a title property to PolylineOptions, just like they've already done for MarkerOptions.

I am not 100% this is the only way, or the best way, but it is a way to create a window over your Polyline
In Google maps V3, you should to create an InfoWindow then set the content using myInfoWindow.setContent("Hello World!")
In order to make it show on mouseover, you will need to do something like:
google.maps.event.addListener(myPolyline, 'mouseover', function() {;
// mymap represents the map you created using google.maps.Map
// assuming you want the InfoWindow to close on mouseout
google.maps.event.addListener(myPolyline, 'mouseout', function() {

I found this online that helped me do tooltips on polygons,
var tooltip=function(){
var id = 'tt';
var top = 3;
var left = 3;
var maxw = 200;
var speed = 10;
var timer = 20;
var endalpha = 95;
var alpha = 0;
var tt,t,c,b,h;
var ie = document.all ? true : false;
if(tt == null){
tt = document.createElement('div');
t = document.createElement('div');
t.setAttribute('id',id + 'top');
c = document.createElement('div');
c.setAttribute('id',id + 'cont');
b = document.createElement('div');
b.setAttribute('id',id + 'bot');
document.body.appendChild(tt); = 0; = 'alpha(opacity=0)';
document.onmousemove = this.pos;
} = 'visible'; = 'block';
c.innerHTML = v; = w ? w + 'px' : 'auto';
if(!w && ie){ = 'none'; = 'none'; = tt.offsetWidth; = 'block'; = 'block';
if(tt.offsetWidth > maxw){ = maxw + 'px'}
h = parseInt(tt.offsetHeight) + top;
tt.timer = setInterval(function(){tooltip.fade(1)},timer);
var u = ie ? event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop : e.pageY;
var l = ie ? event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft : e.pageX; = (u - h) + 'px'; = (l + left) + 'px';
var a = alpha;
if((a != endalpha && d == 1) || (a != 0 && d == -1)){
var i = speed;
if(endalpha - a < speed && d == 1){
i = endalpha - a;
}else if(alpha < speed && d == -1){
i = a;
alpha = a + (i * d); = alpha * .01; = 'alpha(opacity=' + alpha + ')';
if(d == -1){ = 'none'}
tt.timer = setInterval(function(){tooltip.fade(-1)},timer);
Also, Please see this SO discussion about the same topic:
Tooltip over a Polygon in Google Maps
Google maps rectangle/polygon with title

If i'm not mistaken i don't think it is possible to set the tooltip since as you mentioned there is not a title property in PolygonOptions object.But you can make a div that looks exactly the same as the tooltip and place it let's say in the tip of your mouse during the mousemove event.I tried also to find a solution to place this tooltip somewhere in the center of the polygon but i think it is too much of a trouble that's why i also think the google guys didn't implement it also.


How to find if coordinates fall within tile bounds?

I have a tile map like this .I would like to know the lat and long values (41.850033,-87.6500523) is located inside which tileBounds?
Am getting tile bounds values for every tile. but i dont know how to check if latitude is inside the range of particular tileBound value. how to find?
here is a working copy of my code
var div = ownerDocument.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML =
\nne:['','']\n}</pre>'; = this.tileSize.width + 'px'; = this.tileSize.height + 'px'; = '10'; = 'solid'; = '1px'; = '#AAAAAA';
if(lat === 41.850033 && lng === -87.6500523){ //if latitude and longitude value inside that tile bounds set color as red'red';
return div;
how to check here if my latitude and longitude lies inside tileBounds.sw and
var setTileBackground =
return ( <= el.latitude <= && tileBounds.sw.lng <= el.longitude <=
}) // never returns true ...
I solved my problem with this check
var setTileBackground = this.mapDataPoints.some(function(el){
return (el.latitude > && el.latitude < && el.longitude > tileBounds.sw.lng &&
el.longitude <

Firefox very slow with forEachFeatureatPixel

Firefox and IE are operating REALLY slowly with OPENLAYERS 3 when using the forEachFeatureatPixel function. I'm trying to find a way to speed it up. Essentially, the application (found at has as popup that comes up when the user hovers over a point on the map. But Firefox struggles with this feature. I'm looking for help with the following code to speed it up:
var selectMouseMove = new ol.interaction.Select({
condition: function (e) {
return e.originalEvent.type == 'mousemove';
style: hoverStyle
// Change cursor
var target = map.getTarget();
var jTarget = typeof target === "string" ? $("#" + target) : $(target);
// On Hover, change the mouse cursor and display the name of the site
$(map.getViewport()).on('mousemove', function (e) {
var pixel = map.getEventPixel(e.originalEvent);
var feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(pixel,
function (feature, layer) {
return feature;
if (feature) {
jTarget.css("cursor", "pointer");
var geometry = feature.getGeometry();
var coord = geometry.getCoordinates();
'placement': 'top',
'html': true,
'content': feature.get('site_name')
} else {
jTarget.css("cursor", "");
var element = document.getElementById('popup');
var popup = new ol.Overlay({
element: element,
positioning: 'bottom-center',
stopEvent: false
I solved this problem for points only (I had the slow performance problem also on IE 11) with an own function.
// Alternative FeatureAtPixel-Function wegen FF
// Sucht im Rechteck vom Punkt pixel aus in +/- x und +/- y
function FFIE_getFeatureAtPixelQuadrat(pixel, DiffCoord) {
result = [];
mousepixel = map.getCoordinateFromPixel(pixel);
f = vectorSource.getFeatures();
c = 0;
for (var i in f) {
if (f[i].point.flatCoordinates[0] > mousepixel[0] - DiffCoord && f[i].point.flatCoordinates[0] < mousepixel[0] + DiffCoord ) {
if (f[i].point.flatCoordinates[1] > mousepixel[1] - DiffCoord && f[i].point.flatCoordinates[1] < mousepixel[1] + DiffCoord ) {
if (c > 0) {
return result;
The parameter DiffCoord I get on "moveend" event:
// Event, wenn Zoom neu gesetzt
map.on("moveend", function(evt) {
// Berechnen flatCoordinates per Pixel
var pixel = [0,0];
startx = map.getCoordinateFromPixel(pixel)[0];
pixel = [1,1];
endx = map.getCoordinateFromPixel(pixel)[0];
DiffCoord = (endx-startx) * 8; // 8 entspricht den +/- Pixeln in flatCoordinates
Now IE and FF seems to be equal fast than Chrome for the popup on mousemove.
This example is only for points because it searches the feature in a square around the origin of the point.
I hope this helps?

Disable drag on Google Map Javascript custom controls

I want to create a Google map custom control using the Javascript API.
The control is an 'add waypoint' button. The user is supposed to be able to drag from the control, causing a marker to appear at the mouse pointer, and drop this marker on to the map.
The intended behavior is nearly identical to the existing pegman feature.
The problem is that the Google map controls seem to interact with drag, even when the drag has been explicitly disabled, as seen below.
In the example code, The first time I click and drag, it works as intended. The second time I click and drag, I get a 'no drag' icon and the control spawns a ghost of itself. The third time I drag, it's working again. On the next drag, there's a 'no drag'. The sequence continues, with odd drags working, and even drags failing.
Here's what I believe to be the relevant section:
<div id="map"></div>
var spawning = false;
var inProgress = false;
var waypointSpawner;
var targetLat;
var targetLng;
function initMap()
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: {lat: 0.0000, lng: 0.0000},
zoom: 2
// Create the DIV to hold the control and call the CenterControl()
// constructor passing in this DIV.
var centerControlDiv = document.createElement('div');
var centerControl = new CenterControl(centerControlDiv, map);
centerControlDiv.index = 1;
function CenterControl(controlDiv, map) {
// Set CSS for the control border.
var controlUI = document.createElement('div'); = '#fff'; = '2px solid #fff'; = '3px'; = '0 2px 6px rgba(0,0,0,.3)'; = 'pointer'; = '22px'; = '40px'; = '50px'; = "0.7"; = "url('create_waypoint_icon.png')";
controlUI.title = 'Add Waypoint';
controlUI.draggable = "false";
//controlDiv.draggable = "false";
I was unable to get the above code to work in jsfiddle, but there are a couple of other examples that illustrate the problem.
Attempting to drag and drop the blue and green squares in the top left of the map results in some unintended behavior. Depending on your zoom level, and somewhat randomly, you will get a variety of different outcomes -
1 - Nothing happens. The pointer remains as a finger and moves normally.
2 - The finger pointer changes to a 'no drag' but otherwise moves normally.
3 - The finger pointer changes to a 'no drag' and a blue-and green semi-transparent 'to-paste' widget.
4 - The finger pointer changes to a 'no drag', and either the blue or green half of the widget (depending on your selection) goes with it.
This behavior is also somewhat evident in the Google control example code:
In this instance, when the text is highlighted, you get the 'no drag' icon. The parent control doesn't appear to be selectable, which is the desired goal.
I believe that the custom control is acquiring some kind of 'focus' status, and that clicking it again clears the focus. This behavior is evident in the green/blue example. Perhaps the control is being 'highlighted' somehow?
I attempted to implement the solutions given in How can I make a div unselectable? to no effect. I also tried a variety of ways to make the div undraggable in the code, but this did not appear to have any impact.
I also tried simulating mouse clicks on other parts of the program, and double clicking on the control, to change the focus/highlight status, but it appears the API doesn't actually carry out the clicks, only generates events from them. I couldn't find a way to cause a 'real' click. Manually clicking, then clicking and dragging worked.
I also tried making the control draggable but it still has the 'no drag' mouse pointer even when dragging it about.
If I understand correctly what you are saying, you want to be able to drag a marker onto the map, from outside, and place a point on that position.
I have the following solution which does that.
First we need to build the map:
function buildMap() {
var g = google.maps;
var mapOptions = {
center: new g.LatLng(52.052491, 9.84375),
zoom: 4,
mapTypeId: g.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
streetViewControl: false,
panControl: false
map = new g.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mapOptions);
iw = new g.InfoWindow();
g.event.addListener(map, "click", function() {
if (iw) iw.close()
drag_area = document.getElementById("markers");
var b = drag_area.getElementsByTagName("div");
b[0].onmousedown = initDrag
dummy = new DummyOView()
We create a standard map and add features such as infoWindows to display the lat lng when the marker is added.
In addition we get where the marker is held and onMouseDown call a function (soon to come).
We use b[0] as we are getting the first set of <div> tags in the mark-up below, this is where the draggable icon is held:
<div id="markers">
<div id="m1" class="drag" style="left:0; background-image: url('')">
The DummyOView is a map OverlayView which allows us to drag onto the map and grab the coords and position. More information on SO + credit to : More info
function DummyOView() {
this.draw = function() {}
DummyOView.prototype = new google.maps.OverlayView();
The initDrag function is where most of the work is done, this is quite a lengthy function so I did comment the code, any questions on clarification just add a comment.
//function that allows us to drag the marker from the div to the map
function initDrag(e) {
//allows us to drag the marker and keep record of the clientX client Y coordinates
var j = function(e) {
var a = {};
if (!e) var e = window.event;
a.x = e.clientX;
a.y = e.clientY
return a
//function called whenever the mouse moves. this will keep track of the marker as we move around
var k = function(e) {
//check to ensure that the object is of class drag - otherwise we could drag everything
if (obj && obj.className == "drag") {
var i = j(e),
deltaX = i.x - l.x,
deltaY = i.y - l.y; = (obj.x + deltaX) + "px"; = (obj.y + deltaY) + "px";
obj.onmouseup = function() {
//get the information to check to see if the dragObj is on the map on mouse up
var a = map.getDiv(),
mLeft = a.offsetLeft,
mTop = a.offsetTop,
mWidth = a.offsetWidth,
mHeight = a.offsetHeight;
var b = drag_area.offsetLeft,
areaTop = drag_area.offsetTop,
oWidth = obj.offsetWidth,
oHeight = obj.offsetHeight;
//check to see if obj is in bounds of map div X and Y
var x = obj.offsetLeft + b + oWidth / 2;
var y = obj.offsetTop + areaTop + oHeight / 2;
if (x > mLeft && x < (mLeft + mWidth) && y > mTop && y < (mTop + mHeight)) {
var c = 1;
var mapTemp = google.maps;
var point = new mapTemp.Point(x - mLeft - c, y - mTop + (oHeight / 2));
var proj = dummy.getProjection();
var latlng = proj.fromContainerPixelToLatLng(point);
var backImage =, -1).replace(/"/g, "");
createDraggedMarker(latlng, backImage);
return false
//assign the event to a windows event
obj = ? : e.srcElement;
//if the object where the event took place is not called drag cancel the event
if (obj.className != "drag") {
if (e.cancelable) e.preventDefault();
obj = null;
} else {
z_index += 1; = z_index.toString();
obj.x = obj.offsetLeft;
obj.y = obj.offsetTop;
var l = j(e); //get the initial position of the marker relative to the client
document.onmousemove = k;
//if we lift the mouse up outside the map div set to null and leave where it is
document.onmouseup = function() {
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
if (obj) obj = null
return false
Summarised this function is called whenever the mouse has been clicked and dragged. It registed the starting position and the positions of the map div and checks when the onmouseup to see if the current mouse position is over the map div. If so we create a marker on the map and re-add the marker icon to the div to allow redragging.
//when the marker is dragged onto the map
//we call this function to create a marker on the map
function createDraggedMarker(position, iconImage) {
var mapLocal = google.maps;
var icon = {
url: iconImage,
size: new mapLocal.Size(32, 32),
anchor: new mapLocal.Point(15, 32)
var marker = new mapLocal.Marker({
position: position,
map: map,
clickable: true,
draggable: true,
crossOnDrag: false,
optimized: false,
icon: icon,
zIndex: highestOrder()
mapLocal.event.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
actual = marker;
var lat = actual.getPosition().lat();
var lng = actual.getPosition().lng();
var innerHtml = "<div class='infowindow'>" + lat.toFixed(6) + ", " + lng.toFixed(6) + "<\/div>";
iw.setContent(innerHtml);, this)
mapLocal.event.addListener(marker, "dragstart", function() {
if (actual == marker) iw.close();
z_index += 1;
Re-adding the marker to the div
//Used to replace the marker
//once we have moved it from its div
function fillMarker(a) {
var div = document.createElement("div"); = "url(" + a + ")";
var padding;
if ( == "m1") {
padding = "0px"
} = padding; =;
div.className = "drag";
div.onmousedown = initDrag;
drag_area.replaceChild(div, obj);
obj = null
JSfiddle you can use :
Any questions feel free to ask.

Using Google Maps custom overlays to create custom icons (with Raphael JS)

I'm using Google Maps OverlayView class to create custom markers (with Raphael JS) and am having issues accessing certain properties of my new subclass when calling a public method.
I followed Google's fairly straightforward example here ~ ~ to create a custom marker class, including its 'hide' and 'show' methods.
function MapCustomMarker(opts){
this.pos_ = opts.position;
this.map_ =;
this.div_ = null;
this.color_ = (!opts.color ? '#e32636' : opts.color);
this.height_ = 32;
this.width_ = 32;
this.scale_ = 1.2;
this.icons_ = {
pinpoint:'M16,3.5c-4.142,0-7.5,3.358-7.5,7.5c0,4.143,7.5,18.121,7.5,18.121S23.5,15.143,23.5,11C23.5,6.858,20.143,3.5,16,3.5z M16,14.584c-1.979,0-3.584-1.604-3.584-3.584S14.021,7.416,16,7.416S19.584,9.021,19.584,11S17.979,14.584,16,14.584z',
help: 'M12.558,15.254c2.362,0,4.277-1.916,4.277-4.279s-1.916-4.279-4.277-4.279c-2.363,0-4.28,1.916-4.28,4.279S10.194,15.254,12.558,15.254zM15.662,15.224c-0.875,0.641-1.941,1.031-3.103,1.031c-1.164,0-2.231-0.391-3.105-1.031c-0.75,0.625-1.498,1.519-2.111,2.623c-1.422,2.563-1.578,5.192-0.35,5.874c0.55,0.312,1.127,0.078,1.723-0.496c-0.105,0.582-0.166,1.213-0.166,1.873c0,2.938,1.139,5.312,2.543,5.312c0.846,0,1.265-0.865,1.466-2.188c0.201,1.311,0.62,2.188,1.462,2.188c1.396,0,2.544-2.375,2.544-5.312c0-0.66-0.062-1.291-0.167-1.873c0.598,0.574,1.174,0.812,1.725,0.496c1.228-0.682,1.069-3.311-0.353-5.874C17.159,16.742,16.412,15.849,15.662,15.224zM19.821,3.711l-1.414,1.414c1.499,1.499,2.428,3.569,2.428,5.851c0,2.283-0.929,4.353-2.428,5.853l1.413,1.412c1.861-1.86,3.015-4.43,3.015-7.265C22.835,8.142,21.683,5.572,19.821,3.711zM16.288,14.707l1.413,1.414c1.318-1.318,2.135-3.138,2.135-5.145c0-2.007-0.816-3.827-2.134-5.145l-1.414,1.414c0.956,0.956,1.547,2.275,1.547,3.731S17.243,13.751,16.288,14.707zM21.941,1.59l-1.413,1.414c2.042,2.042,3.307,4.862,3.307,7.971c0,3.11-1.265,5.93-3.308,7.972l1.413,1.414c2.405-2.404,3.895-5.725,3.895-9.386C25.835,7.315,24.346,3.995,21.941,1.59z'
this.popup_ = 'M16,5.333c-7.732,0-14,4.701-14,10.5c0,1.982,0.741,3.833,2.016,5.414L2,25.667l5.613-1.441c2.339,1.317,5.237,2.107,8.387,2.107c7.732,0,14-4.701,14-10.5C30,10.034,23.732,5.333,16,5.333z';
this.icon_ = this.icons_[opts.icon];
MapCustomMarker.prototype = new google.maps.OverlayView();
MapCustomMarker.prototype.onAdd = function() {
// Create the DIV and set some basic attributes.
var div = document.createElement('div'); = "none"; = "0px"; = "absolute"; = "pointer"; = this.width_+"px"; = this.height_+"px";
var paper = Raphael(div,this.height_, this.width_);
var el = paper.path(Raphael.transformPath(this.icon_, 's'+this.scale_)).attr({fill: this.color_, stroke: "#333333"});
// Set the overlay's div_ property to this DIV
this.div_ = div;
// We add an overlay to a map via one of the map's panes.
// We'll add this overlay to the overlayImage pane.
var panes = this.getPanes();
MapCustomMarker.prototype.draw = function() {
// Size and position the overlay.
var overlayProjection = this.getProjection();
// We'll use these coordinates to position the DIV.
var o = overlayProjection.fromLatLngToDivPixel(this.pos_);
var l = o.x - Math.round(this.width_ / 2);
var t = o.y - this.height_; = l + 'px'; = t + 'px';
MapCustomMarker.prototype.onRemove = function() {
this.div_ = null;
MapCustomMarker.prototype.hide = function() {
if (this.div_) { = "hidden";
} = function() {
if (this.div_) { = "visible";
MapCustomMarker.prototype.toggle = function() {
if (this.div_) {
if ( == "hidden") {;
} else {
This class creates markers on my map with the Raphael icons very nicely.
The problem comes when I want to hide or show any specific marker.
var marker = new MapCustomMarker({position: pos, map:, icon:'help', color:'#e32636'});
marker.hide() is not hiding the markers.
You'll notice in the "hide" method, I have two console.log commands testing the values of this.color_ and this.div_. console.log(this.color_) returns the color set when the object is initiated. console.log(this.div_) returns null even though it was obviously altered in the 'onAdd' and 'draw' methods when the marker was created.
I'm not sure if this is a misunderstanding of public and private properties in javascript or something else. I used the google maps custom overlay example almost exactly.
If anyone has any ideas, please pass them along. (And aside from this one issue, I hope this code will assist others who want to merge Raphael JS capabilities with Google Maps.)
So it appears that marker.hide() is being called before the methods 'onAdd' and 'draw' have a chance to alter the this.div_ variable when the object is instantiated. Since I want all markers to be hidden when they are created, I'm just going to add = "hidden";
to the onAdd method, and will call later, well after all of the markers have been loaded.

Extend Google Maps marker to animate smoothly on update?

Using the Google Maps API v3 I've been able to update multiple positions of markers via an AJAX call. However, it lacks any transition. Code below:
if ( !latlong.equals( point.latlong ) ) {
point.latlong = latlong;
The drawback is that setPosition has no native animation method. Does anyone know any methods for extending setPosition so the marker can fluently "move" from it's old to new position? Or any methods available? I have not been able to find any documentation. Thanks!
I did not find any native way to create this animation. You can create your own animation by stepping the position from the current point to the final point using the setPosition. Here is a code snippet to give you an idea:
var map = undefined;
var marker = undefined;
var position = [43, -89];
function initialize() {
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(position[0], position[1]);
var myOptions = {
zoom: 8,
center: latlng,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions);
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: latlng,
map: map,
title: "Your current location!"
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(me) {
var result = [, me.latLng.lng()];
var numDeltas = 100;
var delay = 10; //milliseconds
var i = 0;
var deltaLat;
var deltaLng;
function transition(result){
i = 0;
deltaLat = (result[0] - position[0])/numDeltas;
deltaLng = (result[1] - position[1])/numDeltas;
function moveMarker(){
position[0] += deltaLat;
position[1] += deltaLng;
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(position[0], position[1]);
setTimeout(moveMarker, delay);
This can probably be cleaned up a bit, but will give you a good start. I am using JavaScript's setTimeout method to create the animation. The initial call to 'transition' gets the animation started. The parameter to 'transition' is a two element array [lat, lng]. The 'transition' function calculates the step sizes for lat and lng based upon a couple of animation parametes (numDeltas, delay). It then calls 'moveMarker'. The function 'moveMarker' keeps a simple counter to indicate when the marker has reached the final destination. If not there, it calls itself again.
Here is a jsFiddle of the code working:
Hope this helps.
In case you want smooth animations (with easing), these libraries should help:
I know its late but it might help the future SO wanderers.
Problem Statement: write a function(and not a library due to specific use-case) to animate a google maps marker to a new location.
Solution is based on this awesome library marker-animate-unobtrusive
function animateMarkerTo(marker, newPosition) {
var options = {
duration: 1000,
easing: function (x, t, b, c, d) { // jquery animation: swing (easeOutQuad)
return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b;
window.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame;
window.cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame;
// save current position. prefixed to avoid name collisions. separate for lat/lng to avoid calling lat()/lng() in every frame
marker.AT_startPosition_lat = marker.getPosition().lat();
marker.AT_startPosition_lng = marker.getPosition().lng();
var newPosition_lat =;
var newPosition_lng = newPosition.lng();
// crossing the 180° meridian and going the long way around the earth?
if (Math.abs(newPosition_lng - marker.AT_startPosition_lng) > 180) {
if (newPosition_lng > marker.AT_startPosition_lng) {
newPosition_lng -= 360;
} else {
newPosition_lng += 360;
var animateStep = function(marker, startTime) {
var ellapsedTime = (new Date()).getTime() - startTime;
var durationRatio = ellapsedTime / options.duration; // 0 - 1
var easingDurationRatio = options.easing(durationRatio, ellapsedTime, 0, 1, options.duration);
if (durationRatio < 1) {
lat: (
marker.AT_startPosition_lat +
(newPosition_lat - marker.AT_startPosition_lat)*easingDurationRatio
lng: (
marker.AT_startPosition_lng +
(newPosition_lng - marker.AT_startPosition_lng)*easingDurationRatio
// use requestAnimationFrame if it exists on this browser. If not, use setTimeout with ~60 fps
if (window.requestAnimationFrame) {
marker.AT_animationHandler = window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {animateStep(marker, startTime)});
} else {
marker.AT_animationHandler = setTimeout(function() {animateStep(marker, startTime)}, 17);
} else {
// stop possibly running animation
if (window.cancelAnimationFrame) {
} else {
animateStep(marker, (new Date()).getTime());

