Every finite number in JavaScript has an exact real value. For example:
const x = Number.MAX_VALUE
Here, x has the precise value of 21024 - 2971 =
and we can demonstrate this by using x in arithmetic:
console.log(x % 10000) // 8368
But how can I get all of those decimal digits?
I'd like it if the solution also worked for non-integers, for example const y = Number.EPSILON is precisely 2-52 =
The most effective way I've found to do this is to
write the float into an ArrayBuffer, then read it back as a 64-bit unsigned BigInt
extract the sign, exponent and mantissa using bitwise operations
compute the desired result multiplied by a large power of 10
use string operations on the stringified BigInt to insert a decimal point in the right place.
For example:
const SIGN_BITS = 1n
const EXPONENT_BITS = 11n
const MANTISSA_BITS = 52n
const BIAS = 1023n
export const stringify = value => {
if (typeof value !== 'number') {
throw Error('Not a number')
if (!Number.isFinite(value)) {
return String(value)
const dataView = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8))
dataView.setFloat64(0, value)
const bigUint64 = dataView.getBigUint64(0)
const mantissaBits = (bigUint64 >> 0n) & ((1n << MANTISSA_BITS) - 1n)
const exponentBits = (bigUint64 >> MANTISSA_BITS) & ((1n << EXPONENT_BITS) - 1n)
const signBits = (bigUint64 >> (MANTISSA_BITS + EXPONENT_BITS)) & ((1n << SIGN_BITS) - 1n)
const sign = signBits === 0b0n ? '' : '-'
const isSubnormal = exponentBits === 0b0n
// So as to keep this in integers, multiply the fraction by 2 ** 52 while subtracting
// that same power from the exponent
const m = ((isSubnormal ? 0n : 1n) << MANTISSA_BITS) + mantissaBits
const e = (isSubnormal ? 1n : exponentBits) - BIAS - MANTISSA_BITS
if (e >= 0n) {
// Pure integers, no problem
return sign + String(m << e)
// Multiply by a large enough power of 10 that all possible decimal digits are preserved
// when we then divide by the power of 2
const power10 = 10n ** -e
const f = (m * power10) >> -e
const pre = f / power10
const post = f % power10
if (post === 0n) {
return sign + String(pre)
return sign + String(pre) + '.' + String(post).padStart(Number(-e), '0').replace(/0+$/, '')
This outputs:
You mis understand floating point.
You get a max of about 14 digits as there is no more precision than. 2^52
The max number is a number that has three parts.
The sign, positive or negative and is 1 bit. Thus you get 0 and -0
The Fraction 52 bits that gives the precision of about 14 digits.
The exponent 11 bits and is a signed value that is the amount to multiply the Fraction value with. 2 ^ exponent
See wiki Double-precision_floating-point_format for more info.
I was required to make a method to convert integer from base ten to some another base in JavaScript, and it should also support providing your custom digits array. For example,
toBase(10, 2 ["A","B"])// returns 'BABA'
and if digits array is not provided, it should work as JavaScript 'toString' method
var a = 10;
a.toString(2);//returns '1010'
I have wrote a function to convert an integer to another base from base 10 number, with an option of providing digits array -
function toBase(number, radix, digits)
radix = radix || 10;
digits = digits || "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".split("").slice(0, radix)
if (radix > digits.length) {
var msg = "Not enough digits to represent the number '" + number + "' in base " + radix;
throw Error(msg);
if (number === 0) return digits[0];
var a = []
while (number) {
a.splice(0, 0, digits[number % radix])
number = parseInt(number / radix);
return a.join("");
This function works fine for me, but I want to know if is there any better way to do it? Thanks.
You can just use the native toString method and then replace the output with those from the digits array:
function toBase(number, radix, digits) {
if (digits && digits.length >= radix)
return number.toString(radix).replace(/./g, function(d) {
return digits[ parseInt(d, radix) ];
return number.toString(radix);
A method that might be slightly faster than the way you have is to bit shift. This works most easily when radix is a power of 2, here is an example
function toBase(x, radix, A) {
var r = 1, i = 0, s = '';
radix || (radix = 10); // case no radix
A || (A = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('')); // case no alphabet
if (A.length < radix) throw new RangeError('alphabet smaller than radix');
if (radix < 2) throw new RangeError('radix argument must be at least 2');
if (radix < 37) return useBergisMethod(x, radix, A); // this is arguably one of the fastest ways as it uses native `.toString`
if (x === 0) return A[0]; // short circuit 0
// test if radix is a power of 2
while (radix > r) {
r = r * 2;
i = i + 1;
if (r === radix) { // radix = 2 ^ i; fast method
r = r - 1; // Math.pow(2, i) - 1;
while (x > 0) {
s = A[x & r] + s;
x >>= i; // shift binary
return s; // done
return methodInOriginalQuestion(x, radix, A); // else not a power of 2, slower method
toBase(74651278, 64, '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzáé');
// check reverse
var i, j = 0, s = '4SnQE', a = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzáé';
for (i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) j *= 64, j += a.indexOf(s[i]);
j; // 74651278, correct
I need to round for example 6.688689 to 6.7, but it always shows me 7.
My method:
Math.round(6.688689, 1);
Math.round(6.688689, 2);
But result always is the same 7... What am I doing wrong?
Number((6.688689).toFixed(1)); // 6.7
var number = 6.688689;
var roundedNumber = Math.round(number * 10) / 10;
Use toFixed() function.
(6.688689).toFixed(); // equal to "7"
(6.688689).toFixed(1); // equal to "6.7"
(6.688689).toFixed(2); // equal to "6.69"
Upd (2019-10). Thanks to Reece Daniels code below now available as a set of functions packed in npm-package expected-round (take a look).
You can use helper function from MDN example. Than you'll have more flexibility:
Math.round10(5.25, 0); // 5
Math.round10(5.25, -1); // 5.3
Math.round10(5.25, -2); // 5.25
Math.round10(5, 0); // 5
Math.round10(5, -1); // 5
Math.round10(5, -2); // 5
Upd (2019-01-15). Seems like MDN docs no longer have this helper funcs. Here's a backup with examples:
// Closure
(function() {
* Decimal adjustment of a number.
* #param {String} type The type of adjustment.
* #param {Number} value The number.
* #param {Integer} exp The exponent (the 10 logarithm of the adjustment base).
* #returns {Number} The adjusted value.
function decimalAdjust(type, value, exp) {
// If the exp is undefined or zero...
if (typeof exp === 'undefined' || +exp === 0) {
return Math[type](value);
value = +value;
exp = +exp;
// If the value is not a number or the exp is not an integer...
if (isNaN(value) || !(typeof exp === 'number' && exp % 1 === 0)) {
return NaN;
// If the value is negative...
if (value < 0) {
return -decimalAdjust(type, -value, exp);
// Shift
value = value.toString().split('e');
value = Math[type](+(value[0] + 'e' + (value[1] ? (+value[1] - exp) : -exp)));
// Shift back
value = value.toString().split('e');
return +(value[0] + 'e' + (value[1] ? (+value[1] + exp) : exp));
// Decimal round
if (!Math.round10) {
Math.round10 = function(value, exp) {
return decimalAdjust('round', value, exp);
// Decimal floor
if (!Math.floor10) {
Math.floor10 = function(value, exp) {
return decimalAdjust('floor', value, exp);
// Decimal ceil
if (!Math.ceil10) {
Math.ceil10 = function(value, exp) {
return decimalAdjust('ceil', value, exp);
Usage examples:
// Round
Math.round10(55.55, -1); // 55.6
Math.round10(55.549, -1); // 55.5
Math.round10(55, 1); // 60
Math.round10(54.9, 1); // 50
Math.round10(-55.55, -1); // -55.5
Math.round10(-55.551, -1); // -55.6
Math.round10(-55, 1); // -50
Math.round10(-55.1, 1); // -60
Math.round10(1.005, -2); // 1.01 -- compare this with Math.round(1.005*100)/100 above
Math.round10(-1.005, -2); // -1.01
// Floor
Math.floor10(55.59, -1); // 55.5
Math.floor10(59, 1); // 50
Math.floor10(-55.51, -1); // -55.6
Math.floor10(-51, 1); // -60
// Ceil
Math.ceil10(55.51, -1); // 55.6
Math.ceil10(51, 1); // 60
Math.ceil10(-55.59, -1); // -55.5
Math.ceil10(-59, 1); // -50
> +(6.688687).toPrecision(2)
A Number object in JavaScript has a method that does exactly what you need. That method is Number.toPrecision([precision]).
Just like with .toFixed(1) it converts the result into a string, and it needs to be converted back into a number. Done using the + prefix here.
simple benchmark on my laptop:
number = 25.645234 typeof number
50000000 x number.toFixed(1) = 25.6 typeof string / 17527ms
50000000 x +(number.toFixed(1)) = 25.6 typeof number / 23764ms
50000000 x number.toPrecision(3) = 25.6 typeof string / 10100ms
50000000 x +(number.toPrecision(3)) = 25.6 typeof number / 18492ms
50000000 x Math.round(number*10)/10 = 25.6 typeof number / 58ms
string = 25.645234 typeof string
50000000 x Math.round(string*10)/10 = 25.6 typeof number / 7109ms
If you not only want to use toFixed() but also ceil() and floor() on a float then you can use the following function:
function roundUsing(func, number, prec) {
var tempnumber = number * Math.pow(10, prec);
tempnumber = func(tempnumber);
return tempnumber / Math.pow(10, prec);
> roundUsing(Math.floor, 0.99999999, 3)
> roundUsing(Math.ceil, 0.1111111, 3)
The other possible way is this:
Number.prototype.roundUsing = function(func, prec){
var temp = this * Math.pow(10, prec)
temp = func(temp);
return temp / Math.pow(10, prec)
> 6.688689.roundUsing(Math.ceil, 1)
> 6.688689.roundUsing(Math.round, 1)
> 6.688689.roundUsing(Math.floor, 1)
My extended round function:
function round(value, precision) {
if (Number.isInteger(precision)) {
var shift = Math.pow(10, precision);
// Limited preventing decimal issue
return (Math.round( value * shift + 0.00000000000001 ) / shift);
} else {
return Math.round(value);
Example Output:
round(123.688689) // 123
round(123.688689, 0) // 123
round(123.688689, 1) // 123.7
round(123.688689, 2) // 123.69
round(123.688689, -2) // 100
round(1.015, 2) // 1.02
See below
var original = 28.59;
var result=Math.round(original*10)/10 will return you returns 28.6
Hope this is what you want..
There is the alternative .toLocaleString() to format numbers, with a lot of options regarding locales, grouping, currency formatting, notations. Some examples:
Round to 1 decimal, return a float:
const n = +6.688689.toLocaleString('fullwide', {maximumFractionDigits:1})
n, typeof n
Round to 2 decimals, format as currency with specified symbol, use comma grouping for thousands:
68766.688689.toLocaleString('fullwide', {maximumFractionDigits:2, style:'currency', currency:'USD', useGrouping:true})
Format as locale currency:
68766.688689.toLocaleString('fr-FR', {maximumFractionDigits:2, style:'currency', currency:'EUR'})
Round to minimum 3 decimal, force zeroes to display:
6.000000.toLocaleString('fullwide', {minimumFractionDigits:3})
Percent style for ratios. Input * 100 with % sign
6.688689.toLocaleString('fullwide', {maximumFractionDigits:2, style:'percent'})
I have very good solution with if toFixed() is not working.
function roundOff(value, decimals) {
return Number(Math.round(value+'e'+decimals)+'e-'+decimals);
roundOff(10.456,2) //output 10.46
function float(num,x){
var p=Math.pow(10,this.x);
return (Math.round((this.num).toFixed(this.x)*p))/p;
+((6.688689 * (1 + Number.EPSILON)).toFixed(1)); // 6.7
+((456.1235 * (1 + Number.EPSILON)).toFixed(3)); // 456.124
I think this function can help.
function round(value, ndec){
var n = 10;
for(var i = 1; i < ndec; i++){
n *=10;
if(!ndec || ndec <= 0)
return Math.round(value);
return Math.round(value * n) / n;
round(2.245, 2) //2.25
round(2.245, 0) //2
if you're under node.js context, you can try mathjs
const math = require('mathjs')
math.round(3.1415926, 2)
// result: 3.14
Math.round((6.688689 + Number.EPSILON) * 10) / 10
Solution stolen from https://stackoverflow.com/a/11832950/2443681
This should work with nearly any float value. It doesn't force decimal count though. It's not clear whether this was a requirement. Should be faster than using toFixed(), which has other issues as well based on the comments to other answers.
A nice utility function to round in needed decimal precision:
const roundToPrecision = (value, decimals) => {
const pow = Math.pow(10, decimals);
return Math.round((value + Number.EPSILON) * pow) / pow;
I think below function can help
function roundOff(value,round) {
return (parseInt(value * (10 ** (round + 1))) - parseInt(value * (10 ** round)) * 10) > 4 ? (((parseFloat(parseInt((value + parseFloat(1 / (10 ** round))) * (10 ** round))))) / (10 ** round)) : (parseFloat(parseInt(value * (10 ** round))) / ( 10 ** round));
usage : roundOff(600.23458,2); will return 600.23
Minor tweak to this answer:
function roundToStep(value, stepParam) {
var step = stepParam || 1.0;
var inv = 1.0 / step;
return Math.round(value * inv) / inv;
roundToStep(2.55, 0.1) = 2.6
roundToStep(2.55, 0.01) = 2.55
roundToStep(2, 0.01) = 2
How to correctly round decimals in a number (basics):
We start from far right number:
If this number is >= to 5 rounding is required, we will then report a 1 to the first number on the left.
If this number is < to 5 means no rounding
Once you know if you need to report a value or not you can delete the last number and repeat the operation.
If there is a value to be reported you will first add it to the new far right number before repeating the previous tests.
Beware there is a special case when you need to report a value and the number that must be added to that value is 9 : in such case you will have to change the number value for 0 before reporting a 1 on the following left number.
For some of the failing answers it looks like decimals are splitted left to right for the required amount of decimals without even caring about the rounding.
Now that this is stated here is a function that will round a provided float value recursively using the above logic.
function roundFloatR(n, precision = 0, opts = { return: 'number' }) { // Use recursivity
if ( precision == 0 ) { // n will be rounded to the closest integer
if (opts.return == 'number') return Math.round(n);
else if (opts.return == 'string') return `${Math.round(n)}`;
} else {
let ns = `${n}`.split(''); // turns float into a string before splitting it into a char array
if ( precision < 0 ) { // precision is a negative number
precision += ns.length - 1; // precision equals last index of ns - its actual value
} else if ( precision > 0 ) { // precision is a positive number
if ( ns.indexOf('.') > -1 )
precision += ns.indexOf('.'); // precision equals its value + the index of the float separator in the string / array of char
// RECURSIVE FUNCTION: loop from the end of ns to the precision index while rounding the values
// index: index in the ns char array, rep: reported value, (INTERNAL_VAR, cn: current number)
const recursive = (index, rep) => {
let cn = parseInt(ns[index]); // get the current number from ns at index
if (index <= precision) { // current index inferior or equal to the defined precision index (end of rounding)
if (rep) { // if a reported value exists
cn += rep; // add reported value to current number
if (cn == 10) { // extends rounding for special case of decimals ending with 9 + reported value
ns[index] = '0';
recursive( (index - 1), 1 ); // calls recursive() again with a reported value
} else if (cn < 10)
ns[index] = `${cn}`;
} else if (index > precision) { // current index superior to defined precision index
ns.pop(); // each passage in this block will remove the last entry of ns
if (rep) cn += rep; // adds reported value (if it exists) to current number
if ( cn >= 5 ) // ROUNDING
recursive( (index - 1), 1 ); // calls recursive() again with a reported value
recursive( index - 1 ); // calls recursive() again w/o a reported value
}; // end of recursive()
recursive(ns.length - 1); // starts recursive rounding over the ns char array (arg is the last index of ns)
if (opts.return == "number") return parseFloat(ns.join('')); // returns float number
else if (opts.return == "string") return ns.join(''); // returns float number as string
} //
How it works:
We first turn the provided float value into a string before splitting it into an array of char using the String.split('') instruction.
Then we will call the recursive() function with the last index of the array of chars as argument, to iterate through that array from last index to the precision index while rounding the value.
Arguments explanation:
There is a total of 3 arguments which allow different functionnalities.
the value to be rounded (number or string).
precision: [default = 0]
an int which represent the amount of decimals we want to round the provided number to.
There are 3 possibilities:
precision == 0: value returned will be the same as using the Math.round() method
precision > 0: precision will be defined from the float separator index + precision value
precision < 0: precision will be defined from the index of the last number - precision value
opts: [default = {return: 'number'}]
an options object with a unique property called return which take a string value options are 'number' or 'string'. allows the selection of the type of value returned by the function
2nd and 3rd arguments are optionnals
Usage and examples:
using a float value
let n = 20.336099982261654;
let r = roundFloatR(n); // r = 20
r = roundFloatR(n, 2); // r = 20.34
r = roundFloatR(n, 6); // r = 20.3361
r = roundFloatR(n, 6, {return: 'string'}); // r = "20.336100"
// negative precision
r = roundFloatR(n, -2); // r = 20.3360999822617
using a string value
let n = '20.48490002346038';
let r = roundFloatR(n); // r = 20
r = roundFloatR(n, 2); // r = 20.49
r = roundFloatR(n, 6); // r = 20.4849
r = roundFloatR(n, 6, {return: 'string'}); // r = "20.484900"
// negative precision
r = roundFloatR(n, -10); // r = 20.4849
What about performance ?
Most of the time it will convert the provided value in under .3 ms. (measured with performance.now())
What is not supported and possible issues:
not supported: exponential type values some changes may be required to support them.
possible issues:
a negative precision value that exceeds the provided number length or its float separator index may cause unexpected results as these cases are not handled yet.
no error handling in case the n parameter doesn't match what is currently asked.
If you're using Browserify today, you're going to have to try: roundTo a very useful NPM lib
I'm writing a chat-server in node.js, and I want to store connected users IP-addresses in a mysql database as (unsigned) integers.
I have written a javascript method to convert an ip-address as string to an integer. I get some strange results however.
Here is my code:
function ipToInt(ip) {
var parts = ip.split(".");
var res = 0;
res += parseInt(parts[0], 10) << 24;
res += parseInt(parts[1], 10) << 16;
res += parseInt(parts[2], 10) << 8;
res += parseInt(parts[3], 10);
return res;
When I run call the method as ipToInt(""); the result I get is -1062731220.
It seems like an overflow has occurred, which is strange, because the expected output (3232236076) is inside the number range in javascript (2^52).
When I inspect -1062731220 in binary form, I can see the 3232236076 is preserved, but filled with leading 1's.
I'm not sure, but I think the problem is with signed vs. unsigned integers.
Can any of you explain what is going on?
And possibly how to parse -1062731220 back to an string ip?
Why is the converted IP negative?
It's NOT an overflow. The first part of your IP address is 192 which converts to 11000000 in binary. You then shift that all the way to the left. When there is a 1 in the leftmost position of a 32 bit number, it's negative.
How do you convert back to a string?
Do the same thing you did to convert from a string but in reverse. Shift right (and mask)!
function intToIP(int) {
var part1 = int & 255;
var part2 = ((int >> 8) & 255);
var part3 = ((int >> 16) & 255);
var part4 = ((int >> 24) & 255);
return part4 + "." + part3 + "." + part2 + "." + part1;
Why reinvent the wheel? From Google:
OR, you can use what I found here:
function dot2num(dot)
var d = dot.split('.');
return ((((((+d[0])*256)+(+d[1]))*256)+(+d[2]))*256)+(+d[3]);
function num2dot(num)
var d = num%256;
for (var i = 3; i > 0; i--)
num = Math.floor(num/256);
d = num%256 + '.' + d;
return d;
The result of the "<<" operator is always a signed, 32-bit integer, as per the spec.
When you shift back, use ">>>" to do an unsigned right shift.
You might also find this pattern useful:
ip.toLong = function toInt(ip){
var ipl=0;
ip.split('.').forEach(function( octet ) {
return(ipl >>>0);
ip.fromLong = function fromInt(ipl){
return ( (ipl>>>24) +'.' +
(ipl>>16 & 255) +'.' +
(ipl>>8 & 255) +'.' +
(ipl & 255) );
If you're using something like node.js where you can add functionality through something like Npm then you can simply do:
npm install ip
To get that functionality from the source which is here:
You will also get a bunch of other IP utility functions with that.
You shifted left to get the original number - which is just 4 sets of bits regardless of the sign.
Shift right to get back to the IP. Doesn't matter what the sign is.
const ip2int = (x) => (x.split('.').reduce((a, v) => ((a << 8) + (+v)), 0) >>> 0);
const ipToLong = ip => ip.split('.').map(parseFloat).reduce((total, part) => total * 256 + part);
Use this
function num2string(ip) {
return [24,16,8,0].map(n => (ip >> n) & 0xff).join(".")
function string2num(ip) {
return ip.split(".").reduce((sum,x,i) => sum + (x << 8*(3-i)), 0)
IP Addresses in the V4 space are unsigned 32 bit numbers, hence the IP address of FF.FF.FF.FF is 2^32 and cannot be greater then that number. Please see:
This stack overflow article on the same subject
To turn that number back into an IP address you must break the number down into its 4 parts since each byte is one octet of the address so convert the number to hex and then parse out each pair. You may or may not have to add a leading zero for the first octet.
Additionally you may have to deal with byte order of the integer ( endien issues ) but since most systems are intel based these days you might not have to deal with that.
var aaa = Number("0b"+ "".split(".").map(
return ("00000000" + Number(dec).toString(2)).slice(-8);
return Number("0b"+bin);
I revised Evan's final answer a bit, particularly dot2num. It functions the same but might be more readable and is marginally slower.
function ip2num(ip) {
var parts = ip.split('.');
var num = 0;
num += d[0] * Math.pow(2, 24);
num += d[1] * Math.pow(2, 16);
num += d[2] * Math.pow(2, 8);
num += d[3];
return num;
function num2ip(num) {
var ip = num % 256;
for (var i=3; i > 0; i--) {
num = Math.floor(num / 256);
ip = num % 256 + '.' + ip;
return ip;
Try this solution, it might help:
function IpToInteger(ipAddr)
var parts = ipAddr.split('.');
return (((parts[0] ? parts[0] << 24 : 0) |
(parts[1] ? parts[1] << 16 : 0) |
(parts[2] ? parts[2] << 8 : 0) |
(parts[3])) >>> 0);
function IpAddressToLong(ip){
return ip.split('.').map((octet, index, array) => {
return parseInt(octet) * Math.pow(256, (array.length - index - 1));
}).reduce((prev, curr) => {
return prev + curr;
Taken from repo
function ip2num(ip) {
var d = ip.split(".");
var num = 0;
num += Number(d[0]) * Math.pow(256, 3);
num += Number(d[1]) * Math.pow(256, 2);
num += Number(d[2]) * Math.pow(256, 1);
num += Number(d[3]);
return num;
function num2ip(num) {
var ip = num % 256;
for (var i = 3; i > 0; i--) {
num = Math.floor(num / 256);
ip = (num % 256) + "." + ip;
return ip;