Adding functions to javascript's Array class breaks for loops - javascript

I was looking for a way to add max/min functions to JavaScript's Array class, which seemed to be a solved problem: JavaScript: min & max Array values?. However, when I tried using that, I started getting errors from my code. It turns out that this approach doesn't work with loops.
for(i in myArray) { console.log(i) }
prints out
Is there another approach I can use?

The accepted solution solves your immediate problem, but extending core objects is generally a bad idea. What happens when you include a library later that uses Or when you forget months later and use the wrong approach in a different section of your code?
Another option is to wrap and extend. Create a new type that uses an instance of Array as its prototype:
function ArrayThing() {}
ArrayThing.prototype = new Array();
Now you've got an object that you can extend without affecting Array:
ArrayThing.prototype.max = function() {
return Math.max.apply(null, [], 0))
ArrayThing.prototype.min = function() {
return Math.min.apply(null, [], 0))
var list = new ArrayThing();
// standard array methods still work
list.length // => 4
// as do your new custom methods
list.max() // => 22
list.min() // => -14
This won't work in every situation, but unless you're sure you really, really need an Array, this is a useful alternative.

The loop is used for looping through properties of an object. If you want to get the values from your array, you can do this:
for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++)

for in is a common Javascript trap. Instead of behaving like a foreach from other languages, it actualy enumerates all properties in a given object.
Since Javascript Arrays happen to have a property for each index using for in works sometimes, but as you have seen, it also enumerates any other properties you add. Another issue is that the for in is not guaranteed to go through the properties in any particular order, so your results can vary depending on which browser/runtime you use.
It is safer, then, to just use a boring for loop instead. There are many for loop idioms in Javascript, so I will list some:
Regular for loop:
for(i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
Regular loop, caching the length:
for(i=0, n=arr.length; i<n; i++){
Loops over arrays of objects/NodeLists:
for(i=0; obj=arr[i]; i++){ //this works as long as the array has no falsy values

You need to apply a check using hasOwnProperty.
However this needs to applied wherever you are looping.
for(i in myArray)

There's a more modern (IE9+) way to do this now:
var g = [];
Object.defineProperty(g, "log", {
enumerable: false,
configurable: false,
writable: false,
value: function(){ console.log(this); }
var t;
for (t in g){
prints 5 and 9 but does not list the "log" function
g.log() -> echos [5,9]
The key to this working is being able to flag a property as "enumerable: false" with marks the property as something that shouldn't be iterated over.
More on Object.defineProperty here:

Related loop loops over non-numeric indexes “clean” and “remove”

This is something very basic I might be missing here but I haven't seen such result till now.
I have a for loop where options.headers.length is 3. And in for loop I am dynamically creating a table header. Ideally this loop should run three times for 0 1 and 2 but when I have printed index it's printing 0,1,2,clean and remove. I haven't seen clean and remove as indexes. I know this information is not sufficient enough but if you have any clue please suggest. something might be overriding this is all I am concluded too after my debugging.
for (index in options.headers)
if you don't want to iterate clean and remove then change the loop to:
for (var i=0; i< options.headers.length;i++){
//use i for getting the array data
if you use for (index in options.headers) it will iterate for non-numeric keys also.
don use just index (as that is = window.index = global = bad) use var index
(read more here
you have to check does the array has it as own property or maybe its some function (more after answer)
for (var index in options.headers) {
if (options.headers.hasOwnProperty(index) {
// code here
more about #2:
let's say we have
var array = [0,1,2,3];
and besides that, extending array with function (arrays can have functions in javascript and strings too)
Array.prototype.sayHello = function() {
then your loop would print sayHello as part of the array, but that's not it's own property, only the arrays
I assume that options.headers is an Array?
This happens when you (or some framework you load) adds methods to the Array prototype. The "for in" loop will enumerate also these added methods. Hence you should do the loop for an array with:
for (var i = 0; i < options.headers.length; i++)
That way you will only get the real values instead of added methods.

Loop through arrays using arr[i]!==undefined

I know the classic way of looping through an array arr is:
for(var i=0 ; i<arr.length ; i++) {
// code
But someone recently showed me a different way of implementing the condition inside that loop, like this:
for(var i=0 ; arr[i] !== undefined ; i++) {
I think this solution is interesting because this is exactly what you need when you loop through an array: you don't want to get undefineds when you try to access an undefined index.
I realize that if you count the characters it looks longer, and also that you might have some problems with arrays like this: ["Hello", , "World"], but apart from that - is there anything else I'm missing here? Why shouldn't we be using this technique instead?
Why shouldn't we be using this technique instead?
It doesn't work on sparse arrays (as you mentioned)
It doesn't work on arrays that contain undefined values
It's not as easily optimised (assuming the .length stays constant during the loop)
(In the old days, the undefined identifier could be overwritten, you'd need to use typeof)
Of cource, wheter it "works" for you depends on the use case, and sometimes you might want to use it. Most times, you simply don't.
And even if both ways would work in your case, it's better practise to use the standard approach (i<arr.length) as there is lower mental overhead. Everyone recognises that pattern and knows what it does, while with arr[i]!==undefined one would need to think about why the uncommon approach was chosen.
Sometimes arrays have empty values and your way of iteration will fail.
var arr = [];
arr[5] = 5;
for (var i = 0; arr[i] !== undefined; ++i) {
If you want to iterate real array values and skip undefined's, i suggest you to filter the array first and do iteration after. So your code will be more understandable. Example:
var arr = [];
arr[5] = 5;
arr.filter(Boolean).forEach(function (e) {

javascript check existence of elements of 1 array inside the other

For searching elements of one array inside the other, one may use the indexOf() on the target of search and run a loop on the other array elements and in each step check existence. This is trivial and my knowledge on Javascript is too. Could any one please suggest a more efficient way? Maybe even a built-in method of the language could help? Although I couldn't hit to such a method using google.
You can use Array.filter() internally and implement a function on Array's prototype which returns elements which are common to both.
Array.prototype.common = function(a) {
return this.filter(function(i) {
return a.indexOf(i) >= 0;
alert([1,2,3,4,5].common([4,5,6])); // "4, 5"
Again as you mention in your post, this logic also works by taking each element and checking whether it exists in the other.
A hair more efficient way is convert one of the arrays into a hash table and then loop through the second one, checking the presence of elements at O(1) time:
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
b = [1,7,3,8,5]
map = {}
a.forEach(function(x) { map[x] = 1 })
intersection = b.filter(function(x) { return map[x] === 1 })
This only works if elements in question are primitives. For arrays of objects you have to resort to the indexOf method.
ES6 ("Harmony") does support Set, but strangely not set operations (union, intersection etc), so these should be coded by hand:
// Firefox only
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
b = [1,7,3,8,5]
sa = new Set(a)
sb = new Set(b)
sa.forEach(function(x) {
if (!sb.has(x))
JavaScript's arrays don't have a method that does intersections. Various libraries provide methods to do it (by looping the array as you describe), including Underscore and PrototypeJS (and others, I'm sure).

Why is 'for(var item in list)' with arrays considered bad practice in JavaScript?

Given a simple zero based, numerically indexed array:
var list = ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz'];
Many times, I have noticed that when someone suggests looping through variables in an array like this:
for(var item in list) { ... }
...there's almost certainly someone suggesting that that's bad practice and suggests an alternative approach:
var count = list.length;
for(var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var item = list[i];
What's the reasoning for not using the simpler version above and to use the second example instead?
First, the order of the loop is undefined for a loop, so there's no guarantee the properties will be iterated in the order you want.
Second, iterates over all enumerable properties of an object, including those inherited from its prototype. In the case of arrays, this could affect you if your code or any library included in your page has augmented the prototype of Array, which can be a genuinely useful thing to do:
Array.prototype.remove = function(val) {
// Irrelevant implementation details
var a = ["a", "b", "c"];
for (var i in a) {
// Logs 0, 1, 2, "remove" (though not necessarily in that order)
for(..;..;..) loop proved to be 36 times faster than for .. in when I tested it here.
Link courtesy this SO answer
for ... in ... doesn't return items of list, but instead enumerates array properties.
For that reason alone, it cannot act as a replacement of for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++) loop.
The appropriate alternative is for ... of ... construct. It enumerates values of an iterable object, such as an array. You can read more about it on MDN Web Docs:
It's supported by the relevant modern browsers (Internet Explorer doesn't count, with it being replaced by Microsoft Edge). If you can afford not supporting older browsers, it's probably the way to go. You can check the convenient browser support table at the end of aforelinked MDN page to see which browser versions actually allow for ... of ... usage.
If you use for/in like that, item enumerates through string values "0", "1", ..., so not the actual objects in the list. So the the 'item' in the first snippet is more like the i in the second snippet,not the item. Furthermore string values are enumerated where you'd expect numbers. And you get in trouble when you properties to the list, like array.ID = "a123", as they will get enumerated also.
But with these downsides, I still think the syntax is very useful, if your team is aware of what it does.
Add = bar; and try to use simple for.
If you don't use some libraries(like prototypeJs) and don't add any new properties to array object - you can use simple for-statement.

Most efficient way to convert an HTMLCollection to an Array

Is there a more efficient way to convert an HTMLCollection to an Array, other than iterating through the contents of said collection and manually pushing each item into an array?
var arr = htmlCollection )
will have the same effect using "native" code.
Since this gets a lot of views, note (per #oriol's comment) that the following more concise expression is effectively equivalent:
var arr = [];
But note per #JussiR's comment, that unlike the "verbose" form, it does create an empty, unused, and indeed unusable array instance in the process. What compilers do about this is outside the programmer's ken.
Since ECMAScript 2015 (ES 6) there is also Array.from:
var arr = Array.from(htmlCollection);
ECMAScript 2015 also provides the spread operator, which is functionally equivalent to Array.from (although note that Array.from supports a mapping function as the second argument).
var arr = [...htmlCollection];
I've confirmed that both of the above work on NodeList.
A performance comparison for the mentioned methods:
not sure if this is the most efficient, but a concise ES6 syntax might be:
let arry = [...htmlCollection]
Edit: Another one, from Chris_F comment:
let arry = Array.from(htmlCollection)
I saw a more concise method of getting Array.prototype methods in general that works just as well. Converting an HTMLCollection object into an Array object is demonstrated below:
[] yourHTMLCollectionObject );
And, as mentioned in the comments, for old browsers such as IE7 and earlier, you simply have to use a compatibility function, like:
function toArray(x) {
for(var i = 0, a = []; i < x.length; i++)
return a
I know this is an old question, but I felt the accepted answer was a little incomplete; so I thought I'd throw this out there FWIW.
For a cross browser implementation I'd sugguest you look at prototype.js $A function
copyed from 1.6.1:
function $A(iterable) {
if (!iterable) return [];
if ('toArray' in Object(iterable)) return iterable.toArray();
var length = iterable.length || 0, results = new Array(length);
while (length--) results[length] = iterable[length];
return results;
It doesn't use Array.prototype.slice probably because it isn't available on every browser. I'm afraid the performance is pretty bad as there a the fall back is a javascript loop over the iterable.
This works in all browsers including earlier IE versions.
var arr = [];
[].push.apply(arr, htmlCollection);
Since jsperf is still down at the moment, here is a jsfiddle that compares the performance of different methods.
To convert array-like to array in efficient way we can make use of the jQuery makeArray :
makeArray: Convert an array-like object into a true JavaScript array.
var domArray = jQuery.makeArray(htmlCollection);
A little extra:
If you do not want to keep reference to the array object (most of the time HTMLCollections are dynamically changes so its better to copy them into another array, This example pay close attention to performance:
var domDataLength = domData.length //Better performance, no need to calculate every iteration the domArray length
var resultArray = new Array(domDataLength) // Since we know the length its improves the performance to declare the result array from the beginning.
for (var i = 0 ; i < domDataLength ; i++) {
resultArray[i] = domArray[i]; //Since we already declared the resultArray we can not make use of the more expensive push method.
What is array-like?
HTMLCollection is an "array-like" object, the array-like objects are similar to array's object but missing a lot of its functionally definition:
Array-like objects look like arrays. They have various numbered
elements and a length property. But that’s where the similarity stops.
Array-like objects do not have any of Array’s functions, and for-in
loops don’t even work!
This is my personal solution, based on the information here (this thread):
var Divs = new Array();
var Elemns = document.getElementsByClassName("divisao");
try {
Divs =;
} catch(e) {
Divs = $A(Elemns);
Where $A was described by Gareth Davis in his post:
function $A(iterable) {
if (!iterable) return [];
if ('toArray' in Object(iterable)) return iterable.toArray();
var length = iterable.length || 0, results = new Array(length);
while (length--) results[length] = iterable[length];
return results;
If browser supports the best way, ok, otherwise will use the cross browser.
I suppose that calling Array.prototype functions on instances of HTMLCollection is a much better option than converting collections to arrays (e.g.,[...collection] or Array.from(collection)), because in the latter case a collection is unnecessarily implicitly iterated and a new array object is created, and this eats up additional resources. Array.prototype iterating functions can be safely called upon objects with consecutive numeric keys starting from [0] and a length property with a valid number value of such keys' quantity (including, e.g., instances of HTMLCollection and FileList), so it's a reliable way. Also, if there is a frequent need in such operations, an empty array [] can be used for quick access to Array.prototype functions; or a shortcut for Array.prototype can be created instead. A runnable example:
const _ = Array.prototype;
const collection = document.getElementById('ol').children;
alert(, (acc, { textContent }, i) => {
return acc += `${i+1}) ${textContent}` + '\n';
}, ''));
<ol id="ol">
Sometimes, Even You have written code the correct way, But still it doesn't work properly.
var allbuttons = document.getElementsByTagName("button");
var copyAllButtons = [];
for (let i = 0; i < allbuttons.length; i++) {
you get empty array.
Like, This
HTMLCollection []
For Solving this problem, You have to add link of javascript file after body tag in html file.
<script src="./script.js"></script>
As you can see below,
Final Output
HTMLCollection(6) [, button.btn.btn-dark.reset, button#b, button#b, button#b, button#b, b: button#b]
(6) [, button.btn.btn-dark.reset, button#b, button#b, button#b, button#b]

