Live accessibility Checker - javascript

I am wondering if anyone knows of any program / tool / or addon that offers a feature like the Live Accessibility Checker in Microsoft Office Word for html coding.
I think it would be great to be able to offer our developers something like this that flags accessibility errors as they are coding them.

There are many tools for checking conformance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) of published websites such as WAVE and Total Validator. A full list is maintained on the W3 website:
However it doesn't appear there are any for checking within an IDE as you're coding, which is what you're looking for. The nearest would be if you're developing something like PHP / classic ASP where changes can be constantly published to a test website and a check subsequently performed with one of these external tools.
In general currently I think that's the best option to consider, including into any build scripts a call to an external tool for WCAG check and potentially parsing the output for number of non-compliances. It doesn't meet the 'live' check, but probably about the next best.
EDIT - one possible tool that may fit the bill (for users of Eclipse IDEs) :
The ACTF componentry and the utilities
will be integrated into a single
tooling environment on top of the
Eclipse framework. The framework
components will function cooperatively
with each other and with other Eclipse
projects to provide a comprehensive
development environment for creating
accessible applications and content.

I haven't worked with any IDE that has had an on the fly accessibility checker while you code, but I use sometimes.


Which powerfull tools are used to create website and could GWT and GXT work ?

So I started working this year after finished studying last year. I have been exposed to so many things in the working environment. Suck as Maven, GWT and Hibernate.
Now I got this side project in which I just need to create a simple website which would bassically just display some information and contacting details.
So I was wondering if HTML5 CSS and JavaScript is still the way to go and if there are not powerfull frameworks in which could you help me do animations and graphics much easier.
Also if you know GWT and GXT would it be a bad idea to create a visually apealing website using these frameworks.
Thank you so much for reading
Have a nice day
Objective: Create a simple website which would basically just display some information and contacting details.
GXT is built on GWT.
Go for GXT when you are in need of rich set of widgets (it is a very large set of collection) out of the box. Have a look on the following link where GXT has showcased the different widgets
GWT will be having minimal set of widgets when compared to GXT. Have a look on the different widgets which are provided out of the box.
Javascript Animation framework:
There are bunch of javascript libraries/frameworks for animation, choose one which is most appropriate to your work. Have a look on the following link.
Consider the following before finalizing on a framework
Framework which is having more out of the box components which matches the requirement.
Framework which is more stable
Framework which is having more support on the internet, such as forums, blogs.
Happy Coding!!

JavaScript library development [closed]

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We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 6 years ago.
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I am a java-programmer and a few months ago I discover frontend programming with javascript and html, and it is absolutely cool. So here is a js newbie's question.
Is there any IDE, default workflow or maybe best practices for javascript libs development? I didn't mean coverage and unit testing or something like this. I mean is there any tools or techniques which should I use while developing html control with some js-logic, for example? Should I write small test page in text editor and open it in dozen of browsers pressing F5 each minute and watching at browser's console or maybe there is some magic IDE which will on button press reload all browser instances and collect reports from browsers?
JavaScript Fundamentals
Be sure that you know the language. JavaScript is a bit tricky in this regard: you can easily think that you understand the language, but there are weird things that can sneak up on you. I highly recommend JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford. He also has some talks on Youtube with the same name that are definitively worth watching.
Integrate JSLint or a similar tool in your workflow. It is a style checker and static analysis tool for Javascript and helps catching subtle bugs.
Avoiding F5
Check out live.js:
Just include Live.js and it will monitor the current page including
local CSS and Javascript by sending consecutive HEAD requests to the
server. Changes to CSS will be applied dynamically and HTML or
Javascript changes will reload the page. Try it!
Browser Developer Tools
Get familiar with them. I personally strongly prefer Chrome's developer tools over Firefox/Firebug, but regardless which one you choose, learn how to use the debugger.
You should also be aware that you don't have to test Javascript logic in your browser: you can use it as any other scripting language using node.js.
As a seasoned programmer here are the steps you should follow for JS lib production.
Separate the UI from the application logic. In this case create one component for the application logic that is completely separated from all API access. API access, which means DOM and WSH and Node.js, should be separated out. I go so far as to use different files to force and ensure separation.
Create UI environments to access your logic. Have a production UI control for access by your audience and also a separate internal UI control for your sandboxed development. For example I have written my application at to work from commandline, and from a browser. I have also written access methods to the application access similar to the published HTML but different for my own development for more rapid unit testing. In a sandboxed UI can use a recursive setTimeout to refresh the page in intervals for automated test plan verification as you are writing and saving code.
Focus on availability and distribution. People can get my libraries directly from my website, Github, and NPM for Node. I have a regimented process where by I upload code to the site during a production release and then perform a quick verification in the browser. If the release did not break the application then push to Github and then push this exact same location to NPM.
Distributed access to code operation is even better. Its nice having rapid and even automated access to libraries online, but being able to access unit testing via request is even better. I can remotely unit test my application's code by accessing code samples online directly by telling my application request a code sample via URI. This means that not only is my static code available for distribution and testing, but so is its operation.
Good documentation is everything. I will never even bother to examine a lib if the documentation is weak. I am not talking about code comments, though these are important. I am talking about end user documentation. I want to be able to read documentation and know everything about the subject. Node.js became popular because even before the codebase was stable it's documentation kicked ass. Get other people to QA your documentation before they QA your code. Without stunning documentation your lib is less than worthless to me.
Know your mission. Each and every lib should have a clear, simple, and well stated purpose. If this is not established then the lib is not ready for release. If an enhancement confuses the lib's purpose then it may be time to divide one library into multiple smaller libraries. Focus on precision, clarity, directness, and only the sole stated mission of the lib.
Independence is vital to adoption. I don't like libs dependent upon other libraries or frameworks. Its great that your jQuery library may be the best thing since slice bread, but I won't be looking at it. Independence means greater portability and freedom it mix and match it with other libraries that you are not aware of.
Style is important. This is touchy subject, but style is important. Keep the logic in your lib as simple and declarative as possible. If your code is absolutely declarative in nature then your algorithmic patterns are awesome. Avoid use of the new keyword unless you are an experienced JavaScript badass and severely limit use of this keyword as it will fail you in future maintenance operations. Do not algorithmically build out large strings with concatenation and continually watch the execution speeds of your code. Because even trivial changes to style or seemingly minor enhancements to the logic can destroy execution efficiency I put a timer on all my UI controls. In your development use profilers, such as Chrome's web tools to track down long operations in JS execution.
Be open about your failures. Software is never perfect and other developers will always respect this. If you encounter a bug before anybody else then be open about the existence of the bug. If it will take more than a week to get the solution out then don't delay notification. Notify your users immediately so that they are aware. I recently rolled back a major enhancement to the logic of my diff algorithm because additional unit testing showed heavy slippage. I rolled back the same day I made a decision the prior release or two was flawed and was open about the rollback. If you want people to contribute to your code base or provide bug reports then openness is critical.
I know you may have explicitly said that you didn't mean unit testing, but that is precisely the way I recommend you write javascript libraries.
If you're a Java developer, you may be familiar with jUnit. If so, qUnit may be more natural to you. Otherwise, I recommend you take a look at Jasmine or Mocha. While I prefer Mocha, my experience with Jasmine has generally been better for in-browser development thanks to the awesome Jasmine-Jquery plugin.
If you're writing qUnit tests, take a look at IntelliJ IDE which allows you to execute tests in addition to providing code coverage.
If you're developing on the browser, take a look at LiveReload. It'll watch files for you and auto-refresh your browser - great for instant feedback.
For browser compatibility, I would recommend you just get it to work on one first reasonably before worrying about the others. Check in from time to time to see if you find issues. See if jQuery can abstract some of that mess for you. Otherwise, take a look at Adobes BrowserLab.

what is an alternate way to refer to HTML/JavaScript/CSS?

Often I need to refer to code written in HTML/JavaScript/CSS, but it is a very awkward construction to constantly refer to the descriptive trio of 'HTML/JavaScript/CSS' code.
for example, Mozilla refers to its HTML/JavaScript/CSS JetPack code as 'a JetPack'.
Other than the defunct 'dHTML', what are some concise, generic and accurate terms I can use to collectively refer to applications written in HTML/JavaScript/CSS.
I'm going to have to say DHTML anyway. Why would you say it's "defunct"? It is the perfect answer to this question. See DHTML means Dynamic HTML—which is exactly what the combination of HTML/JavaScript/CSS code is.
Unless you're dealing with someone who isn't impressed with terms that are less than a year or two old, or unless you aren't specifically talking about code, DHTML conveys exactly what you are talking about.
Web application is perhaps too loose of a term, but it's a start.
Let's break it down.
HTML is data, CSS is presentation, and JavaScript is code. These are web technologies.
These are usually brought together by a browser.
Something in a browser on the web is a website.
JavaScript suggests it is somewhat interactive, so it's not just a site, it's an application.
("Application" also suggests that it's more complex, like with a SQL backend or something, so you might sound even more talented. :)
I'm guessing that you had the term LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) in mind? To my knowledge there is no such abbreviation for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The easiest way to say it is to just say it.
Versus "Front end" – I think that term implies that you built something that customers used. "Web application" is nonspecific about who the users are, so it would apply to customer-facing applications as well as internal-use applications. The word "application" implies that it's not just a tool; there are users who are not the programmers. "Front end" is probably more impressive because a customer-facing application has to be nicer than an internal one.
If you are not using it in a browser, or it's not actually on the web, maybe just your intranet or an internally distributed application bundle, it's still an application developed with web technologies.
Given that the person you're trying to convey this message to knows you're talking about web-related stuff - Front-end or Front-end development has always worked for me.
"HTML5" is the answer I now believe to be correct to replace "HTML/JavaScript/CSS". Since I asked the question in January, HTML5 has gained a lot more recognition for its incredible capabilities and promise. "HTML5" also has significantly greater name recognition than 7 months ago, and clearly sets it apart from lesser HTML.
I think the reason there's no specific term is the same reason that dHTML fell into disrepute - all three scripts are so integral to frontend development that there ceases to be a need to refer to them specifically. If you code in HTML, you almost necessarily use CSS, and if you have any active content at all it will most probably be in JavaScript.
Frontend development is a bit vague, but something like HTML based frontend development should get your point across.
If you want to refer to an application - use Web Application.
And if you need to refer to some code - use simple JS (JavaScript) because most of your code (except for some ie css expressions if you use it) will be in JS, isn't it?
Web Suite
suite: a set of things belonging together, in particular.
thus you have:
Web Suite: the set of HTML/CSS/JavaScript, the basic technologies used to develop a web site or application.
"I used the Web Suite to make a cool website to show off all my pictures of cats sitting in boxes."
"UX" (User Experience) or "Front-end Development."
Web Applications, and Web 2.0 are both big names. One name/acronym that I personally like to use is RIA, or Rich Internet Application. From the article:
Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) are
web applications that have most of the
characteristics of desktop
applications, typically delivered
either by way of a standards based web
browser, via a browser plug-in, or
independently via sandboxes or virtual
machines.1 Examples of RIA
frameworks include Ajax, Curl, GWT,
Adobe Flash/Adobe Flex/AIR,
Java/JavaFX,[2] Mozilla's XUL,
OpenLaszlo and Microsoft
Also, someone else mentioned "impressing the suits," which this title tends to do. After all, it's got "rich" right in the name ;)
Web code
I was just having to write "HTML/Javascript/CSS" in an email and thought, "Isn't there a better term for this?". Googling, I found this post. I'm going with "web code".
Some call it a JAM stack, which stands for Javascript, API and Markup. But I acknowledge that it's not as specific as LAMP or something like that.
However uncool it might be, it is still DHTML to me.
They are standard web technologies for producing dynamic websites and web applications. The last thing we need is another vacuous moniker for something that is more than adequately described by DHTML.
An Alternative to this Source or Page Source.
The Context all depends but for me this seemed to be a good name. When I right-click and I see "view page source" it seems relevant. it contains all of this HTML/CSS/JS.
I like Web Application but my use case was page-specific, not app-wide.
I've been calling this the web stack (HTML, CSS, JavaScript). Exclude frameworks or other tools, just the base technologies of what the web is made.

Writing a non-GUI bot using Mozilla Framework

I'm looking for a way to write a non-GUI bot using Mozilla Framework. The bot should be able to work like normal browser (automatically download relevant JS files, make XMLHTTPRequests, run JS operations, modify DOM), except no GUI will be needed.
I wonder if it is possbile to build XULRunner without X, GTK/KDE (without any GUI dependencies), as I will run the bot on FreeBSD server 6.4.
It may sound a bit weird but I need a bot with capacity to operate like browser, runs JS, modifies DOM, submit forms running on non-GUI environments.
I've looked into other browsers such as Lynx, Links, Hulahop, Chrome V8 engine, WebKit JavascriptCore but yet to find desirable output.
It's a part of school project, thesis. We will use to observe price change of budget airlines and after one year long data collection, we need to deduce pricing strategy and customer behavior. It is a serious Final Year Project.
Any hint or help is greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!
You should be able to make progress with selenium. It's a record/test/play tool but its core is manipulating the DOM.
Update from Grundlefleck's comment: As for launching the actual tests there is selenium remote-control, which allows you to write your tests in Java, Ruby, plain HTML and other possible drivers.
Yes, it is possible (but it might very well require LOTS of code changes).
No, I do not know any of the details.
I would not recommend this approach for your purposes. From your comment, it sounds like you are trying to scrape webpages. If you really need to use JavaScript, you can use a stand-alone JavaScript-engine (Mozilla's is available here). Otherwise, I would use Beautiful Soup with Python or Twill. You might also want to read this question.

ExtJs Vs Ext GWT Vs SmartGWT

I am going to start a new application which mainly consist NavigationPane, Grid, Toolbar. Layout should look like this demo page
I am quite confused which one to use in terms of writing less code, more performant, etc..
Could someone tell the pros and cons of all these technologies.
All the while I coded in javascript, so that way ExtJs seems to be the easy one for me to code. But I am curios to try GWT Ext, Is it true that it could do a lot just by writing few lines of java code.
For eg: To achieve the layout ( given in above gwt ext demo url), which one should I opt ExtJs or GWT Ext.
I read SmartGWT is relatively slower than GwtEXT. Does it have any advantage over GWT EXT. I am also looking for hibernate based data modules ( as my application is going to have many database calls). Anyone of SmartGWT or GWTExt has support for such modules. I came to know that smartgwt doesn't offer all of smartclient enterprise version functionalities, that we are allowed only a few of smartclient features. Will it be an issue?
Your response is highly appreciated.
The GWT-Ext main page now says
"GWT-Ext is no longer under active development and has been superseded by Smart GWT. Assistance will be provided to existing users of GWT-Ext looking to migrate to Smart GWT."
so why would anyone use it?
To write the least code, use SmartGWT Pro. It provides a wizard that allows you to just pick from a list of Hibernate entities you've created, and instantly you have the ability to perform all CRUD operations on that entity, no code required. Then you can add business logic.
The wizard:
The link about is just screenshots, but there are several Hibernate samples in the showcase. See especially the Master-Detail Batch Load and Save sample.
As far as performance, real-world performance of most enterprise apps is dictated by how often the application has to contact the server. In this area SmartGWT has a large lead because of features like Adaptive Filtering (see the Featured area in the SmartGWT showcase).
Almost all reports we receive of SmartGWT being "slow" are due to having Firebug enabled. Disable Firebug and performance is fine, so normal end users will never perceive slowness.
About 6 months ago, we studied whether we would use ExtJS or GWT-Ext for an internal application. We wanted the back-end to be J2EE standard frameworks (struts, spring, hibernate for persistence, etc.). We ended up choosing ExtJS because it seemed to us that GWT was not stable enough (too many changes in the API that is still recent), and Ext-GWT was always lagging behind in development.
application which mainly consist NavigationPane, Grid, Toolbar.
Well, this tells us a lot about your app, doesn't it :)
I think it comes down to how good you are at either Java or JavaScript. They are quite a different languages you know :) But if you are well-versed at both but only used Ext JS, then picking up Ext GWT (or GWT Ext, if you meant that), shouldn't be such a great deal. And if that application you are planning is going to be as simple and small as your description of it, then it's probably a perfect opportunity to try out something new.
I use GWT-Ext and it is quite good especially if you don't mind tweaking things with JSNI to customize the already existing Ext widgets it is incredibly powerful. Unfortunately development is stagnant, so my future projects will probably be either in SmartGWT or Ext-GWT. SmartGWT is written by Sanjiv Jivan (same guy who wrote GWT-Ext) and it has most of the widgets we need. I must say most of the skins are quite dated except the Enterprise skin which looks good, but you can always roll your own skin.

