Comparing 2 times with jquery - javascript

Thanks in advance for any help...
I'm trying to (1) generate a begin time and end time for a form, (2) find the difference between the two, and (3) add the difference to a new input.
Here's what I have so far:
Begin time
<input id="starttimeinput" name="starttimeinput" type="text" value="">
$("#starttime").click(function () {
var begintime = event.timeStamp;
end time
<input id="endtimeinput" name="endtimeinput" type="text" value="">
$("#endtime").click(function () {
var endtime = event.timeStamp;
<input id="totaltime" name="totaltime" type="text">
$("#totaltime").focus(function () {
var begintime = $("#starttimeinput").val();
var endtime = $("#endtimeinput").val();
var totaltime = endtime - begintime;
The first part works (entering the timestamps into the beginning time and end time inputs). I've never worked with numbers before and can't figure out the second part. The result that comes up is "NaN".
Also this might be useful to know the the time between when the links are clicked should be around 30 seconds...
Thanks much for any help you guys have answered so many questions of mine without me having to post!

You need to parseInt() the times back out, otherwise they're just strings (as returned by .val()).
$("#totaltime").focus(function () {
var begintime = parseInt($("#starttimeinput").val(), 10),
endtime = parseInt($("#endtimeinput").val(), 10),
totaltime = endtime - begintime;
Personally, I'd sooner just store the begintime and endtime values myself, rather than in text inputs (why does the user need to see them, anyway?). Like this:
var begintime,
$("#starttime").click(function (event) {
begintime = event.timeStamp;
$("#endtime").click(function (event) {
endtime = event.timeStamp;
$("#totaltime").focus(function () {
$("#totaltime").val(endtime - begintime);
On a side note, I would recommend moving your jQuery code out of inline <script> tags and into an external JS file. This makes for more maintainable markup and JS. Just wrap all of your JS code in a document ready handler:
$(document).ready(function () {
/* your code here */
or, more concisely,
$(function () {
/* your code here */


How to redirect browser at specific date and time?

I'm trying to write a script that will allow me to redirect to a web page every Friday at a specific time.
Was hoping to have the script redirect to an Iframe for a live video feed, and after an hour, have the script also redirect to a html file that will be stored on the pc running a splash page till the next feed the following week, which will start the script again based on day and time.
Been trying for the past 3 hours to salvage something from scripts I've found on stack overflow with no success. Would GREATLY appreciate some help on this!
I Hope this will works for You.
function myFunction() {
var d = new Date();
var n = d.getDay()
var time=.getHours()
//based on time
This should work (ES5 syntax):
Date.prototype.hour = function () {return (this.getHours())} = function () {return (this.getDay())}
var today = new Date()
if (today.hour() == "10" && == "6") {
// change you url here, such as; location.href ="friday url";
else {
// keep (or re-attribute) your base url, such as; location.href ="base url";
I guess you want some kind of simplified job in UI which will keep watching and do redirect for you and you don't need to manually intervene much. You should use a setTimeout from Javascript to achieve this.
What this solution does that it calculates the millisecond difference between coming Friday with specific time till current date time and starts a timeout event.
Hope this is easy to understands and helps you.
GIT Repo:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body onload="RedirectTo(5, 15, 49, 30);"> <!-- RedirectTo(day(1-7(Monday)-(Sunday)),1-24 hour,1-60 min,1-60 sec) -->
<h1>This will reload redirect page</h1>
# - <p id="demo"></p>
function getNextDayOfWeek(date, dayOfWeek) {
// Code to check that date and dayOfWeek are valid left as an exercise ;)
var resultDate = new Date(date.getTime());
resultDate.setDate(date.getDate() + (7 + dayOfWeek - date.getDay()) % 7);
return resultDate;
function RedirectTo(day, hour, min, sec) {
var d = new Date(getNextDayOfWeek(new Date(), day));
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = d;
var totalMilliSecDiff = d-new Date();
if(totalMilliSecDiff > 0)
setTimeout(function(){ window.location.href = ""; }, totalMilliSecDiff);

function not working properly when run on document ready

I have a form with 2 fields: date field #datefromtoday and number of days #daysfromtoday. I use a javascript function to:
1) Automatically listen to the datefromtoday and (if there is a date) display the number of days from today when the page is loaded
2) adjust the date from today when entering/modify the number of days.
Here is the code:
$(document).ready(function (){
function modifyDays(){ //definy function to modify days
var endDateToDays = $( "#datefromtoday" ).val();
var endDateToDays_obj = new Date(endDateToDays); // convert in object
var endDateToDays_ms = endDateToDays_obj.getTime(); // convert in ms
var todayDate = new Date(); //
var todayDate_ms = todayDate.getTime(); //
var daysFromToday = parseInt(Math.ceil( (endDateToDays_ms - todayDate_ms) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 ) ) || ''; //if not number display nothing
document.getElementById("daysfromtoday").value = daysFromToday; //outuput
modifyDays(); //here is the problem. If I delete this line of code, everything works perfectly
$("#datefromtoday").on('change', function(){ //run function when modify delay date
the modifyDays function works like a charm on the on.change event, but
when is loaded on document ready, it interferes with datatables and also with other scripts, and they don't work anymore...
I'm probably using the wrong code to call the function on page load.... any ideas? Thanks for your help!!!
If you think it is because of calling the main function, in the body element of the html page, add an onload attribute:
<body onload="loaded()">
and declare loaded as that main function:
var loaded = function (){
function modifyDays(){ //definy function to modify days
var endDateToDays = $( "#datefromtoday" ).val();
var endDateToDays_obj = new Date(endDateToDays); // convert in object
var endDateToDays_ms = endDateToDays_obj.getTime(); // convert in ms
var todayDate = new Date(); //
var todayDate_ms = todayDate.getTime(); //
var daysFromToday = parseInt(Math.ceil( (endDateToDays_ms - todayDate_ms) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 ) ) || ''; //if not number display nothing
document.getElementById("daysfromtoday").value = daysFromToday; //outuput
modifyDays(); //here is the problem. If I delete this line of code, everything works perfectly
$("#datefromtoday").on('change', function(){ //run function when modify delay date
Then it should work if the problem is how the function is called.
I don't think the problem is because of you are calling the function on page load. The error might be coming from inside the function modifyDays. Only dependency I see is #datefromtoday and #daysfromtoday. Check whether those nodes are there when the function execute on dom ready event.
If the timing of the function call is the problem, you can put the modifyDays(); call in a window.setTimeout(modifyDays, 5000); or something of the sort to delay it until the other scripts finish loading, so this snippet doesn't interrupt or interfere with them. You may want to put a placeholder in the html for the seconds when it isn't loaded yet if this works.

Updating Momentjs FromNow() in a div element

I'm having this div element that shows the time past since it got created. However it doesn't get updated and always remains on few seconds ago. It looks like this
var newMsg= "<div id="chat-time">'+ moment().fromNow()+'</div>";
$("#chat-list").html( newMsg);
How can I update this text. I know I can do it with sentInterval but I can't figure out how to do it properly.It just prints out seconds! I'm using this for a chatroom. So each message will have a timestamp in the formatof momentjs.fromNow().
Does setting timer for all these message create a problem? I'd appreciate a hint.
EDIT:I'm using this code as mentioned in below but it's not showing anything:
<div id="chat-time"></div>
var messageTimeStamp = new Date();
var time = moment(messageTimeStamp).fromNow();
}, 1000);
To make this work you need the element in the dom and the setInterval running without being included in any string concatenation
<div id="chat-time"></div>
var $chatTime = $('#chat-time').text(moment().fromNow());
var time = moment().fromNow();
$chatTime.txt( time );
}, 1000);
Given that you're using, you'd do something like this (demo:
// The messages the user can currently see.
var messages = [];
// You have something like this in your code, presumably.
socket.on('new message', function(data) {
function addChatMessage(data) {
// First add the message to the dome, with a unique id for the timestamp text.
var messageElementId = 'chat-message-' + data.messageId;
$("#chat-list").prepend($("<div>" + data.message + "<i> (sent: <span id='" + messageElementId + "'>just now</span>)</i></div>"));
// When you no longer display that message in the DOM it from clear this array. I'd render the DOM based on this list if I were you.
messageElementId: messageElementId,
timestamp: data.timestamp
// By updating all the messages at once you don't have memory leaks.
setInterval(function() {
messages.forEach(function(message) {
var time = moment(message.timestamp).fromNow();
$("#" + message.messageElementId).text(time);
}, 1000);
Given this is your code:
var newMsg= "<div id="chat-time">'+ moment().fromNow()+'</div>";
You would do this, instead:
var messageTimeStamp = new Date(); // You need to grab this from somewhere.
var time = moment(messageTimeStamp).fromNow();
}, 1000);
You need to use moment(TIMESTAMP_OF_MESSAGE) not moment() and do something like this:
$("body").append($('<div id="chat-time"></div>'));
var messageTimeStamp = new Date();
var i = 0;
var time = moment(messageTimeStamp).fromNow();
$("#chat-time").html('moment().from(messageTimeStamp): ' + time + '; setInterval calls made ' + i++);
}, 1000);
Here's a demo.
I dont see any problem using setInterval (). AngularJS wrapper setInterval on $interval service module . Check out these urls: interval Angular and Wrapper SetInterval

Converting a JavaScript Countdown to a jQuery Countdown and adding an Interval

I found this JS-Countdown Script at JSFiddle.
I'm using the code of rafaelcastrocouto now, which is nearly perfect. I wanted a 10-seconds JQuery Countdown-Script with an interval that resets the countdown timer at 5 seconds and starts over again and again, but only for a specific class with a specific id on the whole HTML page. If it drops to 0, the countdown should stop. Also I want to reset specific counters to 10.
It's about a WebSocket that refreshes every second and depending on the data I get for specific counters I want to reset them or they should count down to zero.
New JSFiddle:
This is how I solved with jquery and native setInterval...
var setup = function(){
var eachSetup = function(){
var count = $(this);
var sec ='seconds') ;'count', sec);
var everySecond = function(){
var eachCount = function(){
var count = $(this);
var s ='count');
if(s < 0) {
s ='seconds');
}'count', s);
setInterval(everySecond, 1000);
<script src=""></script>
<p class="count" data-seconds="5"></p>
<p class="count" data-seconds="10"></p>
<p class="count" data-seconds="15"></p>
You have sever errors in code, e.g.
setTimeout(cd_go(id), 1000); - should point to function reference not to function execution. setTimeout also returns the timeout id. You must past that id to clearTimeout
clearTimeout(this); it should take id instead of global object (window) or undefined if you are working in strict mode
loop = setInterval(function(id) { … } - id points to undefinded as you are not passing any value for it

Monitor single page loading times in javascript

I've got an existing single page web application of which I can't change the code. Some users complain that the application is not performing very well.
I would like to monitor the loading time in this way:
Record the time stamp of a click on the page
Record the time stamp of when the rendering of the page has been completed, after ajax requests and some other javascript magic has been done
Calculate the difference between the two time stamps and post it back to the server.
I can easily do step 1 and 3 with jQuery, however I'm not sure what's the best way to approach step 2?
As this seems to be a quite obvious scenario, is there a standard tool set to perform this kind of monitoring?
This helps:
function onLoad() {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var page_load_time = now - performance.timing.navigationStart;
console.log("User-perceived page loading time: " + page_load_time);
You could use the global ajaxStop event jQuery offers.
var start = +(new Date());
$(document).ajaxStop(function() {
var diff = +(new Date()) - start;
// do logging
This won't include the code executed after the last AJAX call, but if things happening before the last call contain the expected bottleneck, then this will be quite useful.
this can be achieved in following way...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var startTime, endTime, timeDifference;
function doIt() {
var startTime = new Date().getTime();
type: 'post',
url: 'a.php',
success: function (resp) {
endTime = new Date().getTime();
timeDifference = endTime - startTime; //Time Difference is stored in milliseconds
<button style="position: absolute; top:60px" onclick="doIt()">start</button>
It's not a perfect solution, however the following code is working. It start the timer when a user clicks. The checkHTML function monitors the changes in the page content.
var timeLogging = new Array();
var timeStart;
$(document).click(function() {
function initLogEvent() {
caption = $(".v-captiontext:first").text();
timeStart = +(new Date());
timeLogging.push(new Array(0,0));
timeLogging[timeLogging.length - 1][0] = timeStart;
// Start a timer to check the changes in html
window.setInterval(checkHtml, 250);
// Start a timer to create the reports
window.setInterval(sendReport, 1000);
var html;
function checkHtml() {
current = $("body").html();
if (current != html) {
html = current;
var diff = +(new Date()) - timeStart;
timeLogging[timeLogging.length - 1][1] = diff;
function sendReport() {
if (timeLogging.length > 3) {
// Do additional stuff with the collected data
for (i = 0; i <= timeLogging.length; i++) {
Are you keeping all you application's markup in the page, even when it is hidden? If so you are probably choking the browser's memory. I recommend learning to offload your markup in localStorage like Bing and Google pioneers a few years ago. I wrote a blog about it the day I discovered the technique and I have used it ever since.!article/Use-Local-Storage-to-Make-Your-Single-Page-Web-Application-Rock

