Difference between $('selector')[0] ,$('selector').eq(index) in jquery. - javascript

What is the difference between $('#div1 a')[0] and $('#div1 a').eq(0) for the following markup
<div id="div1">
Please Help.

$('div1 a')[0]
returns a direct reference to a DOM element
$('div1 a').eq(0)
returns a JQuery object
This will not work:
$('div a')[0].hide()
this will;
$('div a').eq(0).hide()


Get the Count of Input Tags inside a Div Element using the Closest Property Jquery

I know it is a stupid question but i couldn't find a solution for this. Knocking my head for hours.
I have a HTML Structure,
<div class= 'container'>
<div class="someclass">
<input>some content</input>
<input>some content</input>
<input id="question-xxx" type="hidden"></input>
I need to get the count of all the Input elements inside the class = 'someclass' using the id = "question-xxx".
I tried using
I googled it out, and I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be quite appreciable.
.someclass will not be found using closest try finding it by siblings.
closest is used to find the parent element of given element. Here someclass is not parent of question-xxx.
closest and parent are same. You can find more info here
var count = $('#question-xxx').prev('.someclass').find('input').length;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class= 'container'>
<div class="someclass">
<input>some content</input>
<input>some content</input>
<input id="question-xxx" type="hidden"></input>
use .prev() to get the div that contains the input
Description: Get the immediately preceding sibling of each element in the set of matched elements. If a selector is provided, it retrieves the previous sibling only if it matches that selector.
use .length to count

jQuery hide parents

I have the following HTML:
<div class="windowtemplate movingwindow" style="display: block;">
<div class="top">Attenzione <span class="closebutton"></span></div>
<div class="body">
<span class="genericbutton">Close</span>
<div class="bottom"></div>
I'm trying to hide this box (starting from div class="windowtemplate movingwindow") with jQuery with this code:
function closedialog() {
But this doesn't sort any effect, where i'm wrong?
(I'm a newbie with jQuery, so, sorry if it's a really simple problem, but I can't find any solution!)
try this
<span class="genericbutton">Close</span>
and this for your js
function closedialog(element) {
this here doesn't refer to the clicked element.
The selector is wrong, missing . for the class selector.
.parent() doesn't select the grandparent elements, you should use .closest() instead.
You should avoid using attribute event handlers.
$('.genericbutton').on('click', function() {
If the .windowtemplate is generated dynamically you should delegate the event, if you are using jQuery 1.7+ you can use the .on() method:
$(document).on('click', '.genericbutton', function() {
First of all you missed the dot signifying a class and second parent() selector searches only level up in the tree, you need parents().
Use this code -
$('.genericbutton').on('click', function() {

Why is my li ignored?

var s = $("<li><a href='index.html'><h3>hello</h3></a></li>");
Shows that the li element is not being created. Why?
The s is the <li> element. Its inner HTML is what you're fetching with .html().
You can prove this with: alert(s.get(0).tagName);​
In an HTML document, .html() can be used to get the contents of any element. If the selector expression matches more than one element, only the first match will have its HTML content returned. Consider this code:
In order for the following 's content to be retrieved, it would have to be the first one with class="demo-container" in the document:
<div class="demo-container">
<div class="demo-box">Demonstration Box</div>
The result would look like this:
<div class="demo-box">Demonstration Box</div>

.prevUntil not working as expected

what am I doing wrong in this code..
I should get the class name of the previous sibling using this code.. but I am getting undefined..where am I going wrong
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
<p id="hello">Hello World</p>
<li class="lick">hello i am li</li>
heello i am a
<p class="clickme">click</p>
you can use siblings() and attr() method, prevUnti is not what you want:
Get all preceding siblings of each element up to but not including the element matched by the selector, DOM node, or jQuery object.
className is a javascipt core element property and cannot be used with jQuery objects, if you want to use className you can try this:
$('.clickme').on('click',function() { // you can use on(). live() is deprecated
From the prevUntil api documentation
*Get all preceding siblings of each element up to but not including the element matched by the selector, DOM node, or jQuery object.*
You are expecting the prevUntil to stop at the li.lick but it is not included.
You can see live in this jsfiddle
Do this way:-
<li class="lick2">hello i am li 2</li>
<p id="hello">Hello World</p>
<li class="lick">hello i am li</li>
heello i am a
<p class="clickme">click</p>
<li class="lick1">hello i am li 2</li>
Look what the jQuery documentation says about this:
Get all preceding siblings of each element up to but not including the
element matched by the selector, DOM node, or jQuery object.
Your element is NOT included thats why you don't get what you want.
You could try the following:
Seems like what you want to achieve (getting the closest preceding sibling) can be done with that code (code taken from here):
It's because you get a JQuery wrapped object, try :
If you inspect your code for
You have :
-->$(this).prevUntil('li.lick'): e.fn.e.init[1]
0: HTMLAnchorElement
context: HTMLParagraphElement
length: 1
prevObject: e.fn.e.init[1]
selector: ".prevUntil(li.lick)"
__proto__: Object[0]
Your HTMLAnchorElement is a DOM object, it's here that you can retrieve your className property.

How come .parent() is not working?

<div class="apple">
<div class="abc">
<input id="go">
$(this).parent('.apple').hide(); // this doesn't work.
$(this).parent().parent().hide(); //this works
I want the .parent('.apple') to work.
From jQuery.parent() function docs:
[...] The .parents() and .parent() methods are similar, except that the latter only travels a single level up the DOM tree. [...]
In other words use jQuery.parents() instead of jQuery.parent().
The parent of the input is your div with class abc. That's why it won't work. You want to use parents plural to go up the parent chain:
See this link for more info: http://jqueryminute.com/jquery-parent-vs-parents/

