jQuery - check if an input is not a select field - javascript

How can I find out if an input field is anything other than a select ?
I tried with if($(el).not("select")) and I get the selects too...

if(!$(el).is("select")) {
// the input field is not a select

$(el).not("select") gives you array. Array is always gives true in boolean expressions. But after you apply not, this array of elements won't contain selects. See working example.

The .not() method returns a new jQuery object with everything from the original object that doesn't match the selector.
You can't just use it in an if statement like that.
Instead, you use the .is method, which checks whether the element matches a selector and returns a boolean.
if (!$(el).is('select'))

What about giving the <select> tags a class:
$(el + ":not('.select')")

If it has a SelectedIndex property, it's a <SELECT>

if ($(el)[0].nodeName != 'select')


JQuery multiple attributes in selection

I stumbled upon this form of selector. Notice the quotes, its two attributes.
It seems to return only first element, which is different from $('#item1, #item2') result. I couldn't find any documentation on what exactly this does. Can somebody explain this or link to documentation with examples please
It's called context, and it's the same as find(), so this:
would equal :
in other words, it searched inside #item2 for an element with the ID #item1
To select both elements with ID's #item1 and #item2, you would do:
$('#item1, #item2')
notice the difference in quotes.
Selector in Jquery $(param) supports single string parameter and then it split parameter string and then do work for selecting element..
$('#item1','#item2') //treat first one param
$('#item1,#item2') //treat one param and splits passed string and will select both
You can specify any number of selectors to combine into a single result.
This multiple expression combinator is an efficient way to select disparate elements.
var list = $("div,p,span").map(function () {
return this.tagName;
}).get().join(", ");

How do I set the value of an input-element via jQuery, when I only know it's "name"-attribute

I need to reset some text-boxes which only have an unique name (not an unique id).
I tried it with jQuery, but my code seems to do nothing:
Try this:
Getting and setting value of form elements wrapped in a jQuery object is being done with use jQuery val function:
.value can only be used for DOM elements, like this:
$('input[name="customergroupname"]').eq(0).value ="";
$(...) // This is a jQuery object.
$(...)[n] // This is a DOM object in the nth place in the set.
$(...).eq(n) // This is a DOM object in the nth place in the set.
Working demo http://jsfiddle.net/vN74v/2/
$('#hullk').click(function(){ // in example when you click the button
According to DOM level 2 specifications, you can access:
document.forms["foo"].elements["customergroupname"].value = '';
If formName and fieldName are constants rather than variables you can use literal syntax:
document.forms.foo.elements.customergroupname.value = '';
I've wrapped customergroupname in quotes.
Very true, I mixed the quotes up. Edited now.

match input elements with keyup

I am not sure what's going on here.. I am trying to just match the val on an input from a variable, and every time I try, I get an object, object.
Here is the fiddle:
It's this piece of script that is screwing me up:
$("input.numberOfAccounts").keyup(function () {
newPricePerAccount will show me the correct number on alert, but when I try to put it in a val, it's no good.
What am I missing here?
$() is the jQuery selector method. newPricePerAccount is 5050, so it is trying to select a 5050 element (i.e. nothing), and it returns an object. I think you just want
It should be
Looking at your jsFiddle, newPricePerAccount is a JS variable, correct? In that case, you don't need the $() selector on it.
$ is only used to select DOM elements, not variables:

Syntax error - how to get value of textbox

I have a trouble getting value from text box. Conventional javascript getElementByName returns error :undefined. I was able to use jQuery in other examples with select. But can't find a reference anywhere about input tags. This line shows syntax error:
var total = = $('input[name='+formQty+'] :text').val();
What is a jquery for picking value/text of a textbox?
you have 2 equal signs.
var total = $('input[name='+formQty+'] :text').val();
It might be easier also to stick an ID attribute on the input tag and use this
var total = $('#myInputId').val();
make sure you are calling it from a loaded dom:
$(function() {
var total = $('#myInputId').val();
From what I understand your query selector is incorrect.
It should be 'input[name='+formQty+']:text' the :text as you have it is trying to select any text elements underneath the current input resulting in nothing. You can even get rid of the :text and only select the element based on name. .val() should then work if you have properly selected the input element.
You should also debug this by just performing the $('...') method without the function call and see what elements are returned.
Regarding your problem getting this to work with getElementByName() - that's probably because the method is actually getElementsByName() - note the plural elementS. It returns a list of all elements with the specified name, accessible via array syntax; even if there is only one matching element you still get a list (with only one thing in it).
If you are sure there will be exactly one element with the specified name you can do this:
var elementValue = document.getElementsByName(name)[0].value;

select by id in jquery

as all you know
returns the element having ID.
but this code always return even there's no element.
in this case.
those two line results are diffrent.
I want to check whether there is an element has htrBuyerCouponNotice.
document.getElementByID return null if there's no element.
You can check the length property of the jQuery object to determine the number of matched elements, e.g.:
You can use it directly on if statements e.g.:
var $el = $(selector);
if ($el.length) { // only 0 will coerce to false
// ...
But most of the time you don't really need to know if the selector matched elements or not, because the jQuery built-in methods will be simply ignored, e.g.:
The above statement will not cause any error even if the element was not found.
jQuery has also the size method, but I would recommend you to use the length property directly since it's publicly accessible, the size method is slightly slower since it is only a function that returns the value of length property.
because jQuery returns a list of selected elements, if there are no elements, you still get a return - its just a empty list.
check for $('#someID').length - should work if i remember corretly
When selecting elements, jQuery will always return an array of matching elements. In your case, $('#htrBuyerCouponNotice') is probably returning an empty array. Instead, check $('#htrBuyerCouponNotice').length.
It'll be zero if there's no nodes with that identifier, 1 if there is.

