What does this JS expression mean? What are we returning?
return dihy(year) in {353:1, 383:1};
This is a return statement that causes the containing function to return a Boolean value.
It calls the function dihy() with the value of the variable year as its argument.
It checks whether the return value is either 353 or 383 (the names of the properties that exist in the object literal). It does not matter what value the property has; it just needs to exist within the object. (That is, 1 is just an arbitrary value.)
If so, the function returns true, otherwise false.
JavaScript programmers sometimes use this approach because it is shorter than checking against each value individually, and it is easy to programmatically add new values to check against:
var foo = {353: 1, 383: 1};
function bar(year) {
return year in foo;
alert(bar(1955)); // false
foo[1955] = 1;
alert(bar(1955)); // true
You may want to look at the MDC documentation for the in operator.
It will be true if the call to the function dihy with the argument year is a key in the object {353:1, 383:1} and false otherwise.
It could be rewritten like this for example:
var result = dihy(year);
return result == 353 || result == 383;
This is an expression:
dihy(year) in {353:1, 383:1}
The dihy(year) function call presumably returns a Number value. If that value is either 353 or 383, the expression will evaluate to true, otherwise to false.
Note that your code is not an expression, but a statement, the return statement:
return expression;
So, the return statement will either return true or false.
Returns true or false, depending is the result that dihy() returns 353 or 383 (true for those two, anything else is false).
And it means exactly that... is the result of this function contained in this data collection...
There is no reason to use an object here, i.e. {353: 1, 383: 1}. In fact, the values of 1 are confusing and can make the uninitiated think that the value of 1 is being returned when it is not and is purely arbitrary.
The following is equivalent:
dihy(year) in [353, 383]
I'm trying to understand the below block of syntax (taken from angular docs to represent the use of angular noop as an 'empty' function)
function foo(callback) {
var result = calculateResult();
(callback || angular.noop)(result);
I don't understand the '||' syntax. I tried looking it up but had trouble searching and wasn't really sure what to search.
Thinking of it as 'OR' syntax, it would mean to me if a function was assigned to the callback or if the function was assigned to angular noop would equal true and then a function is being called on true. But obviously that's wrong
Apologies in advance for the newbishness of the question.
- EDIT -
To clarify further, I'm aware of what it does guessing from the example. However, I'm trying to figure out what javascripts rule say that would cause the return statement for (callback1 || callback2) to return a function object instead of a boolean (as implied by the fact that in the example you can call the return of the sub-expression).
This bit
(callback || angular.noop)(result);
is short for:
if (callback) {
} else {
It takes advantage of the fact that || is lazily executed. The search term you're looking for is lazy evaluation. To explain the "why" on how this works, we can take a look at the ECMAScript specification, specifically 11.11 Binary Logical Operators,
The value produced by a && or || operator is not necessarily of type Boolean. The value produced will always be the value of one of the two operand expressions. Note that this doesn't mean that you can't depend on an expression such as:
if (a || b) // <-- logical expression will evaluate to the value of a or b, NOT true or false
because JavaScript evaluates boolean values as truthy or falsy, formally defined as the operation ToBoolean() in the ECMAScript specification.
From 9.2 ToBoolean
The abstract operation ToBoolean converts its argument to a value of type Boolean according to Table 11:
Type Result
Undefined false
Null false
Boolean The result equals the input argument (no conversion).
Number The result is false if the argument is +0, −0, or NaN;
otherwise the result is true.
String The result is false if the argument is the empty String
(its length is zero); otherwise the result is true.
Object True
Basically the statement
(callback || angular.noop)(result);
Can be read as:
Call the function callback or angular.noop with the argument of result
If callback is not defined the OR (||) will be evaluated to call the angular.noop function passing the variable result to the function.
The angular.noop() function is a function that does nothing. More read here https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/function/angular.noop
I'm trying to learn JavaScript by going through some code in an application and I keep seeing !variable in if conditions. For example:
if (!variable.onsubmit || (variable.onsubmit() != false)) {
What is it? Some kind of test if the variable is empty?
! is the logical not operator in JavaScript.
!expression is read as:
Take expression and evaluate it. In your case that's variable.onsubmit
Case the result of that evaluation and convert it to a boolean. In your case since onsubmit is likely a function, it means - if the function is null or undefined - return false, otherwise return true.
If that evaluation is true, return false. Otherwise return true.
In your case
In your case !variable.onsubmit means return true if there isn't a function defined (and thus is falsy), otherwise return false (since there is a function defined).
Simply put - !variable means take the truth value of variable and negate it.
Thus, if (!variable) { will enter the if clause if variable is false (or coerces to false)
In total
if (!variable.onsubmit || (variable.onsubmit() != false)) {
Means - check if variable.onsubmit is defined and truthy (thus true), then it checks if calling onsubmit returns a result that coerces to true. In a short line it checks if there is no onsubmit or it returns true.
Next time, how do I find this myself?
MDN has a list of operators here.
The language specification specifies such operators, though being the official specification it does contain some jargon which might be hard to understand.
It is a negation operator used for truth tests on a variable.
var myVariable = 1;
if ( ! myVariable )
// myVariable evaluates as false
if ( myVariable )
// myVariable evaluates as true
The selected answer already answers the question. One thing to add in this is that ! operator can be used in a rather interesting fashion.
obj = {}
if (!!obj) {console.log('works')} // !!obj = true
obj = undefined
if (!!obj) {console.log('does not work')} // !!obj = false
So double !! will change any expression to a boolean value with no exceptions.
This has a very peculiar use case in some cases.
Lets say there is a function that returns either true or false and nothing else. In that case one could just change return returnValue to return !!returnValue for extra caution (although not need in most of the cases)
Conversely, if a function only accepts true or false and nothing else, one could just call the function as functionA(!!parameter) instead of functionA(parameter), which again is not needed in most of the cases, but could ensure extra security
! is a logic reversal operator, if something was true it will change it to false, if something is false, it will change to true.
example, we know that empty string or 0 in boolean is false.
let a = Boolean("")
console.log(a) // shows false, because empty string in boolean is false
console.log(!a) // shows true, because logic is reversed
easier example:
let a = 5
let b = 1
let c = a > b
console.log(c) // shows true, since a,5 is bigger than b,1
console.log(!c) // shows false, since logic is now reversed
What does if(a) exactly check in javascript? Can it check undefined? Can it check null? Can it check an empty string?
When do we need to use typeof a == 'undefined' or it could be covered by if(a)?
if evaluates a in a boolean context and uses the result to determine which code branch to execute. undefined, null and the empty string all evaluate to false in a boolean context.
typeof a === "undefined" is useful to check if the name a is defined (e.g. if a variable with that name exists in the current scope). Without this construct, accessing a directly would throw an exception if it is not defined.
Taken from the ECMAscript language specification, the if-Statement works as the following:
12.5 The if Statement
The production IfStatement : if ( Expression ) Statement is evaluated as follows:
Let exprRef be the result of evaluating Expression.
If ToBoolean(GetValue(exprRef)) is false, return (normal, empty, empty).
Return the result of evaluating Statement.
Means, in such cases, it would try a toBoolean conversion which acts like this:
Table 11 - ToBoolean Conversions
Undefined: false
Null: false
Boolean: The result equals the input argument (no conversion).
Number: The result is false if the argument is +0, -0, or NaN; otherwise the result is true.
String: The result is false if the argument is the empty String (its length is zero);
otherwise the result is true.
Object: true
It checks for a value not being false-ish, i. e. false, 0, undefined and null or an empty string. typeof a == 'undefined' is useful when you are curious if a value is undefined or not, since if (a) can't make the distinction between the false-ish values.
The conditional statement will only check for 'true' or 'false'.
in case of undefined the condition is not satisfied and control does not go into the loop.
typeof returns the type of operand. for details you may want to see this link
following values are considered as false in javascript conditions: false, null, undefined,'', 0, NaN
the answer by h2co3 is actually almost correct, you can not check for undefined variables in an if without typeof as this will cause a script error.
if you do this:
if (a) alert('hello');
you will get a script error and the if will not be evaluated (the result is the same in the sense that alert is not shown, but that's because the thread execution ended due to the script error.)
if you want to make sure a is defined you need to use the typeof test.
I'm not sure what this construct means but I've seen it a few times. The example below is from another Stack Overflow question. I'm not sure how to interpret the initial "or" construct itself:
Object.keys = Object.keys || (function () {
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
hasDontEnumBug = !{toString:null}.propertyIsEnumerable("toString"),
DontEnums = [
'toString', 'toLocaleString', 'valueOf', 'hasOwnProperty',
'isPrototypeOf', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'constructor'
DontEnumsLength = DontEnums.length;
a = a || function(){...} is an idiom that is very common in Javascript. It relies on two concepts that, while not unique to Javascript, you might not yet be familiar with.
1. Operator short circuiting
Operator short circuiting[wikipedia] is a compiler optimization that was invented to prevent unnecessary evaluation.
To demonstrate this, let us suppose that we want to determine whether a person is a teenager: that is, whether a person has an age inclusively between 13 and 19 years.
var isTeenager = person.age >= 13 && person.age <= 19;
Now, let us suppose that the code executes and it turns out that the person is younger than 13. The first condition will be evaluated and will return false. Since the program now knows that the the left hand side of the && operator is false, and since && requires both sides to be true in order to evaluate to true, it knows that evaluating the right hand side is pointless.
In other words, the program, having seen that the person's age is not greater than 13, already knows that he is not a teenager and couldn't care less whether or not he is less than 19.
The same sort of principle applies to the || operator. Suppose we wanted to know if a person can ride the bus for free: that is, if the person is over 70 years old or is handicapped.
var canRideFree = person.age >= 70 || isHandicapped(person);
If the person is over 70, the program already knows that he can ride free. At this point, the program does not care if he is handicapped or not and thus does not evaluate the call to the isHandicapped function. If, on the other hand, the person was younger than 70, then canRideFree would be set to whatever isHandicapped returns.
2. Truthy and falsy values
Truthy and falsy values[some random person's blog] are the boolean evaluations of objects. In Javascript, every object will evaluate to either a "truthy" or a "falsy" value.
An expression is "falsy" if its value is any of these:
false, null, undefined, 0, "", NaN
Everything else is truthy.
People take advantage of the fact that a null or undefined variable evaluates to false. This means that you can check if a variable exists very easily:
if (a) { /* a exists and is not a falsy value */ }
Combining what we know
The || operator short circuits and returns the value of the last expression that it evaluates. This principle combines with truthiness in this single statement:
Object.keys = Object.keys || function() {...}
If Object.keys is truthy, it will be evaluated and assigned to itself. Otherwise, Object.keys will be assigned to the function. This is a very common idiom in Javascript for checking if a value already exists and assigning it to something else if it doesn't.
Some other languages, such as C#, that do not have truthiness, have a null-coalescing operator[MSDN] that has a similar purpose.
object Value = PossiblyNullValue ?? ValueIfNull;
In this code, Value will be assigned to PossiblyNullValue, unless it's null, in which case it will be assigned to ValueIfNull.
tl;dr [wikipedia]
If you didn't bother to read anything I said above, all you need to know is that a = a || function() {...} basically does what this code does:
if (exists(Object.keys)) {
Object.keys = Object.keys;
} else {
Object.keys = function() {...};
function exists(obj) {
return typeof obj !== "undefined" &&
obj !== null &&
obj !== false &&
obj !== 0 &&
obj !== "" &&
This looks incomplete to me, but it seems as if it is a shim for Object.keys. Basically, if the property doesn't exist (in non standards compliant browsers, for example), we implement it ourselves.
The or operator will evaluate the second operand only if the first one is falsy. As such
alert(false || "Hello, world");
Will alert "Hello, world". In this case, Object.keys would be undefined, which evaluates to false.
The || basically means: If Object.keys is not defined, define it using the expression behind the ||.
This behavior bases on the JavaScript feature that any variable that is undefined evaluates to false. If the variable is true, the second expression does not need to be evaluated, if it is false it does.
From what I can tell, that code attempts to define the function Object.keys if it isn't already defined (or if it's false). The function to the left of || will become the function Object.keys.
The reason I said "from what I can tell" is that you haven't posted the entire code snippet. Notice that the code after || reads (function(){ instead of just function(){. It's possible that the author has set up the function to be self invoking.
If, after the function definition, you see })(), then the return value of the function is stored in Object.keys. If not, then the function itself is stored there.
In the below code how does passing bar as
function (n) { return n; }
to foo evaluate to true in the if block?
function foo(bar) {
if (bar) {
// true
} else {
// false
This has me puzzled so any help is much appreciated.
If bar is bound to an anonymous function, then it is an object. Objects are 'truthy' in JavaScript.
The only values in JavaScript that are 'falsy' are:
'' (empty string)
0 (zero as a number)
Everything else is 'truthy', including function objects.
If you meant to call the anonymous function, you'd do if (bar(5)) which would call your anonymous function with the argument 5. Then your anonymous function would return n (which is 5 in this case). As 5 is not a falsy object, this would go to the true branch as well. Doing if (bar(0)) would got to the else branch, because 0 is falsy.
Anything not null, 0, false, empty string or undefined is going to evaluate to true in an if(something) statement, this is just how weak-typing in JavaScript works.
If you want more specificity you may want to look at the typeof operator to check for the type you're expecting, or use a another stronger check like this:
if(bar === true) {
Using === checks for both value and type equivalence.
You could use typeof() if you want to know what type it returns
It always return true, because bar is not null. if an expression within an if statement is not a logic expression (e.g. if(x <7)) then performs a check for null. If it is null it returns false, otherwise true.
In your example you have defined bar as the function {returns n;} so that is why your if statement is evaluating to true.
If bar returns a bool (true or false) then you need to call the function and get the result, rather than passing a reference to the function - this is done using parentheses:
var exampleA = bar(false); // executes function bar and returns the result (false) in exampleA
var exampleB = bar; // stores a reference to the function bar in variable exampleB