How to tell JavaScript to do nothing? - javascript

I have a small chunk of code, like this:
$("div.footerMenu li").click(
function () {
And when I click on <li> the div .onScreen shows nicely, but when i click on this div, that just showed up the functions is hiding in and showing again, but I don't want it to execute this function again. So my question is: How can I somehow "detach/exclude/hide" this div from Javascript?
The thing is that with this method and with others with .one() the rest of menu is not working. There is the site with the problem here . I want this div that shows up stay there, when I click on it, but when I click on their items <li> I want to other div's (submenus) to show up (warning - big images on that site).
The html looks like this:
<div class="footerMenu"> <ul> <li>HOME<div class="onScreen"><div style="padding:50px;"><img src="fillTxt.png"></div></div></li> <li>PLENER<div class="onScreen"> <div style="padding:50px;"><img src="fillTxt2.png"></div></div> </li> <li>STUDIO<div class="onScreen"> <div style="padding:50px;"><img src="fillTxt.png"></div></div> </li> <li>INNE<div class="onScreen"> <div style="padding:50px;"><img src="fillTxt2.png"></div></div> </li> </ul> </div>

The simple solution is:
$('div.footerMenu li').unbind('click');
But should you have multiple click handlers on the selector, you may want to only remove one at a time. The way to do that is to store a reference to the function being passed:
function hideItem()
//unbind the click event
$(this).unbind('click', hideItem);
$('div.footerMenu li').click(hideItem);

If you want to handle an event only once, you can use the one() method:
$("div.footerMenu li").one("click", function() {

You can use .one():
$("div.footerMenu li").one('click', function(){
// unbinding happens automatically


jQuery doesn't recognise that the class changed, although the Browser does

I have been trying out to create a Dropdown-menu with jQuery. I have 3 Sub-folders with 3 sub-sub-folders each (correct me if this is the wrong term). Depending on wether the Sub-folder is collapsed (Sub-subs invisible) or expanded (Sub-subs visible) there´s a little arrow pointing downwards when expanded and to the right when collapsed. I´m a Newbie and don´t want to use many external scripts, so I remove the Subshown_arrow Class and add the Subhidden_arrow Class when clicked (or the other way).
<img id="arrow" class="Subshown_arrow" /> Sub-forum 1
<li class="sub-sub"> <a href="#"> Sub-sub-forum 1 <li>
<li class="sub-sub"> <a href="#"> Sub-sub-forum 2 <li>
<li class="sub-sub"> <a href="#"> Sub-sub-forum 3 <li>
I removed the scr here ^, normally it´s there.
var main = function() {
$(".Subshown_arrow").click(function() {
alert("Subshown_arrow clicked!");
$(".Subhidden_arrow").click(function() {
alert("Subhidden_arrow clicked!");
However, when I click the Arrow for the first time, it rotates as expected. But when I click it another time, jQuery reacts as if it was clicked for the first time. The alerts print out "Subshown_arrow clicked!" every time.
But when I tried it out in the Browser and used Chrome´s built-in tools to view the Code, the Class changed. That means that changing the Class works, but my jQuery script ignores it.
What have i done wrong? Or is there a better way to do it?
Your problem has already been solved thousands of times, you are binding to .Subhidden_arrow and .Subshown_arrow classes when the first doesn't exist yet. You need to bind the events differently:
$('body').on('click', '.Subhidden_arrow', function ( e ) {});
This will work also on dynamically created (changed) elements.
If you use .on it will work when classes changes as new handler will be assigned to it. but when you use .click it is assigend to the object that had the matching class at first and although the class has changed but still the old handler is assigned to it.
var main = function() {
$("body").on("click",".Subshown_arrow",function() {
alert("Subshown_arrow clicked!");
$("body").on("click","Subhidden_arrow",function() {
alert("Subhidden_arrow clicked!");
You are using an img without any src and if you have more images then i would mention to not to use same ids.
So, what you can do is give a common class name to the element:
<img class="arrow Subshown_arrow" />
<!----------^^^^^-------like this one---->
Now you can use the class arrow to bind the click event and you can use toggleClass() method to change the classes:
$(".arrow").click(function() {
$(this).toggleClass("Subshown_arrow Subhidden_arrow");
As mentioned the problem is that the click is bound on document load, at which time there are no elements with a class subhidden_arrow. This can indeed be solved by using a parent elements click and a filter on the class using (on). However, the original bound click event can also be reused to toggle the classes:
$(".Subshown_arrow").click(function() {
The click is bound to the element on load and reacts on both 'states', regardless of which class it holds then.
An example Fiddle with a slight alteration to make the containing anchor react to the click event.
Better way
var main = function() {
$("#arrow").click(function() {

Jquery click function exclude children

Hey I'm having an issue figuring this one out.
$('.jrm-menu-categories,#overlay-2').click(function() {
<ul id="megaUber" class="megaMenu">
<li id="menu-item-1459" class="jrm-menu-categories">
<ul class="sub-menu sub-menu-1">
So basically what my JS does is create an overlay/modal effect when a sub menu is opened via click. I have the code repeated a few times with different classes and overlay ids hence the last line of code (needed so that only one overlay is shown at a time). Quickest and simplest way for a beginner like me, but that's not the subject.
When a sub-menu is open, and a user clicks anywhere in the sub-menu it toggles the overlay. I'm assuming this is because when I selected .jrm-menu-categories in the JS, it also selected the child elements, which happen to be .sub-menu
I'm thinking I need to use the .not() function, but can't figure it out.
can you guys help me with this? if possible write the code so I can try it out
You can try adding a second click handler to the children that will always return false. That way the click won't propagate up and dismiss:
$('.jrm-menu-categories').children('.sub-menu').click(function (e) {
e.stopPropagation(); // prevent click propagation, so parent click never fires.
You can test for the clicked item.
$('.jrm-menu-categories,#overlay-2').click(function(e) {
if (this =={

Error when trying to execute two onclick actions on the same div

I have a little problem here, and if someone could help me, I will truly appreciate.
I have a menu that opens when I click on a div, and once open, I want to close the menu clicking again on te same div. The problem is that I can open the menu but I can't close it.
Here is my code:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#menuResp").click(function () {
$('#menuResp').attr('id', 'menuResp2')
$("#menuResp2").click(function () {
$('#menuResp2').attr('id', 'menuResp')
<div id="menuResp">
<ul id="menuRespCss">
<li class="icon-css">
Anyone have an idea of why this doesn't work?
What your code is doing is setting callbacks at the moment, when the initial DOM is being built. Of course, there is no #menuResp2 yet. Insdead, set the callback on the document element (or body, or some other parent element), specifying the selector of your menu - this element will fire the event. This will work:
$(document).ready(function () {
$(document).on('click', "#menuResp", function () {
$('#menuResp').attr('id', 'menuResp2')
}).on('click', "#menuResp2", function () {
$('#menuResp2').attr('id', 'menuResp')
But. I would stroungly recommend not to change the ID attribute, but to work with classes instead.
you need to add the click handler like this
$(document).on('click', '#menuResp', function(){
$('#menuResp').attr('id', 'menuResp2');
.click() only works for elements that are already created, using .on() will cover elements that will be created later.
you should really be identifying the element by class though , and using .addClass() and .removeClass() like the comment suggest
just use toggle. if the item is closed, it will open, if its open, it will close. all the answers above do not check to see if the item is open already or not.
$(document).on("click", function(e){
easier would be to give element a single class and just toggle once on class name, rather than changing the ID of the item, this second item would not have an avent binding added to it. But at the same time. You dont need the ID when you can just toggle with class. like so:
this will open any element that is closed with the class of clasname. this will also, at the same time, close all elements that have that class name, and are also open

JavaScript Event Handler jQuery

I am working on a hand me down project that was written by someone who was clearly better at HTML and JavaScript than myself. The html has AJAX links like this:
<ul class="subNav">
<li><a link="contacts.html">Contacts</a></li>
<li><a link="contacts_add.html">Add Contact</a></li>
Which I think are handled in this code:
$('.subNav li a').click(function() {
var href = $(this).attr('link')
$('#mainStage').load(href, function() {
All of the code above works perfectly.
My problem is I can't seem to recreate this functionality. I am using this HTML:
<div class="nameTitle colorOne"><a link="contacts_add.html">
<span class="firstNameField">Contact Name</span>
and this JavaScript:
$('.nameTitle').click(function() {
$('#mainStage').load("contacts_add.html", function() {
When I click the "nameTitle" class it should load contacts_add.html into the mainStage section of the page but I cannot see anything happen. I am sure someone fluent with this style of coding could tell me why my event never fires but the earlier code does.
Thanks in advance,
You should try altering your code to something like this:
$('.nameTitle').click(function() {
//This line finds the address to load
var address = $(this).children("a").attr("link");
//This line loads the address and then runs the pageLoad function when it has completed
$('#mainStage').load(address, function() {
If this doesnt work it may be because the html is loaded dynamically. In this case you need to use .on, see this link here.
In response to Brett's comment below ive put together a jsfiddle showing .on in action here. Also i added .preventDefault as this could cause a problem.
try with
$('.nameTitle a').click(function() {
It can be that you're trying with a browser which accepts click only on 'a' tags, albeit they're getting rare hopefully.
The 'click' event will never be raised on your div, since there is an inner a element with an href defined. Once you click, the event will be raised on the anchor link first which will, by default, redirect to the location specified by the href. In order to get this working, catch the click when it is raised at the a:
$('.nameTitle a').click(function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); // prevent browser from following href
$('#mainStage').load("contacts_add.html", function() {
Demo -- Commented out the load, since that page isn't on this server. Also notice I changed your a element to have attribute href instead of link.

jQuery "after-click" event

I have a list of links that open in an iframe, like:
<ul id="frameTrigger">
<li><a target="iframe1" href="aaa.html"><img src="aaa.jpg"></a></li>
<li><a target="iframe1" href="bbb.html"><img src="bbb.jpg"></a></li>
<li><a target="iframe1" href="ccc.html"><img src="ccc.jpg"></a></li>
I need to update another div after the link is clicked. Specifically, I need to call a function that checks the frame's src attribute and update the div. If I do a:
$("#frameTrigger a").click(function() {
var iframe = $("iframe[name=iframe1]").get(0);
// the problem here is that that the iframe.window.location will
// change AFTER this function returns
I do not get what is expected.
I'm guessing you get the old value instead of the new one? You may want to wrap your function in a setTimeout of 1ms to allow the update to go through.
$("#frameTrigger a").click(function(){
console.log( $(this).attr("href") );
You need the first selector to work on clicks for the links. Also, I think you had the syntax for console.log incorrect (though I have never used it). I changed it so when you click on a link it logs the href attribute of the link. Hope this helps.
If you're having trouble with the entire click functionality completing when calling the click via jQuery .click() - I know it's not ideal, but - perhaps you should just have jQuery explicitly complete the sequence that should be executed when clicked. Something like:
$("#someElement").bind('click', function(event) {
$($("#frameTrigger a:eq(1)").attr('target')).attr('src', $("#frameTrigger a:eq(1)").attr('href'));

