How to learn professional JavaScript in two days? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I really need to learn professional javascript in two days because I am gonna have to hit the
ground running (real world project). I have little which can be approximated to no knowledge of JavaScript or website development. Any help would be appreciated greatly.

Seriously, two days is about enough to get a feel for the basics. It's nowhere near enough time to get to "professional" level (whatever that means exactly). The more experience you have with other languages, the easier it will be, though.

Don't cram for a programming language, especially learning it professionally, unless you have previous programing experience.
See also for resources on learning web technologies.

Go through video lectures by Douglas Crockford at You could be able to get rid of some assumptions, misconceptions and pick up some really good concepts in less than 10 hrs of video.
Nevertheless, it is indeed a great place to start.

This article is a great source of up to date, modern JavaScript resources:

If you need to learn JavaScript, you can follow these courses if you have little previous programming experience. They are interactive and you can code all the examples in the explorer (and they are free).
1 - JavaScript Fundamentals
2 - JavaScript
And finally, a library called jQuery to make a little bit easier JavaScript programming.
3 - jQuery
This won't take you to days, but is a good beginning to be a JavaScripter.
Good luck.


New to algorithms, where to begin? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have been struggling as to where to begin learning algorithms because of the insane amount of information out there. I don't have any knowledge on algorithms other than solving a Rubik's cube. I'm wondering what is a good source for a beginner to learn algorithms and if they're useful. I should also mention that the languages I know are PHP, Javascript and MySQL.
Upvote for wanting someting to learn and actually asking.
As #jbarker2160 wrote: Computer-programs are algorithms. If you know MySQLs SQL dialect you might run into the PROCEDURE command. A good example for that.
If you read about Computer history you will soon learn that some early computer programs were nothing else than a series of switch-combinations (on/off) represented by little holes in a paper. Modern programming languages like JavaScript are a high-level abstraction from that "binary" code but deep in their core they still just talk "on" and "off".
Good luck with your programming!

NodeJS as an avenue towards learning JavaScript [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm a backend programmer who works mainly in Python. I'll probably never want to be a full time front end developer, but with the goal of growing my skill set, I would like to become at least passably proficient in JavaScript. It seems like a language that is wearing a lot of hats nowadays, and if nothing else, I'd like to a little more knowledgable about 'their world' when I'm working with front end guys.
We're using NodeJS for some server side work at my company, and I was curious about it. I've found a few good tutorials and it seems interesting. It seems like it might be a good way to familiarize myself with JavaScript, since it comes at it from an angle that I understand -- server side programming.
But I am also a little worried that if I learn both at once, I won't be able to keep track of what's 'Stock JavaScript' vs features that are particular to NodeJS.
What do you guys think? Is bootstrapping myself into JavaScript familiarity by learning NodeJS a good idea? Or will I just confuse myself if I jump into Node without a solid understanding of the fundamentals of JavaScript?
If anything, the potential problems will be in the reverse: NodeJS is closer to 'true' JavaScript (as in ECMAScript 5) than you can reasonable program on the client side, where lots of native javascript features have to be avoided and re-implemented with libraries.
It's easier to learn Javascript in node because you aren't dealing with HTML, DOM, etc and can treat it like "just another language" - this is what I did.
Node doesn't "add" much to JS, unless you count using CommonJS modules, but that's more of a library and conventions than syntax.

Learning JavaScript by reading first or writing first? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I did check (and read) a few similar questions here, but this really applies to everyone differently since no one learns the same.
My question is not on what resources to use, for that I have plenty.
I am working my way through JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (and I have the good parts as well).
I'm reading up on the core language but I don't feel like the information is sticking (or rather I'm not getting much out of it).
My question is should I just write an application in JavaScript and reference my books (I'm a very hands on person, but do enjoy reading), or should I keep reading the book, do the exercises, and then write a program?
In short: should I just write js app first and reference my book, or read the book first doing the examples and then write a js application? I've done some basic programming in PHP/Python (nothing meaningful yet).
I always learn math this way and I suppose, I'm conflicted in how I should tackle learning a language. I feel like I could read many books, but perhaps this isn't the best way for me (I know others learn differently).
For starts, I'm considering writing a simple calculator in JS.
Like for any languages I would suggest to do both.
You have to immediately start applying what you are studying. This way you will focus what you learned and understand better how the language works.
JavaScript is a highly flexible language. You can start soft, then learn new things each day and it will grow with you. You will never stop learning with JavaScript because it's easy to start but difficult to master.
You can start with really small scripts. When you start to feel confident you can create more advanced scripts, start using frameworks, write plugins for them, and ultimately your own library of functions.
I only suggest you to start learning best practices as soon as possible, because there are many things you have to avoid while programming in JS.
Then as a last word, always do what you feel like is better, don't go crazy trying to learn everything immediately. Everyone learns and works at his own pace.

Learning javascript [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Currently, I am using Javascript - The Definitive Guide for learning Javascript from scratch. Having learnt Java, PERL and other programming languages, I am in a habit of solving small exercises to check/better understand what I have been learning as well. In case of Javascript, I found the book to be severely lacking in exercises. Infact, I did not find exercises in the only other book [ Beginning Javascript ] I have either.
Is there any source that I can refer to for exercises in Javascript?
Once you get a good grasp on the syntax,
Crockford has a page that compares javascript with Scheme and takes you through a short book The Little Schemer. The article is appropriately named The Little JavaScripter.
After reading the book, I was changed. Or perhaps transformed. Or altered. In a good way. There are very few books that deeply change the way that you think. This is one of those books.
He's gone through the chapters and translated the functions into javascript. As an exercise, you could do the same and compare your solutions.
I learned Ruby using Ruby koans, and they are an awesome way to learn any language. There is a set of Javascript koans.
Try them for a day or two, use it if you like it.
I would suggest reading everything Douglas Crockford has to say about JavaScript, reading The Good Parts, writing as many programs as possible and running them all through JSLint with "the Good Parts" and rewriting them until it stops complaining, and reading the source of jQuery. It also wouldn't hurt to read Dmitry A. Soshnikos' rendition of the ECMA-262 spec. (It's very specific and goes into minute detail but it also covers every possible aspect of the language)
It would probably be good to mention that you don't need to follow Crockford's conventions to the letter if you don't want to (though I would recommend writing for ES5 strict) but limiting yourself to them while you learn the language is definitely the way to go.
I'd try out They are fairly new, and offer a nice step by step lessons that require bits of code for each step. They have some nice challenges too (build a cash register, build a blackjack game). The forums are extremely helpful as well. Best place I've found to learn javascript.
I have checked out so many guides online and came to these conclusions:
Check out Codeacademy for the basics. After you're finished there, go to - this guide covers a LOT and is very detailed and well explained, with exercises.
i used when i first learnt JS - they have a functional but far from great 'try it yourself' editor to modify their examples, not quite the same as exercises but may give you the same benefit (fiddling to better understand)

What to do to improve my skill and knowledge on javascript? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Currently I've finished studying the book name "Beginning JavaScript 3rd Edition", so I just wonder what should be my next step in order to strengthen myself on using and manipulating this language?
Besides, how can I improve myself in programming in JavaScript? Is it by thinking something cool myself, and start coding it? Or googling around the internet to find some task and question offered?
Is there any book that teaches the correct method of coding? Thank you
One recommended resource would be
It is a combination online tutorial + online book
After that, it depends on whether you want to focus on clientside or serverside JS.
Have a look through
for Serverside.
I would recommend that you avoid relying on a javascript library until you are able to make a good assessment of its quality. And pick YUI3 once you can ;)
Is it by thinking something cool
myself,and start coding it?
yes - think of something that would be funny/cool to code and try to do that (and, of course, ask mr. google if you get to a problem somewhere)
You could take a look at "Javascript: The Good Parts", Douglas Crockford, O'Rielly & Yahoo Press:
I suggest that you check out Douglas Crockford's JavaScript site for some quality articles on style and usage of the language itself. On top of that you should be constantly coding in it, look for interesting problems to solve and implement solutions using the techniques you have picked up.
As an aside I would also say that if you're looking to truly go further with the language and not just "get stuff done", stay away from jQuery etc for now until you have a good understanding of how it is likely to be working under the hood -- once you have this understanding though it'd be worth picking it up purely for efficiency.
Visual Studio allows you to develop mobile applications using JavaScript for all platforms. You can try your skills there
Watch the Crockford on JavaScript videos.

