Client Side Only Cookies - javascript

I need something like a cookie, but I specifically don't want it going back to the server. I call it a "client side session cookie" but any reasonable mechanism would be great.
Basically, I want to store some data encrypted on the server, and have the user type a password into the browser. The browser decrypts the data with the password (or creates and encrypts the data with the password) and the server stores only encrypted data. To keep the data secure on the server, the server should not store and should never receive the password. Ideally there should be a cookie session expiration to clean up.
Of course I need it be available on multiple pages as the user walks through the web site.
The best I can come up with is some sort of iframe mechanism to store the data in javascript variables, but that is ugly. Does anyone have any ideas how to implement something like this?
FWIW, the platform is ASP.NET, but I don't suppose that matters. It needs to support a broad range of browsers, including mobile.
In response to one answer below, let me clarify. My question is not how to achieve the crypto, that isn't a problem. The question is where to store the password so that it is persistent from page to page, but not beyond a session, and in such a way that the server doesn't see it.

You could use JavaScript's localStorage object. The Dive Into HTML5 ebook has an excellent chapter on it. I think the chapter also mentions some possible work-arounds for browsers which to don't support localStorage.

For what you are looking for I would say that javascript is the best you could do.
You can retrieve the encrypted data onto the server and decrypt it using javascript on the client side. No transmission of password, no secret for the user.
It depends which encryption algorithm you are using but there is libraries for that (for example Stanford Javascript Crypto Library)
(but I don't understand why are you talking about cookies)
If you are interested in the storage aspect rather than the cryptography aspect, perhaps you might consider Thomas Frank's session variables


What are the scenarios which using Cryptography in JavaScript could make sense?

My friend has an idea about protecting the stored cookies in browser with adding an encryption on them using library such as Stanford Javascript Crypto Library.
Meanwhile i believe such actions are not possible because, javascript has no access to file system.
The question is:
what would be the functionality the said library?
What does it encrypt? I believe the encryption of it would be limited to variables of js application and not files on the host
You're asking
What kind of data could be encrypted using javascript?
and Bergi answered that in the comments:
In general, you can encrypt all data that can be represented in binary
That's true, but this is not what you're actually trying to ask. I believe you're looking for scenarios where crypto libraries are useful in the browser. But more on that a little further down.
I believe the encryption of it would be limited to variables of js application and not files on the host
Yes and no. Anything that can be accessed by JavaScript, can be encrypted. Whether this encryption adds any security is a whole other issue. Values that are accessible through variables in JavaScript code can be encrypted. The same goes to user input which includes files that the user explicitly opened in order to upload in a file dialog (example).
Additionally, your JavaScript code has access to the whole file system in Chrome if you really want it.
Here are some scenarios where using Cryptography in JavaScript could make sense, but not all of them are recommended (not exhaustive, but common):
File storage (i.e. Mega) where the symmetric encryption key is never sent to the server but kept on the client or is directly entered by the user. Its security depends on your trust that the service provider doesn't change their own JavaScript and log the key that was used for encryption.
Password-manager (i.e. clipperz) is similar to file storage, but its code is injected to other sites and it must be resilient to not blurt out all its secrets. It can use many different cryptographic primitives.
Poor-man's HTTPS (i.e. too many Stack Overflow questions) where the server has its RSA private key and sends the RSA public key over HTTP (sic!) to the browser. The browser can encrypt any data and send it back to the server (maybe also establishing a symmetric key in the process). The server can decrypt the message with its private key and respond. This is sort-of secure as long as there is no man-in-the-middle attacker that simply injects its own JavaScript that copies any browser data to the attacker's server. SJCL implements ElGamal encryption instead of RSA for this use case.
Hashing data before uploading in order to check for transmission errors or achieve deduplication (no need to upload file, because somebody else already did so). Hashing is technically in the realm of cryptography and many libraries to that.
Online calculators (i.e. my authenticated encryption tests) where valid and easy to use implementations or algorithms can be used directly when implementing the same algorithms in another language. The data is never sent to the server and is encrypted purely in the browser. My "calculator" can be used to test ones own implementation, because it is verified by various test vectors. Others are there to help friends pass hidden messages without proper e-mail encryption.
These should not be done with browser-based crypto:
If you're using only symmetric encryption over HTTP and the exact same key is present at the server and the client, then you have a problem, because the key must be sent in some way for the client to the server or back. If you send the encryption key from the server to the client or the other way around you need to encrypt your symmetric encryption key. The easiest way to do this would be to use TLS. If you use TLS, then the data as well as key are encrypted, so you don't need to encrypt it yourself. This doesn't provide any security, just a little bit of obfuscation. Any passive attacker (observer) can read your messages. You should read: Javascript Cryptography Considered Harmful
Hashing a password for log in is a bad practice. The general consensus is that you need to hash a password many times (PBKDF2, bcrypt, scrypt, Argon2) in order to check whether a user has sent the correct username and password. Some think that if we hash on the client, the password is not sent in the clear over the network and everything is secure. The problem is that if they think that, they are not using HTTPS (which they need). At the same time, the hashed password is their new password. If the server doesn't implement a constant-time comparison, it is trivial to use a timing side-channel attack to log in as any person which you know the username of.
JWT for sessions: Part 1 and part 2
Cookies are in fact accessible via JavaScript, just like the DOM is.
You could encrypt them by running the value you want to store through the encryption algorithm.
Depending on what you want to store and how the encryption/decryption mechanism works this may or may not be a good idea.

Authorization on web page

Good time of day!
I am wondering about right way to implement authorization on abstract website.
I have a server on which mysql is running. And in one of it's databases it has pairs: login + password.
Also I have a web page with "sign in form". User's input (in plain text) i need to transmit to the back-end and check it over. This plain text delivery is pain in my neck.
I know that there are various modern technologies such as openID and OAuth. I cant use them. I need to do tiny web application.
I was thinking about using salt with hashing on the destination server, but came to a conclusion that it is useless against sniffing network. Then I decided to modify with some instruments login+password pair on the client side.
But the only way how I can accomplish that is with client javascript, that can be easily read by someone and do all steps to prepare his value that would be fatal to my auth system ).
I am really interesting in theory, not a list of ready solutions but explanations of how it is right to do. But ready solutions are welcome, too.
Thank you in advance!
If you want to keep it simple I would suggest you keep your standard login form (plain text POST) and force to use SSL when posting (i.e. use https instead of http in the post url). This way, nobody can sniff the user/password information.
Once you confirm the user/password is valid, then you use cookies to store a session id and keep using the session id from the cookie. If you still want to make sure nobody hijacks your session id, you should keep using SSL in the communication with your server from then on. This second part is pretty much standard even in all these authentication frameworks (they rely on cookies for storing the temporary session token).

Browser-based encryption/decryption with private key from browser keystore

My situation:
Medical staff wants to enter sensitive data of patients into a web browser (!) in order to store it to some database and later retrieve it again.
These data are not allowed to be seen by anyone else except the medical staff itself. This means that it must be encrypted using some secret token before it is transferred to the server. It also means that neither IT staff (having access to the server/database) nor anyone else should be able to decrypt it without the secret token. (If the token is lost, the data would never be accessible anymore.)
No additional software should be installed on the client machine, except some token (e.g., a private key) that one would export once and import it into all browsers from which data access should be granted.
So my question is:
Is there a way to encrypt/decrypt data on the client-side (e.g., using JavaScript) using some secret browser token that can be exchanged between browsers easily (I.e., exported/imported similar to X.509 certificates)?
If not, which alternative solutions would be possible? Since conditions 1 and 2 are mandatory, only condition 3 may be modified, if necessary. However, still as little installation effort as possible should be necessary on the client-side.
EDIT: SSL is obviously only part of the answer to this question!
Take a look at Web-browser encryption of personal health information, whose "Abstract" section seems to describe your same problem. However, their "passcode" that generates the encryption key must be shared, which wouldn't let you differentiate medial staff.
We describe a system for remote data entry that allows the data that
would identify the patient to be encrypted in the web browser of the
person entering the data. These data cannot be decrypted on the server
by the staff at the data center but can be decrypted by the person
entering the data or their delegate. We developed this system to solve
a problem that arose in the context of clinical research, but it is
applicable in a range of situations where sensitive information is
stored and updated in a database and it is necessary to ensure that it
cannot be viewed by any except those intentionally given access.
There's a javascript implementation of AES encryption which encrypts the plaintext in the browser. If you build something around those tools, the server side would store only the encrypted text and would not have the passphrase.
Shouldn't require any extra installation on the client side, but probably will require some development effort to get the user experience right.
Due to ProtonMail's efforts, there is now an open source PrivateKey implementation in the browser at:
This has had multiple security audits and is the basis of, so it has a fairly good records and maintainer in place. They also have a good summary of important security browser models.
The Web Crypto API has pretty good support in all modern browsers. It supports many algorithms, both symmetric and public key. With a good reminder for the user to keep their keys secure and may be backed up somewhere else, this should be the way to go.

Encrypting pass in javascript with a key, then retrieve the original password (as securely as possible)

I would like to encrypt and save a user password in a database, all this with javascript, and later decrypt it. I would like to use a key to encrypt/decrypt all passwords. I was thinking about storing them in an sqlite database.
Do you think this way the database will be secure in case of theft? I guess it will highly depend on the algorithm and implementation.
Can you point me in the right direction to any library that has this functionality, allows me to encrypt/decrypt?
Can you recommend me a library to handle sqlite db. with javscript?
I would normally do all this with some webscripting language without decrypting the pass, but I need to do this with js. and I am fairly new to the language. So any advices would be appreciated.
Client side code should not be used for securing a connection, as the Javascript code itself was loaded from the insecure connection and is thus prone to tampering.
Just load your script and do all sensitive communication through https and and you should be fine.
If you encrypting/decrypting anything, it should be done on the server.
A hacker can view the source code of the JS to figure out the hashing algorithm, and assuming they're using a packet sniffer or similar piece of software, compare that algorithm to the data sent by the user.
For what you want to achieve, you could connect to the server with HTTPS, and send passwords and receive authentication notices to/from the server via xmlhttprequest.
I do not know of any algorithms for doing everything on the client, probably for the reasons listed above. There are plenty of PHP hashing algorithms however. This site may be of use:
Edit: (Read your comment on the OP) Doesn't Firefox offer this functionality already? In any case, saving passwords made on the local machine can be stored on the local machine. When a page is revisited, you could auto-fill the related password fields. The only security threat there is if the host computer is compromised. I don't know any code samples for this though.

Two-way password encryption without ssl

I am using the basic-auth twitter API (no longer available) to integrate twitter with my blog's commenting system. The problem with this and many other web APIs out there is that they require the user's username and password to do anything useful. I don't want to deal with the hassle and cost of installing a SSL certificate, but I also don't want passwords passed over the wire in clear text.
I guess my general question is: How can I send sensitive data over an insecure channel?
This is my current solution and I'd like to know if there are any holes in it:
Generate a random key on the server (I'm using php).
Save the key in a session and also output the key in a javascript variable.
On form submit, use Triple DES in javascript with the key to encrypt the password.
On the server, decrypt the password using the key from the session and then destroy the session.
The end result is that only the encrypted password is sent over the wire and the key is only used once and never sent with the password. Problem solved?
Generate a random key on the server (I'm using php).
Save the key in a session and also output the key in a javascript variable.
On form submit, use Triple DES in javascript with the key to encrypt the password.
This avoids sending the password in the clear over the wire, but it requires you to send the key in the clear over the wire, which would allow anyone eavesdropping to decode the password.
It's been said before and I'll say it again: don't try to make up your own cryptographic protocols! There are established protocols out there for this kind of thing that have been created, peer reviewed, beat on, hacked on, poked and prodded by professionals, use them! No one person is going to be able to come up with something better than the entire cryptographic and security community working together.
Your method has a flaw - if someone were to intercept the transmission of the key to the user and the user's encrypted reply they could decrypt the reply and obtain the username/password of the user.
However, there is a way to securely send information over an unsecure medium so long as the information is not capable of being modified in transit known as the Diffie-Hellman algorithm. Basically two parties are able to compute the shared key used to encrypt the data based on their conversations - yet an observer does not have enough information to deduce the key.
Setting up the conversation between the client and the server can be tricky though, and much more time consuming than simply applying SSL to your site. You don't even have to pay for it - you can generate a self-signed certificate that provides the necessary encryption. This won't protect against man-in-the-middle attacks, but neither will the Diffie-Hellman algorithm.
You don't have to have a certificate on your server; it's up to the client whether they are willing to talk to an unauthenticated server. Key agreement can still be performed to establish a private channel. It wouldn't be safe to send private credentials to an unauthenticated server though, which is why you don't see SSL used this way in practice.
To answer your general question: you just send it. I think your real general question is: “How do I send sensitive data over an insecure channel—and keep it secure?” You can't.
It sounds like you've decided that security isn't worth the $10–20 per month a certificate would cost, and to protect Twitter passwords, that's probably true. So, why spend time to provide the illusion of security? Just make it clear to your users that their password will be sent in the clear and let them make their own choice.
So how is this any more secure? Even though you might have secured browser<>your server, what about the rest of the Internet (your server<>twitter)?
IMHO, it's unacceptable to ask for a username and password of another service and expect people to enter that. And if you care that much - don't integrate them until they get their act straight and re-enable OAuth. (They supported it for a while, but disabled it a few months ago.)
In the mean time, why not offer OpenID? Every Google, Yahoo!, VOX etc. account has one. People might not be aware of it but chances are really, really high that they already have OpenID. Check this list to see what I mean.
When the key is sent between the client and the server it is clear text and subject to interception. Combine that with the encrypted text of the password and the password is decrypted.
Diffie-Hellman is a good solution. If you only need to authenticate them, and not actually transmit the password (because the password is already stored on the server) then you can use HTTP Digest Authentication, or some variation there of.
APIs and OAuth
Firstly, as others have said, you shouldn't be using a user's password to access the API, you should be getting an OAuth token. This will allow you to act on that user's behalf without needing their password. This is a common approach used by many APIs.
Key Exchange
If you need to solve the more general problem of exchanging information over insecure connections, there are several key exchange protocols as mentioned by other answers.
In general key exchange algorithms are secure from eavesdroppers, but because they do not authenticate the identity of the users, they are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
From the Wikipedia page on Diffie Hellman:
In the original description, the
Diffie–Hellman exchange by itself does not provide authentication of
the communicating parties and is thus vulnerable to a
man-in-the-middle attack. A person in the middle may establish two
distinct Diffie–Hellman key exchanges, one with Alice and the other
with Bob, effectively masquerading as Alice to Bob, and vice versa,
allowing the attacker to decrypt (and read or store) then re-encrypt
the messages passed between them. A method to authenticate the
communicating parties to each other is generally needed to prevent
this type of attack. Variants of Diffie-Hellman, such as STS, may be
used instead to avoid these types of attacks.
Even STS is insecure in some cases where an attacker is able to insert their own identity (signing key) in place of either the sender or receiver.
Identity and Authentication
This is exactly the problem SSL is designed to solve, by establishing a hierarchy of 'trusted' signing authorities which have in theory verified who owns a domain name, etc, someone connecting to a website can verify that they are indeed communicating with that domain's server, and not with a man-in-the-middle who has placed themselves in between.
You can create a self-signed certificate which will provide the necessary configuration to encrypt the connection, but will not protect you from man in the middle attacks for the same reason that unauthenticated Diffie-Hellman key exchange will not.
You can get free SSL certificates valid for 1 year from - I use them for my personal sites. They're not quite as 'trusted' whatever that means, since they only do automatic checks on people who apply for one, but it's free. There are also services which cost very little (£10/year from 123-Reg in the UK).
I've implemented a different approach
Server: user name and password-hash stored in the database
Server: send a challenge with the form to request the password, store it in the session with a timestamp and the client's IP address
Client: hash the password, concat challenge|username|passwordhash, hash it again and post it to the server
Server: verify timestamp, IP, do the same concatenation/hashing and compare it
This applies to a password transmission. Using it for data means using the final hash as the encryption key for the plain text and generating a random initialization vector transmitted with the cipher text to the server.
Any comments on this?
The problem with client-side javascript security is that the attacker can modify the javascript in transit to a simple {return input;} thereby rendering your elaborate security moot. Solution: use browser-provided (ie. not transmitted) RSA. From what I know, not available yet.
How can I send sensitive data over an
insecure channel
With a pre-shared secret key. This is what you attempt in your suggested solution, but you can't send that key over the insecure channel. Someone mentioned DH, which will help you negotiate a key. But the other part of what SSL does is provide authentication, to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks so that the client knows they are negotiating a key with the person they intend to communicate with.
Chris Upchurch's advice is really the only good answer there is for 99.99% of engineers - don't do it. Let someone else do it and use their solution (like the guys who wrote the SSL client/server).
I think the ideal solution here would be to get Twitter to support OpenID and then use that.
An ssl certificate that is self-signed doesn't cost money. For a free twitter service, that is probably just fine for users.
In your approch for example i'm in the same subnet with same router, so i get the same ip as my collegues in my work. I open same url in browser, so server generates the timestamp with same ip, then i use tcp/ip dump to sniff the hashed or non hashed password from my collegues connection. I can sniff everything he sends. So i have all hashes from his form also you have timestamp(my) and same ip. So i send everything using post tool and hey i'm loggen in.
If you don't want to use SSL, why not try some other protocol, such as kerberos?
A basic overview is here:
Or if you want to go somewhat more in depth, see
I have a similar issue(wanting to encrypt data in forms without paying for an ssl certificate) so I did some hunting and found this project:
I haven't used it yet but it looks easy to implement and thought I'd share it here in-case anyone else is looking for something like it and finds themselves on this page like I did.

