Possible jQuery/jqGrid problem in IE8 - javascript

I have a grid constructed with jqGrid, that uses the search toolbar, a custom formatter to insert radio boxes and a loadComplete handler.
Everything works fine in FF but when I go to IE8 (shame!!!) the screen would freeze with the data loaded and the Loading... box on the screen. I can do nothing on the screen.
Here is my code:
function loadCompleteHandler(){
jQuery("#listTable").jqGrid('setGridHeight', Math.min(300,parseInt(jQuery(".ui-jqgrid-btable").css('height'))));
function radio(value, options, rowObject){
var radio = '<input type="radio" value=' + value + ' name="radioid" ondblclick="inDetail();"/>';
return radio;
function statusSelect(){
#set($select = ":$l10n.lbl_123")
#foreach($se in $status_list)
#set($select = $select + ";$se.getValue():$se.getValue()")
return "$select";
url: '$content.getURI("/servlet/ajax/MyServlet.json")' + '?loggedUserId=$loggedUserId&pageNo=0&locale=' + '$l10n.getLocale().toString()',
datatype: 'json',
mtype: 'POST',
colNames:['','$l10n.lbl_copy','$l10n.lbl_476','$l10n.lbl_380', '$l10n.lbl_2547<br/>$l10n.lbl_3768','$l10n.lbl_owner','$l10n.lbl_256 $l10n.lbl_92','$l10n.lbl_1558<br>$l10n.lbl_185','$l10n.lbl_348'],
colModel :[
{name:'column1', index:'column1', width:'3%', search:false, align:'center', formatter: radio, editable:false, sortable: false, resizable:false},
{name:'column2', index:'column2', width:'6%', search:false, align:'center', formatter:'checkbox', sortable: false, resizable:false},
{name:'column3', index:'column3', width:'12%', sortable: false, stype:'select', editoptions:{value: statusSelect()}, resizable:false},
{name:'column4', index:'column4', width:'17%', search:false, sortable: false, resizable:false},
{name:'column5', index:'column5', width:'10%', search:false, sortable: false, resizable:false},
{name:'column6', index:'column6', width:'13%', sortable: false, resizable:false},
{name:'column7', index:'column7', width:'13%', sortable: false, resizable:false},
{name:'column8', index:'column8', width:'12%', sortable: false, resizable:false},
{name:'column9', index:'column9', width:'14%', sortable: false, resizable:false}
height: 300,
pager: '#pagerDiv',
gridview: true,
rowTotal: 500,
sortorder: 'desc',
viewrecords: true,
loadComplete: loadCompleteHandler
stringResult: true,
searchOnEnter: false,
defaultSearch:'cn'}); /* search strategy meaning: contains */
I am using Velocity, jQuery 1.4.2. IE gives an invalid argument error in the jQuery library
at this line:
if ( set ) {
style[ name ] = value;
Maybe the problem is with jQuery in IE8, I don't know....
EDIT : more specific data added
I am using jqGrid 3.8.2.
The statusSelect after Velocity has processed it looks like this:
function statusSelect(){
return ":All;status1:status1;status2:status2";
I think there is no problem with the JSON data transfer since the grid previously worked in IE8 when there was no setGridHeight, loadComplete handler. I have also done some minor modifications which I can only partially recount (i.e. column resize disabled).
For testing purposes here is a JSON object:
"rows":[{"id":150,"cell":[150,false,"status1","columnData4","columndata5","columndata6","columndata7","Test1\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cspan style\u003d\u0027float:right;\u0027\u003e10.12.2010\u003c/span\u003e","columnData"]},
{"id":157,"cell":[157,false,"status2","columnData41","columndata51","columnData61","columnData71","Test2\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cspan style\u003d\u0027float:right;\u0027\u003e22.12.2010\u003c/span\u003e","columnData"]}],
I don't know how to use the total parameter, so I just declared an arbitrary value (50D).
The inDetail function just submits the form (I am using Apache Turbine parameter here):
function inDetail(){
document.forms['myForm'].eventSubmit_doAction.value = 'doSomeAction';

I could not reproduce the problem which you describe. How you can see here the grid can be loaded without any problem in IE. It looks not fine because of missing CSSs, but all works in general. So I suppose you have problem in the code which you not publish here. I recommend you to verify your HTML page in http://validator.w3.org/, your test JSON results in http://www.jsonlint.com/ and JavaScript code in http://www.jslint.com/.
I would only not recommend you to use radio variable inside of the function with the same name radio. Better to choose another name. It is better also to add 10 as the second parameter of the parseInt function. In my tests your original code worked also without the corresponding code changes.


Check if datatables is empty after table is fully loaded jQuery

After doing some research on this issue trying to find a solution (unfortunately to no avail) I decided that it might be best to post my problem. I currently have a Datatable containing asset information on a view and I'm trying to prevent a user from continuing change an option on a select field until an asset is added to the asset table.
Listed below is my assets datatable code in my .js file under the document.ready function
assets = $('#assets').dataTable({
sAjaxSource: "http://" + window.location.hostname + "/request/get-request-assets/?id=" + $('#id').val(),
fnDrawCallback: function (oSettings) {
scrollY: '185px',
scrollCollapse: true,
paging: false,
aaSorting: [[1, 'asc']],
bPaginate: false,
bFilter: false,
bLengthChange: false,
bAutoWidth: false,
bInfo: false,
aoColumns: [
{sWidth: '35px', bSortable: false},
{sWidth: '40px'},
{sWidth: '80px'}
language: {
sLoadingRecords: '',
sEmptyTable: 'This request has no asset records.',
sInfoEmpty: ''
I've found table.fnSettings().aoData.length===0 as a means to check if a table is empty. However, after stepping through the code (via Chrome debugger) it seems Datatables (at least in my case) calls the function before the table is fully generated...
I have this code below
assetPresent = (assets.fnSettings().aoData.length===0) ? false : true;
in my document.ready function after $('#assets').dataTable() function (if this matters). AssetPresent will be used as a flag to toggle the status select box. Unfortunately before I can utilize that...
Seems to always be set to false even if there are clearly records in the table, and...
assetPresent = (assets.fnSettings().aoData.length===0) ? false : true;
Tends to be ignored...
I'm curious to see if table.fnSettings().aoData.length===0 might not be the best option. Thank you in advance.
Have you tried, table.data().length yet?
you can try this
var table = $('#assets').DataTable();
if ( ! table.data().any() ) {
alert( 'Empty table' );

Kendo Grid : Default value 1 in cell in inline edit mode, how to change it?

I have following config foo column in grid:
actionName: {
editable: true,
nullable: true,
defaultValue: {"name" : "TEST123"},
type: "object"
field :"actionName",
title : $translate.instant('ACTIONNAME'),
width: "200px",
editor: GlobalHelperService.getActionNamesListForAutocomplete,
template: '#: data.actionName.name #',
filterable: { cell: { operator:"contains"
Which works almost fine, but if i clicked on cell item i always got following value (see. image below), instead of the text defined in template attribute.
How can i solve it please?
Many thanks for any advice.
It might not be the cleanest way, but you could use the edit event like I do in this blog post.
edit: onEdit
function onEdit(editEvent) {
// Ignore edits of existing rows.
if(!editEvent.model.isNew()) { return; }
editEvent.model.set("actionName", {name: "TEST123"});
Although as I note in that post, setting the default value with .set() might not work in this case, and you might need to edit the text in the edit box directly:

jqGrid - loading values from JSON

I have a jqGrid working OK using the local datatype, but I now want the values to be loaded via json but having trouble changing it.
This is my jqGrid code
datatype: "json",
url: "/controller/getItems?id=2",
width: 1405,
colNames: ['id', 'surname'],
colModel: [
{ name: 'id', index: 'id', editable: false, hidden: false, hidedlg: true },
{ name: 'surname', index: 'surname', editable: true }
onSelectRow: function (id, status, e) {
editurl: url,
So the method to get the JSON is sucessfully fired.
public ActionResult getItems(string id)
List<model> items = method.getItems(id);
string jsonText = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(items);
return Json(jsonText, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
The column names in the JSON do match the colModel names
Example of the json being returned - what the object jsonText above contains
Is there anything I have done wrong or am missing?
I suppose that the error in in using of System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize. You need just return Json(items, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);. Additionally you can remove the column id from the colModel. The id value will be still read and assigned as the value of id attribute of the rows (id of <tr> elements of the grid) known as rowid. You should add loadonce: true option to the grid because you don't implemented paging of data on the server side and to add gridview: true (if you not already use it) to have better performance and autoencode: true to interpret input data as texts instead of HTML fragments.
UPDATED: In case of usage old version of jqGrid one have to include jsonReader parameter which corresponds the format of input data:
jsonReader: {
repeatitems: false,
root: function (obj) { return obj; }
One should still use loadonce: true option additionally.

How to remove checkall option in extjs checkboxmodel?

How to remove check all option is extjs 4 checkboxmodel?
When defining a grid (in 4.2.1), set this config option to:
selModel: Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel', { showHeaderCheckbox: false }),
(The relevant part is showHeaderCheckbox :false)
I have managed to hide it using pure CSS:
.x-column-header-checkbox {display:none;}
When you're creating your checkboxmodel, try specifying injectCheckbox: false into its configuration. From the API:
Instructs the SelectionModel whether or not to inject the checkbox header automatically or not. (Note: By not placing the checkbox in manually, the grid view will need to be rendered 2x on initial render.) Supported values are a Number index, false and the strings 'first' and 'last'.
Inside grid panel afterrender event using jquery
listeners: {
afterrender: function (grid) {
According to API, the type of "header" property is String. Said that, the correct value is ''. It has worked for me on ExtJS 3.4
this.queueSelModel = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel({
singleSelect : true, // or false, how you like
header : ''
heder:false in config or injectCheckBoxHeader = false hide the entire column. CSS solution is class based so any other widget using the same selection model would also hide the entire check.
In ExtJS 4 a header config can be provided as below to display a blank or custom text in the header.
getHeaderConfig: function() {
var me = this;
showCheck = false;
return {
isCheckerHd: showCheck,
text : ' ',
width: me.headerWidth,
sortable: false,
draggable: false,
resizable: false,
hideable: false,
menuDisabled: true,
dataIndex: '',
cls: showCheck ? Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'column-header-checkbox ' : '',
renderer: Ext.Function.bind(me.renderer, me),
//me.renderEmpty : renders a blank header over a check box column
editRenderer: me.editRenderer || me.renderEmpty,
locked: me.hasLockedHeader()
I encountered this issue in ExtJS 4.0.7 version.
First I removed checkbox layout:
.rn-grid-without-selectall .x-column-header-checkbox .x-column-header-text
display: none !important;
Then I used the following code in afterrender listener of the grid:
afterrender: function (grid) {
this.columns[0].isCheckerHd = false;
It is not a good solution but it can be used as a starting point.
Thanks for all the good hints here.
For Sencha 3.4, this is the extremely simple pure CSS I ended up using,
My_Panel_With_a_Grid_Without_Header_CheckBox = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {....
cls: 'innerpanel hiddeGridCheckBoxOnSingleSelect',
in my CCS file:
.hiddeGridCheckBoxOnSingleSelect .x-grid3-hd-checker {
Define {Header: false} in checkboxselectionModel
this.queueSelModel = new Ext.grid.CheckboxSelectionModel({
singleSelect : false,
header : false

DataView hides spawning ComboBox

I posted this at the Ext forums a couple of days ago, but no response, so maybe better luck here.
I currently have a combo box loading data from php through ajax. Everything works fine except that when my results are returned, the DataView covers the ComboBox (fig 2.) I have included the relevant code below, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
I may be wrong, but I think I've eliminated CSS problems, as the DataView element is rendered with an absolute position.
alt text http://img.skitch.com/20100216-8t4pmbc3e6mydqqrac9qm9ucj.jpg
fig 1.
alt text http://img.skitch.com/20100216-n5t44g8rua7fawkwjrj49fk7t4.jpg
fig 2.
var dataStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
url: '/ajaxGateway.php',
root: 'data',
baseParams: {
useClass: 'App_GeoIP_GeoIP',
useMethod: 'getLocationsStartingWith'
fields: [
{name:'text', mapping:'TITLE'},
{name:'stateName', mapping:'STATE_NAME'},
{name:'regionHierarchy', mapping:'REGION_HIERARCHY'},
{name:'id', mapping:'ID', type:'int'},
{name:'lat', mapping:'LATITUDE', type:'float'},
{name:'lng', mapping:'LONGITUDE', type:'float'}
var resultTpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
'<tpl for="."><div class="search-item" style="text-align:left">',
'<span>{text}, <small>{stateName}</small></span>',
var locationBasedRulesTree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
title: 'Location Based Regions',
height: 329,
width: 480,
autoScroll: true,
useArrows: true,
animate: false,
rootVisible: false,
frame: true,
enableDrag: true,
root: new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
tbar: new Ext.Toolbar(),
listenersHandlers...: function(){}
new Ext.form.ComboBox({
store: dataStore,
displayField: 'text',
typeAhead: false,
loadingText: 'Finding...',
blankText: "Search for a Place...",
width: (Ext.isIE6) ? 155:200,
hideTrigger: true,
forceSelection: true,
tpl: resultTpl,
itemSelector: 'div.search-item',
enableKeyEvents: true,
onSelect: function(record)
keypress : function(comboBox, event) {
Hard to say. The first thing I would do is rip the combo box out of your layout and try rendering it to a plain page and see if you still have this issue (should be simple to do). That will immediately confirm or rule out that it's related to your particular layout. You also did not mention whether or not this happens only in particular browser/OS combinations -- if so, it could be an Ext bug. If it happens in any browser, then it's probably an issue with your layout. Try narrowing it down first then maybe it will be more obvious where to go next.
It looks almost like the listAlign or hideParent are set wrong.. I'm not seeing that in your definition, but would double-check... try setting those to configuration options manually. I've also had issues with IE when not setting the listWidth config property.

