webpage templates vs building from scratch - javascript

I want to build a website which will accommodate the basics like a navigation bar and contact form, ect. I was wondering what the best way to go about this is. I would want to be able to make any layout I want, (which theoretically I could do with css,) like make it look like http://www.jquery.com or http://www.sciencedaily.com or even http://www.stackoverflow.com .
Whats the best method to do this? Should I use Joomla (which I'll need to learn), some site builder (which I'll also need to learn), some template, or just make it from scratch?
Keep in mind I want to be able to add js code and be able to easily add new features and options.

It depends on your experience and effort. Of course building from scratch is the best option if you want to build the thing that you want it to be. But it also take time and skill and effort to build such website (HTML, CSS jQuery etc.)
Choosing website template is just for people who don't have time or expertise on the field.


How to generate custom builds of html/css templates by taking inputs from user

I want to start a html/css/wordpress templates distribution website. I have coded few themes. Web themes these days are coming with too many customization features and options. But, I dont want to put everything in to a theme. I want my themes to be lean and clean. At the same time I want to give my visitors some fine control over the features that go in to the final theme.
For Example, initializr or html5boilerplate.
I am ok with javascript and node.js. Are there any solutions written in JS already, so that I can read their code.
Whats the best way to do it??

Creating a website for a blogger and give admin rights

I want to create a website (using HTML, CSS and JavaScript/Jquery) for a blogger. However, she intends to change the content and color of the page pretty frequently, without asking for my help everytime.
I know how to create Login credentials to allow a specific user to modify the page (background or innerHTML), but I do not know how to upload these changes to the server directly from the website page.
Any help would be great.
It might be worth looking into getting a content management system like Wordpress (PHP) or Umbraco (C#.net), you can code the site design then she can log in and change the content. You will have to code in functionality to change colours and whatever else she needs.
The best way to go about this would probably be to use an existing CMS (Content Management System), like Wordpress or Joomla. You will have to research the options yourself.
Even this might be overkill if all she wants is a blogging tool, it all depends on the requirements (maybe a custom theme for a bogging site would do). In any case, while it is certainly not as much fun as building something new, the existing CMS tools and blogging tools have been around for a long time and has been meeting the needs of bloggers and people who need to update websites without technical skill for a very long time.
So, my recommendation is to find a good tool, get yourself acquainted with it and learn how to customize it to fit your clients' needs, then use that.

One Page Website - Url Waypoints

I'm trying to create a one page website with jQuery. i'm trying to figure out how I change the URL of the website (E.g. www.test.be) when I click the right menu item. Right now it just gives (www.test.be/#) But I'd like it to say (www.test.be/work) for example. Also when I refresh I'd like the website to be on the page where the user was, not the first page. Would this be possible to achieve?
While you can do this with jQuery alone, it would be an uphill struggle. You're better off using a client-side MVC framework.
There are a number of client-side MVC frameworks available that should do this. I generally use Backbone.js, and using its routing you would easily be able to accomplish this kind of thing. It makes it very easy to define client-side routes with hashes and assign views to those routes. As long as you don't mind the URL being www.test.be/#work, that will be fine
You might also want to check out AngularJS as an alternative, but I can't speak for how easy it would be to implement this in Angular.

Javascript Single Page MVC from scratch

I just wondering what is the technique of creating a single page website by using javascript without using framework like ember js / angular js.
For example in php like they can get
Can easily get the view and load/display homepage and load homepage's content.
What if in javascript if want to load another page/content?Any technique for building it?
I just building with a simple function like
I don't know is it the best way to develop a javascript single website page with this way?Or any technique that you all can suggest, cause I need learn from basic, need use javascript to explore and create a single app page without php.
Thanks lot
If it was that easy, do you really think Ember, Spine and Angular would be that widely used?
Snarky comment aside, building a page that refreshes like what you've done, while simple and rather easy to modify, falls very short on quite a few things:
For sites larger than a couple of pages, your HTML markup will become MASSIVE. Not just that, but you'll have to run every single piece of code on every page...per page. Say hi to insane overhead, both on bandwidth and on server-side processing, even with caching.
If you want to dynamically update part of a page, you'll need to use AJAX anyway. Why would it suck to write stuff using an MVC approach from the get-go, rendering data as you go along with AJAX, rather than brute-feeding the entire DOM?
What is the problem with Angular, anyway? Widely used, bug-free, unit-tested, built by reliable people, and if a bug does go through, you can be sure that the community will fix it quicker than you could
If the last comment didn't dissuade you from building your own to replace an already-existing platform, I would strongly recommend you build your JS to be fed data (JSON or otherwise) from your server and to dynamically update the page. You might not want the full-blown MVC approach, but at least the MV part of it. This will also allow modularity.

What is the simplest way to create a very simple widget that can be used on remote sites?

For example, I have a super simple widget that I want to allow my users to use across sites:
#mingyeow is the name of the user
<% render "/questions/mingyeow" %>
What would be the easiest way to do?
exact method to allow this
javascript vs iframe
cross site security concerns
I would recommend using an IFrame.
The reasoning behind this is simple:
If it is definitely just a "simple" widget you're looking to render, then you should be able to design it with a specific set of dimensions in mind.
IFrame will straight up ensure you have a secure way of rendering the widget off-site, and prevent unscrupulous third parties from modifying this widget in any way (and misrepresent the data you're trying to show, or the branding of your product/service).
Easiest for third parties to set up.
You won't step on the toes of the third party, and they won't step on your toes either. Meaning any weird CSS selectors they have, third party JS libraries, etc. None of that will be able to affect your widget.
A Dynamic Image would easily be the best, all web developers, new and experienced (you would hope) should be comfortable with images, images render exactly the same across all browsers, and give you the greatest control over layout. Here's a quick tutorial on how to create a dynamic image using ruby.
Otherwise I'd go for JavaScript which replaces something like <div class="mySiteWidget"></div> with your code using DOM functions. Although that's just a personal thing I have against frames, I find them clunky.

