Double execution on a single click jquery - javascript

i am having a problem when i click on an input(button) (click event captured using jquery) it is executed two times but the click event is single... i used "e.stopPropagation();" - but it didn't work...
i need the reason and the solution...
take care..

problem is solved...
i just added e.stopImmediatePropagation(); to the click function... and it worked... None of the following functions worked...
return false
Click here for more information on jQuery Events..

Please use e.stop(true,true) and function which you are using. like

I think you use this code as below:
return false;

e.preventDefault() is likely what you are looking for.

i used
return false;
after the desired action.


Why does my function switching visibility if else statement not work? [duplicate]

I am creating a responsive menu: Codepen Demo
To avoid the page to be reloaded when I click a link I have:
$(' a[href="#"]').click(function () {
But this does not seem to work. When I click a button the menu disappears.
Does anyone knows what I am be doing wrong?
It's not the element that need a .preventDefault(), its the click event.
Try this:
$(' a').click(function (event) {
// or use return false;
I don't recommend to use the href as selector though, better to give it an id or name.
From MDN, about .preventDefault():
Cancels the event if it is cancelable, without stopping further propagation of the event.
You can read more here:
MDN: event.preventDefault()
jQuery: Selectors
There is a CSS way, using pointer-events.
So by using in the CSS pointer-events: none; all click will be ignored. This is a "recent" alternative and suported in IE11+, Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 2.0+, Safari 4+.
Here is very easy way to do it inside html.
<a class="font-weight-bold" href="javascript:void(0);"> Click Here </a>
Just return false.
$(' a[href="#"]').click(function () {
return false
Use like that:
$(' a[href="#"]').click(function (event) {
$(' a[href="#"]').click(function (e) {
Try this:
$('.menu a').click(function(e){
e.preventDefault(); // stop the normal href from reloading the page.
Working codepen example:
You did not have a reference to the jquery library included. Also the 'enquire' function is now throwing an error but preventDefault is working.
Edit I have commented out the second function.
And an inline option without jQuery:
And don't forget that with this you have already used the "f" name for a function, so don't name other function like this.

Delegate to capture two form submissions

Using the following function to capture two dynamically generated form submissions, but is not preventing their submission.
$('body').delegate('.edit_faq, .new_faq', 'submit', function(e){
I was using the following, using live. This works, but live is depreciated and the end result is for this code to end up in a flexible plugin.
$('.edit_faq').add('.new_faq').live('submit', function(e){
What you have written is actually working.
press run as jsfiddle sometimes needs a refresh before testing submits.
I have only been able to test it with chrome 23.
Try on which is the recommended way, and return false:
$('body').on('submit', '.edit_faq, .new_faq', function(e){
//Do your stuff here.
As to why the submission still occurs, maybe you have a JS error somewhere in the page?
The problem was that the code required being wrapped on a document onReady:
$('body').on('submit', '.edit_faq, .new_faq', function(e){
I occurs to me that since live did not require the ready, that maybe this is still wrong?

jQuery preventDefault function not working on jsfiddle

I cannot get the following simple jQuery to work. I know I am overlooking something, so please help me out. Here is the code at It's a simple click the button, then alert with jQuery.
preventDefault(e); should be e.preventDefault();
code should be like this,
$('#submitResetPass').bind('click', function(e) {
and you need to add jQuery reference.
You had a couple issues. First, the jsFiddle wasn't set for jQuery. Then, your call to preventDefault wasn't correct. It works here:
$('#submitResetPass').bind('click', function(e) {
Use e.preventDefault() instead of preventDefault(e).

Javascript Event stopPropagation on different Event Types

I have a tag, and when 'focused' I display a . When I click on the document body I would like this to close. However, this doesn't seem to work when using two different event types:
<input id='input' />
<div id='div style='display:none;'>
$('#input').focus( function(e){
$(document).click( function(){
It appears that the e.stopPropagation() only stop propagation of the 'onfocus' event. Since when I switch the code to be: $('#input').click(), then it works fine.
Just curious if there is anyway to make this work with the above code? (would like to know JS a bit better)
You can simply do this
$('#input').bind('focus blur', function() {
Check working example at
You're right, it only kills the event you are subscribed to, you need to stop the click event as well on the input.
$('#input').focus( function(e){
}).click( function(e){
$(document).click( function(){

jquery treeview click on node or +

i use jquery treeview
i want to catch click on text node and do something
i use such code
$('li').live('click', function(){
return false; });
but if i click on '+' it calls my js code, and then node expand. how can i blocked to call my js code? i know about call e.stopImmediatePropagation(); but how can i use it here?
Try this
$('li').live('click', function(event){
return false; });
If you are still choosing tools for your task, you should try jsTree, a jQuery plugin with plenty of resources and configuration options.

