javascript function object's inherit method behaviour - javascript

I've come across a behaviour of the function object. that seems to be similar to prototyping but uses a different method.
var Car = function() { = 'shiny';
var Rover = function() {
this.inherit = Car;
var Mini = function() {
this.inherit = Car;
when a new instance of a sub class is made this.inherit method has the effect of calling the parent class on itself, so that the parent's properties and methods are available to the sub class.
var myRover = new Rover();
var myMini = new Mini(); = 'rusty';
console.log(,; // displays "shiny" & "rusty" respectively
I've looked in Mozilla and MSDN, but I can't seem to find it documented any where. Can anyone put a name to this behaviour and any further documentation.

I think the word inheritFrom does not make any sense here. It could be as well bar. What makes this work is the pattern that you define a member of the "subClass" function which you call on the next line.
It may be worth checking out "Classical Inheritance in JavaScript" article by Douglas Crockford for some additional ideas.

inheritFrom isn't a method that exists in JavaScript core objects. JavaScript inheritance can be accomplished in many ways as outlined in this post. What you're doing here is not really proper inheritance as you're just setting a single method in a separate object equal to a function.
First you declare a function called superClass. This function sets the foo and bar properties of the this object. When you set a method on subClass equal to superClass the this object then references the subClass function because it is the method's caller so then subClass has the properties of foo and bar set to 'foo' and 'bar'.
However, when you overwrite the foo method here: = function() {
You turn foo into a function.
Notice that when you add this script:
var test = new subClass();
alert(; will be a function as you overrode its value in the subClass constructor. Adding this:
Will alert the string 'bar' since you didn't overwrite it. Also if you call it will simply return a pointer to the method.


What harm can omitting prototype.constructor cause when inheriting? [duplicate]

Trying to bend by head around Javascript's take on OO...and, like many others, running into confusion about the constructor property. In particular, the significance of the constructor property, as I can't seem to make it have any effect. E.g.:
function Foo(age) {
this.age = age;
function Bar() {, 42); = "baz";
Bar.prototype = Object.create(Foo.prototype);
var b = new Bar;
alert(b.constructor); // "Foo". That's OK because we inherit `Foo`'s prototype.
alert(; // "baz". Shows that Bar() was called as constructor.
alert(b.age); // "42", inherited from `Foo`.
In the above example, the object b seems to have had the right constructor called (Bar) – and it inherits the age property from Foo. So why do many people suggest this as a necessary step:
Bar.prototype.constructor = Bar;
Clearly, the right Bar constructor was called when constructing b, so what impact does this prototype property have? I am curious to know what practical difference it actually makes to have the constructor property set 'correctly'—as I can't see it having any affect on which constructor is actually called after an object is created.
Step one is to understand what constructor and prototype are all about. It's not difficult, but one has to let go of "inheritance" in the classical sense.
The constructor
The constructor property does not cause any particular effects in your program, except that you can look at it to see which function was used in conjunction with the operator new to create your object. If you typed new Bar() it will be Bar and you typed new Fooit will be Foo.
The prototype
The prototype property is used for lookup in case the object in question does not have the property asked for. If you write x.attr, JavaScript will try to find attr among x's attributes. If it cant find it, it will look in x.__proto__. If it's not there either, it will look in x.__proto__.__proto__ and so on as long as __proto__ is defined.
So what is __proto__and what has it got to do with prototype? Shortly put, prototype is for "types" while __proto__ is for "instances". (I say that with quotation marks because there's not really any difference between types and instances). When you write x = new MyType(), what happens (among other things) is that x.__proto___ is set to MyType.prototype.
The question
Now, the above should be all you need to derive what your own example means, but to try and answer your actual question; "why write something like":
Bar.prototype.constructor = Bar;
I personally have never seen it and I find it a little silly, but in the context you've given it will mean that the Bar.prototype-object (created by using new Foo(42)) will pose as have being created by Bar rather than Foo. I suppose the idea is some make something similar to C++/Java/C#-like languages where a type-lookup (the constructor property) will always yield the most specific type rather than the type of the more generic object further up in the prototype-chain.
My advice: don't think very much about "inheritance" in JavaScript. The concepts of interfaces and mixins makes more sense. And don't check objects for their types. Check for the required properties instead ("if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck").
Trying to force JavaScript into a classical inheritance model, when all that it has is the prototype-mechanism as described above, is what causes the confusion. The many people that suggested to manually set the constructor-property probably tried to do just that. Abstractions are fine, but this manual assignment of the constructor property is not very idiomatic usage of JavaScript.
September 2020 Update
The answer below is from the days of ECMAScript 3 and the first sentence is no longer true because since ECMAScript 6, the constructor property is used in a few places. However, I think the overall gist still applies. Thanks to T. J. Crowder for pointing that out in the comments, and please read his answer for a fuller picture of the current situation.
Original answer
The constructor property makes absolutely no practical difference to anything internally. It's only any use if your code explicitly uses it. For example, you may decide you need each of your objects to have a reference to the actual constructor function that created it; if so, you'll need to set the constructor property explicitly when you set up inheritance by assigning an object to a constructor function's prototype property, as in your example.
one case to use constructor:
this is one of the common realization of inheritance:
Function.prototype.extend = function(superClass,override) {
var f = new Function();
f.prototype = superClass.prototype;
var p = this.prototype = new f();
p.constructor = this;
this.superclass = superClass.prototype;
this new f() would not call the constructor of superClass,so when you create a subClass,maybe you need call the superClass at first,like this:
SubClass = function() {;
so the constructor property make sense here.
The previous answers here say (in various ways) that the value of the constructor property isn't used by anything in JavaScript itself. That was true when those answers were written, but ES2015 and onward have started using constructor for things.
The constructor property of the prototype property of a function is meant to point back to the function so that you can ask an object what constructed it. It's set up automatically as part of creating a traditional function object or a class constructor object (details).
function TraditionalFunction() {
console.log(TraditionalFunction.prototype.constructor === TraditionalFunction); // true
class ExampleClass {
console.log(ExampleClass.prototype.constructor === ExampleClass); // true
Arrow functions don't have a prototype property, so they don't have prototype.constructor.
For years the JavaScript specification only said that the constructor property would be there and have that value (a link back to the function) by default. But starting in ES2015, that changed, and various operations in the specification now actually use the constructor property, such as this, this, this, and this.
So when setting up constructor functions that build inheritance chains, it's best to ensure that the constructor property is referring to the appropriate function. See my answer here for examples, etc.
One of the use cases when you would want the prototype.constructor property to survive prototype property reassignment is when you define a method on the prototype that produces new instances of the same type as the given instance. Example:
function Car() { }
Car.prototype.orderOneLikeThis = function() { // Clone producing function
return new this.constructor();
Car.prototype.advertise = function () {
console.log("I am a generic car.");
function BMW() { }
BMW.prototype = Object.create(Car.prototype);
BMW.prototype.constructor = BMW; // Resetting the constructor property
BMW.prototype.advertise = function () {
console.log("I am BMW with lots of uber features.");
var x5 = new BMW();
var myNewToy = x5.orderOneLikeThis();
myNewToy.advertise(); // => "I am BMW ..." if `BMW.prototype.constructor = BMW;` is not
// commented; "I am a generic car." otherwise.
The constructor property points to the constructor that was used to create the object instance. If you typed 'new Bar()' it will be 'Bar' and you typed 'new Foo()' it will be 'Foo'.
But if you set the prototype without setting the constructor, you would get something like this:
function Foo(age) {
this.age = age;
function Bar() { = "baz";
Bar.prototype = new Foo(42);
var one = new Bar();
console.log(one.constructor); // 'Foo'
var two = new Foo();
console.log(two.constructor); // 'Foo'
To set the constructor actually to the constructor that was used to create the object, we need to set the constructor as well while setting prototype as follows:
function Foo(age) {
this.age = age;
function Bar() { = "baz";
Bar.prototype = new Foo(42);
Bar.prototype.constructor = Bar;
var one = new Bar();
console.log(one.constructor); // 'Bar'
var two = new Foo();
console.log(two.constructor); // 'Foo'

understanding simple class emulator in JavaScript

Recently I started to learn a bit more advanced JavaScript (as far I only used jQuery for some simple tasks) and bought a book of Alex MaxCaw "JavaScript Web Applications". The first chapter treats about creating simple class emulator. I understand almost everything except for two lines of code marked with comments down below:
var Class = function(parent) {
var _class = function() {
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
if(parent) {
var subclass = function() {};
subclass.prototype = parent.prototype;
_class.prototype = new subclass();
_class.prototype.init = function() {};
_class.fn = _class.prototype;
_class.fn.parent = _class;
_class._super = _class.__proto__;
return _class;
Can anyone tell me what is purpose of these two lines? I'll be very thankfull.
Walking through the code:
Class is defined as a function that calls init with the arguments provided it. This means you can call it with standard constructor syntax using new eg. var instance = new Thingy() and get the init function called with the proper this value.
If you pass a parent class in, your class gets that class's prototype property added to the prototype chain of a new empty object which it uses as its prototype property. A more succinct way of doing this in modern browsers is _class.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype);
The init function is defined. This should likely be overridden with more useful initialization code after a _class instance is created (or the code should be changed to allow the passing in of an init function when you create a Class... or allow the instance to walk the prototype chain to look for other init functions.
_class.fn is created to provide a reference to the _class constructor's prototype function.
_class.fn.parent is created to provide a reference back to the constructor. This may be useful if you are applying the prototype in some other context and want a reference back to the prototype's constructor.
_class._super is assigned the internal, non-standard __proto__ property of the constructor. Remember that constructors are functions and, in Javascript, functions are objects. This means they have their own internal prototypes. The earlier references to prototype are the prototype assigned to objects created with this constructor NOT the constructor's prototype itself. All functions inherit from Function.prototype, which is where they get bind, apply, etc. _super in this case is just a reference to Function.prototype.
As to when this type of _super is used, one could imagine doing the following:
function Maker(){ //this will be called as a constructor, ie. with new
var fun = function(){}; //Make a function
fun.__proto__ = this.__proto__; //yuck. Set the function's this value to the instance
return fun; //return the function
Maker.prototype={say:function(){console.log("Javascript is fun!.. And weird.")}};
var fun = new Maker();
fun.say() //"Javascript is fun!.. And weird."
console.log(fun.__proto__) // Object{say:function}
console.log(fun.bind) // undefined!!
Woah! What just happened?
In fact, you replaced your functions internal prototype with an Object. This allows you to build up interesting prototype chains and interact with both functions and objects in a similar way. Note, however, that the link with Function.prototype has been severed, which is why we don't have access to bind. However let's fix it with more prototype magic!
function FunctionConnector(obj){
for (var prop in obj){
Maker.prototype=new FunctionConnector({say:function(){
console.log("Javascript is fun!.. And weird.")
var fun = new Maker();
fun.say() //"Javascript is fun!.. And weird."
console.log(fun.__proto__) // Object{say:function}
console.log(fun.bind) // function bind(){ [native code] }
Now what is that FunctionConnector? It takes an object and, when called as a constructor, returns an object that both has all the properties of the passed object AND inherits from Function.prototype. As you can see, our access to bind has returned (Of course we also could have made do with our original implementation and just Function.prototype.bind.called our way to victory).
With this new pattern in hand it may be clearer what _super in your code does, namely it references the built in prototype of the _class constructor you are making (In our example the instance of FunctionConnector would be _super). This reference could be used to patch the prototype at runtime, call methods with apply or anything else you can due with a reference to an object.
This is, as you may have noticed a little hackish, especially since __proto__ is nonstandard. But it's also somewhat neat if you enjoy the patterns it allows. I'd recommend only doing something like this if you are very confident in your knowledge of Javascript inheritance, and perhaps not even then unless you are in charge of your entire code base.
From what i know, fn is just an alias to the prototype property
And about the _super, that one is for referencing to the "class" from which you are inheriting
Here's more about the use of _super and js inheritance: article

Purpose of this Javascript prototype snippet

Sorry I can't phrase this better. But I ran across some code like the following:
MyObject.prototype = Object.create(MyObject.prototype);
MyObject.prototype.constructor = MyObject;
And I just can't seem to figure out what it does. MyObject is defined above it something like this:
function MyObject(options) {
this.someProp = someDefault;
this.otherProp = process(options.something);
// etc...
and it's always called as a constructor. I'm just wondering what benefit those first two lines provide and if it's a known pattern in Javascript.
I just can't seem to figure out what it does
It creates a new object that inherits from [the old] MyObject.prototype via Object.create and then overwrites MyObject.prototype with that. It also explicitly adds a .constructor property which actually should be existing already.
I'm just wondering what benefit those first two lines provide
None, unless before that snippet someone has corrupted the prototype (like MyObject.prototype = Object.prototype) and this is an attempt to fix it.
…and if it's a known pattern in Javascript.
Not like this. Using Object.create to set up the prototype chain for inheritance between constructor-defined "classes" is a known pattern, but then the constructors would be different on each side of the assignment.
The two lines of code provided seem to be an incorrect attempt of the use of prototypal inheritance, but I see where you're going with this and what you're trying to accomplish.
As we know, there are two ways in JavaScript to define objects that have properties and methods as members - the object literal notation and function notation. Using object literal notation, we don't have immediate access to the new keyword (think of this like using abstract classes in Java or C#). With function notation, we have access to the new keyword because the initial declaration of an object as a function serves as our constructor.
In ECMAScript 5, The Object object was given a method called create that provided developers a simple way to create a new object from an existing object declared with the object literal notation. (See documentation here). However, objects created in function notation have problems with this method because they are Function objects. The Object.create method is a great way to use simple inheritance, allowing access to the base properties and methods.
With function notation, once the new keyword is used, the result is not a function, but rather an object. For example, I can test this:
var Obj = function(){};
console.log(typeof Obj) // "function"
console.log(typeof new Object()); // "object"
Because of this, you can only inherit once (meaning the child object cannot be derived from):
var MyObject = new Object();
var anotherObj = new MyObject() // throws exception
To alleviate this problem, you need to follow three steps:
Create your child object in function notation (so you can create new instances of it using the new keyword and inherit from it).
Set the child object's prototype (an object) to the result of a new instance of the base object (which will be an object as well).
Set the constructor of the child object (which happens to be on the object's prototype) back to reference the Function of itself (which is a function prior to instantiation). If you don't do this, the constructor will remain an object, which cannot spawn new instances.
From here, you can create new instances of both the child and parent objects and derive from both, using the pattern. Here's a practical example:
var Vehicle = function(){};
Vehicle.prototype.start = function() {
return this.make + " " + this.model + " " + "started";
var Car = function(color, make, model) {
this.color = color;
this.make = make;
this.model = model;
Car.prototype = new Vehicle();
Car.prototype.constructor = Car;
var myCar = new Car("red", "chevy", "aveo");
myCar.start(); //"chevy aveo started"
I really don't see any benefit in doing that.
What it's doing is providing the new object with the previous objects methods. But it's coming from the same object...
Here is a good example of JS inheritance:
var App = (function(){
var Being = function() { = true;
this.breathes = function () {
return true;
var Robert = function() {
this.blogs = true;
this.getsBored = function () {
return "You betcha";
Robert.prototype = new Being();
return {
Being: Being,
Robert: Robert,
being: function(){ return new Being(); },
robert: function(){ return new Robert(); }
Here is another question that is similar: inherit prototype methods from other classes without overriding own prototype methods
Credit to Robert Nyman for originally blogging about it:
Let's see line by line:
MyObject.prototype = Object.create(MyObject.prototype);
This redefines MyObject.prototype to an object that inherits from MyObject.prototype. This is unusual, because it makes no sense to inherit from itself.
MyObject.prototype.constructor = MyObject;
Since the previous line overwrote MyObject.prototype, this is just fixing the constructor property that was lost in the process.
I can think of one scenario where tht might be useful: if some code before that messed up with MyObject.prototype, for example assigning the prototype of another constructor to it:
MyObject.prototype = SomethingElse.prototype; // wrong way to do inheritance.
Then the code you posted would be an attempt to fix it.
This is perfectly valid Javascript.
Any javascript function (say Func)can be used as a constructor and the constructor invocation also requires a prototype property (i.e. F.prototype or the prototype associated with the function) . Thus (almost) every function has a prototype property. The value of this property (i.e. Func.prototype).
Now the value of this prototype associated with the function is an object itself that has a single non enumerable property called constructor. And the value of this constructor property is the function object (i.e. F itself).
Lets take an example.
Say I construct a function Func
var Func = function() {
//your definition
Now since this can be invoked as a constructor it has to have a prototype property Func.prototype lets call this proto.
proto = Func.prototype;
Now the prototype has a single property (that is non enumerable) called constructor. This constructor has a value that is equal to the function object itself.
Dont believe me check it like this
Func.prototype.constructor === Func // =>true
Will always return true for any function.
Now from the code you explained :
So basically these two lines
MyObject.prototype = Object.create(MyObject.prototype);
MyObject.prototype.constructor = MyObject;
are modifying the value of the prototye to have a constructor property with the value of MyObject that is defined. But that would have happened anyways in the normal course of things. But the reason could be that maybe the prototype of the object has been changed earlier from the class it has been inherited from. In that case would those two lines make sense.
Hope that helps :)

What is the significance of the Javascript constructor property?

Trying to bend by head around Javascript's take on OO...and, like many others, running into confusion about the constructor property. In particular, the significance of the constructor property, as I can't seem to make it have any effect. E.g.:
function Foo(age) {
this.age = age;
function Bar() {, 42); = "baz";
Bar.prototype = Object.create(Foo.prototype);
var b = new Bar;
alert(b.constructor); // "Foo". That's OK because we inherit `Foo`'s prototype.
alert(; // "baz". Shows that Bar() was called as constructor.
alert(b.age); // "42", inherited from `Foo`.
In the above example, the object b seems to have had the right constructor called (Bar) – and it inherits the age property from Foo. So why do many people suggest this as a necessary step:
Bar.prototype.constructor = Bar;
Clearly, the right Bar constructor was called when constructing b, so what impact does this prototype property have? I am curious to know what practical difference it actually makes to have the constructor property set 'correctly'—as I can't see it having any affect on which constructor is actually called after an object is created.
Step one is to understand what constructor and prototype are all about. It's not difficult, but one has to let go of "inheritance" in the classical sense.
The constructor
The constructor property does not cause any particular effects in your program, except that you can look at it to see which function was used in conjunction with the operator new to create your object. If you typed new Bar() it will be Bar and you typed new Fooit will be Foo.
The prototype
The prototype property is used for lookup in case the object in question does not have the property asked for. If you write x.attr, JavaScript will try to find attr among x's attributes. If it cant find it, it will look in x.__proto__. If it's not there either, it will look in x.__proto__.__proto__ and so on as long as __proto__ is defined.
So what is __proto__and what has it got to do with prototype? Shortly put, prototype is for "types" while __proto__ is for "instances". (I say that with quotation marks because there's not really any difference between types and instances). When you write x = new MyType(), what happens (among other things) is that x.__proto___ is set to MyType.prototype.
The question
Now, the above should be all you need to derive what your own example means, but to try and answer your actual question; "why write something like":
Bar.prototype.constructor = Bar;
I personally have never seen it and I find it a little silly, but in the context you've given it will mean that the Bar.prototype-object (created by using new Foo(42)) will pose as have being created by Bar rather than Foo. I suppose the idea is some make something similar to C++/Java/C#-like languages where a type-lookup (the constructor property) will always yield the most specific type rather than the type of the more generic object further up in the prototype-chain.
My advice: don't think very much about "inheritance" in JavaScript. The concepts of interfaces and mixins makes more sense. And don't check objects for their types. Check for the required properties instead ("if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck").
Trying to force JavaScript into a classical inheritance model, when all that it has is the prototype-mechanism as described above, is what causes the confusion. The many people that suggested to manually set the constructor-property probably tried to do just that. Abstractions are fine, but this manual assignment of the constructor property is not very idiomatic usage of JavaScript.
September 2020 Update
The answer below is from the days of ECMAScript 3 and the first sentence is no longer true because since ECMAScript 6, the constructor property is used in a few places. However, I think the overall gist still applies. Thanks to T. J. Crowder for pointing that out in the comments, and please read his answer for a fuller picture of the current situation.
Original answer
The constructor property makes absolutely no practical difference to anything internally. It's only any use if your code explicitly uses it. For example, you may decide you need each of your objects to have a reference to the actual constructor function that created it; if so, you'll need to set the constructor property explicitly when you set up inheritance by assigning an object to a constructor function's prototype property, as in your example.
one case to use constructor:
this is one of the common realization of inheritance:
Function.prototype.extend = function(superClass,override) {
var f = new Function();
f.prototype = superClass.prototype;
var p = this.prototype = new f();
p.constructor = this;
this.superclass = superClass.prototype;
this new f() would not call the constructor of superClass,so when you create a subClass,maybe you need call the superClass at first,like this:
SubClass = function() {;
so the constructor property make sense here.
The previous answers here say (in various ways) that the value of the constructor property isn't used by anything in JavaScript itself. That was true when those answers were written, but ES2015 and onward have started using constructor for things.
The constructor property of the prototype property of a function is meant to point back to the function so that you can ask an object what constructed it. It's set up automatically as part of creating a traditional function object or a class constructor object (details).
function TraditionalFunction() {
console.log(TraditionalFunction.prototype.constructor === TraditionalFunction); // true
class ExampleClass {
console.log(ExampleClass.prototype.constructor === ExampleClass); // true
Arrow functions don't have a prototype property, so they don't have prototype.constructor.
For years the JavaScript specification only said that the constructor property would be there and have that value (a link back to the function) by default. But starting in ES2015, that changed, and various operations in the specification now actually use the constructor property, such as this, this, this, and this.
So when setting up constructor functions that build inheritance chains, it's best to ensure that the constructor property is referring to the appropriate function. See my answer here for examples, etc.
One of the use cases when you would want the prototype.constructor property to survive prototype property reassignment is when you define a method on the prototype that produces new instances of the same type as the given instance. Example:
function Car() { }
Car.prototype.orderOneLikeThis = function() { // Clone producing function
return new this.constructor();
Car.prototype.advertise = function () {
console.log("I am a generic car.");
function BMW() { }
BMW.prototype = Object.create(Car.prototype);
BMW.prototype.constructor = BMW; // Resetting the constructor property
BMW.prototype.advertise = function () {
console.log("I am BMW with lots of uber features.");
var x5 = new BMW();
var myNewToy = x5.orderOneLikeThis();
myNewToy.advertise(); // => "I am BMW ..." if `BMW.prototype.constructor = BMW;` is not
// commented; "I am a generic car." otherwise.
The constructor property points to the constructor that was used to create the object instance. If you typed 'new Bar()' it will be 'Bar' and you typed 'new Foo()' it will be 'Foo'.
But if you set the prototype without setting the constructor, you would get something like this:
function Foo(age) {
this.age = age;
function Bar() { = "baz";
Bar.prototype = new Foo(42);
var one = new Bar();
console.log(one.constructor); // 'Foo'
var two = new Foo();
console.log(two.constructor); // 'Foo'
To set the constructor actually to the constructor that was used to create the object, we need to set the constructor as well while setting prototype as follows:
function Foo(age) {
this.age = age;
function Bar() { = "baz";
Bar.prototype = new Foo(42);
Bar.prototype.constructor = Bar;
var one = new Bar();
console.log(one.constructor); // 'Bar'
var two = new Foo();
console.log(two.constructor); // 'Foo'

Baffling JavaScript Inheritance Behavior

What follows is the fruits of a thought experiment. What I'm doing
isn't the issue; the symptoms are. Thank you.
I've finally wrapped my head around constructors, prototypes, and prototypal inheritance in JavaScript. But the SomethingSpectactular method in the sample below bugs me:
function FinalClass() {
return {
FinalFunction : function() { return "FinalFunction"; },
TypeName : "FinalClass",
SomethingSpectacular : function() {
FinalClass.prototype = new SubClass();
FinalClass.constructor = FinalClass;
var f = new FinalClass();
The reasons this bugs me are:
JavaScript apparently doesn't scan the prototype chain the same way for methods as it does for properties. That is, f.SubFunction() generates an error.
To get to a method on a prototype, you have to go through at least 3 dot operations every time you want to do it. FinalClass DOT prototype DOT Subfunctino DOT call. You get the point.
Base class (prototype) methods aren't showing up in Intellisense the way I'd expect them to. This is highly annoying.
So the thought experiement was to determine what would happen if I wrote a version of inherits that inserted stub functions onto the subclass that delegated back to the prototype for you. For example, it would automatically create the following function and add it to FinalClass:
function SubFunction() {; }
Now, I've got just about everything mapped out and working. The inherits method, which is an extension to both Object.prototype and Function.prototype, takes a Function as its sole argument. This is the base class. The subclass is determined by analyzing Object.prototype.inherits.caller.
From there, I set the prototype and constructor on the subclass, and then start analyzing the methods on the subclass's new prototype. I build an array containing the methods on both the prototype and the base class's public interface. The end result is a nice array that contains the methods that are exposed through either the prototype or by the base class constructor's return statement.
Once I have that, I start looking for each method on the subclass. If it's not there, I add it to the subclass with the same name and signature. The body of the method, however, simply forwards the call to the base class.
Now, I can step through all this code and it works marvelously, up until I instantiate instances of the subclasses. That's when things get wonky. Here's what I've observed using Visual Studio 2008 (SP1) and Internet Explorer 8:
Prior to instantiation, BaseClass exposes no public methods. This is to be expected. The methods exposed via a class constructor's return statement won't appear until it's instantiated. I'm good with that.
Prior to instantiation, SubClass exposes the methods from BaseClass. This is exactly what I expected.
Once I declare an instance of BaseClass, it has all the members I would expect. It has its typeName and BaseFunction methods.
Once I declare an instance of SubClass, it has only those methods returned by its constructor's return statement. No members from the base class are present. All the work that was done in the inherits method to map base class methods to the subclass appears to have been lost.
The big mystery for me here is the disappearance of the methods that I added to SubClass during the execution of inherits. During its execution, I can clearly see that SubClass is being modified, and that BaseClass's functions are being propagated. But the moment I create an instace of SubClass, that information is no longer present.
I am assuming this has something to do with the constructor, or order of events, or something else that I am simply not seeing.
A Final Note: This project arose as an effort to understand the complexities of JavaScript and how its prototypal inheritance system works. I know there are existing libraries out there. I know I'm reinventing the wheel. I'm reinventing it on purpose. Sometimes, the best way to understand a thing is to build it yourself. This has already been a tremendous learning experience, but I'm just stumped at this one particular point.
sti.objects.inherits = function inherits(baseClass) {
var subClass = sti.objects.inherits.caller;
var baseClassName = sti.objects.getTypeName(baseClass);
var methods = sti.objects.getMethods(baseClass);
baseClass.typeName = baseClassName;
var subClass = sti.objects.inherits.caller;
var subClassName = sti.objects.getTypeName(subClass);
var temp = function() {};
temp.prototype = new baseClass();
subClass.prototype = temp.prototype;
subClass.constructor = subClass;
subClass.typeName = subClassName;
subClass.baseClass = baseClass.prototype; // Shortcut to the prototype's methods
subClass.base = baseClass; // Cache the constructor
for(var index = 0; index < methods.items.length; index++) {
var resource = methods.items[index].getFunction();
var methodName = methods.items[index].getName();
if(methodName != "" && ! sti.objects.isDefined(subClass[methodName])) {
var method = sti.objects.createOverride(baseClassName, resource);
subClass[methodName] = method;
if(typeof subClass.prototype[methodName] == "undefined") {
subClass.prototype[methodName] = method;
Object.prototype.inherits = sti.objects.inherits;
Function.prototype.inherits = sti.objects.inherits;
function BaseClass() {
return {
A : function A() {return "A";}
function SubClass() {
return {
B : function B() { return "B"; }
var b = new BaseClass();
var s = new SubClass();
Your constructors are not working as constructors. When you use the new keyword Javascript creates the new object and expects your constructor to populate it with members etc. Your constructors are returning another new object, not related to the object which is associated with the constructor usage, thus the prototype is not working.
Change your constructor to something like
function FinalClass() {
this.FinalFunction = function() { return "FinalFunction"; };
this.TypeName = "FinalClass";
this.SomethingSpectacular = function() {
and you should see the expected inheritance behaviour. This is because the FinalClass method in this case alters the contextual object created via the 'new' mechanism. Your original method is creating another object which is not of type FinalClass.

