Jquery modify div created from html before appending - javascript

I have a function that appends a div to another div.
Something like:
var div = ...some html
However I want to do some stuff to the div I just added. Currently I want to hide a sub part of the new div, and add a object as data. Something like
var div = ...some html
$(my new div).find(".subDiv").hide();
$(my new div).data('user',object);
But how should I get the the new div I created? Is there a way to create it and then preform these actions, and then append it? Or should I append it and then retrieve it and modify it?
Efficiency is important as this will be iterated for search results...
I used this as my solution thanks to Tricker:
var div = ...a lagre piece of html;
var newDiv = $(div);
newDiv.data('user', userObject);

The way u want is like this:
var new_obj = $('<div class="subDiv"></div>');
//You dont have to find the subdiv because the object "new_obj" is your subDiv

Does .append() not return the new item?
var myNewDiv= $("#mydiv").append(div);

since it will always be the last child div, I believe you can access it via $("#myDiv div:last-child")


Create a new DIV element with an image inside it

I want when I click, a new DIV will be created with an image inside it.
This is the code I tried:
let addTask = document.querySelector('#addTask');
addTask.addEventListener('click', ()=>{
//create DIV, This part of the code works well
let createNewDiv = document.createElement('div');
createNewDiv.innerHTML = writeTask.value;
createNewDiv.className = 'tasks';
//create an image inside the DIV element, This part of the code does not work
let imageDelete = document.createElement('img');
imageDelete.src = 'deleteImage.jpg';
Where's my error?
Any comment or feedback can help me. Thanks
It appears you are creating an element with a class .tasks.
Afterwards you try to access it using document.body.tasks.
Elements with a class cannot be accessed directly using this method.
Elements with a id however, can.
So you need to change the .tasks element to include the id tasks or rewrite the accessor to document.querySelector('.tasks')

Variable attributes disapearing when put inside div

Probably a simple question but I can't seem to find the answer. I am dynamically creating a page where I can share twitter links.
var twitter = document.createElement('a');
twitter.setAttribute('href', 'http://twitter.com/share');
twitter.setAttribute('class', 'twitter-share-button twitter-tweet');
twitter.setAttribute('data-text', 'I liked this image');
I then append it to the div I want such as
$('#doc').append('<img(miscellaneous HTML)>'+twitter)
What I have above works but for CSS formatting purposes I want the image with the twitter share button to be a sub-block. So I create something like this
$('#doc').append('<div id="innerblock'+i+'"><img(miscellaneous HTML)>'+twitter+'</div>)
But when I do this it seems all the attributes of the twitter var are lost, only printing http: // twitter.com/share on the page instead of the button.
I feel it's probably a basic concept I am forgetting.
You are tring to concatenate a DOM object and a String via this code
$('#doc').append('<div id="innerblock'+i+'"><img(miscellaneous HTML)>'+twitter+'</div>)
This twitter variable contains a DOM object and the rest of the append block is String.
Try this:
var div = $('<div id="innerblock'+i+'"><img(miscellaneous HTML)></div>').append(twitter);
What I would do is instead of appending the HTML instead you can create the innerblock div and the img tags using document.createElement and append the twitter to the img and the img to the div before appending it all to #doc
You can not concatenate a sting and a DOM node.
var div = $("<div id="innerblock'+i+'">").append("<img />").append(twitter);
var div = $("<div/>", {id : "innerblock" + i).append("<img />").append(twitter);
Try substituting .outerHTML String of twitter for DOM element Object twitter ; also adding closing sing quote ' at end of string parameter provided to .append()
var twitter = document.createElement('a');
twitter.setAttribute('href', 'http://twitter.com/share');
twitter.setAttribute('class', 'twitter-share-button twitter-tweet');
twitter.setAttribute('data-text', 'I liked this image');
var i = 0;
$('#doc').append('<div id="innerblock'+i+'"><img />'+twitter.outerHTML+'link</div>')
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js">
<div id="doc"></div>

change name of DIV width JavaScript

I am using following code:
<div id="divcontainer1">
<div id="divcontainer2">
Now, I want change "divcontainer2" at a later point of time in the Div "divcontainer3".
What is the right way to check is exist divcontainer2 and when true,
change in divcontainer2 width javascript ?
Thank you,
It is probably not nest practice but you can do this by changing the .outterHTML of the element. You would likely want to improve on this but here is a quick example. The last line checks if div 2 exists.
var div2 = document.getElementById("div2");
var html = div2.outerHTML;
var idx = html.indexOf(">");
var newtag = html.substring(0, idx).replace("div2", "div3");
div2.outerHTML = newtag + html.substring(idx, html.length - 1);
var contents = document.getElementById("div3").innerHTML;
alert(document.getElementById("div2") != undefined);
All you do is
get the element .outterHTML
get the substring representing the tag.
Replace the text that defines it
Set the .outterHTML tag to our new string
Now you have a newly named div that keeps all of its attributes, position in the parent and content.
The alert line is how you check for the existence of an object.
I don't believe that there is a "proper" way to do this, however I would store the contents of divcontainer2 in a variable, and then do something like this
var containerOfDivContainer2 = document.getElementById("containerofdiv2");
containerOfDivContaier2.innerHTML = "<div id='divcontainer3'>"/* insert div contents */+"</div>";
Of course, this requires you to put divcontainer2 in a div called containerofdiv2 but it works.
If using jQuery, this will do it:
But you shouldn't be changing IDs. Use classes instead and then use the jQuery's toggleClass() function, like:
<div id="divcontainer1">
<div id="divcontainer2" class="style1">
$('#divcontainer2').toggleClass("style1 style2");

Adding Dynamically created div data to a new empty variable

I am trying to push the data of a dynamically created div
<div id="paging_inner"></div> to the newly created variable
var content= '';. I commented the code which I tried there in my script.
Is there any jQuery method for inserting the data (without using the jQuery .append() method)?
This is what I tried, but I need help:
Do you mean:
var div=$('<div id="paging_inner"></div>');
for(...) {
One option would be , creating content inside for loop adding it to a variable, and appending it to the div, after loop, like:
var div=$('<div id="paging_inner"></div>');
var insertContent = '';
for(i=0;i<maximages;i++) {
insertContent += '<a id="page_'+(i+1)+'" data-index="'+(i+1)+'"><span></span></a>';
Or did you mean that you want to move the content of the DIV into a variable called content?
If so, you just do this:
var content = document.getElementById("paging_inner").innerHTML;

Writing to a non-unique div with Javascript

I'm building a multi-feed RSS reader for school.
aList is the div that encompasses each individual feed (the amount of feeds will fluctuate).
theTitle is the div that will be filled with the attribute of the current feed. Additionally, if clicked, it will load a list of attributes from the current feed into theContent.
I'm wondering how I can dynamically load the attributes into theContent when theTitle is clicked, since theContent and theTitle are going to be non-unique divs (I can't give them IDs).
Thanks for your help in advance,
You should look into jQuery selectors for that and other DOM Manipulation. Something like
$("div.theContent").attr("name", "value");
by using jquery, you may use code like the following:
$(".theTitle").bind("click", function(){
$el = $(this);
$el.parent().$(".theContent").load('ajax/content.php?news=' . $el.text());
this will make all your links clickable, an on click, update their corresponding content divs with the value of ajax/content.php?news=theTitle-value
Use a nice Javascript library such as Prototype or jQuery. Seems petty now, but these frameworks save you tons of time in the long run.
In both frameworks, you can select that div with:
With jQuery, you can do:
$('div.theTitle').click( function() {
var title = $(this).text();
var contentDiv = $(this).siblings('div.theContent');
// Do something with contentDiv and the title
} );
This will make every theTitle div have an onClick event that does something with its associated theContent div.
<div class="aList">
<div class="theTitle" onclick="fillContentBox(this)"></div>
<div class="theContent"></div>
And in your script ...
function fillContentBox(div) {
var theContentDiv = div.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("div")[1];
// statements that do things with theContentDiv
You have to be able to determine which element you want to update if you don't want to update more than one. If the elements are grouped inside something else that does have an "id" value, you can take advantage of that.

