Loading or getting ready message - javascript

i have some web based application that creates a zip file when user asks for it. and it takes around 5 sec of time which is uncertain.. so i want to show him a loading sceen which should disable my main screen for the time being and show loading oo processing animation something..
i am using jsp servlets
Update: i dont want to use jQuery
Edit: implemented using jQuery but want to do the same without it

Use jQuery to lock browser screen and show loading process. You could use ajax to make requests and receive responses asynchronously.
Why use jQuery?
It uses KISS principle - Keep It Simple Stupid
It has very good documentation and tutorials
The community is very active, helpful, and warm
The core file’s packed size is small
It deploys almost use-at-will approach
It has strong logic and workflow and is easily extensible
Since you do not want to use jQuery you have to deal with javascript basics like manipulating the DOM.
Basic ajax tutorial:
This tutorials are on DOM manipulation:


Visual effects of sliding without jQuery

I'm quite impressed with the slider that is used with one site - lumosity. [http://www.lumosity.com/app/v5/personalization/attention] and I'm keen to replicate the slider that slides in part of the questions - however is there an elegant way to do this without recourse to jQuery? Ideally I'd like to not use JQuery and employ a much simpler way of doing things - can anyone recommend a workaround?
I'm using Django for the serving, so I'm trying to keep my pages as simple as possible. I know I could use JQuery, but is there another way to do it?
Native within Django?
Not using jQuery?
3rd party Django add-ons that would work with Google apps.
The site is here:
and the effect occurs when you click "Next"
You can do animation purely with CSS, but you would still have to trigger the animation you want client-side, unless you're doing something on page load, or another event that can be triggered automatically.
Django, being Python code running on the server-side, doesn't have a way to interact with client-side code, unless you're making a request, be it a GET, POST, PUT, etc, via an Ajax call.
Nothing says you have to leverage jQuery. You could do all the same functionality using vanilla JavaScript. However, jQuery and its ecosystem of plugins, can give you a huge productivity boost, and when loaded from a CDN, is going to add a negligible amount of weight to your view/site.

Javascript Single Page MVC from scratch

I just wondering what is the technique of creating a single page website by using javascript without using framework like ember js / angular js.
For example in php like they can get
Can easily get the view and load/display homepage and load homepage's content.
What if in javascript if want to load another page/content?Any technique for building it?
I just building with a simple function like
I don't know is it the best way to develop a javascript single website page with this way?Or any technique that you all can suggest, cause I need learn from basic, need use javascript to explore and create a single app page without php.
Thanks lot
If it was that easy, do you really think Ember, Spine and Angular would be that widely used?
Snarky comment aside, building a page that refreshes like what you've done, while simple and rather easy to modify, falls very short on quite a few things:
For sites larger than a couple of pages, your HTML markup will become MASSIVE. Not just that, but you'll have to run every single piece of code on every page...per page. Say hi to insane overhead, both on bandwidth and on server-side processing, even with caching.
If you want to dynamically update part of a page, you'll need to use AJAX anyway. Why would it suck to write stuff using an MVC approach from the get-go, rendering data as you go along with AJAX, rather than brute-feeding the entire DOM?
What is the problem with Angular, anyway? Widely used, bug-free, unit-tested, built by reliable people, and if a bug does go through, you can be sure that the community will fix it quicker than you could
If the last comment didn't dissuade you from building your own to replace an already-existing platform, I would strongly recommend you build your JS to be fed data (JSON or otherwise) from your server and to dynamically update the page. You might not want the full-blown MVC approach, but at least the MV part of it. This will also allow modularity.

What are some good JavaScript/AJAX interface patterns for websites?

I really like how sites like FogBugz and Facebook offer snappy user interfaces by loading page content asynchronously.
What are some good resources and patterns for applying this to other websites? I am looking for a solution that creates a unique hash URL for each page, preserves history and basic browser functions, and degrades gracefully if JavaScript is not enabled (a great example of this is Facebook).
This blog post is a good start, but it's far from a complete solution/pattern - and any approaches using jQuery would be great.
IMO, in order to allow a site to degrade gracefully, you should first build at least the framework of the site in the lowest level that you're going to support. In your case, this is going to be standard postbacks.
Once you've got this in place, you can then start adding ajax interactions.
The approach I've taken when using ASP.NET MVC is to have one function which builds the whole page from scratch (for regular postbacks) and then have some extra methods which I used to dynamically refresh content via Ajax. If I want to implement a 'Single Page' method like oyu describe then I would handle the onclick event of a hyperlink and call an ajax method that renders the 'Build Whole Page' method to a string then pump that string into my content div.
I have found pjax to be the most promising solution so far. From https://github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax:
pjax loads HTML from your server into the current page without a full
reload. It's ajax with real permalinks, page titles, and a working
back button that fully degrades.
pjax enhances the browsing experience - nothing more.
You can find a demo on http://pjax.heroku.com/
Here are an example to building Ajax based website using jQuery and PHP
Here is great article about loading content with jQuery, and it degrades gracefuly when js is diasebled.
link text

Growing into JavaScript as an integral part of the front-end vs. 'DHTML'

More of a general question here.
At the moment a lot of the projects I work on utilize server-side views to render the user interface, and spruce it up with some JavaScript here and there. That is all fine and dandy for smaller projects, but lately it seems like the .js files are growing rather large in size, and the stacks upon stacks .live and .bind jQuery calls just don't seem to cut it anymore.
What are good ways to blend JavaScript into the view and, perhaps, the controller of a web application? For the Java-driven websites I found DWR to be quite useful, but a lot of times user initiated events require controller logic, which is starting to become overwhelming and confusing when it's part of the many lone functions included on the pages.
I considered a completely AJAX-driven template engine but that seems to be a bit extreme and will likely be a pain in the butt for anyone to use. Cloning the functionality of the existing backend classes, on the other hand, seems redundant.
What is a good "middle ground" approach used by web apps out there, those that aren't entirely AJAX free nor completely JavaScript driven?
Perhaps I'll provide an everyday example of a problem. Say I'd like to provide the user with a modal dialogue confirming or denying something:
"Your picture is uploaded but looks terrible. You need a new 'do." (OK | What?)
Now, in one scenario, that dialogue could pop up as a result of uploading an image with a page refresh, in which case the server-side view will render it. In another scenario, it might appear after uploading the image via AJAX, in which case it'll probably be triggered by JavaScript on the page. In both cases we need to access the dialogue creation code, and I can't so far think up a way to have, say, a Dialog class which would work the same in both cases.
I'm certainly not an expert in this realm, but in the past have worked with projects utilizing RESTful services which seemed to fit the 'AJAXY' world of web site development nicely. I can't say it'd be ideal for web apps, but worked great for content-rich presentational sites. It seems like it'd fit your need for multi-presentational formats nicely via custom templates. So, the service could call the pictureUpload service using a HTML page template, or it could call the service and request the AJAX component template.
I've been working recently with JavascriptMVC (2.0) for an internal company app. It has its warts, but the overall architecture is good and allows you to create "controller" JS classes. Each controller "owns" a subset of the DOM tree (or if you prefer, a visual part of the page) and responds to events within that zone and uses EJS templates (the "view" part) to alter areas under it. It nicely abstracts what would otherwise be a lot of $(...).bind() and $(...).live() calls into an OOP model.
In my case, our interface is almost 100% JS-driven due to the constraints around the project, but there's no reason you can't mix-n-match.
Now, in one scenario, that dialogue could pop up as a result of uploading an image with a page refresh, in which case the server-side view will render it. In another scenario, it might appear after uploading the image via AJAX, in which case it'll probably be triggered by JavaScript on the page
Here's how I'd do it in a way that works even with Javascript disabled:
Server-side outputs an HTML upload form. The plain-HTML form will submit to another PHP page.
A snippet of Javascript runs when the page finishes loading, looking for that form.
The javascript creates a HairdoUploadController instance, passing in the <form>...</form> to the constructor.
The controller "takes over" the form, using JQuery selectors to alter the styling and to trap the form submitting events.
The controller adds a new div and associates it with a (initially hidden) Jquery-UI Dialog.
When the form is submitted, the controller instead makes an AJAX call, to a slightly different URL than the plain form.
The results of the AJAX call are pushed into the Dialog's div, and the dialog is displayed.
You can throw all logic at the server, and assume a dumb client that displays whatever the server sends.
There are two scenarios:
Non-Ajax Request
Ajax Request
The only difference between them is that, in the first one you're rendering more content than just the modal dialog. There's no reason why you can't have a Dialog class on the server which spits out the HTML representation of the dialog, and is used for both types of request. Then in the AJAX call, you would simply add the server's response into the DOM.
Like you said, it can be problematic sharing UI creation logic on both client and server side, so it's better to choose one and stick with it. In the above case, all logic is pushed to the server. Read up more about AHAH.
It sounds like Google Web Toolkit might be what you're looking for.
It allows you to write client-side
applications in Java and deploy them
as JavaScript.
Presumably then you could write the code once in Java and use it in both places, although I've never used GWT myself.
In my own framework that I'm developing, I'm basically forcing developers to write the code twice. Once in the native language, and once in JavaScript. I make them fill in a function which returns the JS, and then it can be called automatically where it's needed. But all the code is contained within one class so at least you don't have the logic spread all over the place, and you can quickly compare if they are functionally equivalent. For things like regular expressions, it can normally be written just once and then passed to JS (I use it to validate once on the client-side, and then again on the server-side).
I have found myself recently using my server side code (ASP.Net MVC in my case) as a means to provide re-use of my layout components (master files), and small encapsulated bits of UI (partial views), and doing a fair amount of work in javascript. In this particular case I'm still pretty early in my UI work, but with jQuery and jQuery UI I've got a lot of functionality in a very small footprint.
I think one of the challenges to having a mixed solution is figuring out where to put the various bits of logic. After that the rest of it probably goes to figuring out how to re-use as much of your javascript and css code as possible. I still haven't figured out how to manage the various javascript artifacts I end up with (though the Google CDN relieves a lot of that by providing jQuery, jQuery UI, ans the jQuery UI CSS resources).

When NOT to use AJAX in web application development? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm building a web application with the Zend Framework. I have wanted to include some AJAX type forms and modal boxes, but I also want my application to be as accessible as possible. I want my application to be enhanced by AJAX, but also fully functional without AJAX.
So as a general guideline...when should I not use AJAX? I mean, should I bother making my application usable without AJAX? Or does everyone have AJAX enabled browsers these days?
If you mean "accessible" in the ADA sense, AJAX is usually a no-no - your site should provide all its content and core functionality using only standard (X)HTML and CSS. Any javascript used should merely extend the core functionality, and your site should be coded to work elegantly in the absence of a javascript-enabled browser.
Examples: if you want a user to click on a thumbnail and get a full-size version of the image as a result, you can make the thumbnail a link. Then, the onclick event will fire a JQuery method that cancels the navigation behavior of the link and pops up a JQuery floating div to show the image on the current page. If the user's browser doesn't support JavaScript, the onclick event will never fire, and the user will be presented the image in a new page. The core functionality is the same with or without scripting.
EDIT: Skeleton example, sans JQuery-specific code.
Some URL
To cancel the navigation operation, simply make sure that the method invoked by the onclick event returns false at the end.
A neat example of the JQuery image popup I described can be found here.
Use ajax if it adds value for the user.
If the ajax version adds a lot more value than the non-ajax version then it might justify the expense to develop a solution that caters for both clients. Generally i wouldn't recommend doing the extra work (remember.. more code results in more maintenance).
I think one point is missing here: Use Ajax only for content any search engine does not need to know.
98% of users will have AJAX enabled browsers.
A significant percentage of those people won't have it turned on when they first visit your site though (or at all, ever perhaps).
I've seen websites that look like a blank page without javascript on. Don't be one of them. Javascript to fix layout issues is a horrible idea in my opinion. Make sure it loads and looks ok without Javascript. If people can atleast see what they are missing out on, they are likely to switch it on, but if your website looks like it's just broken, then...
I often have noscript block Flash and JavaScript until I make the decision that your site is worthy.
So be sure to tell me what I'm missing if I have JavaScript turned off.
It depends on the complexity of your web application.
If you can, having it functional with javascript disabled is great, because it makes your application usable not only by users on js-disabled browsers but also by robots. The day you decide to write an application to automatically fill your forms, for example, you don't have to write an API from the ground up.
In any case, do not user AJAX for EVERYTHING! I have just inherited a project that basically consists of a single page that is populated by a ton of AJAX calls and I can tell that you just thinking about it gives me physical pain. I guess the original developer didn't like the concept of using the back/forward button in the browser as a mean of navigation.
Unless you are targeting mobile devices or other non-standard web users, you can be fairly sure that the vast majority has Javascript enabled, because most major sites (including SO) rely heavily on it.
I want my application to be as accessible as possible.
You can do things like rendering your modals and forms as a page that can operate standalone.
The AJAX version pulls the template into a modal/container, the standalone version checks if it's an AJAX request and renders the page including the header/footer (this can occur from the same URL if planned well)
The AJAX version intercepts the submit and does AJAX submission then provides an inline thank you, the non-AJAX opens a thank you page. Once again you can likely use the same pages for each of these functions if thought out correctly.
Reusing templates and URL's helps avoid additional maintenance for the AJAX/non-AJAX versions.
I want my application to be enhanced by AJAX, but also fully
functional without AJAX.
Thinking through the structure of your URLs and templates can go a long way towards this, if you make most of your AJAX requests pull in completely rendered templates (as opposed to just data) then you can usually use the same URL to serve both versions. You just serve only the guts of the modal/form to the AJAX request and the entire page to a regular request.
When should I not use AJAX?
You should not use AJAX if doing so will cause a poor experience for a significant portion of your user base (there are of course techniques that can be used to mitigate this)
You should not use AJAX if the development time associated with implementing it will be too significant to justify the improvements in user experience
You should not use AJAX for content which has significant SEO value without implementing an appropriate fallback that allows it to be indexed (Crawlers are improving constantly but it's still a good idea)
I mean, should I bother making my application usable without AJAX? Or
does everyone have AJAX enabled browsers these days?
I'd say a lot of the time it's unnecessary as the vast majority of users will have AJAX enabled browsers, but there are scenarios where it's critical such as SEO optimization or when a large portion of your user base is likely to use browsers that are less likely to support Javascript as well or where they're likely to have Javascript/AJAX disabled.
A few examples of these scenarios:
A website for a company or government that uses an outdated browser as standard
A website where a large portion of the users may be disabled in a manner that may negatively impact their experience such as a website for vision or motor-skill impaired people may be negatively impacted by updating content via AJAX especially if it occurs rapidly.
A site accessed regularly via a less common device or browser that will cause a negative impact to a large portion of users
So what should I do?
Think about who is going to be using the site, how they're going to access it, and what they're going to access it with. Also try to think about not just the present but also the future.
Design the site in a manner that will cater to the majority of these users.
Think who will gain and who will loose based on my decision to use AJAX and if in doubt have a look at your analytics data to help weigh up the decision and if you lack the data it may be worth updating your tracking and obtaining a sample to aid the decision
Think does my decision to use AJAX cause any contradictions with core requirements for this project
Use AJAX to enhance content where possible as opposed to making it mandatory ie the content should work with or without JS/AJAX
Consider the additional development time involved with the use of AJAX (if any)
My experience is, we should use ajax after it works without it. For a couple of reasons.
First, if something breaks in the ajax, and you don't have it working without it, the site simply doesn't work. For example, a product list with pagination. It should work with the links alone, then use ajax when possible.
Second, for site indexing and accessibility. If it works without ajax, it's better.
And it's easier to break something (even if only for a few moments). A bad piece of code, an uncaught exception, an external library not loaded, a blocking browser extension,...
After everything works without ajax, its quite easier to add ajax. Just have the ajax catch the action, add ajax=1 and when returning the result, return only what you need if ajax=1, otherwise return everything.
In the product list example, I would only return the products and pagination html, and add to the correct div. If ajax stops working, the whole page is loaded and the customer sees the second page as it loads.
Ajax adds a lot of value to UX. If done right, the user gets a great feel when using the site, and better data usage because it doesn't load the whole page everytime.
But the question being "when not to use ajax", I would say, you should always count on it to improve UX but not rely on it for the site to work (as other users also mentioned). And nowadays we need both, great code and great user experience.
My practice is to use two main pages, let's say index.py and ajax.py. First one is responsible for generating full website, and is default target of forms. Other one generates only output specific for adequate ajax query. Logic behind both of them is the same, only the method of generating output is a bit different.
In jquery I simply change action parameter when sending a request. It works both with and without ajax, although long time have I not seen someone with disabled js and ajax.
I like the thought of coding your application without JavaScript / Ajax and then adding it in later to enhance the UI without depriving users of functionality just because they don't have JavaScript enabled. I read about this in Pro ASP.NET MVC but I think I've seen it elsewhere in reading about unobtrusive JavaScript.
You should not make your service bloated with web 2.0 effects like accordion, modal/etc forms, image zoomers etc.
Use modern tech smarter (AJAX is one of them) and your users will be happy. Do not fear AJAX -- this is very good thing to make user expirience smooth. But don't do things because you like it - do them because your user need it ;)
When you want to make a website that looks like a website, not a fugly imitation of a desktop app?
You should not use AJAX or JavaScript in cases where:
your system needs to be accessible
your system needs to be search friendly
However, by using a modern JS framework with some solid "unobtrusive" practices, you can progressively enhance pages so that they remain accessible and search-friendly while offering a slick UI to users.
This totally depends on the type of application or feature you're developing. If it is crucial that the application is accessible despite the absence of Javascript, then it would help to have fallback methods (i.e. alternative forms) to allow your user to use said functionality/feature. For that, it will require you to invest some of your time developing methods for collecting information not just using client-side scripts but also on the server-side.
For miscellaneous features that only serves to enhance user experience, it's mostly not worth it to develop fallback methods.
There's no reason to totally not use AJAX. AJAX helps minimize your traffic after all.
You can if you wish always use AJAX and update the history state using Push State or for more compatibility use the hash with none HTML5 compliant browsers.
with this you can have your server load a page then javascript read the document.hash and resume the state of the application base on the state of the hash.
for example i got to /index.html i click into something for example a client to open the view client you can change the hash to #/view/client/{client_id}/ then if a reload or go back using the browser the hash with change and you can use the onhashchanged event to capture it and match the sites state to the new hash then same if a favorite a certain state
A couple of other scenarios where one may be better off NOT using AJAX:
Letting someone to log into the web application. Use traditional form submit instead.
Searching and returning more than a few 100 rows from the database. Either break the process down or let the server side language handle it.

