Where do you recommend an experienced developer learn Javascript? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'd like to learn some Javascript before jumping into a framework like jQuery or Moo Tools.
Since I'm already familiar with C#/Java/Python, I'd like a resource that just shows me how to do things and not waste time with, this is an object, here's how you add numbers, etc.
What resource would you recommend for me? Thank you very much.

JavaScript: The Good Parts (although you should note that while it is a very good guide to the language, it doesn't talk about DOM)

I think www.w3schools.com is useful, at least as a reference

Object-Oriented JavaScript is a good book for learning JavaScript if you're already familiar with something else. It explains JavaScript core concepts but also has more advanced items like how OOP works in JS, which is something that can be confusing at first when coming from languages like C# or Java.
Mozilla Developer Central's JavaScript site is an excellent reference for looking up built-in JavaScript functions, such as what methods array have and even more obscure things like XPath support. https://developer.mozilla.org/En/JavaScript


How is MDN for a first time Javascript learner - best alternatives? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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As the title suggests, I've been getting into Javascript. I began with W3schools, but was told they're not all their search results suggest.
I have a fair amount of programming experience, so while it is not necessarily over my head, I do feel that without any practice problems or challenges it's hard to have the lessons stick. It feels more like a reference source than an instructional tutorial.
Thoughts and recommendations appreciated!
I've seen other answers asking about Javascript tutorials, but the post I keep finding my way to is nearly 6 years old, and was edited 4 years ago. A lot can change in that amount of time, and from what I've gathered MDN has especially changed quite a bit since then.
The MDN is the resource for web development and there's tons of articles showing you how to do things, not just reference pages. Stick to it like glue. It isn't perfect in the literal sense, but it is the standard reference for most web developers.
Other useful resources include:
jsfiddle to play with your javascript
caniuse to see if your javascript will work across browsers (although usually the MDN is accurate in what you can and can't use)
and a new favorite of mine regex101 for regular expressions.
also, search engines are always your friends with web development so use them as much as possible.
edit - sorry, connection crapped out and didn't notice links where broken

PHP/JavaScript Debugging [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there a PHP-enabled webserver, that is tailor-made for debugging?
I want to be able to step thru code, both php and javascript. There has to
be something that makes web development less painful,
but it does not seem to be mainstream, or maby my google-fu is failing me.
Any help appritiated.
If you're on a windows machine, WampServer should does the job. It has XDebug which is really helpful. Regrading JavaScript Firebug and Chrome Dev-Tools are great. Except the web-server itself or PHP extensions like XDebug, a powerful IDE can help you a lot as well.
Within your source-code, Exception Handling could be extremely useful -- echo, print_r, var_dump and die are the other useful options, but not as powerful as Exceptions when it comes to get rid of a bug. console.log comes really handy in JavaScript as well.
Xdebug is what we use at the company I work at. It provides full stack information that is really helpful when trying to determine where something went wrong in the codebase.
Here's an example of the error messages you'll get with it.

I need some simple logic/programming exercises for a junior programmer [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm currently teaching an employee ECMA script as it is needed in maintaining a workflow system we use and i need some challenges to use as exercises.
We have covered most of the language and he is now pretty familiar with the syntax so i just need him to get using it. I need to provide him exercises which make him think logically.
For example, he understands what an if and a switch is but a little unsure when to use one over the other. I just need to give him some exercises to let him have a go at working out a solution, then i'll sit with him, review his code and give advice.
Basically he just needs practice now. Is there any online resources which can give me a list of stuff to do? I found a few and we've worked through them (i.e. 99 bottles of beer, etc). We need some more.
Project Euler is always a good challenge/exercise for everyone.
You can probably find suitable exercises on the Coding Kata sites.
Otherwise maybe check out a book with exercises in it.

Some good websites to learn about JavaScript and programming architecture? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm not sure if 'architecture' is the correct term, but I've been looking for some articles online which talk about programming design and more about how best to use languages such as JavaScript in a code design sense rather than the actual syntax itself.
I have found many websites but a lot seem to be very out dated, and I'm not sure what developments have taken place with JavaScript over the years so do not know how old is too old.
If anybody could suggest some great websites, or maybe specific articles you think would be useful, that would be highly appreciated.
I am a beginner programmer currently using JavaScript with XML and of course HTML & CSS, and I'm currently trying to get further into and learn more about web development.
Must read:
Javascript: the good parts
Correct design, both in syntax as in 'real' code design.
Recently while researching for a JS architecture design project, I found these two presentations very valuable:
YUI Theatre Video: Nicholas C. Zakas — Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture
PureMVC Standard Overview Presentation
If you want a starting point, have a look at http://boilerplatejs.org which is a reference architecture for large scale javascript development. Disclaimer: I'm the author of it

Tools to enforce a coding style for Javascript [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to automatically check the style of javascript sources written by different people. Do you know of a good tool to do it? Integration with emacs would be a plus. Thank you in advance.
See EditorConfig. This tool is not limited to js though; You first install the plugin for your editor (there is an emacs plugin), and create a file named .editorconfig, whose content is the coding style.
I've recently updated the CodePainter project to work tightly with EditorConfig, so you can get the best of both worlds with JavaScript.
Please, spread the word. The project could use more traction and I could use more help.
Google JavaScript pretty print and JavaScript lint. Plenty of options, including JavaScript Lint and JSLint, among others.
There's also JSHint which has libraries for Rhino, JavaScriptCore, Windows Script Host and Ruby.
You're probably looking for the JS Code Sniffer: https://npmjs.org/package/jscodesniffer#a-standard

