Firefox extension that interacts with existing page content - javascript

I am not a web programming expert but I would like to create a Firefox extension that rewrites pages' html and javascript code. This is a personal project so I can take my time and learn things as I go.
I haven't been able to locate a tutorial or existing extension that does both tasks.
Would you be able to point me in the right direction?
Thanks you so much!

You're trying to accomplish two different things. My advice is to learn to do both independently. For extensions, these are great tutorials:
For "rewriting" a pages html, css, js:
Anything you don't understand in any of the tutorials, either google or ask here.


PowerPoint Slideshow Viewer Online

I'm looking for a service online that would allow me to run a PowerPoint Slideshow (along with slide transitions and animations).
As we know we have Office Online available for this purpose and also this* url can help you achieve slideshow capabilities.
But these options don't give much control to developers to develop some experiences based on slideshow capabilities they provide. So I'm looking for alternatives though it doesn't seems there is anything like thing as per research I did so far.
Any solution or workaround would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
PS. We have different parser/extractor libraries for PPTX but nothing is there that allows view of PPTX/Slideshow over the html web-page.
For future reference
Just dumping my thoughts for future reference. As of now, no solution or workaround is possible other than Office Online itself as mentioned in Question above.
Aspose is planning to provide support to similar subject requirements in future. So hopefully once the new version of the library is out, we will be able to achieve the desired behavior.
Aspose Reference Ticket.
Could you just build it on the Desktop version of PowerPoint and drop it into OneDrive folder? As far as i can tell, if you drop it into OneDrive, it'll run as-is in online via PowerPoint 365.

Jekyll and AngularChess

Problem: I am currently using to host my site. I am using Jekyll to update my site, post blogs, and create pages etc. I need to know how I can use things like AngularChess or ChessBoardJs to work with my website?
Things Tried: I have tried many things like bower install angular-chess, downloading it, and/or cloning things. I also tried creating .gitmodules files and directed them to assets/javascripts/angular-chess.
Source: I followed the application base format from here: Jekyll Base Application Format
Disclaimer: I am NOT a developer or have experience in this. So please explain in a little bit more painful detail than you usually would. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Scraping and External Resources

I've just started to learn about scraping and I just had a quick question.
Scraping images and files through the DOM is no problem but I was curious if it was possible to scrape external resources linked to a document such as web fonts(sorry couldn't think of another example off the top of my head). Things like this are used within the page but not linked through typical means.
If anyone could tell me if such things are possible? I only know Ruby and a bit of JS. Also if you can give me other examples of resources like web fonts that aren't linked normally that would be cool to.

Tips for embedding html into another site

Currently, I use Buffer ( as a browser extension and noticed that it stopped working on Twitter recently. If you do not know, this extension adds a 'Buffer' button to many social media websites. Twitter made another UI change, and the Buffer extension no longer add its button to the bottom of tweets.
Thinking that I might do something along these lines in the future (i.e., adding content to other websites via a browser extension), I wanted to know if there are any standard practices when doing so. Are there good tips to avoid this breakage over time? I know its simply impossible to guarantee that the origin site won't break your code, but I hope there are some thoughts on how I can mitigate against it.
Thanks for any thoughts or insights!
copy paste this addon and edit in the "addDiv" and removeDiv functions.
this addon inects javascript into github. you can change it to twitter
if you need more help let me know i can change this to specifically insert on twitter in 10min

How to embed AsciiMathML in Google Sites?

We would need to embed mathematical formulas through AsciiMathML into Google Sites pages (internal wiki for a research team). I am stuck with the limitation of Google Sites.
Any idea how to do that?
(ps: I have finally found a poorly practical work-around, but better ideas would still be appreciated)
I used to use, but they're no longer available. Now I use Google Infographics Mathematical Formulas, which has more features and (IMO) is more likely to continue being available in the future.
I had the same problem, but found texify: as a complete solution. Texify is an online tex editor rendering gifs, and not AsciiMathML, but I found it quick to get the hang of. Just add the html code generated into your source in Google Sites, or insert picture from the GUI.
I don't know how if this is an acceptable solution for you, but you can upload your own HTML (or any other type for that matter) files on Google Pages. So the proposes solution would be: write manually the HTML pages with the necessary JS tags and upload them to Google Pages.
I don't think you can use manually edited HTML for this purpose. Google-sites strips off all "embed" statements in HTML. One solution is to build a google gadget with your AsciiMathML and then insert the gadget into the site. A smart solution would be to search for existing google gadget that servers your purpose ;-) Good luck!

