Problem with Event Handling via YUI - javascript

When users click "search" input element, the search text inside the input will disappear and since I have several controls like that, I thought I could make the code reusable. Here is my code formerly done and working with jQuery but now in YUI I cannot make it work.
var subscriptionBoxTarget = "div.main div.main-content div.side-right div.subscription-box input";
var ssbNode = YAHOO.util.Selector.query(subscriptionBoxTarget);
var ssbValue = YAHOO.util.DOM.getAttribute(ssbNode,"value");
var subscriptionBox = new RemovableText(ssbNode,ssbValue,null);
//target : the target of the element which dispatches the event
// defaultText : the default for input[type=text] elements
// callBack : is a function which is run after everthing is completed
function RemovableText(target,defaultText,callBack)
var target = target; //private members
var defaultText = defaultText;
var callBack = callBack;
//instance method
this.bind = function()
if(callBack != null)
//private methods
var mouseClick = function(eventTarget,defaultValue)
var _eventTarget = eventTarget;
var _defaultValue = defaultValue;
var currentValue = $(this).val();
if(currentValue == defaultValue)
var mouseOff = function(eventTarget,defaultValue)
var _eventTarget = eventTarget;
var _defaultValue = defaultValue;
var currentValue = $(this).val();
if(currentValue == "")

You have a lot of unnecessary code here.
The input parameters passed to the RemovableText constructor are available by closure to all the methods defined inside. You don't need to, and shouldn't redefine named params as vars.
function RemovableText(target, defaultText, callback) {
this.bind = function () {
YAHOO.util.Event.on(target, 'click', function (e) {
/* You can reference target, defaultText, and callback in here as well */
YAHOO.util.Event.on(target, 'blur', function (e) { /* and here */ });
if (callback) {
The definition of an instance method from within the constructor seems dubious, as is the requirement that the values passed to the constructor must be kept private. Just assign them to instance properties (this._target = target; etc) and add instance methods to the prototype. If the functionality you're after is just this simple, then why bother with methods at all?
Using the click event does not support keyboard navigation. You should use the focus event.
I'm not sure why you would have a callback passed at construction that fires immediately after attaching the event subscribers.


Use of debounce on Ext 3.4 framework

I want to implement the debounce function on Ext.Button, so I extended it and override the onClick function, like this:
MyButton = Ext.extend(Ext.Button, {
onClick: function(e) {
var that = this;
var args = e;
this.timeoutDebounce = setTimeout(function(){
MyButton.superclass.onClick.apply(that, [args])
}, this.debounce);
Debounce is a parameter passed on the x-type declaration.
The problem here is that the "args" parameter I'm passing to onClick has changed when it's called from "click" to "mouvemove" and it doesn't fire the events it should.
Is there a way to record the "e" parameter received in the function to pass to onClick on superclass?
The function passed to setTimeout must be wrapped in order to keep the value presented in current scope:
function createCallback(args) {
return function() {
MyButton.superclass.onClick.apply(that, [args]);
Also, e is passed by reference, so you need to create a copy of it. Using ExtJS, you can use Ext.apply method:
Ext.apply({}, e);
The full code should be:
var MyButton = Ext.extend(Ext.Button, {
onClick: function(e) {
var that = this;
function createCallback(args) {
return function() {
MyButton.superclass.onClick.apply(that, [args]);
// you can also use call since you know the arguments:
//, args);
var copy = Ext.apply({}, e);
this.timeoutDebounce = setTimeout(createCallback(copy), this.debounce);
You should clone the object:
var args = Ext.apply({}, e);
this.timeoutDebounce = setTimeout((function(args){
return function(){MyButton.superclass.onClick.apply(that, [args])};
})(args), this.debounce);

Javascript object constructor setting as undefined

I've created a new object, and in that object I have several object variables, but the events (optional) object isn't being set correctly. It's coming up as undefined when called in the build function by the event tab, and my guess it's something to do with it possibly being asynchronous. Below is my object and call, and also what I'm getting when referencing the object.
I can't figure out why exactly it's coming in as undefined as it's being set before the build function is even called.
UPDATE: This fiddle has the exact code as being called.
The problem is in the checkEvents() method.
var Wizard = function(id, events) {
this.activeTab = '';
this.prevTab = '';
this.nextTab = ''; = (events) ? events : {}; // Optional events object. User may define events based on tab. (ex. "tabName" : function(){})
console.log(; // Returns object with no keys;
return this;
} = function(id){
var tab = id,
events =;
// **** This is what's showing up as undefined!!! *****/
(function($, undefined){
var wiz = new Wizard($('#package_wizard'),
cardInfo : function() {
alert('hello world');
The problem is that you're missing a semicolon after your definition for build. Without a semicolon, you're essentially doing this: = function() {
// do stuff
}(function($, undefined) { ... })();
Meaning, you're trying to call the function immediately and pass it a function as an argument. Here's your code with semicolons in the right places.
var Wizard = function(id, events) {
this.activeTab = '';
this.prevTab = '';
this.nextTab = ''; = (events) ? events : {}; // Optional events object. User may define events based on tab. (ex. "tabName" : function(){})
console.log(; // Returns object with no keys;
return this;
}; // <-- Here's a semicolon = function(id) {
var tab = id,
events =;
// **** This is what's showing up as undefined!!! *****/
}; // <-- and the original problem
(function($, undefined) {
var wiz = new Wizard($('#package_wizard'), {
cardInfo: function() {
alert('hello world');
<script src=""></script>
As for your update, the problem is you have a typo. You wrote
when you should have written

Parameter in javascript function [duplicate]

I have this function check(e) that I'd like to be able to pass parameters from test() when I add it to the eventListener. Is this possible? Like say to get the mainlink variable to pass through the parameters. Is this even good to do?
I put the javascript below, I also have it on jsbin:
function test() {
if (!document.getElementById('myid')) {
var mainlink = document.getElementById('mainlink');
var newElem = document.createElement('span');
var linkElemAttrib = document.createAttribute('id');
linkElemAttrib.value = "myid";
var linkElem = document.createElement('a');
var linkElemAttrib = document.createAttribute('href');
linkElemAttrib.value = "";
var linkElemText = document.createTextNode('new click me');
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener('click', check/*(WOULD LIKE TO PASS PARAMETERS HERE)*/, false);
function check(e) {
if (document.getElementById('myid')) {
if (document.getElementById('myid').parentNode === document.getElementById('mainlink')) {
var target = (e && || (event && event.srcElement);
var obj = document.getElementById('mainlink');
if (target!= obj) {
Wrap your event listener into a function:
One solution would be to move the "check" function up inside your test() function. As an inner function, it would automatically be able to refer to variables in its outer scope. Like this:
function test() {
if (!document.getElementById('myid')) {
var mainlink = document.getElementById('mainlink');
var newElem = document.createElement('span');
var linkElemAttrib = document.createAttribute('id');
linkElemAttrib.value = "myid";
var linkElem = document.createElement('a');
var linkElemAttrib = document.createAttribute('href');
linkElemAttrib.value = "";
var linkElemText = document.createTextNode('new click me');
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
if (document.getElementById('myid')) {
if (document.getElementById('myid').parentNode === mainlink) {
var target = (e && || (event && event.srcElement);
if (target!= mainlink) {
What I typically do in this situation is save arguments to the object (whenever it's convenient), and then retrieve them in the function, like this:
// Listener function receives e (the event object) by default.
function eventReceiver(e) {
var obj;
// Find object which triggered the event
e.srcElement ? obj = e.srcElement : obj =;
// obj.someProperty has been set elsewhere, replacing a function parameter
This is cross browser, and allows you to pass objects and values through the properties of the event target.
I initially started with the this keyword, but that behaves differently cross-browser. In FF, it's the object that the event was triggered on. In IE, it's the event itself. Thus, the srcElement / target solution was born. I'm interested to see the other solutions though - have a +1.

how to trigger event with 'this' word with OOP Javascript

I would like to trigger an events without duplicating code. So I decided to create a constructor function (class) and then a new object with a variable that connects to an event handler. Im just testing it but I cant get the if statement to trigger the alert() using it works like this: if(el) but not like this: if(el ===
var faqOne = document.getElementById("faqOne");
var hiddenOne = document.querySelector("p.faqOneHidden");
faqOne.addEventListener("click", function (e) {
}, false);
function DisplayQFaqs(link, faq) { = link;
this.faq = faq;
DisplayQFaqs.prototype.showClickedFaq = function (e) {
var el =;
if (el === {
var showFaqOne = new DisplayQFaqs(faqOne, hiddenOne);

javascript equivalent to jquery trigger method

If this is the equivalent to the jquery bind method, what would it be for the trigger method.
function bind( scope, fn ) {
return function () {
fn.apply( scope, arguments );
the code above is from another post and it looks the same as a proxy method
you can comment on this too
I have to take the jquery part out off this framework, - this is just the relevant part
if (selector === '') {
this.el.bind(eventName, method);
} else {
this.el.delegate(selector, eventName, method);
if (includes) result.include(includes);
return result;
exports.Controller = mod;
})($, window);
var exports = this;
var Events = {
bind: function(){
if ( !this.o ) this.o = $({});
this.o.bind.apply(this.o, arguments);
trigger: function(){
if ( !this.o ) this.o = $({});
this.o.trigger.apply(this.o, arguments);
It depends on the type of event you wish to trigger. If it's a custom event:
var event = new Event('build');
If it's a native event:
var event = new MouseEvent('click');
This is of course meant to simulate a mouse event. Other events have their own type.
Once I crossed this site How to Manually Trigger Events in JavaScript
// Here is a VERY basic generic trigger method
function triggerEvent(el, type)
if ((el[type] || false) && typeof el[type] == 'function')
// We could call this on multiple objects at any time
function resetFields()
triggerEvent(document.getElementById('has-email'), 'onchange');
triggerEvent(document.getElementById('other-field'), 'onclick');
triggerEvent(document.getEleemntById('another-one'), 'onblur');

