Is there any way to check is given link really exist? - javascript

For example there are that do NOT exist. Is there any way using JavaScript (possibly with jQuery) to check is given link really exist?

There has to be a server involved because of the Same Origin Policy — but it doesn't necessarily follow that it has to be your server. :-)
You can use a third-party service such as Yahoo to do the proxying for you as discussed here: "Using YQL as a proxy for cross-domain Ajax". That shows how to use jQuery to query YQL's JSON-P and JSON-P-X interfaces for another domain's content.
It's not complicated, from the article:
} else {
var errormsg = '<p>Error: could not load the page.</p>';

There isn't, the response from another domain will always be null (the same origin policy applies here). You'd have to contact your own domain and have it check server-side if the site actually exists...but JavaScript alone can't do this.

No, there isn't.
In order to find out if a URL exists, you have to make a request to it and see if you get a response. The same origin policy prevents JavaScript, running in a browser under normal security conditions, from reading responses from different hosts.

I don't think you can, for security reasons (same domain policy).

Use AnyOrigin or the FOSS clone I made of it, WhateverOrigin.


Getting the request origin in a Django request

So I'm trying to enable cross origin resource sharing in Django, so I can post to an external site, and it's easy to do when I set
but I want to instead have it check whether the origin is in an allowed list of origins (essentially to restrict it to only allow specific sites) but I can't seem to find anywhere in the Django request where I can get the origin information.
I tried using request.META['HTTP_HOST'] but that just returns the site that's being posted to. Does anyone know where in the Request object I can get the origin of the request?
As for getting the url from request (which is what I was looking for), use request.META['HTTP_REFERER'] instead.
In Django,
answers the original question.
You can print(request.headers) to see everything available in the headers.
Use this:
origin = request.META.get("HTTP_ORIGIN")
This is the way django-cors-headers use it in the middleware:
you can get it by request.META["HTTP_ORIGIN"]
I strongly advice you to use django-cors-headers. It lets you to define CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST which is a list of allowed origins in more pythonic way.
To answer the question "Does anyone know where in the Request object I can get the origin of the request?", would the request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] give you what you need?
In Django 2.2 use:
Make sure that the request property doesn't have mode = no-cors
"There are some exceptions to the above rules; for example, if a cross-origin GET or HEAD request is made in no-cors mode, the Origin header will not be added."

How do I check the validity of a remote URL with javascript?

I know this will probably lead to a security breach, but is there a way in JavaScript to check the validity of a URL? This has to be done in the client, because I need to check whether the URL is accessible from it. Internal/external network differences apply.
I have tried to use jQuery.ajax(), but it won't work with remote servers, and also JSONP, but I can't expect a JSON response. In fact, I have to test any sorts of URLs, not only valid XML or JSON.
Basically, I need to check for a valid statusCode = 200 or similar, if possible.
Well, it seems it's indeed not possible, probably due to security issues.
The resolution to this in my case was to create a JSONP response in another server, and the script would simply make a request to it (JSONP allows cross-domain requests).
Thanks to all.

How to get cross-domain data using Javascript in django?

Imagine, that you have two domains and you want them to interact through a Javascript mechanism.
So, what I've done so far is host two servers on different ports on my local machine. It seems that the request is being sent from one server to another, only it doesn't seem to return any data.
What do you think the problem is ? How can I solve it ?
P.S. Code examples would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I don't know about django, but the other domain must support CORS (see Wikipedia and the w3 spec).
Basically, the remote server must support the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. Usually I just have my server set the header value to * to allow all origins to access data.
You might need to find more specific documentation for your particular webserver. You might also want to watch the conversation between servers using wireshark. It's a great little utility for finding out what's really happening with your HTTP requests/responses...
You need to add an extra header to host 2 to allow host 1. This site will help you
JSONP is about to solve cross domain issues:
jQuery has good functionality to support JSONP,
(just some googled link of this topic)
JSONP could look a little weird than at first sight :) basically should support JSONP notation (call callback method, if it is provided). So, it checks if 'callback' method is provided and instead of returning results like
{ some: 12 }
It does,
callback( { some: 12 } )
Here is my blog post on that:
jsonp is your option infact I used a django snippet available here

Javascript cross domain - "allow" other domains?

Description of steps
Write "callback" function on my custom page in my domain (called "MyCallbackCallback", for the sake of argument)
Open new window (from different domain) and pass function name in as part of query string
New window does what it needs to do then tries to access "MyCallback" from my custom page
This obviously won't work and will return "Access denied" error.
If there was a way of "allowing" the 3rd-party domain access to my domain that would solve the issue, of course. Is there such a thing? I know there is in Action Script, but JavaScript??
NB - I am aware that setting "document.domain" on both pages, (or creating both pages in the same domain) will solve the issue, but I almost certainly won't have this option.
If the answer is "you can't" that's fine - I just need to know. I have spent many hours searching and can't find a simple answer (there may not be one!)
Ta, Rob
It’s not exactly clear from your question, but if you’re trying to use CORS, the server you’re requesting data from should add an Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP header, like so:
Or, if it’s a public resource:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Older browsers don’t support CORS. If you need a fully cross-browser-compatible solution, use JSONP.
Have a look at Cross-Domain AJAX requests:
JSONP is the only method compatible with older browsers though.
If you want cross-domain communication without serverside proxies (perfect for the kind of RPC that you are describing) then take a look at easyXDM.
You can find multiple demos here.

A question about cross-domain (subdomain) ajax request

Let's say I have the main page loaded from On that page there is js code that makes an ajax request to When the response is received a div on the main page is updated with the response body.
Will that work on all popular browsers?
The obvious solution is to put a proxy in front of and and set it so that every request going to a subresource of gets proxied to
Cross domain is entirely a different subject. But cross sub-domain is relatively easy. All you need to do is to set the document.domain to be same in both the parent page and the iframe page.
document.domain = ""
More info here
Note: this technique will only let you interact with iframes from parents of your domain. It does not alter the Origin sent by XMLHttpRequest.
All modern browsers support CORS and henceforth we should leverage this addition.
It works on simple handshaking technique were the 2 domains communicating trust each other by way of HTTP headers sent/received. This was long awaited as same origin policy was necessary to avoid XSS and other malicious attempts.
To initiate a cross-origin request, a browser sends the request with an Origin HTTP header. The value of this header is the site that served the page. For example, suppose a page on attempts to access a user's data in If the user's browser implements CORS, the following request header would be sent:
If allows the request, it sends an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in its response. The value of the header indicates what origin sites are allowed. For example, a response to the previous request would contain the following:
If the server does not allow the cross-origin request, the browser will deliver an error to page instead of the response.
To allow access to all pages, a server can send the following response header:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
However, this might not be appropriate for situations in which security is a concern.
Very well explained here in below wiki page.
Another solution that may or may not work for you is to dynamically insert/remove script tags in your DOM that point to the target domain. This will work if the target returns json and supports a callback.
Function to handle the result:
<script type="text/javascript">
function foo(result) {
alert( result );
Instead of doing an AJAX request you would dynamically insert something like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Another workaround, is to direct the ajax request to a php (for example) page on your domain, and in that page make a cURL request to the subdomain.
The simplest solution I found was to create a php on your subdomain and include your original function file within it using a full path.
Inside I_need_the_function.php just use an include:
Now call from your javascript.
var sub="";
case "":
sub = "/ajax/this_is_where_the_php_is_called.php";
case "":
sub = "";
default: ///your subdomain (or add more "case" 's)
sub = "/I_need_the_function.php";
The example is as simple as I can make it. You may want to use better formatted paths.
I hope this helps some one. Nothing messy here - and you are calling the original file, so any edits will apply to all functions.
New idea: if you want cross subdomain ( and and you are working on apache. things can get a lot easier. if a subdomain actually is a subdirectory in public_html ( = so if you have can do something like this:
works like a charm for me, and no stupid hacks, proxies or difficult things to do for just a few Ajax requests!
I wrote a solution for cross sub domain and its been working for my applications. I used iframe and setting document.domain="" on both sides. You can find my solution at :

