Issue with a javascript jQuery script in OpenX - javascript

I'm using OpenX at work, and one of my boss requirements is a expandable banner. For that (and made a horrible simplification of the whole story) I made this script.
function retro(){
var acs = jQuery('#trial_center').height() - 5;
jQuery('#trial_center').css('height', acs + 'px');
setTimeout("jQuery('#trial_center').css('height', '500px')", 1000);
var c = 89;
while (c > 0) {
setTimeout("retro()", 1000);
The problem I have is in the mouseleave event: the original idea was to made this loop several times (89 times), and each time, decrease the height of the banner until it get his original size. Why this? Because my boss want an "effect", and this effect must be in sync with the customer's flash.
The problem is that instead of decrease his size progressively, apparently the script made all the operations an "after" the sum of setTimeout calls, updated the page. So, the result is exactly as the banner shrinks one time from the expanded size to the original size.
I don't know what is wrong with this, or if exists other more intelligent solution.
Any help will be very appreciate.
Thanks in advance

Your loop setting the timeout is just setting 89 timers for one second later than the loop runs, and the loop will run in milliseconds — so they'll all fire about a second later. That doesn't sound like what you want to do.
Two options for you:
1. Use animate
jQuery's animate function seems like it does what you want. You can tell jQuery to animate the size change, and you tell it how long to take to do so:
height: "500px" // Or whatever the desired ending height is
}, 1000);
That will animate changing the height of the container from whatever it is at the point that code runs to 500px, across the course of 1,000 milliseconds (one second). Obviously you can change the duration to whatever you like.
2. Set up the timer loop manually
If for whatever reason you don't want to use animate, you can do this manually (of course you can; jQuery can't do anything you can't do yourself, it just makes things easier). Here's how to set up a timer loop:
var c = 89;
// Do the first one right now, which will schedule the next
// Our function here lives on until all the iterations are
// complete
function iteration() {
// Do one
// Schedule this next unless we're done
if (--c > 0 {
setTimeout(iteration, 100); // 100ms = 1/10th second
That works because iteration is a closure over c (amongst other things). Don't worry about the term "closure" if it's unfamiliar, closures are not complicated.
Separately: You're using mouseover to set the height of the trial_center element a second later; you probably wanted mouseneter rather than mouseover. mouseover repeats as the mouse moves across it.
It's best not to use strings with setTimeout; just pass it a function reference instead. For example, instead of
setTimeout("retro()", 1000);
you'd use
setTimeout(retro, 1000); // No quotes, and no ()
And for the other place you're using, instead of
setTimeout("jQuery('#trial_center').css('height', '500px')", 1000);
you'd use
setTimeout(function() {
jQuery('#trial_center').css('height', '500px');
}, 1000);


is setInterval slowing down my site

I want to know if setInterval slowing down my site or not?
var uploadbtndiv = document.getElementById("imagesmaindiv");
if (uploadbtndiv.childElementCount == 1) {
document.getElementsByClassName("plusupload")[0] = "17px";
document.getElementsByClassName("plusupload")[0] = "-81px";
}, 10);
setInterval doesn't slow down your site. Using it incorrectly can. In your code, you're scheduling an operation to happen roughly every 10ms. That's a lot. Even an efficient operation (and yours is tolerably efficient, though it could be more so) done 100 times a second can add up.
You probably don't want setInterval in your example. You appear to want to change where something is depending on how many elements there are in imagesmaindiv. I'd probably do that one of three different ways:
By putting that if/else in the code that adds/removes elements to/from imagesmaindiv
By using CSS, but it depends on the structure
By using a mutation observer on imagesmaindiv, so I only do the work when its contents change instead of 100 times a second

How to force a reflow in javascript in webkit 1.2.5

I've tried everything that is supposed to invoke a reflow but that isn't happening. I'm calling my test function 10 times to draw some element on my screen and I move that element through each iteration. That loop is executed immediately and in the end I get one picture instead of seeing the movement of the element on the screen.
It's as if when all work is done, reflow and drawing on the screen is invoked. But i want to see each drawing.
All the things I've tried didn't give any results. The only thing that works is alert(), but i don't need an interaction with user.
I'm using an webkit 1.2.5 if that helps.
If I'm not understandable enough I will try to explain better.
This the code I'm forcing to reflow
var i = 0;
console.log("Test loop!!! "+i);
The thing I nedd is to see a picture on my screen each time fTestInfo(i) is executed but instead, i only see the ending result.
fTestInfo depends on i it moves in left by the value of i.
I see you are using a for loop which typically means you misunderstand how timers work. The for loop is synchronously executed and you are probably setting all the timers at once.
Try this:
(function loop(i) {
if (i >= 500) {
document.querySelector("div").style.left = i + "px";
setTimeout(function() {
loop(i + 1);
}, 16);
I suppose you mean getting a value like .offsetWidth? This is not guaranteed to make a visible reflow on the screen, browsers may wait for some time (read: until javascript execution stops) before actually attempting to paint anything on the screen even if you are doing actions that trigger reflows.
This means that if you append 1000 elements to the document, it will not trigger 1000 reflows. Even if you fetch .offsetWidth in between each iteration. It will just be calculated for you but not necessarily painted.
You need to move the elements with a timer as the end of javascript execution is when browsers flush out any queued reflows.
As stated earlier, the browser may cache several changes for you, and
reflow only once when those changes have all been made. However, note
that taking measurements of the element will force it to reflow, so
that the measurements will be correct. The changes may or may not not
be visibly repainted, but the reflow itself still has to happen behind
the scenes.
You need to give the browser the opportunity to enter its event loop between each iteration.
Use setTimeout to schedule each iteration of the drawing:
function scheduledTestInfo(i) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, i); // calls each function 50ms apart
var i = 0;
for ( ; i < 500 ; i += 50) {

why jquery can't animate number accurately?

i am trying to use the following code to increment number in a textbox
// Animate the element's value from 0 to 1100000:
$({someValue: 0}).animate({someValue: 1100000}, {
duration: 1000,
step: function() { // called on every step
// Update the element's text with value:
it is working with small numbers like from 0 to 100
but when it comes to large number like in the mentioned code,
it is not giving the target number,
it is animating to numbers like 1099933 or 1099610 or .....
and every time it changes.
so how can i make it to animate to the number i specify?
I have the same issue. The reasoning is because animate function uses a mathematical formula that is time based. You don't really notice this when animating something css based because close enough in pixels is good enough. It will get close to the final value but may not always be exactly the end value. Solution is to use the complete event to set that last value.
Here is what you need to do:
function animateNumber(ele,no,stepTime){
$({someValue: 0}).animate({someValue: no}, {
duration: stepTime,
step: function() { // called on every step. Update the element's text with value:
complete : function(){
<script src=""></script>
counterx(slow): <span id=counterx>--</span>
countery(fast): <span id=countery>--</span>
1) Javascript is a single threaded application. Timeouts and animations ONLY push the event to the end of the stack based on an ideal stacking order. A long running section of script can cause the actual firing time of that event well past the accuracy you are looking for.
2) Animation approximates how much to increment, and on larger numbers that resolution is very inaccurate.
3) jQuery only has one animation buffer. You might run into some serious rendering issues if you invoke more than one "counter" using animation. Make sure to stop the previous animation before making any adjustments that effect it.
4) Even with a timeout of 0, you can expect the real world delay of ~15. Even if that is the only "thread" you have running.
take a snapshot of the DTG
set your interval to something within the human experience, say ~200
on each interval, check how much time has passed from the original DTG
set your text field to that delta number.
stop the interval with the original DTG + "your target number" > the new DTG
Animate is not designed to increment a counter as text (though it may work by accident, which could change with any new version of jQuery), it's designed to animate one or more CSS properties. You should be using setInterval instead.
var num = 0;
var interval = setInterval(function () {
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = num;
if (num === 100) {
}, 100);​
Here's a solution that doesn't use .animate().
It's just a linear modification; you don't get the easing options if that's what you were after.
var counterx = $('#counterx'), // cache the DOM selection! :)
i = 0,
n = 1100000,
dur = 1000, // 1 second
int = 13,
s = Math.round(n / (dur / int));
var id = setInterval(function() {
counterx.text(i += s);
if (i >= n) {
}, int);
Here is a jquery plugin to animate numbers reliably, ut uses the complete callback to set the correct final number once the animation has finished:

Check if a timeout is waiting to run?

I have an infinity scroll style page I'm working on, (for an example of infinity scroll, click here and scroll down) which runs a function called update() every time the user scrolls, among other things.
I could use setInterval instead and check every x millis, however with a timeout that calls itself, the page responds quicker and more reliably.
Basically, update() adds some content to the page, then, if that content isn't enough to let you scroll down more, sets a timeout to call update() again. If you only scrolled one pixel, this would be fine, but of course, when you scroll it sends tens or hundreds of scroll events. This becomes a problem because there will be tens (or hundreds) of timeouts running at once. Having too many timeouts kills the consistent animation of adding new content I was going for.
So I wanted to check for if a timeout was already waiting to execute using the ID I had, however there doesn't seem to be a function for this is JavaScript. Is there a way to check whether a timeout ID has executed yet or not? If not, are there alternatives? I have JQuery.
...Or should I just make an interval and sacrifice the responsiveness?
When the function fires, clear the interval and set the variable you're holding the initial in to null. Then check for a null value. If you're doing a bunch of these, you could store them in an array by the id you have.
var intervals = [];
if(intervals[id] != null){
intervals[id] = setTimeout(some_func, 1000);
var some_func = function(){
// do stuff
intervals[id] = null;

Long task in Javascript / jQuery

I have a long task in Javascript that should be performed before the web page content is displayed. During the execution of this task I would like to show an image whose opacity will grow up to 100% (when the task is done).
How this can be achieved ?
In your function , say it's 10 loops, every loop you need to increase the opacity, like this:
var curOpacity = 0;
function doWork(step) {
for(var j = 0; j <100000000; j++) { } //simulate work
console.log("Completed step: " + step);
$("#element").css('opacity', step * 0.1);
if(step < 10)
setTimeout(function() { doWork(step + 1); });
You can see a working demo here
On the final step this would be setting the opacity to 1, completely faded in. The steps you just need to divide out, you need to increase opacity by 1/numOfSteps each step...a .fadeIn() won't work here because it'll just execute after your code is need to manually set the opacity using .css() inside the loop.
The setTimeout() (without an argument it's instant) lets the UI update before the next step starts.
Note: this works cross-browser, just use opacity and it'll take care of setting filter: in IE for instance.
Decompose the task into multiple smaller tasks, each of which updates the progress bar appropriately. Then schedule these sub-tasks to run asynchronously using something like the jQuery Async extension. Without the async component, your tasks will hog the CPU until they are finished, and you won't see any interim status updates.
Depending on your requirements DOMContentLoaded Event might be called too late. Please notice the fact that that event is triggered when the whole DOM tree has been loaded. In some cases a web browser might start display web content before </html> is reached. You could just please some JavaScript right after <body> element (document.body is available there, while others DOM elements are not).
Any method you choose the rest of the code stays practically the same.
So now you have to:
Create an image and inject it into DOM tree:
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.setAttribute("src", "/path/to/the/image.png");
Make that image transparent: = "0";
Start your task
Every time the task is one percent closer to the end increase the value of the image's opacity style: = Math.min(1, ( * 1) + 0.01);
// Of course you can increase by any step, not only 0.01 (1%)
The problem may be the determination of when the task is one step closer to the end. If that task is for example a loop which repeats 10 times then there is easy way to determine it - every single iteration the task progress jumps 10%. But if your task has more complex structure then I think you'll have to define by your own places where task progress is 10, 20, 25, 50, 100%.
//download something using AJAX
while (i = 0..10) { ... task(+5) }
Use web workers in modern browsers and partition the task with setTimeout() in old ones.

