localizing <asp:FileUpload>. IE problem - javascript

what i want to do is localize <asp:FileUpload> control. as far as i understand it is not possible, because input file is being rendered by a browser and there is no way to control it from the server.
so i do this: i create <asp:FileUpload>, make it transparent, create input text and input button and write
function browse() {
on input button onclick event.
firefox and chrome does fine, IE8 - does not: it opens fileupload's "Browse..." dialog, writes it's value to input text (via $('#filepath').val($('#fileupload').val());), but when i start uploading, there is this problem: jQuery function before the Postback for FileUpload in ASP.NET
So my question is: is there any other (better?) way to override upload control (custom width, localized texts on button etc...), that works on every browser?

Have you tried uploadify so far?


javascript auto fill form extension

I have a page and i wan't to fill it with my data. (Auto filling chrome extension).
I tried to work with vanilla javascript and JQuery, but they both don't work.
Here is my code:
$('#control_8 option[value=14401]').attr('selected', 'selected').trigger('change');
Here i use trigger(), so after a option is selected, in it subcategory it will load all items.
When i run this code in the console - it works. But if i run it from the chrome extension, it selects but trigger doesn't work.
I guess there is a selector issue with your trigger function.
Split the code and try the trigger function in following way
$('#control_8 option[value=14401]').attr('selected', 'selected');
$('Your selector').trigger('change');

how can i fill text into facebook plugin comment by clicking the button using javascript

Is there a method to fill the textfield from a Facebook comment plugin using javascript?
I know how to fill the text into textbox of website using active control by javascript, but it doesn't seem to work on the Facebook comment plugin.
eg. if I click the hello button I want to fill the active textbox text with "hello".
You will need to make sure that you execute your action after the textfield appears in your UIWebView. However, I will highly recommnend making a delegate method instead, detecting the facebook button click, and use the Facebook SDK instead.
Much more freedom instead of having to "hijack" the html and manipulate it after load.

Open browse window in IE on single click file input

I'm having some trouble to make the file input work the way I want it. The file element exists of 2 parts, the textfield and the browse button. In other browsers than IE clicking either of them opens a window where you can select your files. In IE however it only opens when I click the browse button. If I click the textfield next to it I have to doubleclick in order for the window to open.
Is there a way to fix this with javascript so a single click on the textfield will also open the window? I tried the following, but it didn't work. (code is much simplified from the real example)
<input id="file" name="file" type="file"/>
JS / jQuery:
Now the above code alerts the "Double" but doesn't open the window. Is there a way to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
Since the entire control is native to the browser (and are never exposed as text box plus button) you simply do not have access to methods/events that will allow you to invoke the upload button. I believe this is mainly to avoid sites tricking the user into uploading non-intended files.
If you can manage to take a little time to implement a workaround, this does a nice of job of creating a rather nice upload component thats easier to manage. I'm sure a quick google will list you many other examples on how to style the file upload component.
Just tested your code with JSFiddle on IE6 (http://jsfiddle.net/SUWRK/) and, from my understanding, it works as you're expecting ... The alert shows up on a single click event (please note that's it's tricky to catch the dblclick event in IE < 9 - see https://gist.github.com/399624).
Are you sure there's not something else going on with the larger code set?

HTML File Input - Set allowed extensions and event for selected file

Im trying to make a file input field have the following extensions only ".zip,.rar,.tar,.tar.gz" and i also want to trap event for when file has been selected and dialog has closed. any help
Limiting the file selection to certain extensions can't be done using the normal browser's file upload control. You'd have to use a Flash-based uploader like SWFUpload (Features Demo here) or Uploadify for this.
The event of a new file selection will be reflected in the onchange event.

Does TinyMCE have usable content focus/blur events?

I want to be able to have default text like "Enter content here..." appear when the editor first loads, but I want this text to disappear when the user clicks/focuses on the content area. Then, if they "blur" (move out) of the content area without inputting anything, I want the "default text" to re-appear in the editor.
After Googling and looking through TinyMCE's wiki, it looks like there are onActivate and onDeactivate events that should partially do this; however, the wiki page for onDeactivate has a disclaimer stating that it is not a true "blur" method, plus I was not able to get the onActivate events to work (using FF 3.5 at least).
Has anyone else found a solution to this? I'm using a stock TinyMCE install and have jQuery loaded for my other JS tasks for the site I'm building, so I'm open to some jQuery wizardry to make this happen if there's nothing available in the TinyMCE API.
the onNodeChange tinyMCE event will fire if the user tabs into the editor. use tinyMCE's onMouseDown to detect a click. between these two events you should be able to determine when the user has activated the editor. use $(body).click() in the main page to determine when the user clicks out of the editor and blurs it.
i would also shy away from putting the default text as the actual value of the editor. instead, i would make the iframe/body of the editor be transparent and put the default value behind it in an absolutely positioned div. using the above triggers, just show()/hide() that div when you want the default value to [dis]appear.
Hmmm, tricky one...
here's an idea you might like to try:
We have established the onActivate works fine, so hook up the code for that... now, for onDeactivate...
tinyMCE stores it's content in the original (now hidden) textarea it replaces. That's how the content gets sent to the server when the form is posted.
Now, to blur away from the editor, a user has to click on something else on the page. using jQuery you can attach a $("body").click() function that checks the content of the hidden textarea (using $(id_of_hidden_textarea).val()). If the content is empty, set the content to "Enter content here..." in both the textarea (using val()) and the MCE instance (using tinyMCE.setContent()).
The $("body").click() function would not fire when clicking on the editor because it's in an iframe.

