xml "reusable" code - javascript

Is it possible to make a reusable xml code with some javascript inside? like an import or include. My problem is that I need to write different xml files and are almost all the same, what change is just some properties. Any best practice?

If you know any Java you could use Groovy, a Domain Specific Language on top of Java which has some very fancy XML creating/parsing features. This would allow you to read your list of properties directly from a file.

Can you elaborate what you mean by change in properties? A best practice that you are looking for might be to run the xml through an xslt processor to change the value of the properties. Is this feasible in your situation?


Localize / Internationalize Static & Dynamic Content, Client Side

Been trying to figure out a solution to internationalize a shopify store. Would really like to use JS or jQuery and switch languages instantly/client side without a reload using JSON-files for storing all language snippets..
There are a couple of really smart options (like localizejs.com), but they are rather expensive over time. Ideally we do not even need a super fancy backend and wouldn't mind "just" editing the language-files manually.
JSON could look like this:
"english": {
We appreciate any solution you can recommend! We need to be able to replace strings that contain elements like "href" as well though:
<div class="lang“>Replace <a href="#“>a Link</a></div>
How is this tackled usually?
Nowadays people are trying jQueryi18n plugin. May be you can check whether it can suffice your requirements. Its minified version size is upto 5KB. Its very easy to use in your project.
http://www.SiteTran.com/ will enable you to switch languages on the client side, and it's free. It also can provide usable SEO urls (for your HREF's) and it only requires a snippet of javascript for integration.
If you want to do it on your own, you can just simply a JSON file with all of the translations and then with javascript load the text based upon the language.

Include javascript file in Node.js without require('..') ing

jade permits you to simply write
include folder/file
to include code from another file.
Is it possible to add simply cut - copy style code from another file in node for javascript files?
Its for development purpose, to isolate some code and work on it seperately.
PS:- I'm aware of require('jsfile.js') and export.x = function(){..
The accepted answer is wrong.
Depending on whether node fs and eval were available at the time this question was written, the accepted answer was probably always wrong.
While not recommended, what you want to do is essentially possible:
Use node's built-in filesystem functions to read the file you want to "copy-paste" into the current file.
Use eval() to "paste" that file into your current file and run it as if it was part of the current file.
Update 6 Oct 2020: Embarrassingly, the answer I've provided below is false.
I am not certain what were the circumstances for my writings below, as I was familiar with eval at the time (and a very long time before then), however, it is what it is :)
Read the answer that #Dennis wrote for the correct one.
You cannot merge (or include) a script file into another script file during runtime. Utilizing require is your best option to separate your application logic into multiple files.
JavaScript is an object oriented language, and what you are asking for is a solution to a problem that exists in procedural programming languages.
I suggest that you design your application in such a way that would allow you to separate its files into object types that take on different responsibilities instead of treating each file as a script within some global state.
To answer your other question, Jade is actually parsing its source files and therefore can provide its own file merging. If we apply this to our scenario, Jade is to jade source files as V8 is to JavaScript source files. Since the jade language is procedural, it makes sense to allow this kind of feature where in JavaScript (which is object oriented) it doesn't.

Passing a JSON object to a remote LESS compiler to use as LESS variables

I have an admin panel where users customize the look of a static website (mostly fonts and colors). This panel generate a JSON object with the user values. What I would need to do is passing this JSON to the LESS compiler, so that it can dynamically generate a CSS file from a LESS one using the JSON content as LESS variables. The filename should be different every time, something line file-ID.css (the ID is for the user and it could be passed via JSON too).
Is it technically possible (without extending LESS)? I noticed, for example, that you can pass functions to the parser object when you create it, could I use this functions to evaluate the JSON and passing the variables to the compiler?
Obviously I don't need to know the details, just if it is doable and possibly some link to related information if you have it.
Thanks in advance.
The best way I've found to do what I was trying to accomplish was to use a server side LESS library like PHPLESS to parse the variables from the JSON before compiling. Regular LESS compiler doesn't allow to dynamically inject variables.
To my knowledge the LESS compiler doesn't support any other input than LESS. It would be trivial to make your own pre-parser that mixes-in the variables from JSON .. not even a parser, more of a string-replacer.

How to create xml file with jquery

Is there a way to create xml file only with jquery/javascript ?
Not with browser JavaScript, no. You will need some kind of server to write to the file system for you. You could always build the file in JS and then send it through AJAX for the server to write though.
Use jQuery.parseXML to parse a trivial container string:
var xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?><root/>';
var doc = jQuery.parseXML(xml);
Then you can use normal jQuery DOM manipulation to append nodes to that XML document. Once you need to serialize the final document, you can use the answers to this question.
Your question is more complicated than it would first seem. Let's break it down into two parts:
Can I create a file using javascript?
Can I write XML to that file using jQuery/javascript?
Unfortunately, the answer to the first question is no. You cannot use javascript running in a browser to access the file system. This has security implications and will not be allowed by major browsers.
The answer to the first question makes the second one moot. You can create XML in javascript, but you'll have no place to write it.
If you provide more information about the reason you want to do this, it may be possible to find alternative solutions to your problem.
How about creating it by just using Javascript strings and then using this library?
You can create a document like this:
var doc = document.implementation.createDocument(namespace,rootnode,doctype);
And then serialize it to a string:
new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(doc);
But it will only be in memory. What else do you want to do with it?
Seeing as I'm learning XML myself, this is perhaps an illegal answer as it contains a possible question.
That said, I'm pretty sure that an XML document can be sent to the browser to display. That can then be explicitly saved by the end-user.

Is there an Open Source Python library for sanitizing HTML and removing all Javascript?

I want to write a web application that allows users to enter any HTML that can occur inside a <div> element. This HTML will then end up being displayed to other users, so I want to make sure that the site doesn't open people up to XSS attacks.
Is there a nice library in Python that will clean out all the event handler attributes, <script> elements and other Javascript cruft from HTML or a DOM tree?
I am intending to use Beautiful Soup to regularize the HTML to make sure it doesn't contain unclosed tags and such. But, as far as I can tell, it has no pre-packaged way to strip all Javascript.
If there is a nice library in some other language, that might also work, but I would really prefer Python.
I've done a bunch of Google searching and hunted around on pypi, but haven't been able to find anything obvious.
Sanitising user input using Python
As Klaus mentions, the clear consensus in the community is to use BeautifulSoup for these tasks:
soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(html)
for script_elt in soup.findAll('script'):
html = str(soup)
Whitelist approach to allowed tags, attributes and their values is the only reliable way. Take a look at Recipe 496942: Cross-site scripting (XSS) defense
What is wrong with existing markup languages such as used on this very site?
You could use BeautifulSoup. It allows you to traverse the markup structure fairly easily, even if it's not well-formed. I don't know that there's something made to order that works only on script tags.
I would honestly look at using something like bbcode or some other alternative markup with it.
Have you thought about using a 'SAX' type parser for the HTML? I'm really not sure
though that it would ignore the events properly though. It would also be a bit harder to construct than using something like Beautiful Soup. Handling syntax errors may be a problem with SAX as well.
What I like to do in situations like this is to construct python objects (subclassed from an XML_Element class) from the parsed HTML. Then remove any undesired objects from the tree, and finally re-serialize the objects back to html. It's not all that hard in python.

