How do I send a document name to a javascript file? - javascript

I want to, let's say on index.htm have this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascriptfile.js"></script>
and then have that script return <title>index</title>, and the index being dynamic according to the file name. How can I accomplish this?

You should really be doing this server-side. But if you insist on client-side processing, this should work:
document.write('<title>' +
window.location.pathname.replace(/^(.*\/)?([^\/.]*).*$/, "$2") +
If you do go with this approach, $DEITY will kill a kitten each time someone visits your site.

There are two possible answers :
if you know exactly what pages you have and all pages are static html, don't do that kind of thing. Just put the title in the page, you'll avoid useless delay
in other cases, this is not a job for JS. Use a server-side technology to dynamically create your page.
In short : dynamic ? use server-side language : put title directly in html

// get your filename
var uri = location.href.split("?")[0].split("/");
var filename = uri[uri.length-1];
// get title tag DOMnode
var title = document.getElementByTagName('title')[0];
title.innerText = filename;

You should note that the browser doesn't not really know what the file name is. All its knows is its public location (URL). Having this in mind, you can read the URI from document.location:
This property returns a Location object:
The Location object has a pathname property you can parse.


Get script content [duplicate]

If I have a script tag like this:
id = "myscript"
src = ""
type = "text/javascript">
I would like to get the content of the "script.js" file. I'm thinking about something like document.getElementById("myscript").text but it doesn't work in this case.
tl;dr script tags are not subject to CORS and same-origin-policy and therefore javascript/DOM cannot offer access to the text content of the resource loaded via a <script> tag, or it would break same-origin-policy.
long version:
Most of the other answers (and the accepted answer) indicate correctly that the "correct" way to get the text content of a javascript file inserted via a <script> loaded into the page, is using an XMLHttpRequest to perform another seperate additional request for the resource indicated in the scripts src property, something which the short javascript code below will demonstrate. I however found that the other answers did not address the point why to get the javascript files text content, which is that allowing to access content of the file included via the <script src=[url]></script> would break the CORS policies, e.g. modern browsers prevent the XHR of resources that do not provide the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, hence browsers do not allow any other way than those subject to CORS, to get the content.
With the following code (as mentioned in the other questions "use XHR/AJAX") it is possible to do another request for all not inline script tags in the document.
function printScriptTextContent(script)
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET",script.src)
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if(xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && xhr.status === 200) {
console.log("the script text content is",xhr.responseText);
and so I will not repeat that, but instead would like to add via this answer upon the aspect why itthat
Do you want to get the contents of the file If so, you could turn to AJAX methods to fetch its content, assuming it resides on the same server as the page itself.
Update: HTML Imports are now deprecated (alternatives).
I know it's a little late but some browsers support the tag LINK rel="import" property.
<link rel="import" href="/path/to/imports/stuff.html">
For the rest, ajax is still the preferred way.
I don't think the contents will be available via the DOM. You could get the value of the src attribute and use AJAX to request the file from the server.
yes, Ajax is the way to do it, as in accepted answer. If you get down to the details, there are many pitfalls. If you use jQuery.load(...), the wrong content type is assumed (html instead of application/javascript), which can mess things up by putting unwanted <br> into your (scriptNode).innerText, and things like that. Then, if you use jQuery.getScript(...), the downloaded script is immediately executed, which might not be what you want (might screw up the order in which you want to load the files, in case you have several of those.)
I found it best to use jQuery.ajax with dataType: "text"
I used this Ajax technique in a project with a frameset, where the frameset and/or several frames need the same JavaScript, in order to avoid having the server send that JavaScript multiple times.
Here is code, tested and working:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">
<script id="scriptData">
var scriptData = [
{ name: "foo" , url: "path/to/foo" },
{ name: "bar" , url: "path/to/bar" }
<script id="scriptLoader">
var LOADER = {
loadedCount: 0,
toBeLoadedCount: 0,
load_jQuery: function (){
var jqNode = document.createElement("script");
jqNode.setAttribute("src", "/path/to/jquery");
jqNode.setAttribute("onload", "LOADER.loadScripts();");
jqNode.setAttribute("id", "jquery");
loadScripts: function (){
var scriptDataLookup = this.scriptDataLookup = {};
var scriptNodes = this.scriptNodes = {};
var scriptNodesArr = this.scriptNodesArr = [];
for (var j=0; j<scriptData.length; j++){
var theEntry = scriptData[j];
scriptDataLookup[] = theEntry;
//console.log(JSON.stringify(scriptDataLookup, null, 4));
for (var i=0; i<scriptData.length; i++){
var entry = scriptData[i];
var name =;
var theURL = entry.url;
var node = document.createElement("script");
node.setAttribute("id", name);
scriptNodes[name] = node;
method : "GET",
url : theURL,
dataType : "text"
}).done(this.makeHandler(name, node)).fail(this.makeFailHandler(name, node));
makeFailHandler: function(name, node){
var THIS = this;
return function(xhr, errorName, errorMessage){
console.log(name, "FAIL");
makeHandler: function(name, node){
var THIS = this;
return function (fileContents, status, xhr){
//console.log("loaded", name, "content length", fileContents.length, "status", status);
//console.log("loaded:", THIS.loadedCount, "/", THIS.toBeLoadedCount);
THIS.scriptDataLookup[name].fileContents = fileContents;
if (THIS.loadedCount >= THIS.toBeLoadedCount){
allScriptsLoaded: function(){
for (var i=0; i<this.scriptNodesArr.length; i++){
var scriptNode = this.scriptNodesArr[i];
var name =;
var data = this.scriptDataLookup[name];
var fileContents = data.fileContents;
var textNode = document.createTextNode(fileContents);
document.head.appendChild(scriptNode); // execution is here
// call code to make the frames here
<frameset rows="200pixels,*" onload="LOADER.load_jQuery();">
<frame src="about:blank"></frame>
<frame src="about:blank"></frame>
related question
.text did get you contents of the tag, it's just that you have nothing between your open tag and your end tag. You can get the src attribute of the element using .src, and then if you want to get the javascript file you would follow the link and make an ajax request for it.
In a comment to my previous answer:
I want to store the content of the script so that I can cache it and use it directly some time later without having to fetch it from the external web server (not on the same server as the page)
In that case you're better off using a server side script to fetch and cache the script file. Depending on your server setup you could just wget the file (periodically via cron if you expect it to change) or do something similar with a small script inthe language of your choice.
if you want the contents of the src attribute, you would have to do an ajax request and look at the responsetext. If you where to have the js between and you could access it through innerHTML.
This might be of interest:
I had a same issue, so i solve it this way:
The js file contains something like
window.someVarForReturn = `content for return`
On html
<script src="file.js"></script>
In my case the content was html template. So i did something like this:
On js file
window.someVarForReturn = `<did>My template</div>`
On html
<script src="file.js"></script>
new DOMParser().parseFromString(someVarForReturn, 'text/html').body.children[0]
You cannot directly get what browser loaded as the content of your specific script tag (security hazard);
you can request the same resource (src) again ( which will succeed immediately due to cache ) and read it's text:
const scriptSrc = document.querySelector('script#yours').src;
// re-request the same location
const scriptContent = await fetch(scriptSrc).then((res) => res.text());
If you're looking to access the attributes of the <script> tag rather than the contents of script.js, then XPath may well be what you're after.
It will allow you to get each of the script attributes.
If it's the example.js file contents you're after, then you can fire off an AJAX request to fetch it.
It's funny but we can't, we have to fetch them again over the internet.
Likely the browser will read his cache, but a ping is still sent to verify the content-length.
[...document.scripts].forEach((script) => {
.then((response) => response.text() )
.then((source) => console.log(source) )
Using 2008-style DOM-binding it would rather be:
You want to use the innerHTML property to get the contents of the script tag:
But as #olle said in another answer you probably want to have a read of:
If a src attribute is provided, user agents are required to ignore the content of the element, if you need to access it from the external script, then you are probably doing something wrong.
Update: I see you've added a comment to the effect that you want to cache the script and use it later. To what end? Assuming your HTTP is cache friendly, then your caching needs are likely taken care of by the browser already.
I'd suggest the answer to this question is using the "innerHTML" property of the DOM element. Certainly, if the script has loaded, you do not need to make an Ajax call to get it.
So Sugendran should be correct (not sure why he was voted down without explanation).
var scriptContent = document.getElementById("myscript").innerHTML;
The innerHTML property of the script element should give you the scripts content as a string provided the script element is:
an inline script, or
that the script has loaded (if using the src attribute)
olle also gives the answer, but I think it got 'muddled' by his suggesting it needs to be loaded through ajax first, and i think he meant "inline" instead of between.
if you where to have the js between and you could access it through innerHTML.
Regarding the usefulness of this technique:
I've looked to use this technique for client side error logging (of javascript exceptions) after getting "undefined variables" which aren't contained within my own scripts (such as badly injected scripts from toolbars or extensions) - so I don't think it's such a way out idea.
Not sure why you would need to do this?
Another way round would be to hold the script in a hidden element somewhere and use Eval to run it. You could then query the objects innerHtml property.

Javascript Get Hostname of File Host

Although this question is similar, it is not what I am looking for.
Let's say on I include a script from
<script type="text/javascript" src="">
When script.js runs, I need to get the name of HostB (let's assume it can change). If I use:
var hostName = window.location.hostname;
It will return rather than obviously because that is where the the window object is scoped.
How can I get the name of HostB from within the script? Do I have to locate the <script> element in the DOM and parse the src attribute or is there a better way?
Yes, it is on my server, but may be on other servers as well. I am developing a javascript plugin and am trying to make absolute paths so it doesn't try to reference files on the server including the plugin.
Here is how: first off, include this as the first line of your script. I know it is a comment. Do it anyways
next, use this function inside of that script to determine the host
function findHost(){
var scripts=document.getElementsByTagName('script');
var thisScript=null;
for(var i=0;i<scripts.length;i++){
var thisScript=scripts[i];
var urlParser=document.createElement('a');
return urlParser.hostname;
I am loading the script with RequireJS which looks something like this:
<script data-main="" src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
I figured out, with help from #adeneo that I can do something like this:
Which returns:
And I can parse it for the hostname.
var url = $('script[data-main*="/main.js"]').attr('data-main');
parser = document.createElement('a');
parser.href = url;
host = parser.hostname;
Thanks for the suggestions and nudge in the right direction!
Turns out their is an easier way for anyone using RequireJS (who finds this question in search) and needs to be able to load absolute URL's with the script host:
var myCssPath = require.toUrl('css/mystyles.css');
That builds an absolute path using the hostname of the server running!
To omit using the hostname twice (as you described in your 'accepted answer') I implemented the solution this as follows:
<script data-main="my_embed_id" src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
require.js on
// get host where this javascript runs
var url = $('script[data-main="my_embed_id"]').attr('src');
var hostb = url.replace(/(\/\/.*?\/).*/g, '$1');
Which returns:
Inspired by: How to make an external javascript file knows its own host?

PhantomJS create page from string

Is it possible to create a page from a string?
html = '<html><body>blah blah blah</body></html>', function(status) {
// do something
I have already tried the above with no luck....
Also, I think it's worth mentioning that I'm using nodejs with phantomjs-node(
It's very simple, take a look at the colorwheel.js example.
var page = require('webpage').create();
page.content = '<html><body><p>Hello world</p></body></html>';
That's all! Then you can manipulate the page, e.g. render it as an image.
To do this you need to set the page content to your string.
phantom.create(function (ph) {
ph.createPage(function (page) {
page.set('viewportSize', {width:1440,height:900})
//like this
page.set('content', html);
page.render(path_to_pdf, function() {
//now pdf is written to disk.
you need to use page.set() to set the html content.
as per
Properties can't be get/set directly.
Instead use page.get('version', callback) or page.set('viewportSize', {width:640,height:480}), etc.
Nested objects can be accessed by including dots in keys, such as
page.set('settings.loadImages', false)
Looking at the phantomjs API, requires a URL as the first argument, not an HTML string. This is why the what you tried does not work.
However, one way that you might be able to achieve the effect of creating a page from a string is to host an empty "skeleton page," somewhere with a URL (could be localhost), and then include Javascript (using includeJs) into the empty page. The Javascript that you include into the blank page can use document.write("<p>blah blah blah</p>") to dynamically add content to the webpage.
I've ever done this, but AFAIK this should work.
Sample skeleton page:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
Just wanted to mention I recently had a similar need and discovered that I could pass file:// style references as an URL param, so I dumped my HTML string into a local file then passed the full path to my capture script (django_screamshot) which basically uses casperjs and phantomjs + a capture.js script.
Anyway it just works and its reasonably fast..
I got the following to work in PhantomJS version 2.0.0. Whereas before, I was using to open a page from the filesystem and set a callback:"bench.html", pageLoadCallback);
Now, I accomplish the same thing from a string variable with the HTML page. The page.setContent() method requires a URL as the second argument, and this uses fs.absolute() to construct a file:// URL.
page.onLoadFinished = pageLoadCallback;
page.setContent(bench_str, "file://" + fs.absolute(".") + "/bench.html");

How to find if a JavaScript code is running on it's own domain?

I work on an analytics website and I want to put an analyzer code specific for each website. Is it possible to check if a user uses his own JavaScript code?
Is it necessary and enough to put a customer code in each JavaScript and check it with domain name to be sure about this? Or do I need something like session or so?
You can access the src attribute of the script tags:
// returns all script tags
var all_script_tags = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
// returns the src attribute of the first script
var src_script = all_script_tags[0].src; // tag

How to get the currently loading script name and the url variable of the script?

I am loading a script using the script embed tag and I want to get the url variables and the loading script name inside the script. Is it possible? For Example,
<script src="test.js?id=12"></script>
Inside test.js is there any way to get the url variable id?
Any help would be appreciated.
Aside from the answers in the linked post, FWIW with Firefox 4 only you can (with caveats); document.currentScript.src which will return the full url, including arguments.
Thanks for all your efforts I have made that working by assigning an id attribute in the script tag and accessed via jQuery,
<script src="test.js?id=12" id="myScript"></script>
var currentScript = $("#myScript").attr('src'); //This will give me my script src
If you want to get a variable from the current URL you can use this:
function queryParser(url){
this.get=function(p){return this.q[p];}
url=url ||;
var url=url.split('&');
var part;
for(var i=0;i<url.length;i++){
var query=new queryParser();
// assuming you have ?test=something
I recommend you map the result, so you don't re-parse whenever you want to find a specific element.
I don't really know why you'd pass a query string in a script tag like that, unless you specifically want off-site includes with a simple robust system for various effects. Or are actually using PHP to handle that request.
If you want to "send" a variable to one of your scripts, you can always do:
<script type="text/javascript">
var myVar="I'm in global scope, all scripts can access me";
<script src="test.js?id=12"></script>
If you really need to get the URL of the currently included script, you can use the code supplied by my peers in the other answers, you can then use:
var query=new queryParser(scriptURL);
alert(query.get('id'));// would alert 12 in your case
Navigating through the link on your comments you can get the proper answer.
Anyway, to make things easier:
var allScripts=document.getElementsByTagName('script');
var indexLastScript= allScripts.length -1;
alert (allScripts[indexLastScript].src);
This will show up "test.js?id=12" as a regular String so its up to you to split it in order to get de param.
Hope it helps, I've tried it on the run over the Chrome Javascript Console. :D.

